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Richest man Elon Musk’s pronouns are “Prosecute/Fauci”


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#181 Hip

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Posted 12 April 2024 - 05:39 AM

Good article mocking Elon Musk for his clanger of a comment that the pandemic would end in April 2020:


Elon Musk, who predicted the Covid pandemic would end in April 2020, suggests Fauci should be prosecuted


The reason that Musk was against lockdowns ans social distancing has nothing to do with pandemic science, and I suspect more to do with the way lockdowns affected his businesses and his profits.

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#182 Florin

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Posted 12 April 2024 - 06:45 AM

Good article mocking Elon Musk for his clanger of a comment that the pandemic would end in April 2020:


Elon Musk, who predicted the Covid pandemic would end in April 2020, suggests Fauci should be prosecuted


The reason that Musk was against lockdowns ans social distancing has nothing to do with pandemic science, and I suspect more to do with the way lockdowns affected his businesses and his profits.


Sure, that was a dumb claim by Musk, but OTOH, it wasn't entirely unreasonable for Musk to have been against the first lockdown lasting too long.


At any rate, I'm sure that the recommendations of experts like Fauci lead to a lot more death and suffering than whatever Musk said or did.


Your claim that Fauci didn't recommend respirators because that would lead to less masking makes no sense. Many high-risk people would almost certainly wear respirators and with high compliance. If comfort was really an issue for some, more comfortable respirators could have easily been developed and distributed. 

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#183 Mind

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Posted 12 April 2024 - 05:48 PM

One thing I don't think most non-US people are aware of is the grotesque history of the US military and intelligence agencies.


They exposed sailors to nuclear radiation. Then lied about it.

They sprayed pneumonia bacteria over San Francisco to see how the disease would spread. Then lied about it.

The US government conducted a secret experiment to spread syphilis among black men. Then lied about it.

The US government conducted secret mind control experiments using drugs and other methods with unsuspecting innocent civilians (MKUltra). Then they lied about it.

....and many many more disgusting secret experiments.


The last one listed - MK Ultra was particularly awful. The thousands of innocent US civilians whose lives and minds were destroyed, complained to everyone who would listen that they were being experimented upon by the government. The US government (with the national media on board - like now) claimed these people were crazy, mentally ill, and weird conspiracy theorists. Sound familiar? Many of these people had productive happy lives and ended up dying in mental hospitals as the US government tried to cover their tracks. It should make you sick to read about this.


Now we have Dr. Fauci, brazingly and obviously lying to the public about gain of function research. People who were working with him and other researchers were using private email when talking about GOF research, because they didn't want anyone to see what they were talking about.


People should WANT answers and want them now! A drug that never passed a legitimate human or animal trial was just given to billions of people. The reason? Very likely because of an engineered virus created in Wuhan and funded by Dr. Fauci, Francis Collins, Google-supported EcoHealth, etc...

Edited by Mind, 12 April 2024 - 05:48 PM.

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#184 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 12 April 2024 - 06:22 PM

Good article mocking Elon Musk for his clanger of a comment that the pandemic would end in April 2020:


Elon Musk, who predicted the Covid pandemic would end in April 2020, suggests Fauci should be prosecuted


The reason that Musk was against lockdowns ans social distancing has nothing to do with pandemic science, and I suspect more to do with the way lockdowns affected his businesses and his profits.


So Musk was wrong about the pandemic ending in 2020. So what? He's a private citizen. Fauci and Brix - the people running our Covid pandemic response - gave us "Fifteen days to stop the spread" and predicted the vaccines would end the pandemic once they were available. They were wrong too. 


But the argument for prosecuting Fauci has nothing to do with him being wrong. People are wrong all the time. Particularly in my experience people that work in the government. But being wrong isn't a criminal offense.


What Fauci did went far beyond merely being wrong. Fauci and the NIAID were funding gain of function research through EcoHealth Alliance at the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the time when the US had a prohibition in place against US federal money being used for that sort of research. 


