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Longevity: Simplified and Safe for the amateur


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#1 RRRocketMan

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Posted 09 April 2023 - 06:23 AM

Hello everyone.  I'm new here so I hope you all go easy on me ;)  Been reading these threads off and on for a while.  I'm pushing 40, 5'8" and 115 lbs, owing to the fact that I fast naturally (no thought put into it... I've been like that my whole life.  1 meal a day).  I have a somewhat protein heavy diet, no formal exercise but I do chores and reno work often to keep active and go outside to play sports occasionally.  I consider my real age to be consistent with my chronological age, if not slightly less than it.  I don't do any drugs but I binge drink and then nothing for days so that's not great.  My sleep could use some work as I have moderate apnea.  Just trying to lay out the foundation here.  In the past I have taken TA-65, Curcumin, Resveratrol, and C60 (VW and C60OO.com).  I did a fitness test the first time tried the C60 and there appeared to be a benefit according to my measurements but that's all I bothered to do.


I've been reading the super active thread "over there" with all the awesomeness coming from Turnbuckle.  I can't say I understand it very well as I'm more of a student of the physical sciences, not the life sciences.  But I get the gist of it for the most part.  What I would like to do however is try to aggregate the plethora of knowledge into an abbreviated and perhaps muted list of things that are generally considered no brainers to do.  Instead of being on the bleeding edge of science, this pursuit is more of a modest and practical approach, capturing the obvious benefits that are maximally safe and easy for most people to implement practically without being biochemists or having centrifuges at home.  It wouldn't necessarily yield the maximum possible effect but it would be better than doing nothing and most importantly safe and easy.  The idea is if you can't do everything there is to do, then to try to cherry-pick the biggies and call it good enough.  Rather than go on with my wordiness maybe it's a bit easier to just jump into it and that might convey a clearer picture.




Since making this stuff at home isn't the most practical option for everyone, I'd like to know the consensus on what the absolute least harmful form of it is which can be bought, the dosage, etc.


Is it C60OliveOil.com / MCT Oil / 10mL/day?  (Previously I had taken 5mL/day of the OO)




Now here's where things get complicated for me.  My understanding is that there are these 2 phenomenons of fusion and fission that have to be addressed correctly in conjunction with taking C60, else it won't work or may even make things worse.  I don't know if my natural caloric restriction is already helping with this or not so I'd like to know if that's an "ingredient" in a good regimen because eating less and less often is something anyone can do without taking risks with supplements.


Is fusion the default complement for a C60 regime and when should you incorporate fission, if at all?


Going with the fusion path, I see that Stearic acid is often discussed in the form of flakes and heated into food like hot chocolate or brownies.  Can we have a link to a product that is known to work well?  What dosage and how often should it be taken?


Another thing I hear a lot about is increasing NAD+ by means of Nicotinamide + Ribose.  Similarly, are there product links and dosages which take the guesswork out of this one?  Googling this stuff produces an intimidating list of multiple choice and I don't trust myself to know which is the right one.


In 1 post I noticed Astragalus Root (TA-65) mentioned under the fusion category but Turnbuckle repeatedly stated it's bad to take this unless you "need it".  I'm paraphrasing here so apologies if that's not what he meant.  I take it when I get sick and it seems to work but what I'm getting here is you shouldn't take it for longevity with the above ingredients.  So I'm confused about this.  If it promotes fusion, is it compatible or incompatible with the above and when if at all should you take it?



To summarize that big mess:


Things to take on a long-term basis for mild longevity benefits:


C60 (which product, how much, how long?)

Stearic Acid (which product, how much, how long?)

Nicotinamide + Ribose (which product, how much, how long?)

Caloric Restriction

Mild Exercise


Any switch to fission or is this only necessary under specific circumstances?  Sorry, my understanding of these terms is pedestrian at best.  I equate it to building things vs tearing them down.



1 more addition to this list might be the simplest, easiest form of diagnostic available to crudely gauge whether you're going in the right direction.  I mean, is there anything other than this spit/DNA test to determine your real age, that can serve as a litmus test?  In the first paragraph I mentioned a "fitness test" which consisted of an Arduino strapped to my arm which measured the total number of heart beats needed to run the exact same stretch of street every day.  This I equated to "fitness" and was a pretty decent metric I must say, for tracking the day to day changes, which were partly due to exercise but seemingly enhanced by the addition of C60.  So any age-related diagnostic that might be more practical than a mail in lab test, would be appreciated.



This is a living document so feel free to totally obliterate it and make a nicer one because consolidating information neatly is not my strong suit.  Thanks for your patience :)

Edited by RRRocketMan, 09 April 2023 - 06:38 AM.

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