Biohacker Connect is a geodirectory that will help you connect with biohackers near you. This biohacking/lifehacking stuff is supposed to be a team sport and it’s a lot more fun when you’re not doing it alone.
There’s a bunch of Biohacking forums, Subreddits, and social media groups but good luck making real friends through them. Digital acquaintances are no substitute for flesh and blood humans that you can break bread (or an intermittent fast) with. I’m not aware of an online Biohacker space that facilitates local connections so I decided to build it and buck the trend of lame “Zoom parties” and online conferences.

In my books, I’ve written about The Secret Society Infiltration Model for “Networking” — which is being a little more strategic about your socializing, you make an effort to connect with high-affinity groups (Secret Societies) and those with who you’ll have deeply shared values. This is what I aim to facilitate with the Biohacker Connect.
I’ve met and talked with hundreds of biohackers over the years and it’s a quintessential Secret Society — We overwhelming share an obsessive interest in health, intellectual curiosity, and a deep sense of personal responsibility. We love science, question the shoddy dogmas of modernity, and are critical free-thinkers. Biohackers treasure freedom and have a philosophically robust conception of it. Having a few Biohackers as non-digital “friends” is a real redoubt from the madness and disfunction that passes for normal life these days. It’s a tribe well-worth seeking out!
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