Fauci then sought to squash any suggestion that sar-cov2 had come from WIV, even though his advisors were telling him the virus looked engineered. Most likely because he was well aware that he probably had a hand in funding that research.


Then Fauci repeatedly lied to Congress about NIAID money being used to fund gain of function research. Going to the extreme of making up his own personal definition of gain of function that basically boiled down to "Whatever we funded, that's not gain of function".


Dr. Fauci has repeatedly lied during this entire pandemic. He's lied to the public, and he's lied to Congress. And he funded research that he was specifically prohibited from funding. 


He's done more than enough to earn a little prosecutorial inquiry.

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#185 Hip

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Posted 12 April 2024 - 07:16 PM

What Fauci did went far beyond merely being wrong. Fauci and the NIAID were funding gain of function research through EcoHealth Alliance at the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the time when the US had a prohibition in place against US federal money being used for that sort of research. 


In which case, why aren't Musk' pronouns "prosecute EcoHealth Alliance and its leader Dr Peter Daszak for conceiving and running the project, prosecute the Wuhan Institute for hosting the project, and the NIH and Fauci for funding the project"?

Edited by Hip, 12 April 2024 - 07:16 PM.

#186 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 15 April 2024 - 04:52 PM

In which case, why aren't Musk' pronouns "prosecute EcoHealth Alliance and its leader Dr Peter Daszak for conceiving and running the project, prosecute the Wuhan Institute for hosting the project, and the NIH and Fauci for funding the project"?


I'm sure that Musk would be onboard with "Prosecute Daszak", but outside of a fairly small circle few in the general public know who Peter Daszak is and his roll in Covid-19.


And, I'm not entirely sure he's broken federal law. Maybe? Not sure. It was definitely illegal to spend federal funds on Gain of Function research for several years while this was going on, so Fauci signing off it it was an illegal act. Was it an illegal act to receive funds for a grant that you applied for and spend them per the details of the grant? I don't know the legalities of this. Maybe, maybe not.

#187 Mind

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Posted 30 April 2024 - 05:24 PM

The FBI found it "ALARMING!" that Dr. Fauci and the NIH were funding "Gain Of Function" research.


Later, DR. Fauci lied and said he was not funding gain of function research. To this day, the US national media continues to ignore the story, to all of our detriment.

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#188 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 30 April 2024 - 06:13 PM

The FBI found it "ALARMING!" that Dr. Fauci and the NIH were funding "Gain Of Function" research.


Later, DR. Fauci lied and said he was not funding gain of function research. To this day, the US national media continues to ignore the story, to all of our detriment.


Yes, that is rather alarming. And illegal at one point.


And Fauci still says he didn't fund gain of function research by the expedient of having his own personal definition of "gain of function" that no one else in the world uses and is basically defined as "Something that was never funded by Tony Fauci". 

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#189 Dorian Grey

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Posted 01 May 2024 - 02:48 PM

Fauci's pal Peter Daszak / EcoHealth is getting grilled on capitol hill today.  




Republicans demand criminal investigation into key figure in the COVID origins scandal for his links to gain of function research in Wuhan: 'This is the closest we will get to questioning a Chinese spy'


On Wednesday, ahead of a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing with Daszak, the body released a report calling for a criminal investigation into the scientist and EcoHealth for violating his government grant agreements and legal reporting requirements. 

'Peter Daszak is the closest this committee will ever get to questioning a Chinese spy,' Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, who sits on the committee, exclusively told DailyMail.com in a statement.

 'His direct role in providing funding for the Wuhan Lab and his lies and personal involvement in the COVID cover up that followed were directly responsible for the public health and economic disaster that followed.'


Hope we get some red meat on Fauci!  

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#190 Mind

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Posted 01 May 2024 - 05:51 PM

The paper trail showing the US funding GOF research is detailed and decades long. Some of the researchers - INCLUDING DR. FAUCI - spoke openly about it in interviews and at conferences. Yet - now we are to believe them that they NEVER funded GOF research. If you are dumb as the US National media, I guess you can be deceived.

