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#1 John Schloendorn

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Posted 24 July 2006 - 05:35 PM

At the LysoSENS project here in Tempe, we are looking for reinforcements.

We offer:
- The opportunity to truly make a difference and bring SENS research forward (see below).
- Flexible conditions: Your responsibilities will reflect your qualifications. Apply to come for weeks, months or permanently.
- Cutting edge working environment & a reputable entry on your CV, see www.biodesign.org
- Research credits for a degree at Arizona State, if you are pursuing one. If elsewhere, you can probably get this work accredited, too.
- Enabling financial support, but no competitive salary.

We want:
- The motivation to make personal sacrifices in order to help with curing aging.
- Experience in molecular biology, specifically at least some of the following would be advantageous:

- Culture of microorganisms
- Molecular cloning
- Mutagenesis
- Genetic engineering
- Bioinformatics
- Synthetic organic chemistry
- Analytic organic chemistry (HPLC, MS, NMR, ect.)
- Social & leadership skills

Before the Methuselah Foundation will see massive philantropic donations, it needs to show that it can successfully fund and supervise SENS research. Since the challenge got the gerontologists talking, this seems to be pretty much the only remaining limiting factor. If you think so too, then let's do it. Send me your motivation & resume: Zauberkugel@yahoo.com

You can learn about the basics of LysoSENS here, here, here and here.

Disclaimer: This is a non-binding invitation. The situation presented here may change.

Edited by John Schloendorn, 24 July 2006 - 06:57 PM.

#2 eternaltraveler

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Posted 24 July 2006 - 08:53 PM

I for one can say it's fantastic to work here in Tempe. The facilities are excellent, as are the people.

Best of all is working on something directly dealing with our problems. As opposed to other avenues which may be only tangentially involved.

#3 JonesGuy

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Posted 24 July 2006 - 10:33 PM

Y'all going to post this on other boards? I wish you excellent luck.

#4 Mark Hamalainen

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Posted 25 July 2006 - 02:53 AM

I can vouch for the facilities and the colleagues, they don't come any better.

Watch out for the blowing sand though... [thumb]


#5 John Schloendorn

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Posted 25 July 2006 - 11:56 AM

Questions by Opales:

1) Could you specify a little bit more what do you mean by "financial support but not competitive salary"? US in general has quite good salaries, so that may mean totally different things to you guys than what it means here in Finland. Is the "financial support" something one can live on (and perhaps have enough left to make my monthly Three Hundered payments), or must one take some additional job? I could perhaps work some deal here to involve some kind of scholarship, but can't really know for sure without making extensive inquiries.

2) I am about to (in few months) receive my Master's Degree on Industrial Management (essentially a business degree), but from a technical university (thus quite a bit of physical sciences in my degree) with a minor in systems analysis (=applied math), do you think you could have use for a person like me? I did not fit under any of the required expertise really, except for impressive social and leadership skills (which I even have training for in the army and university), but I do think my knowledge of relevant biology is starting to get quite good, I have for example been able plough through all the SENS papers with fairly good understanding what they were about. Especially important is that my learning curve has been quite steep. Of the wished expertises bioinformatics was probably closest as my minor covers all the required math courses for a bioinformatics degree in my school (the math courses make up about 50% of the degree). Furthermore I could perhaps do some relevant studies on my spare time prior to arriving, that's what I do anyway already (and lately during my working hours too which is not good). Currently I am a starting business researcher and have been involved in research/academic type work most of my studies, except for a period I was involved in a (non-technical) start-up initiated by fellow students. Obviously my motivation is super high, I am rather obsessed with defeating aging and I would be willing to move to US and stay there permanently because of this. I have been actively trying to look for opportunities to transfer to a relevant field but that seems rather hard without a right degree.

1) I believe having another job would be detrimental to your value in the lab and I would therefore attempt to do what it takes to make it unnecessary. The support should enable the motivated individual to fully concentrate on the lab work, but do no more than that. Its exact magnitude is a matter of negotiation, depending on individual needs, qualifications, and our future financial possibilities. It will certainly leave room for 300 payments.

2) I am afraid I am interested in actual "experience", i.e. having self-responsibly applied these methods to a real problem, not just theoretical knowledge about them. This is especially true for bioinformatics. Also, the need is more urgent for lab-workers than for informaticians, because there are currently few lab workers (more or less just one permanent one). The group would need to accumulate a certain amount of non-informaticians, before a specialized informatician becomes beneficial and it is not clear if this is ever going to happen in Tempe.

The need for informatics is usually greater in the nascent mito-SENS project, but I'm not aware of many details.

A long term goal is certainly to commercialize this stuff, when the need for business persons will be huge!

#6 caston

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Posted 25 July 2006 - 12:29 PM

Please give me any advice that could help me to skill myself as a worthy candidate, for future requirements, while I work my way through the molecular biology course I have just started.



#7 John Schloendorn

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Posted 25 July 2006 - 01:16 PM

Hmm, it's very difficult to predict what this field is going to do in several years time... If you're interested in LysoSENS in particular, my best guess is that in several years, it will be the time of advanced proteomics methods, such as protein microarrays, LC/MS, tandem MS, whole-genome methods, and also directed evolution. Perhaps we will gradually transit from the methods described above to these, over the years. An additional field that will hopefully exist then is the application of our discoveries in animal models of acquired storage diseases.
But there will also be several other SENS fields emerging, the details of which I cannot predict. For the time being, I would recommend getting an understanding of the underlying biochemistry as deep as possible, so you can specialize into whatever will be hip when your time will have come. An actual internship somewhere cool, such as here, is of course also a great experience in the later stages of one's undergrad education.

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