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An interesting extra high polyphenol EVOO experience.

evoo alz

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#1 Thell

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Posted 31 August 2023 - 07:39 PM

edit: I forgot to state she is almost 76 yrs old, 125-130 pounds and 5'3". She has Alz (not diagnosed by MRI/PET scan yet) and lymphedema which she manages using dry brushing and manual lymphatic draining.
My Mom recently added 2 tbsp of 1432mg/kg polyphenol EVOO into her daily routine and has had a reaction I have not heard of before. (Olive from the Raw - hydroxytyrosol 449mg & oleocanthal OLEOCANTHAL 521mg)
Below is a day by day account but days 3 to 7 had a lot of mood swings and emotional melt downs; memory was shot. I mean, this was as bad as she has been at her worst over the past several years. It reminded me about the Harry Potter scene with Harry feeding the potion of despair to Dumbledore in the cave. This is absolutely out of character and normally her mood swings are just being generally frustrated with herself or defensive for herself and typically gets under control relatively quickly (particularly when she has been doing her meditation sessions). No headaches or anything like that but her REM and deep sleep plummeted and her mood followed.
Normally she gets 7.5 hrs sleep with 3 of that being REM and deep sleep but it dropped to a combined 2:09, 1:21, 1:35, 1:59 and 1:32 while the overall sleep time remained around average.
Moving the dosage to night and adding 2 CurQFen completely turned things around with combined times of 3:03, 2:55, 3:00, 2:50, ..., and a 4:05 !! (fitbit sleep score of 93, which I don't believe she has gotten since her last surgery, lol)
Nothing else had changed with her daily routine, diet, or supplementation.
I have been taking 2 tbsp as well and have had no negative side effects and taking with 2 CurQFen didn't change that.
But, now on to the positive side of things. Once she started to regain her equalibrium and focus, she was able to focus on her work and not get frustrated by her brain HQ and performed excellently on her timed 400M and 800M walks.
She has broken her 400M walk time 7 times and the 800M walk 3 times as well as her 6 minute walk distance. She has been an avid walker for years (easily 20-40k steps a day when not reigned in by me) and has been doing timed 400M and 800M walks since this last spring. She had hovered under the 4mph mark for a good month and a half and then, since starting the EVOO, she has averaged 4.39mph! On her 6 minute walk she beat her old distance by more than 50 meters (I don't have the exact distance in front of me).
She has also improved on her Brain HQ by 4 percentage points compared to her age group which isn't as impressive since she hasn't been doing BrainHQ as long but she had started to level off on that prior to the EVOO as well.
As for me, I've also beaten my 400M and 800M walk time 2 times twice each having _finally_ broken 5mph after a few months of being right on the edge. I'm also having a slightly easier time keeping my lucid dreams lucid instead of falling back into vivid but that didn't happen until moving the CurQFen to nights and isn't that big of a deal.
- 1:
  2 tbsp Mid/late afternoon, empty stomach Nothing to report
- 2:
  2 tbsp Mid/late afternoon, empty stomach Mood swings, forgetful
- 3:
  2 tbsp Mid/late afternoon, empty stomach "Mood swings, forgetful, no focus, lower self motivation, easily frustrated
  In the afternoon total emotional meltdown; Very similar to post op, pain killer response"
- 4:
  1 tbsp Early afternoon, empty stomach "Uncontrollable mood swings, _very_ forgetful, no focus, no self motivation
  Forgetting things done multiple times a day (like hourly walk goal)
  Very similar to post op, pain killer response"
- 5:
  2 tbsp Morning about hour before breakfast Feeling better but still not really 'there' until mid-day and then mood dropped like a rock as did focus/motivation
- 6:
  2 tbsp Morning about hour before breakfast OK until afternoon and then mood swings and avoidance of stress
- 7:
  2 tbsp Late morning Fine until mid/late afternoon; mood swings but recognizing it and trying to control it, easily frustrated by mis-remembered brainhq events
- 8:
  2 tbsp About hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen "Feeling more like self but still aware something is 'off'
  Mild mood swing and needed break to control it - avoided brainhq
  Broke 400m walk speed record and 6 minute walk distance."
- 9:
  2 tbsp About half hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen "No adverse mood swings, able to control mood-swing, feeling more like herself
  Performed better on brain HQ, able to take and remember directions and stop self from getting frustrated in BrainHQ
  Broke 800m walk speed record"
