Posters -
I want to bring up this subject again? Why? Look, honestly, it's because I found some Broccomax I had that I forgot about. I remember reading the threads here -- links after main -- and thinking that was the best supplement ever. I bought and used Broccomax for a while until I kind of forgot about it.
So anyway, I decided I might want to order some more, and I noticed Broccomax changed its formula.
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One capsule was 30mg.
Now two capsules is 35mg
Standardization was not specified before.
Old dosage not pictured was 1-3 capsules per day (30-90mg).
New recommendation is 2 capsules per day (35mg).
Old "proprietary" blend contained calcium ascorbate
So, I emailed Jarrow to find out how much sulphoraphane is in the dose. For those of you who remember, we learned a variety of things from those threads:
1) sulforaphane is essentially unstable
2) something called SGS (Sulforaphane glucosinolate) is not sulforaphane, yet is called this to make it seem like you're getting sulforaphane. But, this, when mixed with myrosinase, becomes sulforaphane.
3) neat supplements include myrosinase
So anyway, Jarrow told me that TWO PILLS (one serving) has been shown in vitro to contain 8mg of sulforaphane.
Look, this makes me wonder, are we even actually getting any sulforaphane from this product?
I remember a member here, @ChristineH had a company making a competing product.
These threads were a while ago. New products have come out since, including:
BROQ ( is the website)
Then @GABAergic mentioned in this thread that, stated therein "i was reading about Nrf activators possibly being detrimental for general health long term. im pretty sure regular high dose long term use of sulforaphane is not a good idea. i have personally being using it for a while now, and i do feel strange at times, kind of very tired when going to sleep and waking up next day. reminds me of fasting a bit, which also causes nrf activation. i would suggest to be careful with this stuff as i do not feel any much better than when i first started 3 months ago."
Next, @Ames replied "Another point to keep in mind for sulforaphane is that it is an inhibitor of MTOR (and feels like it). And that the common wisdom is for MTOR inhibitors to be dosed only intermittently, as adjusted for age.
I think that prominent poster here recommended Rapamycin be taken at a frequency of once per week or so, even at his age of 60+.
That may be where I end up with sulforaphane."
A product mentioned in one of the older threads by @Heisok mentioned one called Prostaphane which was only available in France. This product is now called broq, and can be researched at the link above.
Christine's product is Endura Cell, in the US.
I want to know, what are the best products for getting sulforaphane? Are they safe? NRF and MTOR and stuff.
Lots of other supplements with what may be suspicious or non-precise ingredients.
Links to other discussions
Edited by ironfistx, 02 September 2022 - 10:06 PM.