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The organs from pigs

pigs organ organs

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#1 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 12 January 2022 - 06:59 AM

Yesterday the media anounced the first human, who was transplanted a heart from a pig.


I expected today there to be a mass of topics and discussions about that, and I see none. Interesting.


That is a big breakthrough. There is the organs source. The genetically modified pig beated the 3D stem cells printer. The gene engineering beated the cell biology.


Edited by seivtcho, 12 January 2022 - 07:03 AM.

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#2 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 13 January 2022 - 06:34 PM

A second day the post stands without any comments. Only one enjoying the show below... Am I missing something?


Isn't that a big breakthrough?


The immortality through transplantation should be an interesting topic for the people here... the genetically modified pig virtually provides enough organs for that....

Can we consider orselves already immortal?


There are many questions comming up...

3D printed organs should be entirely equivalent with the body and without any rejections, so is it a final victory for the pig or the 3D organs from stem cells will evolve and provide the better alternative

Philosphic questions such as the identity - will we tuurn in genetically modified pigs... is it justfied to take the organs from pig and wait the stem cells organs to come



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