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#191 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 01 May 2024 - 09:03 PM

The paper trail showing the US funding GOF research is detailed and decades long. Some of the researchers - INCLUDING DR. FAUCI - spoke openly about it in interviews and at conferences. Yet - now we are to believe them that they NEVER funded GOF research. If you are dumb as the US National media, I guess you can be deceived.


She's right about it not being an open question - the US (and specifically NIAID and Dr. Fauci) has funded gain of function research - before, during, and after the temporary ban that was instituted back in 2014. NIAID did use EcoHealth Alliance essentially to launder federal money that was eventually passed on to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This really isn't a debatable issue. We have the receipts. It's just our mainsteam media here in the US won't really challenge Fauci on his ludicrous  assertions that his organization didn't fund GOF.
This shouldn't surprise anyone. Anthony Fauci was on record in a published paper stating that even if gain of function research results in a global pandemic it was worth the deaths.


Money quote:


In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.

Within the research community, many have expressed concern that important research progress could come to a halt just because of the fear that someone, somewhere, might attempt to replicate these experiments sloppily. This is a valid concern.



Out of curiosity I'm wondering if there is anyone here that would like to make the argument that sars-cov2 did not more likely than not originate at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

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#192 Dorian Grey

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Posted 03 May 2024 - 03:09 AM

Uh-Oh!  https://www.zerohedg...cution-imminent


Peter Daszak Perjures Himself Before Congress: Criminal Prosecution Imminent?


"It came to light that month that the Republican House had successfully cajoled EcoHealth president Peter Daszak — the dutiful conduit through which Anthony Fauci funneled gain-of-function research cash to the Wuhan lab from whence COVID likely emerged — to subject himself to questioning under oath (meaning, importantly, under threat of perjury) on May 1."


"During his closed-door transcribed interview with the Committees on November 14, 2023, Dr. Daszak made multiple statements inconsistent with documents and evidence reviewed by the Committees. This raises serious questions about the veracity of EcoHealth’s public statements, including its insistence that the research it funded at the WIV could not have caused the pandemic.

The Chairs are calling on Dr. Daszak to address the discrepancies in his testimony and publicly explain EcoHealth’s relationship with the WIV.”

#193 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 03 May 2024 - 05:11 AM

Uh-Oh!  https://www.zerohedg...cution-imminent


Peter Daszak Perjures Himself Before Congress: Criminal Prosecution Imminent?


"It came to light that month that the Republican House had successfully cajoled EcoHealth president Peter Daszak — the dutiful conduit through which Anthony Fauci funneled gain-of-function research cash to the Wuhan lab from whence COVID likely emerged — to subject himself to questioning under oath (meaning, importantly, under threat of perjury) on May 1."


"During his closed-door transcribed interview with the Committees on November 14, 2023, Dr. Daszak made multiple statements inconsistent with documents and evidence reviewed by the Committees. This raises serious questions about the veracity of EcoHealth’s public statements, including its insistence that the research it funded at the WIV could not have caused the pandemic.

The Chairs are calling on Dr. Daszak to address the discrepancies in his testimony and publicly explain EcoHealth’s relationship with the WIV.”


Just don't hold your breath waiting for Daszak to be held accountable for this perjury.


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#194 Mind

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Posted 16 May 2024 - 05:54 PM

Nothing says "criminal" more than refusing answer questions about the origins of COVID and the pandemic response than "I am not answering your questions". (Francis Collins)


The US has finally suspended funding of a portion of gain-of-function research. If it was benign and safe, the funding would continue. Now when will there be a criminal investigation into Google-funded ECOHealth?

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#195 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 16 May 2024 - 06:36 PM

Nothing says "criminal" more than refusing answer questions about the origins of COVID and the pandemic response than "I am not answering your questions". (Francis Collins)


The US has finally suspended funding of a portion of gain-of-function research. If it was benign and safe, the funding would continue. Now when will there be a criminal investigation into Google-funded ECOHealth?


