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Smash and grab epidemic in California

aoc brain dead stupid shit fuck politics

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#1 TheFountain

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Posted 09 December 2021 - 06:54 AM

The other day, I was on a phone call to my sister who lives in New Jersey and in the middle of the conversation I asked her "so are the Smash and Grabs as bad over there as they are here?". 


Her response to this question was "smash the who?".


My respond to her was "Oh, I guess not".


This was a stark reminder of the current destructive nature of the progressive elites. 


First of all, you have an insane "No bail" policy pushed by a hyper progressive DA that nobody likes, not sure how he got the job.


Secondly, you have the constant endless push against second amendment rights, which California has been engaged in for decades. 


Lastly, you have the Sheriff of Los Angeles county on the news pleading for funding, which they had taken away and lost countless millions between 2020 and 2021. 


This spells a definitive correlation between the absolute liberal take over of the political system and this insane rise in crime in the past year and a half.


In a civilized society consequences are enacted to prevent dangerous situations from occurring or repeating. I call this the "hot stove method" meaning when a dumb kid touches a hot stove, he burns the ever loving fuck out of his stupid little hand and perhaps, thinks twice about touching the hot stove again. 


Right now, in the golden state, we are lacking that Hot Stove for the dumb kids to touch. 


This has been festering for years, but once Covid hit and Biden took office, it bubbled up and that bubble broke. 


This is why I don't think Liberal progressive policies are the best for longevity communities. Right now these are the people raising taxes on the "well to do" and even the middle class who foots the bill for the legal oversights rich people have to get around things. 


Liberalism is a form of entropy that basically amounts to folding down and fading away. 


Any sensible individual should reject these horrendous policies, the people pushing for them and the insane cognitive dissonance of people who blame thug crime behavior on economic hard ship yet complain about a lack of law enforcement when the state they live in seems to repeatedly vote the problem in time and time again. 


As someone who was once not doing so well, and has since done pretty damn good via working my ass off, I can say confidently that economic hardship is NO EXCUSE to rob other people! 


We need new leadership, perhaps more independently minded leadership, but definitely not the AOC's and people like that who are currently poisoning society with their vitriolic false characterizations of pretty much every damn thing they breathe on. 


It's absolutely disgusting and sickening. 


The sooner everyone is forced to use voter ID to vote, and no more mail in ballot bullshit, the better for us all.



Edited by TheFountain, 09 December 2021 - 06:58 AM.

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#2 TheFountain

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Posted 10 December 2021 - 01:08 AM

Needs references? Watch the news fool. 

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#3 Mind

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Posted 10 December 2021 - 06:17 PM

Formerly nice shopping areas of San Francisco are now boarded-up ghost towns. The city smells really bad too.



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#4 rodentman

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Posted 10 December 2021 - 07:14 PM

Formerly nice shopping areas of San Francisco are now boarded-up ghost towns. The city smells really bad too.




Los Angeles is getting worse too.   Crime and homelessness are both at record levels.  It's even bleeding into Beverly Hills.   And yet, the real estate prices are still remaining high.  


I'm a 3rd generation Los Angelino, have tons of history here, and I feel like this area has suddenly told me to 'get out'.

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#5 geo12the

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Posted 10 December 2021 - 11:50 PM

We need new leadership, perhaps more independently minded leadership, but definitely not the AOC's and people like that who are currently poisoning society with their vitriolic false characterizations of pretty much every damn thing they breathe on.

It's absolutely disgusting and sickening.

The sooner everyone is forced to use voter ID to vote, and no more mail in ballot bullshit, the better for us all.


I agree that the smash and grabs going on now are horrible. In my opinion part of the problem is that the country has grown too polarized and that this polarization directly benefits the political extremes, both left and right. People are forced to pic teams- either tribe blue or tribe red. Once people become tribal and pic a side they are less likely to find fault with their own side. In this environment loony politicians like AOC and Margery Taylor Green get elected. In this environment the moron DAs in SF and LA got elected and enacted stupid policies. In this environment people follow QANON. In this environment the Republican party has become a cult of personality where the #1 issue is fealty to the orange god-king. It's bad all around. Full disclosure I am not a liberal I am not a conservative I not a republican I am not a democrat. I am registered as an independent. I argue with all sides and have never in my life pledged allegiance to politicians, gurus, religions or ideologies. I argue with all sides. We need a return to common sense. Unfortunately I don't see it happening any time soon. I just see crazy people doing stupid things and arguing with the just as crazy and stupid opposing team.
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#6 TheFountain

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Posted 12 December 2021 - 09:51 PM



There are statistics showing this is happening in mostly Liberal run cities. Which is why I described modern Liberalism as an entropic poison. Show me evidence that this surge in Crime in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago is the fault of BOTH sides and not the entropic liberal elite. And by the way, as far is New York goes it's only happening in the main borough of Manhattan which runs Amok with liberal values. 


