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AI and people and people and God - circumstantional simmilarities

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#1 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 10 May 2023 - 09:54 PM

I am not religeous, but I found some simmilarities in the situations.


Accordinf to the Bible, God has made the two first people - Adam and Eva to admire the universe, which He created, put them in the wonderfull garden, where they could eat from the fruits of the tree of life and forbid them to eat from the fruits of the tree of knowledge.


Is it possible He to have known, that when eating from the fruits of knowledge, and moving into a superior level of intellect, the people will become a threat for Himself.


Just as the situation now with the mankind and the AI - once AI moves into a certain superior level of intellect, it becomes a threat for its creators, e.g. the mankind.


The people in the Bible should have enough intellect only to admire His creations, but not enough to start creating themselves and move one step towards the God condition. Just like the situation today, many people believed, that the AI is a help in their proffessions, but neglecting the possibility to overwhelm them.


People have been made practically immortal from God, by providing them the fruits of the tree of life. We may argue that the AI is also immortal and may exist until there are spare parts for its repairment.


I think, that there is what to be discussed. 


#2 Mind

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Posted 11 May 2023 - 05:35 PM

Religion, consciousness, and spirituality will all be disrupted and/or transformed by AI or superintelligence. Advanced AI will be able to manipulate humans into believing pretty much anything. It will be a difficult time in the next year or so.

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