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Help Me Obi-Wan: Zinc Ionophores


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#1 Dorian Grey

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Posted 29 November 2022 - 10:46 PM

I like the Zinc + Ionophore therapeutic hypothesis, as Ralph Baric, the godfather of all coronavirus research seems to think this is our go-to treatment; going so far as to test it in cell culture.  


Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture (PMID: 21079686) 2010


The ionophore used in his cell culture study was "pyrithione", which apparently is primarily used in dandruff shampoo, so not applicable for oral medication use.  We know Chloroquine is an effective zinc ionophore, as this has been well documented: Chloroquine is a zinc ionophore (PMID: 25271834) 2014


Those applying this combo for COVID figured "why not use hydroxychloroquine" as its the new and improved, safer form.  Brilliant!  Except for this: Hydroxychloroquine Does Not Function as a Direct Zinc Ionophore (PMID: 35631485)  2022


Wait...  What?  HCQ isn't a zinc ionophore?  Apparently the hydroxyl tail added to chloroquine to make it safer also interferes with penetration of the phospholipid cell membranes.  The above report does allude to HCQ possibly getting zinc into the cytoplasm through an alternate mechanism: "Molecular simulations show hydroxychloroquine-triggered helix perturbation in zinc-finger protein without zinc chelation, a potential alternative non-ionophoric mechanism."


OK, so HCQ + Zinc still works, but would an alternate, true ionophore provide superior effect?  We've heard quercetin & EGCG are zinc ionophores, and ivermectin has even been branded an ionophore; but how potent is the effect compared to HCQ, or perhaps better yet, old school Chloroquine?  


Might there be an even better option?  We know Chloroquine was created as a synthetic form of quinine.  Might simple quinine be an effective zinc ionophore that is safer than Chloroquine and more effective than HCQ?  


Quinine Inhibits Infection of Human Cell Lines with SARS-CoV-2  (PMID: 33918670) "our data indicate that quinine could have the potential of a treatment option for SARS-CoV-2, as the toxicological and pharmacological profile seems more favorable when compared to its progeny drugs H-CQN or CQN"


More on zinc & quinine here: Current Evidence Supporting the Use of Orally Administered Zinc in the Treatment of COVID-19




Interestingly, influenza, rhinovirus (common cold), and RSV are also "single stranded RNA" virus.  Might the Zinc + Ionophore be a cure-all for nearly all respiratory virus?  The zinc part is easy, but what is the truly superior ionophore?  


I'm having trouble finding out just how effective quercetin and EGCG are at zinc transport into cytoplasm, or evidence quinine might be more effective than these, or as effective as chloroquine, or perhaps more effective than HCQ.  


I'm hoping others here might be similarly intrigued.  Anyone else want to work on this and see what we can find?  

Edited by Dorian Grey, 29 November 2022 - 11:44 PM.

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#2 Gal220

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 04:03 PM

"Increasing the intracellular Zn2+ concentration with zinc-ionophores like pyrithione (PT) can efficiently impair the replication of a variety of RNA viruses, including poliovirus and influenza virus."






Only zinc salts are ionic(sulfate, acetate, ascorbate)



"Except for zinc acetate, the others failed to produce any antiviral effects in the cell culture experiments, despite showing effective enzyme inhibition in vitro. “This is in agreement with recent clinical trial data that shows no significant effect of zinc gluconate in clinical outcome in COVID-19 patients,”



Also important, but dosing details are left out..

Because of the short half-life (~10s) of the Mpro-zn2+ complex, fast association and dissociation rates, and water-soluble nature of zinc acetate observed in this study, the researchers suggested that constant doses of zinc-ionophore combination may be required



More info on zinc


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#3 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:09 PM

I remember when quinine was available OTC here in the US. I used to occasionally take it for leg cramps/RLS. Worked fairly well. It could have some bad side effects in some people but I never seemed to have an issue with it.


Wouldn't mind having a few packages of it in my cold storage for a rainy day.



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#4 pamojja

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:12 PM

I'm having trouble finding out just how effective quercetin and EGCG are at zinc transport into cytoplasm, or evidence quinine might be more effective than these

I can only inform that in my case 52mg elemental zinc, 270mg EGCG and 220mg quercetine in average every day during the last 14 years haven't been effective enough to raise whole blood zinc levels.