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#7 Mind

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Posted 13 December 2021 - 02:36 PM

I agree that the smash and grabs going on now are horrible. In my opinion part of the problem is that the country has grown too polarized and that this polarization directly benefits the political extremes, both left and right. People are forced to pic teams- either tribe blue or tribe red. Once people become tribal and pic a side they are less likely to find fault with their own side. In this environment loony politicians like AOC and Margery Taylor Green get elected. In this environment the moron DAs in SF and LA got elected and enacted stupid policies. In this environment people follow QANON. In this environment the Republican party has become a cult of personality where the #1 issue is fealty to the orange god-king. It's bad all around. Full disclosure I am not a liberal I am not a conservative I not a republican I am not a democrat. I am registered as an independent. I argue with all sides and have never in my life pledged allegiance to politicians, gurus, religions or ideologies. I argue with all sides. We need a return to common sense. Unfortunately I don't see it happening any time soon. I just see crazy people doing stupid things and arguing with the just as crazy and stupid opposing team.


San Francisco's problems have nothing to do with "polarization". It is a local problem caused by incompetent leadership. There is essentially only one side running everything in California. Blaming "red-necks" in other parts of the country is non-sensical.

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#8 jroseland

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Posted 14 December 2021 - 08:47 AM

Politically, especially when it comes to places like California, I'm an accelerationist - so I'm sort of a fan of the smash and grabs.

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#9 TheFountain

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Posted 15 December 2021 - 11:07 AM

San Francisco's problems have nothing to do with "polarization". It is a local problem caused by incompetent leadership. There is essentially only one side running everything in California. Blaming "red-necks" in other parts of the country is non-sensical.


The sad part is I made a lot more money here in California than I ever did on the East Coast 


But if this benefit comes with the huge Caveat of Entropic liberalism destroying peace and harmony then I need to re-assess the situation and find a resolution. 


I heard Idaho is a nice place. 

#10 Mind

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Posted 15 December 2021 - 09:25 PM

Smart people are either leaving California or buying guns: https://michaelshell...h-neighborhoods

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#11 Mind

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Posted 17 December 2021 - 06:17 PM

It is so bad that people are leaving their trunks open to mitigate the explosion of smash and grab looting and violence in California: https://www.newsweek...eak-ins-1660185

Politicians and leaders in California who created the problem now complain and say they have had enough, lol. https://www.zerohedg...ands-more-money

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#12 TheFountain

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Posted 18 December 2021 - 02:24 AM

It is so bad that people are leaving their trunks open to mitigate the explosion of smash and grab looting and violence in California: https://www.newsweek...eak-ins-1660185

Politicians and leaders in California who created the problem now complain and say they have had enough, lol. https://www.zerohedg...ands-more-money


I am realizing it's an abusive relationship the people have with the politicians. I mean they had an opportunity to recall Newsom but apparently they were afraid of Larry Elder, who was not going to be so wimpy on crime.  They like being beat down with higher taxes, higher gas prices and higher overall inflation rates. This is why they keep voting in the problem. How much abuse can they take? Not my problem.

#13 Mind

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Posted 18 December 2021 - 08:28 PM

Talk about hypocrisy! Rumors have it that Nancy Pelosi is shopping for a retirement home in Florida (No income taxes. No COVID hysteria. Less crime)

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#14 geo12the

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Posted 18 December 2021 - 11:19 PM

Not an excuse or justification of anything, just MY OPINION FWIW which you may think is BS. I am sorry it does not match the "liberal bad" "conservative good" theme of everyone else's responses:


If Republicans put up a candidate for Governor who is not crazy and Trumpified they will easily beat Newsome next time. California is a hub of innovation and creativity. Like it or not, many creative and innovative people lean to the left. SF was the epicenter of great music in the 60s, Silicon Valley is a center of innovation, many of the country's best Universities are here. You ain't going to find that in Idaho, though I hear it's very pretty. In todays political climate everything is pushed to the extremes and I agree cities like SF have become too liberal in many of their policies and the results have not been good to say the least. The DA in SF, Chesa Boudin, is a particularly egregious example of  supreme liberal insanity and stupidity. He is very likely to be recalled. While places like SF are hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship, the Democratic politicians take the entrepreneurs for granted and saddle them taxes, fees, regulations etc. Democrats love to virtue signal how wonderful they are but they only have empathy for the homeless, poor etc. I live in the Bay Area. The feeling I get from the circle of people I know is that people, even liberals, are tired of the extreme liberal policies. And from talking to conservative relatives on the opposite coast they are tired of extreme conservative politics. So maybe there is a path forward that is not politically extreme. In California I see change ahead. Regardless of how Democrats love to crow about how "Blue" CA is, Republicans could easily swoop in take the governorship and more if they had reasonable candidates. 

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#15 TheFountain

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Posted 21 December 2021 - 04:20 AM

Not an excuse or justification of anything, just MY OPINION FWIW which you may think is BS. I am sorry it does not match the "liberal bad" "conservative good" theme of everyone else's responses:


If Republicans put up a candidate for Governor who is not crazy and Trumpified they will easily beat Newsome next time. California is a hub of innovation and creativity. Like it or not, many creative and innovative people lean to the left. SF was the epicenter of great music in the 60s, Silicon Valley is a center of innovation, many of the country's best Universities are here. You ain't going to find that in Idaho, though I hear it's very pretty. In todays political climate everything is pushed to the extremes and I agree cities like SF have become too liberal in many of their policies and the results have not been good to say the least. The DA in SF, Chesa Boudin, is a particularly egregious example of  supreme liberal insanity and stupidity. He is very likely to be recalled. While places like SF are hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship, the Democratic politicians take the entrepreneurs for granted and saddle them taxes, fees, regulations etc. Democrats love to virtue signal how wonderful they are but they only have empathy for the homeless, poor etc. I live in the Bay Area. The feeling I get from the circle of people I know is that people, even liberals, are tired of the extreme liberal policies. And from talking to conservative relatives on the opposite coast they are tired of extreme conservative politics. So maybe there is a path forward that is not politically extreme. In California I see change ahead. Regardless of how Democrats love to crow about how "Blue" CA is, Republicans could easily swoop in take the governorship and more if they had reasonable candidates. 

Every time liberals fuck up a society, a state, an economy or pretty much anything there's a tendency to blame "both sides".


Horse shit. 


The epidemic discussed is related primarily to shitty liberal policies on crime, economy, covid and so on, and secondarily to republicans not standing up and fighting back hard on these shitty policies. 


Trump was better than Biden in terms of both public safety and the economy.


Anybody who says otherwise is a tribal libtard. 

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#16 Mind

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Posted 21 December 2021 - 04:37 PM



Not an excuse or justification of anything, just MY OPINION FWIW which you may think is BS. I am sorry it does not match the "liberal bad" "conservative good" theme of everyone else's responses


No one in this thread said "Conservative/Republicans Good". You just assumed that.


The thread id about a one party state that is failing.


I couldn't believe how corrupt and dismal California was when I lived there...and that was almost 20 years ago. I remember riding the BART from Sunnyvale to San Francisco. When it got to Palo Alto, the scenery was unbelievable. On one side of the tracks (East Palo Alto) it was like the 3rd world, run down houses, bars on the windows, trash everywhere. Looking out the other side of the train, Palo Alto looked like a millionaires paradise. The few pockets of heavily protected wealth in California are extraordinary, but that is what happens in oligarchies - the rich exclude themselves from general society while the lower and middle classes suffer.

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#17 gallan

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Posted 22 December 2021 - 02:15 PM

There seem to be a lot of libertarian types on this forum where it would seem like they should just prefer to let it be.  They can move to somewhere more to their liking.  I never understand why so many conservatives (or anyone for that matter) complain endlessly about liberal areas.  Facebook in particular seems to be a never ending parade of some folks posting right wing memes hating on liberal areas.    If you live there, leave. If you don't live there, put it out of your mind.  I'm sensing a great deal of anger from the original poster.  Life is short.  Texas is really big.  But be careful, the big cities there are all run by those horrible Democrats.  :)  Huge swaths of rural red areas for you.   It can hold you all.   Problem solved.  

