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J&J / Janssen / AstraZeneca Long Term Side Effects Data Desert


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#1 Dorian Grey

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Posted 27 March 2023 - 02:38 AM

mRNA vaccine side effects on long term health are the talk of the town nowadays, and sources of information are plentiful enough, but I'm finding NOTHING on long term effects from J&J / Janssen (or AstraZeneca).  


We've all heard of the dreaded thrombotic thrombocytopenia issues that occurred within 30 days of J&J / AZ administration, but if one makes it past the danger zone for this, are there any further worrying long term issues being seen with the adenovirus vector vaccines? 


I know that spike generated from either vaccination or infection has adverse effects on vascular endothelium.  Do we know if J&J / AZ generate more spike than mRNA, or for a longer period of time?  Is there the same immune suppression with J&J / AZ as we see with mRNA?  


I recall seeing data on all cause mortality being lower for J&J (and AstraZeneca) vaccinated, compared to mRNA a while back, but am having trouble finding any other info on long term effects with the adenovirus vector vaccines.  


I expect since AstraZeneca was a similar (and more widely used) adenovirus vector vaccine, any long term effects from A/Z might also apply to J&J, but again, I can't find any long term issues associated with A/Z either.  


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!  

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#2 joesixpack

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Posted 29 March 2023 - 08:37 PM

This article from 2022 discusses the EMA (European Medicines Agency) recommendation to add Transverse Myelitis as a side effect for the J&J and the AstraZeneca vaccines.




A story out today indicates that young women were more likely to die in the 12 weeks following the AstraZeneca vaccine. Analysis found 6 deaths per hundred thousand in young women receiving the AZ vaccine.


That seems to be a long term adverse event.



Edited by joesixpack, 29 March 2023 - 09:04 PM.

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#3 Dorian Grey

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Posted 30 March 2023 - 02:33 AM

Thanks for the input JoeSP.  I got the J&J twice, in April & November 2021, as I wanted to avoid the mRNA jabs.  Took blood thinners for a month both times.  Got what I assume was omicron in January 2022 & recovered without any trouble.  


In January of this year (over a year since my last jab, & exactly a year post omicron), I was hiking up a long hill & got a pain in my chest very much like angina.  I had just donated blood the week before, and anemia can contribute to angina too, but it was quite a shock.  Just a couple years ago, I used to hike up the 100 steps at the convention center downtown without even getting winded, let alone chest pains!  I'm 66 years old, so perhaps time for things to start going wrong.  


I know spike rips up arterial walls, so I was wondering if the adenovirus vector vaccines might generate more spike or for a longer period of time.  Guess I should be glad I didn't get transverse myelitis anyway.  

#4 OldSeattle

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Posted 30 March 2023 - 11:49 PM

Just a warning about the J&J/Jansen  vaccine. My mother, father and I received an initial one dose J&J vaccine about two years ago. None of us had any issues. Then a little over a year ago my father who was 84 at the time had a J&J booster while he was in the Kaiser clinic for a blood draw - he was on warfarin and various other heart meds. Within days of the booster he was completely debilitated and couldn't stand or walk on his own. All he could do was sleep and then struggle with a walker to sit in an easy chair where he'd fall immediately asleep. At the time I didn't even consider that the booster is what caused this. But within days he was in the hospital, the doctors couldn't diagnose anything, no one could visit because of the covid hysteria, I just spoke to the doctors on the phone, after three weeks he was released to a rehab clinic  where he slowly got worse and died. 


Looking back it had to be the booster that caused this. He was 84, but in fairly good shape, he drove, got up and down our stairs with out assistance, was sharp mentally read several books a month. Before the booster nothing had changed in his life, no falls, injuries, illnesses, changes in medication. But within days of the booster he was on deaths door. 


That our "science leaders" like fauci and the goons in the media don't report on this is an outrageous crime. 

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#5 Dorian Grey

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Posted 31 March 2023 - 01:49 AM

Thanks for this OldSeattle.  I've been on a crash course for atherosclerosis, and have read that it never occurs only in the heart, but can always be found throughout the bodies arterial tree.  Have seen a carotid ultrasound for increased thickness of the intima is a good marker for coronary artery disease, without having to go directly to coronary catheterization.  