This my essiental elements blood test, going backward in time towards the right:
Attached File  Screenshot_20221130-175035~2.png   220.95KB   1 downloads

On the other hand, and despite diabetes, COPD and PAD (all symptoms kept in remission) all comorbities for being receptive to viruses on board, my last sickness leaf was in 2006 for 3 days only, due to a cold. No vaccines in this timeperiod.

However, probaly my 26 g/d of ascorbic acid during that time might really have helped with that by itself. Remember Linus Pauling and the Common Cold?

Edited by pamojja, 30 November 2022 - 05:18 PM.

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#5 Dorian Grey

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:13 PM

Thanks for this info Gal.  I was wondering why Dr Zelenko used zinc sulfate, as it is a bit hard to find.  I discovered the sulfate form is best, not only because it is ionic, but a standard 220mg tab provides a full 50mg of elemental zinc, which is substantially more than the standard dose of other forms. 


Dr. Seheul goes into the importance of the ionophore here (Starting at 1:30). 




It appears intracellular zinc is much higher with the chloroquine ionophore, even with modest levels of serum/plasma zinc, compared with high plasma zinc without the ionophore.  


I was thunderstruck to find HCQ may in fact not be an ideal ionophore, which has set me on a quest for an alternative.  I saw someone opine, quercetin was only 10% as effective as chloroquine, but he had no data to back this up.  Reliable info on EGCG & ivermectin is also elusive.  This is what spiked my interest in quinine.  


I've been on and off HCQ, during the Delta surge, when I got Omicron in January, and while traveling in August.  The half-life of HCQ (and Chloroquine) is remarkably long, at a month or two, and I'd prefer the shorter half-life of quinine, at 12 hours if I'm going to be on and off my coronavirus protocol frequently.  The alkalization of cellular organelles inhibits autophagy, which is not something you want going on continuously.  


assume quinine should be ideal IF its ionophore efficient is as good as chloroquine, but this isn't something I'm comfortable betting my health on.  The preprint in my original post appears to claim quinine is effective.  




"Quinine synergy with zinc is further supported by a demonstration of a complex of zinc and quinine in vitro that is three times more effective at treating malaria than quinine sulfate (52) and more effective than chloroquine (53). Also, Biot et al. 2006 demonstrated reduction of SARS-CoV replication with chloroquine and ferroquine, but not hydroxychloroquine, under similar cell culture experimental conditions (54), which in this context may indicate reduced zinc transport efficiency by hydroxychloroquine."


I found what might be a good overseas source: https://www.buy-phar...te-p-12456.html


Ordered with bitcoin, waiting for arrival.  Is made by Ipca, which is the lab that supplied Trump's 70 million doses of HCQ back in 2020.  My HCQ I got was also from Ipca, and came in hologramed foil blister packs, which was reassuring.  

Edited by Dorian Grey, 30 November 2022 - 05:16 PM.

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#6 Dorian Grey

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:34 PM

I can only inform that in my case 52mg elemental zinc, 270mg EGCG and 220mg quercetine in average every day during the last 14 years haven't been effective enough to raise whole blood zinc levels.

This my essiental elements blood test, going backward in time towards the right:
attachicon.gif Screenshot_20221130-175035~2.png

On the other hand, and despite diabetes, COPD and PAD (all symptoms kept in remission) all comorbities for being receptive to viruses on board, my last sickness leaf was in 2006 for 3 days only, due to a cold. No vaccines in this timeperiod.

However, probaly my 26 g/d of ascorbic acid during that time might really have helped with that by itself. Remember Linus Pauling and the Common Cold?


Something interesting I saw in my linked preprint https://osf.io/z8wvq/


"This may be especially true during high systemic inflammation conditions caused by injury and infection, which leads to sequestration of zinc in the liver (103-106)."


I did not know inflammation/infection causes zinc sequestration. Perhaps this (diabetic inflammation) is why you're having trouble boosting whole blood zinc levels? A brief quinine + zinc trial might prove enlightening.

#7 joesixpack

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:24 PM

Hi Dorian, Quercetin is a zinc ionophore.