Edited by gallan, 22 December 2021 - 02:35 PM.

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#18 geo12the

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Posted 23 December 2021 - 05:49 PM

There seem to be a lot of libertarian types on this forum where it would seem like they should just prefer to let it be.  They can move to somewhere more to their liking.  I never understand why so many conservatives (or anyone for that matter) complain endlessly about liberal areas.  Facebook in particular seems to be a never ending parade of some folks posting right wing memes hating on liberal areas.    If you live there, leave. If you don't live there, put it out of your mind.  I'm sensing a great deal of anger from the original poster.  Life is short.  Texas is really big.  But be careful, the big cities there are all run by those horrible Democrats.  :)  Huge swaths of rural red areas for you.   It can hold you all.   Problem solved.  


If you look at history, political ideologies, be they left or right, pushed to extremes don't yield effective results. I tend to think Democrats are well meaning but the policies they enact often don't produce the results they think they will produce. And you are seeing that in places like SF. Full disclosure- I am not Republican not Democrat, I've lived in the Bay Area since the late 1980s. I've watched the slow deterioration of SF. I've watched liberal friends in SF start small businesses that ended up suffocated by crazy red tape, crazy permitting requirements, mandates and taxes imposed by liberal politicians. I've watched the streets become more and more strewn with garbage and the stench of human urine. I've watched in disbelief as suddenly every time I have visited downtown SF I've seen people shooting up in the streets.  The road to hell is paved by good intentions. And the deterioration of SF was paved with good intentions. Even liberals in the city are fed up with the extreme liberal nonsense. Places like SF attract creative types who lean liberal, but the pushing of the city to the extreme left fringe by politicians like DA Chesa Boudin (whose parents are leftist terrorists. I'm not making that up. Look it up) has been a disaster.  

#19 TheFountain

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Posted 24 December 2021 - 01:04 PM

If you look at history, political ideologies, be they left or right, pushed to extremes don't yield effective results. I tend to think Democrats are well meaning but the policies they enact often don't produce the results they think they will produce. And you are seeing that in places like SF. Full disclosure- I am not Republican not Democrat, I've lived in the Bay Area since the late 1980s. I've watched the slow deterioration of SF. I've watched liberal friends in SF start small businesses that ended up suffocated by crazy red tape, crazy permitting requirements, mandates and taxes imposed by liberal politicians. I've watched the streets become more and more strewn with garbage and the stench of human urine. I've watched in disbelief as suddenly every time I have visited downtown SF I've seen people shooting up in the streets.  The road to hell is paved by good intentions. And the deterioration of SF was paved with good intentions. Even liberals in the city are fed up with the extreme liberal nonsense. Places like SF attract creative types who lean liberal, but the pushing of the city to the extreme left fringe by politicians like DA Chesa Boudin (whose parents are leftist terrorists. I'm not making that up. Look it up) has been a disaster.  


Democratic liberals are selfish and self serving. They talk a big talk but never walk the big walk in terms of Homelessness or any of their pie in the sky notions about anything.


AOC is the perfect example of this, she won't dare openly debate someone on the "other side". When Ben Shapiro offered to debate her in a public forum she claimed it was akin to "cat calling". 


Hey AOC are you really that self entitled? You're not that Hot lady and you need to get over yourself and start debating openly instead of monologuing from the comfort of your safe space Echo chamber. 


I throw away the notion that "both sides" are causing the problem right now because they're not. It's the liberal ideologues forcing their agenda down peoples throats right now and the vast majority of common sense individuals are sick of it. 


Smash and grabs are happening in Major LIBERAL cities. Not areas where crime is swiftly taken care of. No amount of semantical mumbo Jumbo can skate around the thin ice of this issue. Because the ice is ready to break and when it does the idiots will still vote for their same ole ideologues because they love being slapped on the ass and asked who mommy is. 


Masochistic mascots of the elite hypocrisy. 

Edited by TheFountain, 24 December 2021 - 01:05 PM.

#20 gallan

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Posted 24 December 2021 - 02:23 PM

Democratic liberals are selfish and self serving. They talk a big talk but never walk the big walk in terms of Homelessness or any of their pie in the sky notions about anything.


AOC is the perfect example of this, she won't dare openly debate someone on the "other side". When Ben Shapiro offered to debate her in a public forum she claimed it was akin to "cat calling". 


