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Student asks advice on nootropics. Would I benefit from Racetams?

racetams oxiracetam math physics studying

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#1 Di3selBrain

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Posted 13 August 2022 - 09:59 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm a 19 year old physics student. I'm doing lots of physical activity (bikeriding and weightlifting), eating mainly vegetables,fruit, seafood and lean meat. I never have any alchool, never smoked and have about 8 hours a sleep every night. I basically spend all my day solving math and physics problems, so basically my goal is in life is pushing my brain to its full potential and see where I can get. I'm getting into meditation too and I've been following some short routines for the past few months.

I wouldn't say I have any problems with attention, motivation or vigilance, but I would like to have more energy, usually I get too tired to study by 5pm. After sleeping enough I feel great, rested and sharp, but I would like to feel like that for longer during the day. I will try to take caffeine + L-Theanine in the morning and after luch, but do you think I would benefit from other nootropics? I was thinking of trying Oxiracentam. Is there anything which is worth taking at my age due to some long term benefit?
Has anyone had any experiences with math related work and nootropics?

#2 Coffeee

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Posted 17 August 2023 - 05:37 AM

Never take racetams, they are bad for the brain, they lead to permanent damage.

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