Observations are as follows:
1. For the organism to synchronize aging across whole body, it is necessary to share information regarding its biological age through blood and/or lymph.
2. The most potent substances shared through blood/lymph are hormones. They are upstream for many other substances transported with blood/lymph and are deemed responsible for steering most crucial processes, including development.
3. Various studies have shown that manipulating few hormones can give a glimpse of rejuvenation (e.g. HGH, oxytocin, melatonin). Also manipulating plasma content by the means of therapeutic plasma exchange yields similar results (also there is Katcher's plasma fraction 'cure', but I don't now whether it affects hormones directly).
Given all that, how possible is that rejuvenation can be achieved by the means of concerted resetting of the state of hormone network? This is not an easy task as AFAIK the network consists of at least 400-500 hormones. Of course probably not all of them will require modification. They seem to be depended on one another up to some point. So the hard part is to find the perturbation of the minimal set of hormones, that will bring whole interdependent network to some state corresponding to younger biological age.
While research on some rejuvenation techniques progresses, experiments take long time to yied results (especially if lifespan change is to be assessed on living mammals). If the direction of research is proper, testing multiple possible combinations will be very time consuming. Some kind of preliminary model-based evaluation of effectiveness of hormone network regulation would definitely speed thing up by providing potentially efficient perturbations.
Out of curiosity I started searching for some mathematical model of human hormone network. My best find until now is EndoNet ( https://bmcsystbiol..../1752-0509-8-49 ). Unfortunately the site mentioned in this paper seems unvailable and so is the whole hormone network data.
My idea is to get some sketch of the network, calibrate it using some measurements data (similar to data used e.g. here: https://www.pnas.org...pnas.2003926118 ) and then run perturbations on the model. I know it's a far fetched goal, more work than a single person can handle. Nevertheless I wanted to share the idea and hear what you think of it.

Considering possibility of rejuvenation by hormone regulation
Started by
, Apr 06 2022 01:41 AM
rejuvenation hormones
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Posted 06 April 2022 - 01:41 AM
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