In a free and democratic country public servants shouldn't be permitted to refuse to answer questions like that. 

#196 Dorian Grey

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Posted 02 June 2024 - 04:14 PM

Just a heads-UP, the Fauch is going to be on the hot seat on Monday, June 3, answering questions that resulted from a January investigation.  




"Republicans put out the full transcript of their sit down interview with Fauci from January just days before his highly-anticipated public testimony on Monday. 

They plan to grill him about covid restrictions he put in place, that he admitted didn't do much to 'slow the spread' of the virus. "



We might want to take a look at this and discuss Monday night!  

#197 Dorian Grey

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Posted 04 June 2024 - 04:08 AM

Enjoying the show!  










Sorry...  Couldn't resist throwing in Koyaanisqatsi at the end.  It just seemed to fit. 

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#198 Dorian Grey

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Posted 05 June 2024 - 04:55 AM

Vinay Prasad, MD MPH; Physician & Professor Hematologist/ Oncologist Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medicine Author of 500+ Peer Reviewed papers, 2 Books, 2 Podcasts, 100+ op-eds...




Grades Fauci

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#199 Mind

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Posted 14 June 2024 - 04:57 PM

Just a reminder that Dr. Fauci used to talk about "GAIN-OF-FUNCTION" research all the time at various conferences. Now he pretends like it barely existed or he knew nothing about it or it wasn't really gain-of-function research......a whole lot of BS.


According to many sources and grant applications, the US was leading this type of research with coronaviruses, monkeypox, bird flu, marburg, etc....

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#200 Mind

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Posted 03 October 2024 - 10:15 AM

Yet more bombshell evidence arrives that Dr. Fauci, the NIH, and the current US administration was deceiving the public about the research going on in Wuhan.


No one in the current US executive branch cares. No one will be held accountable. We are at the mercy of corrupt, incompetent, and unethical health bureaucrats.

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#201 Mind

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Posted 13 November 2024 - 06:59 PM

Another FOIA request proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dr. Fauci was routinely lying to the public and to congress. Fauci claimed he barely knew Ralph Baric, but behind the scenes, he was meeting with Baric.


I still don't think most people appreciate the scope of lies and deception during the COVID panic, or they do know, but are too embarrassed to admit it. I am embarrassed that I fell for the fake "fear campaign" very early in the COVID panic. I am happy to be looking at things more rationally now.

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#202 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 13 November 2024 - 07:44 PM

Another FOIA request proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dr. Fauci was routinely lying to the public and to congress. Fauci claimed he barely knew Ralph Baric, but behind the scenes, he was meeting with Baric.


I still don't think most people appreciate the scope of lies and deception during the COVID panic, or they do know, but are too embarrassed to admit it. I am embarrassed that I fell for the fake "fear campaign" very early in the COVID panic. I am happy to be looking at things more rationally now.


Fauci couldn't even be honest about the mere definition of what "Gain of Function Research" was. He repeatedly lied about that by inventing a definition that no one had ever used before so he could claim that research he had helped fund wasn't it.


In my opinion the man should see the inside of a prison at some point.

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#203 Dorian Grey

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Posted 17 November 2024 - 11:32 PM

Looks like the Fauch has his own private army, financed by you & I.




Elon Musk's 'DOGE' wants to cut protection for Fauci and drag queen parties as part of Trump's $1.9 trillion cut


The government's former top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci, has doubtless served his country for many years.

Still, many taxpayers may resent the whopping $15 million they've spent on his private security detail since he retired.

A public records request by Open The Books showed that Fauci got a publicly-funded chauffeur and a dedicated security team of US Marshals.

The former official has been subject to death threats over the hard-line anti-Covid measures he helped impose during the pandemic.

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#204 Mind

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Posted 25 November 2024 - 07:04 PM

A new documentary detailing the unethical actions of Dr. Fauci.


It is amazing that Dr. Fauci continues to get awards from the "health" bureaucracy and national media outlets in the US. Talk about bizarro world. Hopefully the truth will come out soon. Dr. Fauci definitely lied to congress and to the American public. Are there worse things to be revealed?

