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"DIY" Experimental Blood Plasma Dilution to Rejuvenate Tissues, Reverse Aging in Human

diy antiaging experiment blood plasma dilution reverse aging conboy ambrosia xenotransplant plasmapheresis autohemotherapy

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#1 Seganfredo

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Posted 15 July 2022 - 06:04 AM

Great news for those who wanna check how to "DIY" Experimental Blood Plasma Dilution to Rejuvenate Tissues, Reverse Aging in Human.


Check this, if you haven't already: https://news.berkele...-aging-in-mice/ - and this: https://www.aging-us.../article/103418


DISCLAIMER: Now, I'm not a doctor, but I do reasearch the health sciences and am a medstudent. We tried to have this procedure done in a desperate attempt to help my father, but no doctor wanted to do it as it's not in the guidelines no matter how much money we offer to throw at them and no matter how many waivers we sign - cause they'd put their register on the line in this country. So I took the DIY route - far from being the first time.



MY POST THAT STARTED THIS. [https://www.longecit...e/#entry915299]


Posted 19 April 2022 - 01:29 AM

I've academically researched the health sciences over the last 17y+, am currently a medstudent and I'll probably experiment with this on myself and my father shortly. Got the transfusion blood bags and all the equip to try this out. Only missing the lab centrifuge to get it started - will likely build one from a fan, like I've seen in a friend's home lab - problem is is that it'll take ages to cycle 50% of one's blood.


I've been simply obsessed by the Conboys studies since they came out. Also Ambrosia Inc and all the others. Been interested specially in xenotransplant (piglett-to-human) and, since it came out, in the 50%-volume plasmapheresis exchanging plasma with saline with 5% albumin.


I know self-experimentation in such a procedure isn't the best way forward, but it seems it's the only way forward and I'm willing to do anything (as responsibly and wisely as I can) to solve our issues.

My dad's completely wasted to the point of being an invalid from a terminal multiple myeloma that, according to his docs team, should have killed him 3y ago (his MDs had given up on him, giving him 3mo TOPS - then I've used EVERYTHING I've found researching beyond the guidelines - made to make big pharma rich and patients pretty dead - and got him on complete remission. But taking care of everything in his workaholic's life, his health, and living in the hospital and trying tyo have a life of my own was just too much stress. Also having 2mi USD stolen from me - all my money - got me beyond stressed. The ridiculous stress got me to develop adrenal insufficiency, which I've had for the last 2y (checking now if it's full-blown Addison's or not - will have the results shortly) which totally, TOTALLY effs-up with my life quality BIG TIME. I need, I MUST solve this completely ASAP. I'm not living while I'm with this, I'm existing.


While with my dad the MDs refuse to do the procedure as it's not in the effin GUIDELINES for him now as he's wasted but on remission, with me, even if I'd be able to do it as per autoimmunity, I'm definitely not willing nor able to pay that type of cash now (could use my father's means, but that would suck - and plus, idk if it'll work for squat in me).


Now, I wager that renewing the blood and removing prejudicial proteins is a major factor in why women have longer lifespans than men.

Also, I've practiced minor autohemotherapy on myself (and family) over the last decade, which has helped me deal with the autoimmune and adrenal issues just so enormously - and makes me think if the proteine principles in this study explains part of the power of autohemotherapy.


I've no idea if any of this makes sense: I'm sleepy senseless, exhausted and brainfogged from the adrenal insufficieny. Hope it does.

Edited by Seganfredo, 15 July 2022 - 06:23 AM.

#2 Seganfredo

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Posted 15 July 2022 - 06:23 AM



I found out a way to go forward with the procedure VERY simply – ie. without having to centrifuge the blood, which would be a literal bloody mess and the only thing that really stopped me from doing it.


Turns out a girl I used to date kinda recently – decided to quit cause she injected herself with the bioweapon and I don’t want any shedding - anyways, me and her, we keep in touch. I knew she worked in an important hospital, but I never knew she became a highly skilled worker in the largest blood bank in the state. Found out bc I actually mentioned in passing to her this procedure that I want to do on my dad. She knows I research and apply highly unorthodox methods of healing and get some quite “unexpected” positive results, and she got extremely interested. She started helping me out with “blood bank insider knowledge”, lol. Actually, she filmed videos there showing me how to do most everything I need.


The great news is that blood separates through centrifuging or through decanting there’s no need to centrifuge. One only gotta leave the blood bag standing quiet in a hard container in the fridge for ~11h. Maximum full blood shelf life is currently considered to be 42 days, so we’re definitely good. That solves the worst issue.