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#8 Dorian Grey

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:30 PM

I remember when quinine was available OTC here in the US. I used to occasionally take it for leg cramps/RLS. Worked fairly well. It could have some bad side effects in some people but I never seemed to have an issue with it.


Wouldn't mind having a few packages of it in my cold storage for a rainy day.


I recall seeing quinine on pharmacy shelves too.  Was pulled in 2007.  


It may be another advantage over the forbidden fruit (HCQ).  Airport TSA may not bat an eye at a stash of quinine in your carry-on, but HCQ could get you sent to Guantanamo.  


I read if the US post intercepts prescription meds in quantities larger than for personal use, they send you a notice your stash has been confiscated, but typically don't send the Federales around to your house.  I was still a bit paranoid about HCQ though.  Thought they might want to make an example out of me.  

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#9 Dorian Grey

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:41 PM

Hi Dorian, Quercetin is a zinc ionophore.




Thanks for this Joe.  That's actually a very interesting page.  I didn't know there were different ionophore modes of operation (carrier vs channel).  


The $64,000 question (yep, I'm old), is how efficient quercetin is compared to other ionophores (EGCG, ivermection, chloroquine, quinine).  


I believe the key to an easy COVID experience is to have supplies on hand, & hit the virus swiftly and hard at the first sign of trouble.  Hard to believe it seems no one has bothered to test the various ionophores against each other, to see which packs the biggest punch.  

#10 pamojja

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:44 PM

A brief quinine + zinc trial might prove enlightening. [/background][/size][/font][/color]

Not that quick, if I have to break into a pharmacy first.. :-)
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#11 Gal220

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 10:11 PM

Thanks for this Joe.  That's actually a very interesting page.  I didn't know there were different ionophore modes of operation (carrier vs channel).  


The $64,000 question (yep, I'm old), is how efficient quercetin is compared to other ionophores (EGCG, ivermection, chloroquine, quinine).  


I believe the key to an easy COVID experience is to have supplies on hand, & hit the virus swiftly and hard at the first sign of trouble.  Hard to believe it seems no one has bothered to test the various ionophores against each other, to see which packs the biggest punch.  


On the negative side, Masterjohn doesnt think any of it is effective







If symptoms, I would still give it a shot, Zalenko had really good results and he was treating high risk groups. But he was also giving vitamin C and D.

#12 joesixpack

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 10:47 PM

Thanks for this Joe.  That's actually a very interesting page.  I didn't know there were different ionophore modes of operation (carrier vs channel).  


The $64,000 question (yep, I'm old), is how efficient quercetin is compared to other ionophores (EGCG, ivermection, chloroquine, quinine).  


I believe the key to an easy COVID experience is to have supplies on hand, & hit the virus swiftly and hard at the first sign of trouble.  Hard to believe it seems no one has bothered to test the various ionophores against each other, to see which packs the biggest punch.  


One drawback is that Quercetin is not soluble in water, but if you get it mixed with Bromelain, the Bromelain improves the absorption of Quercetin.

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#13 Dorian Grey

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 11:35 PM

On the negative side, Masterjohn doesnt think any of it is effective







If symptoms, I would still give it a shot, Zalenko had really good results and he was treating high risk groups. But he was also giving vitamin C and D.


I saw Masterjohn's issue with zinc carried by chloroquine being trapped in lysosomes, but have never seen anyone else speak of this.  Dr Seheult's video clearly shows chloroquine "opening a channel" where ionic zinc can cross the membrane into cytoplasm. 


Joe Sixpack's ionophore link:




...speaks of two different kinds of ionophores; "Channel Ionophores" and "Carrier Ionophores".  It seems to me the carrier ionophores may enter the cell via endosomes, while channel ionophores simply open a channel where zinc in the intercellular space can directly enter the cytoplasm.  


Definitely an indication taking multiple ionophores (quinine, quercetin & EGCG) together with ionic zinc may be wise.  


There are of course other modes of antiviral anti-COVID actions associated with CQ/HCQ/Quinine.  Alkalizing endosomes, lysosomes and golgi, nutralizing sialic acid at receptor sites, along with the anti-thrombotic and immune modulating properties.  


