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5-Day Fast Mimicking Diet

calorie restriction longo fmd fast mimicking diet longevity diet 5 day fast

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#1 Richard McGee

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Posted 11 July 2023 - 12:30 AM

I have some questions about Longo's Fast Mimicking Diet and/or similar approaches. I didn't see an active thread going so I decided to start one.


I'm a 73 year old male and wondered if it might be appropriate for me. I wouldn't call myself fragile, since I'm in reasonably good health - although I do have a history of heart disease and cardiovascular issues.


I've managed to lose 35 lbs using IF + keto over a period of 6 months. I'm now at the borderline between overweight & normal weight, according height/weight BMI index. However I've noticed a loss of muscle mass and I need to stop/reverse this, while simultaneously losing the stubborn belly fat around my middle.


So I'd like to be in the middle to low range of body fat without sacrificing muscle mass or overall general health.


Here are a few questions I've been pondering:


Is the five day FMD a good approach for my goals?


Has FMD as a concept withstood the test of time?


Can I Induce autophagy and reap other benefits at my age?


Is a 5 day FMD considered dangerous for the elderly? (I've read somewhere that a 3-day version might be better if your 65+.)


Does this article "Homemade Recipes for the Fast Mimicking Diet" appear legit?




  • unsure x 1

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: calorie restriction, longo, fmd, fast mimicking diet, longevity diet, 5 day fast

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