Also, she took a pic of what specific albumin they use in hematological work – BSA 22%, bovine serum albumin; only trouble is that they only supply hospitals, and I might have to contour this. Tried "Mercado Livre", the website where I buy many of my medical materials, but they don't have it.


While it’s a huge facilitation, this might pose a problem: I’ll have to leave my old man 11h without some of his whole blood/RBCs/platelets. As he’s quite frail ATM, I’ll have to polish myself a bit on care for hemorrhagic patients for him to keep relaxed and comfortable – it’s not like he’ll get into hypovolemic shock for half a Liter, but if/when I move to 2 bags a few weeks afterwards, he might be quite weak and with low BP and in need of assistance.


Typically, a loss of 10–15% of the total blood volume is quite Ok. Being his Total Blood Volume around 4.77L (https://www.thecalcu...culator-67.html), 0.5L will be just a tiny bit over 10%, so it’s comparable to a Class I hemorrhage according to the American College of Surgeons – no need for fluid resuscitation. It’s the same amount one normally donates. Still if it were the same blood loss as a Class II Hemorrhage (15-30% - being about 21% if I do 2 bags), still no blood transfusion is normally required; it’s absolutely necessary only on the 30-40% mark (above 40%, patient needs aggressive resuscitation to prevent death). So we’re good even later when I do 2 bags at a time.


As he doesn’t drink water not even if that'd save his own life, I might do a half a L of saline IV infusion before it just to be on the safe side (but I’m thinking that it’ll be positive to get the blood as concentrated as possible…) and will slow drip 1L of saline infusion afterwards just to get him puffed up on liquid/recover lost volume. Meanwhile I do the 1L, I’ll supplement tissue oxygenation until reinfusion by having him drink a solution of sodium bicarbonate (balance saline and augment O2 uptake), methylene blue (major O2 uptake), and humic and fulvic acid (major O2 uptake plus being a high-powered electrolyte). Plus, will keep a food grade Hydrogen Peroxide handy, just in case, especially later when I take 2 bags.


I’ve already got CPDA-1 blood bags, double chambered transfusion sets, sets with long drip chamber (saline and later blood infusion).

I’ll just need venous catheters #18, infusion saline, BSA 22% (if I manage to get it), and I’m good as gold.


As soon as I do it (in a few days to max about 2 weeks), I'll let you guys know how it all went.

Edited by Seganfredo, 15 July 2022 - 06:32 AM.

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#3 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 17 July 2022 - 01:14 AM

Not that I'm remotely qualified to advise on plasa exchange or dilution (although I've been a therapeutic plasma exchange patient), but you might want to consider dosing a few hours before the procedure with C60 oil, MitoQ, or cordyceps mushroom powder if you're concerned with maintaining efficient O2 utilization. If you're worried about elevating liver enzymes with the cordyceps, Longvida should suppress that. And finally, a glass of hydrogen water right before starting probably wouldn't hurt.

Also... while ketosis puts in the body into a state in which it can better survive hypoxia, if you want to go that route, you'd surely be better off getting there via fasting as opposed to a temporary ketogenic diet, on account of the latter massively increasing blood viscosity. Just a thought, anyway. (My own doc made it extremely clear that viscosity management is paramount. The thicker the blood, the longer it all takes, as I'm sure you realize.)

Good luck to you both. I strongly believe, based on my own experience, that the sooner we find an economical way to deliver TPE, the better off we'll be as a species. There are few other therapies which provide so much bang for the buck, and do so at relatively low risk.

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#4 Seganfredo

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Posted 22 July 2022 - 05:01 AM

Didn't have classes to give today so I'm glad to say that I went ahead and did the 1st part of the 1st round of the procedure on my father.


I actually took 1.2L of blood from him on the first go (2x600ml blood bags).

That's a rough 25% of his total, which is a bit much - 30% starts to be kinda worrying.

30% being a class 3 hemmorhage as stated prior, it'd need closer attention.

Left the bags on the fridge and the blood almost instantly started to separate as it decants.

It's amazing that I really-really won't be needing any centrifugation for this to work.

Actually, I'll prob take most of the plasma out of the bags RN before going to bed.


It all went well - with some slightly scary things I dealt with successfully (hopefully) along the way which I'll mention later, but it seems all went great overall.

Will do the blood reinfusion tomorrow and, all going well, will be posting a step by step here.