I'd like to see at least one other scientific opinion about ionophores being worthless regarding cytoplasmic zinc.  Dr M is the only one who's made this claim. I would expect if this were true, the anti-HCQ crowd would have cottoned-on, and been all over this like white on rice.  

Edited by Dorian Grey, 01 December 2022 - 12:01 AM.

#14 Gal220

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Posted 01 December 2022 - 03:25 PM

I'd like to see at least one other scientific opinion about ionophores being worthless regarding cytoplasmic zinc.  Dr M is the only one who's made this claim. I would expect if this were true, the anti-HCQ crowd would have cottoned-on, and been all over this like white on rice.  


The biggest problem in general with the pandemic(where is the follow up data for antihistamine/lactoferrin - stops replication 99%), very little discussion like Masterjohn's paper on the internet.  And unlike the pages that do exist, he talks about quantity.


It would be nice to have one other source to talk about the numbers, but why aren't there several pages?




EGCG and quercetin both have a high binding affinity to the virus as well, EGCG is the best on the list (page down twice)




How Steve Kirsch treated his Covid, maybe a little overkill, but informative


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#15 Gal220

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Posted 01 December 2022 - 06:02 PM

The comments to Kirsch's protocol is informative as well, over 1800 of them




FYI, he did include HCQ in his treatment, for follow up which I'm not sure was necessary



Started this on Monday per advice from Dr. Sabine Hazan since I basically recovered so quickly:
Stop the NAC, Nigella Sativa, HCQ. These aren’t good for gut bacteria.
IVM: reduce to 15mg/day
Add bone broth, sauerkraut, increase to 4 activia yogurts/day to rebuild gut healthy bacteria
Saline rinse without the povidone iodine
Add 200mcg of Selenium for 10 days
Increase Pepcid to 40mg 2X per day (80mg total per day)

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#16 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 03:51 AM

I was taking NAC when I had covid back when it first started (March 2020), and I just wouldn’t recover for ages. My thinking back then was I created a selenium deficiency due to the glutathione production.


However I dropped the NAC today after years of use, because I really believe it has caused me a long term zinc deficiency. My wound healing ability has been terrible, especially behind my right ear for over a year due to skin fungal, and only figured it could be a zinc deficiency when supplementing zinc picolinate and vitamin c in megadoses recently and seeing recovery.

Funnily enough I was taking NAC for ocd, but I think zinc might be working just as well.


I’ll never supplement NAC again.


From this thread topic (as I don’t really understand it), but would HCQ help get zinc faster into my bodies cells and help correct a deficiency?

Edited by Mr Serendipity, 05 December 2022 - 03:53 AM.

#17 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 04:04 AM

I can only inform that in my case 52mg elemental zinc, 270mg EGCG and 220mg quercetine in average every day during the last 14 years haven't been effective enough to raise whole blood zinc levels.

This my essiental elements blood test, going backward in time towards the right:
attachicon.gif Screenshot_20221130-175035~2.png

On the other hand, and despite diabetes, COPD and PAD (all symptoms kept in remission) all comorbities for being receptive to viruses on board, my last sickness leaf was in 2006 for 3 days only, due to a cold. No vaccines in this timeperiod.

However, probaly my 26 g/d of ascorbic acid during that time might really have helped with that by itself. Remember Linus Pauling and the Common Cold?

Have you tried zinc picolinate?


This is the only zinc I get observable effects from even the same day (rock hard erections, throat healing from smoking), but I dropped it back in 2014 for zinc citrate for years due to copper deficiency concerns and also it possibly causing an insomnia side effect, and then eventually dropped the citrate for a normal mutilvitamin.


I started back on zinc picolinate yesterday, and I got those observable effects the same day, it was a fun night to say the least.

Edited by Mr Serendipity, 05 December 2022 - 04:12 AM.

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#18 joesixpack

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 04:22 AM


The comments to Kirsch's protocol is informative as well, over 1800 of them




FYI, he did include HCQ in his treatment, for follow up which I'm not sure was necessary



Started this on Monday per advice from Dr. Sabine Hazan since I basically recovered so quickly:
Stop the NAC, Nigella Sativa, HCQ. These aren’t good for gut bacteria.
IVM: reduce to 15mg/day
Add bone broth, sauerkraut, increase to 4 activia yogurts/day to rebuild gut healthy bacteria
Saline rinse without the povidone iodine
Add 200mcg of Selenium for 10 days
Increase Pepcid to 40mg 2X per day (80mg total per day)


Hi, you need to take zinc with an ionophore (a substance that helps absorption, or in this case, helps zinc enter cells). Quercetin with Bromelaine is one, and Dorian's post above indicates that HCQ is another. There may be others, if you search them out.

