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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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US Government bill S.4090 would end our freedom to buy supplements

fda required registration laws

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#1 smithx

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Posted 10 May 2022 - 11:30 PM

Please go to this page:


And fill out your name/address to send a message to your representatives. Or send one yourself.





A well-organized, coordinated campaign from the FDA and Big Pharma is threatening access to the supplements you depend on. Using the false premise that supplements are unsafe, the FDA is working to gain more power over the regulation of supplements in order to further solidify Big Pharma’s monopoly over medicine. These efforts must be opposed.


Write to Congress and tell them to oppose efforts to establish a "mandatory filing" for supplements.




  • Pointless, Timewasting x 1
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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: fda, required registration, laws

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