Also, I've realised this will likely be (a heck of a lot more trouble but) superior in result to simply centrifuging and putting it all back in the same moment as the lack of RBCs will likely shock-start his marrow system tonight, tipping the scales from yellow to red bone marrow for the increased hematopoietic demand, which is definitely another deeply youth-enhancing feature.

No idea how much of it will change cause of it as I'll reifuse it back tomorrow, but I calculate it'll add a bonus which will do some good on the long run.


This makes me think that all this hassle could be exchanged for just taking ~1.5L of blood from one's systems per odd month/month-and-a-half and we'd likely have great results from it sparing oneself of all costs and all the trouble.

It's late and I'm tired - gotta think deeper + research about the ramifications and the potential benefits of receiving your own RBCs back vs. ditching it (or donating, preferably) - which as any high-level athlete would tell you, it's amazing oxygenation of tissues and hardly ever getting tired, obviously. Which I'd wager my father will surely appreciate. But what else...?


...Worried he won't be having platelets and proteins in his blood.


As soon as I complete his procedure tomorrow morning, I'll start mine.


Wish me(him) luck.


Now I'll go dump as much plasma as possible from the bags then hit the sack. ZzzZzzz


PS: The bicarbonate and especially the humic and fulvic acid were of great help, and worked exactly as intended.

Edited by Seganfredo, 22 July 2022 - 05:07 AM.

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#5 Seganfredo

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Posted 24 July 2022 - 07:36 AM

Finished my fathers' reinfusion successfully and took 1.5L from myself (2 bags bursting full).

Posted a step-by-step with pics here, but gotta remember how to post pics from my PC to the forum (ctrl C+ ctrl V dind't work), as it didn't accept the post.

Got this message:

Request Entity Too Large

The requested resource
does not allow request data with GET requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.

Additionally, a 413 Request Entity Too Large error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.



Will repost tomorrow.

#6 Seganfredo

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Posted 24 July 2022 - 07:48 AM

Not that I'm remotely qualified to advise on plasa exchange or dilution (although I've been a therapeutic plasma exchange patient), but you might want to consider dosing a few hours before the procedure with C60 oil, MitoQ, or cordyceps mushroom powder if you're concerned with maintaining efficient O2 utilization. If you're worried about elevating liver enzymes with the cordyceps, Longvida should suppress that. And finally, a glass of hydrogen water right before starting probably wouldn't hurt.

Also... while ketosis puts in the body into a state in which it can better survive hypoxia, if you want to go that route, you'd surely be better off getting there via fasting as opposed to a temporary ketogenic diet, on account of the latter massively increasing blood viscosity. Just a thought, anyway. (My own doc made it extremely clear that viscosity management is paramount. The thicker the blood, the longer it all takes, as I'm sure you realize.)

Good luck to you both. I strongly believe, based on my own experience, that the sooner we find an economical way to deliver TPE, the better off we'll be as a species. There are few other therapies which provide so much bang for the buck, and do so at relatively low risk.

I did use the hydrogen peroxide more as a blood sterilizer (oral route - doens't go well directly on the blood, as it reacts) and a temporary aid for oxygenation.


I've kept a strict carnivore diet over the last 4-5 months. Had no idea it hightened blood viscosity. Wonder if that's what made my plasma look a lot thicker and more milky than my parents' plasma, which was transparent and urine-like.


Thanks for the pointers and the good wishes. The experiment's been quite successful so far. Let's check the results. 

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#7 johnhemming

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Posted 24 July 2022 - 09:58 AM

I think the active element of this process is removing Interleukin-10.   I am not currently inclined to try this, but were I to do so I would check the required micronutrients for creating new RBCs and WBCs. If you keep an eye on bilirubin levels and MCV you can see if there is a problem with the creation of new cells.  (bilirubin goes up if you have a material number of new RBCs that fail)  I am currently working on improving this by also getting a reticulocyte count in order to monitor the process.


I am stopping my weekly blood tests in August because I am travelling around a lot and it is a) not really practical or reliable to do blood tests where I will be and b) I will be varying my diet in unpredictable ways which will make drawing and conclusions really difficult.  However, in September I will do some more work on the question of improving RBC quality.

Edited by johnhemming, 24 July 2022 - 10:02 AM.

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#8 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 24 July 2022 - 04:23 PM

I did use the hydrogen peroxide more as a blood sterilizer (oral route - doens't go well directly on the blood, as it reacts) and a temporary aid for oxygenation.


I've kept a strict carnivore diet over the last 4-5 months. Had no idea it hightened blood viscosity. Wonder if that's what made my plasma look a lot thicker and more milky than my parents' plasma, which was transparent and urine-like.