Hi, you need to take zinc with an ionophore (a substance that helps absorption, or in this case, helps zinc enter cells). Quercetin with Bromelaine is one, and Dorian's post above indicates that HCQ is another. There may be others, if you search them out.

Thought I was replying to Mr Serendipity, sorry for the confusion.

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#19 Dorian Grey

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 06:58 AM

I was taking NAC when I had covid back when it first started (March 2020), and I just wouldn’t recover for ages. My thinking back then was I created a selenium deficiency due to the glutathione production.


However I dropped the NAC today after years of use, because I really believe it has caused me a long term zinc deficiency. My wound healing ability has been terrible, especially behind my right ear for over a year due to skin fungal, and only figured it could be a zinc deficiency when supplementing zinc picolinate and vitamin c in megadoses recently and seeing recovery.

Funnily enough I was taking NAC for ocd, but I think zinc might be working just as well.


I’ll never supplement NAC again.


From this thread topic (as I don’t really understand it), but would HCQ help get zinc faster into my bodies cells and help correct a deficiency?


(myo)-Inositol is very popular for OCD, and quite benign.  My gal takes it for sleep.  Doesn't make you drowsy, but clears your head of those "thought loops" that can drive you crazy and/or keep you awake. I expect adding an ionophore to zinc when recovering from deficiency would expedite the process, but I really don't know.  I would think daily dosing of a good zinc supplement would accomplish the same thing in just a week or so time.  


I've pondered lately whether or not extended use of zinc + ionophore might have some adverse effect.  If your body wanted more zinc in the cytoplasm, I'd think it would have evolved a way to facilitate this.  This is why I've become interested in quinine, as the half life is much shorter than HCQ.  I've been on and off HCQ last winter, and while traveling this summer, & would like a shorter acting protocol.  The half life of HCQ being a month, compared to 12 hours for quinine.  


I want a protocol I can start at the first sign of COVID, or after an exposure, without having to worry about doing this too often.  The alkalinization of cellular organelles inhibits autophagy, which may be undesirable for extended periods.  Quinine would seem an ideal, short term ionophore replacement.. 


My stash from buy-pharma arrived yesterday, just 10 days after my bitcoin order, just in time for the holiday surge.  It shipped from Dubai UAE of all places, and sailed through US customs. I did have to use bitcoin purchase though. I'll let you know how it works if I get exposed or infected.  

Edited by Dorian Grey, 05 December 2022 - 07:14 AM.

#20 joesixpack

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 07:07 AM

(myo)-Inositol is very popular for OCD, and quite benign.  My gal takes it for sleep.  Doesn't make you drowsy, but clears your head of those "thought loops" that can drive you crazy and/or keep you awake. I expect adding an ionophore to zinc when recovering from deficiency would expedite the process, but I really don't know.  I would think daily dosing of a good zinc supplement would accomplish the same thing in just a week or so time.  


I've pondered lately whether or not extended use of zinc + ionophore might have some adverse effect.  If your body wanted more zinc in the cytoplasm, I'd think it would have evolved a way to facilitate this.  This is why I've become interested in quinine, as the half life is much shorter than HCQ.  I've been on and off HCQ last winter, and while traveling this summer, & would like a shorter acting protocol.  The half life of HCQ being a month, compared to 12 hours for quinine.  


I want a protocol I can start at the first sign of COVID, or after an exposure, without having to worry about doing this too often.  The alkalinization of cellular organelles inhibits autophagy, which may be undesirable for extended periods.  Quinine would seem an ideal, short term ionophore replacement.. 


My stash from buy-pharma arrived yesterday, just 10 days after my bitcoin order, just in time for the holiday surge.  I'll let you know how it works if I get exposed or infected.  