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#205 Dorian Grey

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Posted 04 December 2024 - 11:38 PM

Biden aides mulling preemptive pardons for Dr. Fauci, Liz Cheney and host of Trump critics in his line of fire




Aides of President Joe Biden are debating whether the outgoing Democratic president should issue preemptive pardons for figures President-elect Donald Trump has named as his political enemies.

Politico reported Wednesday that among those being discussed for blanket pardons are former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney, Sen.-elect Adam Schiff and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

One of Trump's top allies on Capitol Hill, GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, has repeatedly called on Fauci to be jailed.

'You should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong in prison, Dr. Fauci,' she said during one Congressional hearing. 

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#206 Mind

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Posted 05 December 2024 - 04:47 PM

Biden aides mulling preemptive pardons for Dr. Fauci, Liz Cheney and host of Trump critics in his line of fire




Aides of President Joe Biden are debating whether the outgoing Democratic president should issue preemptive pardons for figures President-elect Donald Trump has named as his political enemies.

Politico reported Wednesday that among those being discussed for blanket pardons are former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney, Sen.-elect Adam Schiff and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

One of Trump's top allies on Capitol Hill, GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, has repeatedly called on Fauci to be jailed.

'You should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong in prison, Dr. Fauci,' she said during one Congressional hearing. 


If Dr. Fauci (and Collins, and Baric, et al) are pre-emptively pardoned, it is prima facia evidence they are guilty of crimes, and....




Never follow any of the CDC's guidance.


Don't listen to your County health service.


Don't believe the FDA.

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#207 Mind

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Posted 29 December 2024 - 04:14 PM

Don't forget, Dr. Fauci and Google-funded Ecohealth had the "Defuse" white paper where they describe spraying aerosol vaccines in the air to provide immunity to animals and humans.


What type of person even thinks of this?! Or thinks it would be ethical or safe? These are the type of people who currently run the "health" bureaucracy in the US. According to them, you are just a number, a test subject. Your life has little value.

Edited by Mind, 29 December 2024 - 04:14 PM.

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#208 Dorian Grey

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Posted 20 January 2025 - 04:02 PM

Biden Pardons Fauci  Oh My!  




President Joe Biden sparked fury on his way out the door by issuing preemptive pardons for Dr. Anthony Fauci 


Trump's base blames Fauci for strict COVID-19 restrictions, including social distancing, mask wearing, and harsh vaccine mandates that led to many Americans losing their jobs under Biden's leadership.


Fauci is also accused of lying to Congress about the U.S. sending money to fund gain-of-function research at the laboratory in WuhanChina, where the virus is thought to have originated and leaked from.


Fauci told CNN's Dana Bash he is 'very appreciative' of Biden's pardon and still insists that he has done 'nothing wrong.'





#209 Mind

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Posted 20 January 2025 - 05:27 PM

This seals the deal. Fauci was involved in criminal activity.


People at the DOJ know that Fauci is guilty of multiple crimes, otherwise they would not have issued the pardon.


How does a pre-emptive pardon even work? It seems legally dubious. Why does a person who is not currently charged with any crime need a pardon? What crime is he being pardoned for?


The Supreme Court has stated that anyone who accepts a pardon is admitting to a crime. Therefore, hopefully Fauci can be prosecuted and serve prison time in each of the 50 states - consecutive terms.

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#210 Mind

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Posted 20 January 2025 - 06:13 PM

Dr Fauci's pardon goes all the way back to 2014 - because - he was directing gain-of-function research beginning (at least) at that point, if not prior. He knew this was going on and lied to the public. He is a probably a criminal and hopefully he is prosecuted in state courts.


This should bring new clarity to people who are still in the fog of the COVID panic. How much of the COVID panic response was done  - not for the public health - but to cover up crimes and boost the wealth of the world's richest elite? Small businesses were crushed and shuttered during the panic while large soulless corporations grew in wealth and power.

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