Thanks for the pointers and the good wishes. The experiment's been quite successful so far. Let's check the results. 


Hydrogen peroxide? I was referring to hydrogen water, i.e. water infused with hydrogen gas. There's a large body of research relating its antioxidant properties (not that antioxidants are always a good thing, but would probably be helpful under stressful circumstances such as TPE).


The ketogenic diet (and probably the carnivore diet) decreases flow-mediated dilation (FMD). In other words, it constricts the blood vessels. It also increases viscosity due to the high concentration of fat and protein (as compared to a high-carb diet and especially a juice diet). It's been pointed out that, despite this, it actually enhances oxygen transport. That's all well and good for chronic disease prevention, but in the case of TPE, it's all about minimizing blood viscosity (within safe limits, obviously) so you can finish the process as quickly as possible. And yes, my therapy team made it abundantly clear to me that the ideal plasma for these purposes looks more like urine and less like milk. (Again, this is specifically in reference to TPE. General health maintenance is another question, and I'm not one of those ignoramuses who thinks that protein and saturated fat are always bad, regardless of dietary context, even though I'm basically a vegan who avoids animal protein like the plague.)


Perhaps you can get an imgur account to post your photos, and link them here. Looking forward to more details, good or bad. Best of luck!

#9 Phoebus

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Posted 25 July 2022 - 11:07 PM

this is awesome. Are you going to post pics? Try imgur for pics 



#10 maxwatt

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Posted 06 October 2022 - 02:46 PM

How did it go for your father¿

#11 Seganfredo

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Posted 05 July 2024 - 04:59 AM

2y Update on Results 


It had quite dramatic results on most everyone I did the procedure on.


My father and mother, ie, my father's now like a human being. He can think, walk, run, drive, etc., while before it was certain that cachexia had gotten the better of him for life and he'd never be a functional person anymore (it seemed). After it, he slowly went from undead to living. His humor's still sh*t, but I'm doing experimental medicine, not miracles.


As for my mother, the back problems and issues with foods and acidity/etc just vanished a couple of weeks+ after the procedure. She reported a few other minor improvements that came as surprises: her body fixed old problems, nuisances and such. She could eat pork and drink wine at night after that, and never had to take one Malox plus pill again. I can't remember all she said - it was a long time ago and she came up with new discoveries of things that improved from time to time.


I've done 2 of these on myself and one on my gf.


Second time I did it on myself, it was a really hot day, I wasn't careful about keeping anything sterile, took too darn long to take the bags into refrigeration, and, as a plus, the maid put a darn hot pan of feijoada beside the blood bags in the fridge, which, I'm sure, none of it was good. End result, when I finally returned the blood to my veins, I felt getting REAL sick REAL fast and felt like I was going to kick it for sure if I didn't do anything ASAP - it was so awful that I paid many times over for that f#ck fest of stupidity. I quickly took two glasses of water with enough H2O2 to kill any blood pathogens. It took a while, but it did do the trick and I lived to tell the tale. I didn't notice improvements on myself - but, truth be told, I tweak so many things with my diet, do other procedures, use devices, and supplement galore that I don't even know the baseline to know what's happening or not.


With my GF it was less eventful, with the exception of what happens to everybody the 1st time: they think they're fine and dandy after I take 2 full bags of blood from them and try to go to the bathroom or whatever even if I politely tell 'em they better not, only to find themselves suddenly and horribly going lose and limp like ragdolls (I'm close behind them to hold them and take them to a bed and lift their legs up). They feel terrible and faint, only to return a while after I bring their legs up - and then they heed my warnings better. Note to self: not be a dick and effectively prohibit people from getting up after the procedure is done prior, and tell them that they MUST remain with their legs up during the entire procedure, or they'll have it. Actually, that's precisely what I've done with in my mother's case, and she was great - until the time she decided to momentarily get up anyway because she was doing great for a couple of hours, no biggie. She was VERY gradual, as I asked: 5mins laying down with legs on same level, 5 laying down with legs on the floor, 5 sitting down... and in the sitting part it was awful and she felt terrible - so she had to lift her legs back up and endure some moments of dire discomfort. 1.2L is a really large amount of blood, but less than that would make the procedure CONSIDERABLY less effective, as we're dealing with dilution of proteins in the blood. (1.2L x1 is MUCH more effective than 600ml x2).


