What I learned from +300 HRV training sessions... [⭐⭐⭐ Biohacker Review] HeartMath Inner Balance™ vs emWave
The Inner Balance Sensor is an innovative self-monitoring and heart rate variability training system for Android and IOS, it gives you the opportunity to self-experiment; run HRV tests to see how different things affect your autonomic nervous system's well-being.
The emWave is a subtly pleasant and mindful technology, the rising and falling light bar on it is sort of mesmerizing.
As I've written about elsewhere, you'll be a lot more disciplined in your personal growth endeavors if you spend money on them. I pay for a gym membership because then I know I'll go. For the same reason, I purchased both of the mindfulness-enhancing devices.
My main criticism of Heartmath's products is their underwhelming aesthetics
They look like things that should cost about $15, not well over $100. I paid just $90 for my Inner Balance (it retails for $160) because I bought a lightly used one off eBay. Frankly, I think it's a bit overpriced at $160. Also, I live in a European country where it would be exceedingly inconvenient to take advantage of Heartmath's warranty in the event that the device broke so I decided to take a chance on a used one - so far it works great, you couldn't tell that it's not new. I managed to get both the emWave and the Inner Balance for $140, less than what I'd pay for a single brand new device, my reasoning was that one of them will likely break so I might as well get two used - an antifragile biohacker is all about redundancy.