Hey AOC are you really that self entitled? You're not that Hot lady and you need to get over yourself and start debating openly instead of monologuing from the comfort of your safe space Echo chamber. 


I throw away the notion that "both sides" are causing the problem right now because they're not. It's the liberal ideologues forcing their agenda down peoples throats right now and the vast majority of common sense individuals are sick of it. 


Smash and grabs are happening in Major LIBERAL cities. Not areas where crime is swiftly taken care of. No amount of semantical mumbo Jumbo can skate around the thin ice of this issue. Because the ice is ready to break and when it does the idiots will still vote for their same ole ideologues because they love being slapped on the ass and asked who mommy is. 


Masochistic mascots of the elite hypocrisy. 



Again, if you live there move, if you don't put it out of your mind. I can see by some of your content that you are one of these right wing conspiracy weirdos.  Q type person?   What do you do?  Sit around watching Fox News (maybe that's not extreme enough for you) and Ben Shapiro Youtubes all day getting your panties in a twist?  I know folks who do this.  Raging their lives away at the horrible liberals that in reality has no affect on their lives.   I know nitwits like you in NY.  Spent the past 30 years raging that Clinton, Obama, Biden are coming for their guns and freedums.  Complaining about all the liberals in NY State government ruining their lives.  Fuckin move!   Pathetic. 

I know elderly wealthy people in Naples Florida highrise condos who watch Fox News 24/7 and are raging and miserable about what is happening in California and all those horrible Democrats. WTF!  Turn on The Food Network or Travel Channel and relax.  As a home inspector I am in their homes every day.   I agree about the Cali problems and it seems like they have gotten the message.  Hopefully more centrist pols get in charge.  Chill out dude. 

Edited by gallan, 24 December 2021 - 02:44 PM.

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#21 geo12the

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Posted 24 December 2021 - 05:14 PM

Again, if you live there move, if you don't put it out of your mind. I can see by some of your content that you are one of these right wing conspiracy weirdos.  Q type person?   What do you do?  Sit around watching Fox News (maybe that's not extreme enough for you) and Ben Shapiro Youtubes all day getting your panties in a twist?  I know folks who do this.  Raging their lives away at the horrible liberals that in reality has no affect on their lives.   I know nitwits like you in NY.  Spent the past 30 years raging that Clinton, Obama, Biden are coming for their guns and freedums.  Complaining about all the liberals in NY State government ruining their lives.  Fuckin move!   Pathetic. 

I know elderly wealthy people in Naples Florida highrise condos who watch Fox News 24/7 and are raging and miserable about what is happening in California and all those horrible Democrats. WTF!  Turn on The Food Network or Travel Channel and relax.  As a home inspector I am in their homes every day.   I agree about the Cali problems and it seems like they have gotten the message.  Hopefully more centrist pols get in charge.  Chill out dude. 


He has been swept up in the manufactured red-blue wars where people are supposed to pick teams and the other side is evil and must be eradicated. These people are not aware of the amount of mind control they are under. The problem is that the extreme right is trying to pave the way for a right-wing coup and people like him will love it when it does happen. Let's hope it doesn't.  

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#22 gallan

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Posted 24 December 2021 - 06:06 PM

I'm not even a far lefty by any means.  For years I was a "White Van Man'.  That's a humorous term we use to call ourselves.  Handyman type guys who drive white vans listening to Rush Limbaugh.  We would gather together in local coffee shops and diners complaining endlessly about the horrible liberals while worshipping ivory tower anger peddlers like Limbaugh and Trump.  Thankfully I wised up.   AOC is not indicative of the Democratic Party as a whole.   Crazy Marjorie Three Names is indicative of the Republican Party.   They both need to be shot into the sun.  There are plenty of Democratic areas that are nice and plenty of rural redneck areas that are meth infested, poverty "shitholes" (a term Trump likes to say) that are run by Republicans and who vote solidly Republican.   There seems to be no nuance in political conversation these days. 

I am somewhat new here and just noticed the political section.  Perhaps my point of view is looked down upon in this forum.   If this Fountain guy is typical of the discourse here I'm likely in the wrong place and will show myself to the door. 

Edited by gallan, 24 December 2021 - 06:15 PM.