Gf report's fresher in my mind (I just asked her): skin improving, a lot less candida, all common viruses she dealt with vanished, she appeared and felt more youthful, her hair grew a lot faster, she got no flu the whole year after that (while before it was common and to be expected), her stubborn sinusitis improved dramatically (she used to deal with it all the time - now's just SO darn rare and weak of a problem), and she got no more kidney stones (which she used to have every year roughly on the same period)... She originally did to get slimmer (a thing women are crazy about whether they need it or not, and she's the latter). Unhappily, she did lose some weight without altering anything else, as she wanted.



I think the active element of this process is removing Interleukin-10.   I am not currently inclined to try this, but were I to do so I would check the required micronutrients for creating new RBCs and WBCs. If you keep an eye on bilirubin levels and MCV you can see if there is a problem with the creation of new cells.  (bilirubin goes up if you have a material number of new RBCs that fail)  I am currently working on improving this by also getting a reticulocyte count in order to monitor the process.


I am stopping my weekly blood tests in August because I am travelling around a lot and it is a) not really practical or reliable to do blood tests where I will be and b) I will be varying my diet in unpredictable ways which will make drawing and conclusions really difficult.  However, in September I will do some more work on the question of improving RBC quality.


Whole blood nutrients: Iron, B Vits (12, 9, 6...), A, Copper, C, E, Zinc, Selenium.... I honestly just skip all the minutiae and have the person eat my world famous liver meatelet (liquefy liver on blender, add spices and fry as an omelet. It's been known to enchant even those who dislike liver.  ;)


Hydrogen peroxide? I was referring to hydrogen water, i.e. water infused with hydrogen gas. There's a large body of research relating its antioxidant properties (not that antioxidants are always a good thing, but would probably be helpful under stressful circumstances such as TPE).


The ketogenic diet (and probably the carnivore diet) decreases flow-mediated dilation (FMD). In other words, it constricts the blood vessels. It also increases viscosity due to the high concentration of fat and protein (as compared to a high-carb diet and especially a juice diet). It's been pointed out that, despite this, it actually enhances oxygen transport. That's all well and good for chronic disease prevention, but in the case of TPE, it's all about minimizing blood viscosity (within safe limits, obviously) so you can finish the process as quickly as possible. And yes, my therapy team made it abundantly clear to me that the ideal plasma for these purposes looks more like urine and less like milk. (Again, this is specifically in reference to TPE. General health maintenance is another question, and I'm not one of those ignoramuses who thinks that protein and saturated fat are always bad, regardless of dietary context, even though I'm basically a vegan who avoids animal protein like the plague.)


Perhaps you can get an imgur account to post your photos, and link them here. Looking forward to more details, good or bad. Best of luck!

Yes, hydrogen is truly wonderful, I'm very well aware. It would help. I used H²O² water as I needed for the whole procedure to be comfortable and safe, as it augments blood oxygenation and sterilizes it from within. You mentioned a carnivore's blood having a lot more fat. That's exactly what seemed to me when I saw my own plasma. I'm sure blood viscosity is extremely important in classic TPE, but I'm not sure it's that important in the way I do things. I'll shortly do it again in myself and my gf, and I'll double check, but all I need is for the blood to go into the bad and then separate while in the decanting phase. I didn't see much of a difference when doing it on myself, even though it might have taken longer. You would NOT believe how better my health, looks and fitness level got after I changed to carnivore. When I cheat on my diet, all hell breaks lose. Been a vegan for years and truly commend you on being open minded about other dietary options.


this is awesome. Are you going to post pics? Try imgur for pics 

Thanks, Phoebus. It really is. :)  I guess I have kept some helpful, interesting pics on it, but I'm not sure how to post them in here. (Oh. I see. It accepts only URLs.)


How did it go for your father¿

Pretty well, as described above, Max! Thanks for asking. If you got any specific question, do please ask. 






Now, next level's Trapanation, the ultimate, permanent, natural nootropic procedure of ancient tribal leaders and wisemen. I've been looking on it for years now, even before I entered medschool. The acquaintance I mentioned prior that has a home made centrifuge on his home lab desperately wants me to do it on him too. It just won't be easy to do it on myself, on my own, I think. But nothing that enough responsible preparation can't solve.

Edited by Seganfredo, 05 July 2024 - 05:00 AM.

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#12 Chemically_Charmed

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Posted 13 July 2024 - 03:11 AM

What about just doing two plasma donations back to back?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: diy, antiaging, experiment, blood plasma dilution, reverse aging, conboy, ambrosia, xenotransplant, plasmapheresis, autohemotherapy

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