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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Gene Therapy, Analysis and Intervention Special Interest Group - GeneSIG

gene therapy gene analysis genetic intervention

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#1 Johnny Adams

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Posted 06 December 2022 - 06:19 PM

I believe gene therapy, along with resetting the epigenome toward youth/cellular reprogramming, hold greatest long term promise for open ended life.


If you think I’m wrong - or know of others that would be better - let me know and I'll take that course.  Would possibly help you. 

My contact info is below.


Who’s on board for a Gene Therapy, Analysis and Intervention Special Interest Group (GeneSIG)?


For gene therapy, greatest emphasis will probably be on minicircles.


For genome analysis and intervention, let me know if you know of a better way –

For now for analysis then intervention, we could start here and learn how to use the Just-DNA-seq / Oakvar system.



While awaiting my gene sequencing kit, I'm going through this video workshop and taking detailed notes.  Need to go through it more times. We could do that together.


Note from the moderator.  We have learned from previous SIGs.

This group is for members who see the potential, and are really motivated to make advances.

Everyone will be expected to make some form of contribution.  Anyone just along for the ride, hoping to capitalize on everyone else's work, will be dropped.


Probably the two best candidates to get your genes sequenced are

Nebula https://holidays.nebula.org/

and Dante https://shop.dantegenomics.com/


I have heard of $100 kits.  If you know of a reliable one that's available right now, please let us know.


Contact directly at 1-949-922-9786 or email JAdams@AgingInterventionFoundation.org if interested.





#2 LifeGoesOn

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Posted 07 January 2023 - 09:17 PM

What exactly are you seeking to accomplish here? For those in the USA especially, I am confident that I can help in more than one way. New to this forum, just joined today. Not sure where to start but did so by searching for "gene therapy" and this caught my attention. I am interested in getting involved. Considered calling or messaging you but not sure of board rules. Please get in touch, while noting that I am apparently limited to only 4 more posts until April 5th, 2023. Any guidance, support, etc on using the forum would also be appreciated. I hope to hear back from you. Thanks for reading. Cheers.


***I have attached one of my favorite pictures of a shrimp from a group whose hearts grew out of their bodies eventually killing them. Just a sample of one of my fun experiments/very early "proof of principle". In this experiment (really just for fun/passing time), I electroporated a plasmid expressing a anti-hsMSTN protein under the control of the CMV promoter. n=10 for each group and was repeated thrice. Some details left out due to using a "proprietary" method in the process.


I look forward to working with you guys (and gals) to advance science. Lets live beyond our years!!! It is not IF, it is WHEN, of course! -Case


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: gene therapy, gene analysis, genetic intervention

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