Well, when I take zinc with an ionophore, my blood pressure goes through the roof. I can only take it for a short period of time. I don't think it hits everyone that way, but for me, if I take it for more than 2 weeks I have to stop, and it takes about a month for blood pressure to get back to normal. But I will take if I get Covid.

Edited by joesixpack, 05 December 2022 - 07:08 AM.

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#21 Dorian Grey

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 07:17 AM

Well, when I take zinc with an ionophore, my blood pressure goes through the roof. I can only take it for a short period of time. I don't think it hits everyone that way, but for me, if I take it for more than 2 weeks I have to stop, and it takes about a month for blood pressure to get back to normal. But I will take if I get Covid.


Interesting...  Never heard of this.  I check my BP frequently, and have been on and off HCQ + zinc several times.  What ionophore were you using?  

#22 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 11:53 AM

What type of zinc do you guys use or thinks effective?

Does anyone use zinc glycinate here and find it effective? I’ve not tried that form yet.


I might have to send this picolinate back because it’s causing insomnia, though it’s one of the ones I noticed where it’s zinc effects me straight away.


@Dorian - My OCD seems less with zinc supplementation, but I’ll keep inositol in mind.


Edit: I’m probably gonna try Zinc Biglycinate.

Edited by Mr Serendipity, 05 December 2022 - 12:22 PM.

#23 Dorian Grey

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 05:01 PM

Gal20 posted above (second post from the top) "Only zinc salts are ionic(sulfate, acetate, ascorbate)" with links to the rationale.  


Dr Zelenko uses only zinc sulfate, so I procured some of this to take with ionophore if I get sick, but the zinc sulfate delivers 50mg per tab, & I prefer lower doses for daily supplementation.  Bisglycinate is probably the best form for daily use, and i would look for something closer to 30mg of elemental zinc per tab if you're going to be taking it every day.  A Monday/Wednesday/Friday dosing of 50mg tabs might be an option for basic supplementation.  


I don't like mega-dosing anything unless I'm treating disease.  



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#24 joesixpack

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Posted 05 December 2022 - 06:14 PM

Interesting...  Never heard of this.  I check my BP frequently, and have been on and off HCQ + zinc several times.  What ionophore were you using?  

I use Quercetin with Bromelaine.

#25 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 06 December 2022 - 05:18 AM

I’m waiting for my zinc biglycinate to come today, I didn’t take zinc picolinate yesterday, and still have insomnia. I think the megadoses of vitamin c (10g a day) is causing it, though I only ended up taking 5g today, and I’ll be honest I don’t know how much these high doses of vit c are helping, I’ve actually started to come down with a cough, and I haven’t been ill for awhile. So I’m probably gonna cut my dose of vit c to 2g, and take 50mg of zinc a day once it arrives. Might have to pop 300mg HCQ each day due to this cough, as I hate getting Ill.


Also I wanted to point out a couple of possible observations of my recent zinc intake affecting my tastes/behaviour, though these aren’t conclusive. But I feel my cigarettes cravings are way down, to the point that I feel like I’ve quit already, and haven’t bought another pack after they ran out this morning. And whilst I’m horny as hell, I feel less into blue movies, like wtf am I even looking at this. Then again this might just be my hypomania getting better from the zinc, so symptoms of addictions, hypersexuality, are also improving. Oh and I forgot one. I joined the gym yesterday like I’ve had bursts of energy and a feeling I can do anything, but haven’t been yet, mainly due to my recent worsening insomnia and this new cough. And another thing is I’m getting more done, I had to make several road trips today and just did them without the feeling of cba I’ve had for awhile now. I guess I’ve generally got more energy than I’m use to having. Anyway I thought these behavioural changes since supplementing zinc were interesting to note.

#26 joesixpack

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Posted 06 December 2022 - 06:56 AM

I’m waiting for my zinc biglycinate to come today, I didn’t take zinc picolinate yesterday, and still have insomnia. I think the megadoses of vitamin c (10g a day) is causing it, though I only ended up taking 5g today, and I’ll be honest I don’t know how much these high doses of vit c are helping, I’ve actually started to come down with a cough, and I haven’t been ill for awhile. So I’m probably gonna cut my dose of vit c to 2g, and take 50mg of zinc a day once it arrives. Might have to pop 300mg HCQ each day due to this cough, as I hate getting Ill.


