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China Experiments with Spreading Vaccines Through Mosquitoes


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#1 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 05 January 2023 - 03:23 PM

China Experiments with Spreading Vaccines Through Mosquitoes
Study using mosquitoes to deliver vaccines has Chinese researchers buzzing


So the plan is you create a "harmless vaccine virus", put it in some blood that you then feed to large numbers of mosquitos which you then release into the wild. In particular, areas with with high levels of human populations like cities.


Is this wise? It is ethical? You are after all injecting people with a vaccine that they never consented to. Add in the dimension that this will likely not stay within Chinese borders and will certainly leak into surrounding countries also without their consent.


Does it give anyone any pause that the country that may well have created SARS-CoV-2 in a lab and accidentally let it out, resulting in the deaths of 6.7 million people and continuing to rise would think they can foresee all the unintended consequences of such an action and ensure that nothing negative results from it.

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#2 Mind

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Posted 05 January 2023 - 06:09 PM

Releasing GMO mosquitoes and using them as vectors for accomplishing some environmental or health end has been going on for a few years now.


It happened in Brazil, California, and Florida, among many other places, WITHOUT the consent of the local population.


Of course it is unethical and dangerous. Some researchers and some governments think they should be able to "inject" you with whatever they want without your consent. How could that possibly be ethical at all? According to the Nuremberg Code agreed to by countries of the world a few decades ago, it is illegal.


Not only mosquitoes, but through food as well.


Sone governments are also keen to "treat" people through the water supply as well.



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#3 Mind

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Posted 04 August 2023 - 05:23 PM

Not only China, but the US/NIH is creating a vaccine-through-mosquito program.


This is as awful as it is dangerous. Who are these truly mad and dangerous scientists working on these extremely dangerous technologies that the world does not need.




I feel sorry for the low income less-developed societies of the world or intentionally natural communities (like the Amish). They are going to be swept up in this rush to push dangerous deadly technologies out into the environment. Why the hell do we need vaccines delivered through mosquitoes? NO ONE WANTS THIS except unethical scientists working for the NIH and $$big pharma/Bill Gates$$. Do we really want to wreck the ecosystem so that vaccines can be forced upon unwilling, unknowing, and innocent people.

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#4 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 04 August 2023 - 08:34 PM

These programs are completely unethical. 


Medicine is supposed to operate on the principle of "informed consent". At least that was the understanding after the Nuremburg trials.  This is neither informed nor is there any consent. I wasn't terribly surprised to see that China had such a program, but I am saddened and disappointed that the US is looking into this.


Just think, next time there is another pandemic and some people are feeling uneasy about getting the vaccine, the government can just release a billion genetically modified mosquitoes to give everyone "the jab".  No need to fuss with those troublesome mandates.


<Oprah>You get a vaccine! And you get a vaccine! And you get a vaccine!</Oprah>





Edited by Daniel Cooper, 04 August 2023 - 08:41 PM.

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#5 Mind

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Posted 15 August 2023 - 05:58 PM

Just remembered this video of mad scientists suggesting infecting unknowing people with things that will make them allergic. Who are these awful people? Where is the oversight? Do they just sit around all day thinking about the worst possible ways to destroy human autonomy and health?

#6 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 15 August 2023 - 06:26 PM

You know, the thing that scares me more than pandemics is "brilliant men with grand schemes for humanity".  


Hubris doesn't even begin to describe what is going on in Matthew Liao's noggin.


Rewatching that video, I don't think Mr. Liao has paused for a second to consider the ethics of what he's proposing. To him, people are just lumps of meat to be manipulated as he sees fit.  And the modus operandi for these guys is almost always the same - latch onto some emergency, whether real or contrived to establish the exigent circumstances which allows the ethics to be thrown out the window. "There's an emergency! We don't have time to worry about the morality!". In this case his exigent circumstance is global warming. Therefore infecting you with something that will make you allergic to meat - it's all on the table due to the dire nature of the emergency. Genetically modifying people to be smaller? Why not. There's an emergency don't you know. He's probably got a dozen different ideas of how to tinker with humanity rattling around in his head at any given moment.


Are you to be given informed consent? Is anyone going to ask you if you'd like to be made allergic to meat? How do you get informed consent from the unborn who's genome you plan to monkey around with?


People are like tinker toys to him. Subject to being taken apart, reconfigured, modified, whatever to suit whatever goal he might have at the moment. As long as he's saving the world from something in his mind he doesn't need to think about the morality of what he's proposing.


In human history, mankind has survived innumerable pandemics, climate change to the extent of at least one global ice age, a Roman Warm Period, a Medieval Warm Period, a Little Ice Age, etc. etc. and we're still standing.


Whether we will survived the Matthew Liao's of the world remains to be seen.








Edited by Daniel Cooper, 15 August 2023 - 07:15 PM.

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#7 Mind

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Posted 13 September 2023 - 03:18 PM

Why use mosquitoes if you can just make the vaccines airborne?


At this point researchers seem to be unmoored from any ethical/moral constraints, just proposing and creating things because they are curious or because they can. No matter the danger.

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#8 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 13 September 2023 - 03:37 PM

Why use mosquitoes if you can just make the vaccines airborne?


At this point researchers seem to be unmoored from any ethical/moral constraints, just proposing and creating things because they are curious or because they can. No matter the danger.


Informed consent is so last century.

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#9 Mind

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Posted 30 September 2023 - 10:24 AM

The US government has covertly experimented upon groups of innocent people several times in the past, lied about it, then eventually came clean.


They always have academic (or patriotic) cover for their unethical activities (which has involved infected and killing people with various diseases)


Here is the academic cover for airborne vaccines, or mosquito vaccines, or therapeutics in the water/food supply.


You are too dumb to know what is good for you. The US government is going to "bioenhance" you - for your own good - without your knowledge or consent.

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#10 Mind

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Posted 22 March 2025 - 05:07 PM

The extremely dangerous and irresponsible use of mosquitos to vaccinate people without their knowledge continues.


Is there no one in the world able to stop this? Does anyone care? Are there no responsible ecologists willing to step in? The whole "vaccinate the entire world for every disease under the sun" is on autopilot - it seems. 

#11 Daniel Cooper

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Posted Yesterday, 07:40 PM

The extremely dangerous and irresponsible use of mosquitos to vaccinate people without their knowledge continues.


Is there no one in the world able to stop this? Does anyone care? Are there no responsible ecologists willing to step in? The whole "vaccinate the entire world for every disease under the sun" is on autopilot - it seems. 


All the people in power think they are so much smarter than the average bear and have things all figured out.


They won't pause for a second to consider that they might be wrong about something. 


Hubris doesn't even begin to describe it.

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