Name: Matthew Lake
D.O.B: 21.10.1984
Location: Cardiff, UK
Started CR: March 2005
Pre-CR weight: 118.5lbs (bmi 18.5)
Final CR weight: 105.5lbs (bmi 16.5)
Height and frame: 5ft 7" - small frame
Level of CR: 1700k/cal

Age in photos 21 years 9 months
I started Calorie Restriction when I was 20, after reading a lot of information that is available on the net, I was convinced that it would work, and that I could possibly gain decades of extra life. I've always thought that I could get away with eating anything that I liked, and never gain weight... I have been slightly underweight and just above normal for most of my life. My parents used to take me to the doctors often because they were worried about how skinny I have been growing up. I took part in sports a lot so burned off all that extra junk food calories I ingested everyday, but I didn't exactly over eat either and mostly ate small meals, I couldnt believe how some people could eat a three course meal, I had trouble eating the main meal alone!!! - I literally lived on wholegrain cereals for much of my teens, I ued to eat as much as three bowls of cereal a day. Also ate a lot of baked beans, sometimes had white bread, chips (fries), crisps, sweets and fruit juices. I never went to fast food places that often, maybe once or twice a year.
Even though I never got to experience serious health effects of my diet, I realized that being thin isn't likely to protect me further into the future. Initially I just added a lot of foods with some raw vegetables and fruits, but still ate cakes, milk chocolate, white bread etc.. I still had yet to read walfords books at this point, I didn't track my weight either. So at least 4lbs of my weight loss was not recorded and I have no idea how fast I lost it, probably too fast! - - I must have eaten anywhere from 1500-1700 calories a day (probably closer to 1700 after trying to finding notes on food intake) for a while, this was too much of a restriction but couldn't have been in a serious calorie deficit, because I had never lost more than 1lb a week for months... and I was mainly sedentary during my CR.
After taking some tests everything was fine and my initial serious CR didn't cause any metabolic problems. See blood tests here
I now make sure that my calories stay at 1700k/cal a day. Maybe someday in the future I will lower my calories as I get older, to 1500-1600... but not now as I do not want to lose any more weight. I also weigh all the food that I eat and track nutrient intake with DWIDP.
A typical CR day for me looks a bit like this:
Breakfast - Quaker Oats, Almonds, Walnuts, Banana, Blueberries, Whey Protein powder, Strawberries, Dark chocolate.
Snacks - Strawberry low fat yoghurt, Almonds, AOR Essential Mix
Dinner - Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Carrots OR Sweet Potato, leeks, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Basil, Lemon Juice Salsa, Garlic, Green beans, Balsamic Vinegar, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Tomato sauce (reduced sugar and salt), Onions, Whey protein powder.
Salad - Spinach, Red Cabbage, Red Onion, Garlic, Balsamic Balsamic Vinegar, Tomatoes, Egg whites, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Salsa, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Tomato sauce (reduced sugar and salt).
Snack - Apples, Blueberries
Salmon once every 2 weeks and chicken once a month.
Supplements - AOR Essential Mix, Zinc/Copper Balance (every other day), Zinc 15mg (on the day I don't take zn/cu balance), Green Tea Extract, Calcium/Vitamin D3 and Cod Liver Oil - 10ml 2 times a week
Will I reach a time when real anti aging therapies are developed to reverse aging?
Every kid and young adult seem to think they are immortal and do not foresee the consequences of aging because the effects take years to show up, I have decided to do CR to keep my young both outside and in. As I do CR, I expect in the future to look and feel significantly younger than my peers. At everystage in my life so far I have looked much younger than my age, I usually pass as a 15-16 years old, and I'm almost 22. I expect to keep myself looking young and feeling young for decades to come. I do not know how long it will take for real anti aging therapies to be developed, and I am taking no chances. Why start CR when the signs of aging have already appeared!
I am suprised that other pro life extentionist have not adopted CR, even though the evidence in mounting every year that it is highly effective in preventing diseases. None of us know if we will be the unlucky one and become ill early on in life and miss out on life extension tecnologies by decades. CR offers both protection from premature death to normalize life span, and possible decades of extra life if begun early in life.
I have always been an optimistic person, I sincerely believe CR will work, like Roy Walford said, You have to believe it is going to work to stay on the program, especially serious CR.
If in the unlikely event that CR does not work, then it may have at least prevented premature death and extended my vitality well into my senior years.
Edited by Matt, 19 July 2006 - 08:25 PM.