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Beer and estrogenic effects (8-prenylnaringenin)

beer ale estrogen phytosetrogen hops hopein 8-prenylnaringenin boobs belly fat

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#1 Young Paul

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Posted 16 July 2023 - 09:24 AM

I'm 60 soon, feel fit and well, not much bodyfat but just a protruding gut. I love beer, so I wondered if the popular idea (beer-belly)  was true. I discovered that the alcohol in beer is not readily converted to fat, so it must be something else. I thought that maybe alcohol could disturb the biome gut flora, but it doesnt get passed the stomach. Then I realized that beer has a lot of hops which contain phytoestrogens. I though that soya was the big culprit but now discovered that beer is ten times worse than soya. Beer has many phytoestrogens but the worst is hopein (8-prenylnaringenin) which is part of the cannabis family and has morphine effects. Many studies have shown how hops can reduce spermcount, libido, worsen ED, and reduce free testosterone and androgens.

The beer industry is huge and they will try to debunk the studies, but the facts are there. A story tells how catholic monks discovered that their workers in the barley fields stopped stroking their codgers (a sin in those times) so they decided to put hops in beer to put men back on the celebate road to angelic rightousness. Female hop workers in belgium started to have hormone problems such as altered menstruation.


Another problem with beer is isoxanthohumol, the main prenylfl can be up to 30 times more than 8-prenylnaringenin, for pro-estrogen. Recent work shows that some isoxanthohumol indeed might be activated into 8-prenylnaringenin in the liver. However, most activation would occur in the gut, where bacteria can produce 8-prenylnaringenin from isoxanthohumol with high effi ciency, a large fraction of isoxanthohumol reaches the colon, this process could easily 10-fold increase the 8-prenylnaringenin exposure after drinking beer.


"in comparison with genistein, 8-prenylna-ringenin was found to be a 100 times more potent ERaagonist but a much weaker agonist of ERb in the es-
tradiol-competition assay for receptor binding. These authors claim that 8-prenylnaringenin is the strongest plant-derived ERa receptor agonist identified to date. In an in vivo study, the estrogenic potency of 8-prenylna- ringenin was about 20,000-fold lower compared to 17b- estradiol using uterine and vagina growth assays " (Schaefer et al., 2003).




Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: beer, ale, estrogen, phytosetrogen, hops, hopein, 8-prenylnaringenin, boobs, belly, fat

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