In the case of the long controversy about whether ME/CFS is an "all in the mind" psychologically caused psychosomatic/somatoform condition, or a real physical disease, this debate has taken place between experts in the field. It has not just been an argument between the experts and ME/CFS patients.
Because of unscrupulous activities by the disability insurance industry working in cahoots with some unscrupulous psychiatrists, ME/CFS got recast as psychosomatic illness in the late 1980s, whereas previously it had (mostly) been viewed as a real biological disease. So from about the 1990s onwards, a lot of the medical community started seeing ME/CFS as psychosomatic/somatoform.
Coincidently, I posted about this today on Reddit, when someone was asking whether Tony Fauci was involved in cutting funding for ME/CFS patients.
When I first read about the nefarious involvement of the disability insurance industry in ME/CFS myself, I could not work out whether it was a conspiracy theory popular among patients, or a true story. But when I found out that some key intellectuals in the field — professors, physicians, researchers, the Countess of Marr, etc — were also talking about these nefarious activities, then I started to believe it. Because serious intellectuals believed it.
In general in the democratic process in the liberal West, you often have grass roots movements involving the general public. For example, the whole environmental movement originally began as grass roots activism in the 1960s, and slowly over the decades, gained traction, and is now something every government follows. It started as grass root, and eventually became mainstream.
But these grass roots movements involving the people are always headed by some intellectuals who know their stuff. The intellectuals provide clear arguments, and the general public then add their weight to those arguments, by means of protests, demonstrations, etc.
This is the sort of democratic process that work well. Intellectuals and experts teaming up with the general public. Intellectuals at the top of the pyramid, and the general public as the base of the pyramid. This is the liberal West at its best.
Whereas when you take something like the antivax movement, this involves a lot of the general public, but there are no intellectuals or experts at the top of the pyramid. Instead, the antivax movement is headed up by idiots, not intellectuals.
Do you see the difference?
In some of the populist movements we see today, the movement is not headed by intellectuals, but by the witless general public who have not teamed up with experts, but who get their info from conspiracy theory websites run by mad people, and other such garbage sources. So unless we are careful, we will become a society which is steered not by intellectuals, but by morons or mad people. The Nazis are an example of a society run by mad people.
So, if only the anti-vaxers had an appropriate intellectual to give them a veneer of respectability then their dissent would be legitimate? And who is to say who's a legitimate intellectual? In the case of the environmental movement, at the time most of those intellectuals were regarded as kooks. Just as you regard doctors and researchers on the other side of the vaccine debate as kooks today. Because there are certainly some doctors and researchers with some qualms regarding these vaccines. But I suppose in your world they don't count as intellectuals? Perhaps we should have government licensed intellectuals? I can see it now - "The Federal Bureau of Intellectual Licensing and Inspections". Has a nice ring to it, no?
And your deference to intellectuals once again betrays your disdain of the common man. The common man is only to be herded or perhaps follow behind a good proper intellectual. He's not allowed to have his own opinions, or if he is he isn't to be allowed to voice them without an intellectual giving him permission.
Here's the thing Hip - if you're going to try to force common people to put things in their body, then morally they damned well have the right to tell the world what they think about that.
Even the CCP is starting to figure that out.
Basically your whole argument relative to your hypocrisy on Covid vs. ME/CFS boils down to "Oh, that's different".