Also I wanted to point out a couple of possible observations of my recent zinc intake affecting my tastes/behaviour, though these aren’t conclusive. But I feel my cigarettes cravings are way down, to the point that I feel like I’ve quit already, and haven’t bought another pack after they ran out this morning. And whilst I’m horny as hell, I feel less into blue movies, like wtf am I even looking at this. Then again this might just be my hypomania getting better from the zinc, so symptoms of addictions, hypersexuality, are also improving. Oh and I forgot one. I joined the gym yesterday like I’ve had bursts of energy and a feeling I can do anything, but haven’t been yet, mainly due to my recent worsening insomnia and this new cough. And another thing is I’m getting more done, I had to make several road trips today and just did them without the feeling of cba I’ve had for awhile now. I guess I’ve generally got more energy than I’m use to having. Anyway I thought these behavioural changes since supplementing zinc were interesting to note.

Let us know how all that goes.

 I can't imagine what consuming 10 grams of C is like.

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#27 pamojja

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Posted 06 December 2022 - 12:07 PM

Let us know how all that goes.

 I can't imagine what consuming 10 grams of C is like.


In my case taking in average 26 g/d for 14 years I feel nothing special.


Of couse, I could perceive many health difficulties solving, but nothing directly felt. Taking a glass of water with ascorbic acid powder right before sleep will make most get up during sleep to pee, but noting other than that.

Have you tried zinc picolinate?


Mostly used other forms. But when trying feeling no difference to other forms.

#28 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2022 - 09:05 AM

So I got my Zinc Bisglycinate yesterday, took 100mg. Didn’t notice any positive sexual benefits like I do with picolinate, nor tighter/swelling muscles. But last night I had a lot of dreams, and seemed to have slept well. My wound on my ear feels worse though. So it’s really hard to tell if it’s working or not. Probably getting a good sleep will be my main indicator now, and also seeing how my wound heals.


Also the sleep quality is essential for me. While I observed benefits from zinc picolinate, the worsened sleep quality made it not worth it at all (averaging 6 hours instead of 8 as recorded by my snore app). I’ve felt like a zombie the past few days because my sleep quality has deteriorated. So I’m hoping my sleep quality will get even better over time. I popped 150mg this morning.

Also I forgot to mention I started developing dermatitis on my knuckles area. That seems to have gotten much better on zinc picolinate. So I’m hoping the last bits will disappear in bisglycinate.

Edited by Mr Serendipity, 07 December 2022 - 09:18 AM.

#29 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 07 December 2022 - 12:11 PM

Okay my coughs come back, my wounds are more painful, and I’m not feeling any effect from 150mg  of zinc bisglycinate. I’ve just ordered some zinc citrate and zinc gluconate. I’m just going to alternate between the 3, and hope one of them is working. I hate the fact zinc picolinate works so well but destroys my sleep.


Edit: actually I’m going to try some Good State Ionic Zinc. I actually used their ionic magnesium years ago and it cured my cramps, so I’m hoping their zinc will be just as good.

Edited by Mr Serendipity, 07 December 2022 - 12:23 PM.

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#30 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 08 December 2022 - 07:04 PM

I think the zinc is working. The biggest effect is calming my mind. Today after I took the ionic zinc, as well as the zinc bisglycinate, I was extremely zen and clear headed while driving, it was a bit surreal, and I was also popping erections to naughty thoughts. Also my healing ability has gone up, noticing my throat and ear that is, I did end up buying cigarettes yesterday and smoking again, but it feels more of a habit and less of an addiction now, something I feel I will be able to break easier.


I will say after years of trying a lot of different supplements and stacks to help my ocd and bipolar symptoms, adding zinc has made a hell of a difference, maybe even the most, and I didn’t take anything else today except zinc and 2g of vitamin c (and still experienced that surreal zen moment while driving as aforementioned).


Also I had my first experience of zinc nausea with the ionic zinc, but it went away quickly when I ate something. The ionic zinc also has fulvic acid in it to help absorption, so I wonder if that had anything to do with the zen effects, regardless that experience left an impression today.


Anyway to stop the derailment of this thread’s topic further, I’ll post any future zinc experiences in the following thread: https://www.longecit...hanged-my-life/

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