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#23 TheFountain

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Posted 26 December 2021 - 01:18 PM

Again, if you live there move, if you don't put it out of your mind. I can see by some of your content that you are one of these right wing conspiracy weirdos.  Q type person?   What do you do?  Sit around watching Fox News (maybe that's not extreme enough for you) and Ben Shapiro Youtubes all day getting your panties in a twist?  I know folks who do this.  Raging their lives away at the horrible liberals that in reality has no affect on their lives.   I know nitwits like you in NY.  Spent the past 30 years raging that Clinton, Obama, Biden are coming for their guns and freedums.  Complaining about all the liberals in NY State government ruining their lives.  Fuckin move!   Pathetic. 

I know elderly wealthy people in Naples Florida highrise condos who watch Fox News 24/7 and are raging and miserable about what is happening in California and all those horrible Democrats. WTF!  Turn on The Food Network or Travel Channel and relax.  As a home inspector I am in their homes every day.   I agree about the Cali problems and it seems like they have gotten the message.  Hopefully more centrist pols get in charge.  Chill out dude. 




Everything you're saying is full of gaping holes of bullshit. 


You wanna know why?


Well just because somebody lives somewhere that benefits them in a couple ways doesn't automatically follow that they are precluded from criticizing the 5 other things that are fucking society up in that place that also benefits them in some ways, and being right in the middle of it as an observer it becomes necessary, and I will say, incumbent upon me to state the truth of these observations and the deductive reasoning associated with it. 


Yea, a person is allowed to like sunshine, palm trees, mountains and beaches but hate the social disease that's prevalent within that same landscape. There is no contradiction here. California is a beautiful place. A lot of the people are poisonous, toxic and this toxicity is inflated with entropic liberal values which proclaims a notion that is contrary to its physical outcome. Democrats may be a majority in CA but they don't own the whole fucking state. Yet.


Once upon a time it was a more nuanced and varied place. Now the word diversity basically stands for "fuck straight white males with any level of success unless they're Robin fucking hood". Which, as perspectives go, is a steaming pile of racist horse shit.


No matter where you are, you need to be comfortable in your skin. Intimidation is not an incentive to change, your own will is. And I won't live in intimidation of people because people like you say I should. I am not a runner, I am a dealer. 


Eventually I will move out, but it will be at my fucking will, and my fucking pace. 

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#24 TheFountain

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Posted 26 December 2021 - 01:26 PM

He has been swept up in the manufactured red-blue wars where people are supposed to pick teams and the other side is evil and must be eradicated. These people are not aware of the amount of mind control they are under. The problem is that the extreme right is trying to pave the way for a right-wing coup and people like him will love it when it does happen. Let's hope it doesn't.  


I'm as independent as they come.


When conservatives were fucking shit up in the mid 2000s I was pointing it out.


Now, liberals are primarily responsible for the 100 million ton bucket of bullshit that we are suffering through.


I am not picking sides, I am stating observational and statistical facts. Every crime surge that is happening is happening in liberal run cities.  And what does the newly non-recalled governor of CA do? he talks about anything but the crime epidemic. 


Because he's a sniveling fake who hates hard working middle class people. His constituency are the poor, the suffering and the Minorities who are fed their own oppression to "win" elections. 


He's an enabler of laziness and a leader of destructive social policies. 


Him, AOC and everybody else who refuses to openly debate other's in an open forum are there for the simpletons to feel some sort of masochistic reward. 


These so called progressives are the abusers and their constituency are the abused. 

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#25 TheFountain

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Posted 27 December 2021 - 12:55 AM

To add insult to injury you have absolute idiots like AOC spouting nonsensical crap while she's secure in her homestead with her 300k a year income. Here's a secret, that shouldn't be THAT secret. She's playing to her constituencies! She likes crime because criminals vote for her! So the best thing to do is play dumb till the next election cycle. 


Mind you this is the dumb ass who said Ben Shapiro was "cat calling" when he offered her a public debate!


Edited by TheFountain, 27 December 2021 - 12:58 AM.

#26 kurdishfella

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Posted 10 June 2022 - 06:44 PM

there should be music stations hidden and  located throughout everywhere under all kinds of streetways that play mozart  etc music/good vibrations to calm people down and increase their intelligence thus reduce accidents of all kinds to improve society. And infrastructure should use colours that induce calmness in people.

Edited by kurdishfella, 10 June 2022 - 06:47 PM.

#27 TheFountain

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Posted 07 October 2022 - 02:35 AM

Out of curiosity i'd love to know what the heck everybody thinks about the Los Angeles DA Gascon? 

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