Cardiac atherosclerosis can present as profound fatigue, carotid atherosclerosis mental decline, and atherosclerosis in aorta or arterial tree can result in overall weakness and difficulty with mobility.  


I don't know that the adenovirus vaccines produce more spike or continue to produce it for extended periods compared to mRNA, but I'm sure the data is out there somewhere.  


Sorry for the loss of your father.  My 91 year old mother went in hospital for a vertebroplasty around Thanksviving.  When the hospitalist saw she wasn't on a statin & her cholesterol was over 200, she was started on 40mg Lipitor; this despite geriatric guidelines calling for lower doses, increased as tolerated. 


The vertebroplasty went well, but by the time she was to be released home, she was too weak to even get out of bed to use a bedside commode.  My sister got her home, & off the statin, but she was now wheelchair bound, and couldn't even lift a spoon to her mouth to feed.  Told her home healthcare nurse she was too weak to defecate.  Developed an acute abdomen (bowel obstruction / fecal impaction) and died in agony within days.  


Wonder how often this sort of thing goes on.  

Edited by Dorian Grey, 31 March 2023 - 01:54 AM.

#6 OldSeattle

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Posted 31 March 2023 - 09:56 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your mother Dorian. Awful! It seems in both our cases the health care system really failed our parents and made their last days miserable.  I believe that the J&J booster my father received caused some kind systemic reaction, perhaps microclots. I remember reading a post by Dr. Robert Malone who said there were a lot of "hot" doses of covid vaccines that could be up to 10X stronger than what they should be. This was due to rushed production and poor quality control-were they made in India?  Which reminds me of talking to an ultrasound tech who was checking my fathers heart early in the vaccination campaign. I asked her if she was able to get vaccinated and she said yes, her first dose of the moderna vaccine went well, but the second dose was worse than any flu or illness that she had ever had. It raised some alarm bells with me at the time but my parents and were convinced that the vaccines were safe and effective and I spent countless hours trying to get an appointment for our first dose. And I have to say the first J&J caused us no side effects. 


Recently, I took my mother to her doctors appointment with Kaiser and a medical assistant brought up getting a covid booster and I explained emphatically that it was a death shot, it killed my father and they're at best useless, especially with the omicron variant being no worse than a cold. My 81 year old mother and I are just getting over are second case of covid and it felt like a head cold, sniffles and coughs. The first time we caught it, it was like a soft case of the flu. Not fun but over in a week. 


The worst aspect of this hysteria was not being able to see my father while he was in the hospital for three weeks. I don't believe the doctors were negligent but they were poking around in the dark. If I was there and able to explain his abrupt changes and symptoms they might have been able to help him. All they ended up doing was scanning him endlessly to no effect. 


Anyway, before this I had a poor view of US medical care now it's at the nadir. I wished I had never called the ambulance, at least he would have died in his home without being prodded and injected for the last two months of his life. 

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#7 Dorian Grey

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Posted 31 March 2023 - 03:26 PM

I worked in healthcare for 35 years as a Surgical Technologist, and have known many surgeons who I would gladly wash their feet if they asked.  Others are so bad, you wonder how they've managed to keep practicing all the years they have.  


I always thought the boffins at the top of the research ladder and pharmaceutical companies were genuinely interested in improving healthcare, so the COVID years have been quite a shock to me.  I had noticed before, Big Pharma and the FDA were phasing out many good old drugs in favor of expensive new drugs that are more dangerous and don't work as well.  


The new guidelines for cholesterol and blood pressure, bumping most every senior into treatment range are truly disgraceful, and the SSRI & PPI meds they hand out like candy are hurting a lot of innocent and unsuspecting patients.  I stumbled across the term "Pharmageddon" a few years back, and the definition says it all: 


"A dystopian scenario wherein medicine and the pharmaceuticals industry have a net detrimental effect on human health and medical progress does more harm than good".  


Modern American Medicine has become one giant Sham-Show.  God help us if we can't turn this ship around!  

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