- 10:
  2 tbsp About hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen Good mood, able to follow direction and stop self from getting frustrated in BrainHQ
- 11:
  2 tbsp About hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen Good mood, able to follow direction and stop self from getting frustrated in BrainHQ (but it took some effort)
- 12:
  2 tbsp About hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen Good mood, able to follow direction and didn't get frustrated at all since the 'game' was changed before frustration could set in.
- 13:
  2 tbsp About hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen Good mood, able to follow direction and didn't get frustrated at all since the 'game' was changed before frustration could set in (rank up 1%).
- 14:
  2 tbsp About hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen Great mood, able to follow directions and no frustration at all. BrainHQ rank has improved 2% in two days.
- 15:
  2 tbsp About hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen but dropped day curqfen Great mood and energy in the AM; broke 400 and 800m speed; slight frustration with brain games but able to control/stop it for the most part (Brain HQ up another 1%). Mood dropped in the afternoon as did energy/motivation.
- 16:
  2 tbsp About hour before sleep w/ 2 curqfen Great mood, able to follow directions and no frustration at all.
Her are her normal long term supplements (with the EVOO added)...
|         Brand         |       Supplement       | "AM(before walk)" | "PM(around 4)" |                      Dose                      |
|                       |                        |                   |                |                                                |
| Swanson               | psyllium husk          | 4                 | 4              | 1 capsule is 610mg (8x is ~2Tsp or 3.5g fiber) |
| Nature Made Multi 50+ | MultiVitamin           | 1                 | None           |                                                |
| Spring Valley         | Vitamin C              | 1                 | 1              | 1 is 1000mg                                    |
| CurQFen               | Curcumin               | 1                 | 1              | 1 capsule is 500mg with 175mg as curcumin      |
| Viva Naturals Omega-3 | TG form EPA / DHA      | 1                 | 1              | 1 capsule is 700mg EPA / 240mg DHA             |
|                       |                        |                   |                |                                                |
| Tru Niagen            | Niagen                 | 1                 | 1              | Skip on Mondays | 1 capsule is 300mg           |
| Source Naturals       | Pterostilbene          | 1                 | 1              | Skip on Mondays | 1 capsule 50mg               |
| Bulk Supplements      | Resveratrol            | 1/4 tsp           | 1/4 tsp        | Skip on Mondays | Leveled 1/4 tsp is 400mg     |
|                       |                        |                   |                |                                                |
| Bulk Supplements      | Creatine               | 1 tsp             | 1 tsp          | Leveled 1/2tsp is 2500mg                       |
| Bulk Supplements      | Green Tea Extract      | 1/4 tsp           | None           | ~250mg EGCG                                    |
|                       |                        |                   |                |                                                |
| Olive from the Raw    | Extra Virgin Olive Oil | None              | 2Tbsp          | 1400+mg Polyphenols                            |


She'll be having this changed to a home mix based on Nuchido Time+ in a month or so after doing a senolytic dosing.


That is what has my interest piqued about the EVOO reaction, what kind of clean up was it doing to get that reaction? I'm scared to think what the reaction might be doing the fisetin, quercetin and grape seed extract.

Edited by Thell, 31 August 2023 - 07:50 PM.

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#2 Thell

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Posted 26 September 2023 - 07:14 PM

I don't know how to upload an image for here but I wanted to share the difference pre and post EVOO.

This is a chart of her Max 400m walk speed per day (From Jul 1 to Aug 16 and Aug 16 to present). Remember the only thing changed in diet/supplements is the addition of the EVOO and the two extra curQfen at night to go with it.

    4.59  ┤
    4.55  ┤                                                                                ╭
    4.51  ┤                                                                      ╭╮╭╮  ╭╮  │
    4.47  ┤                                                         ╭╮     ╭╮  ╭╮││││  ││╭╮│
    4.44  ┤                                                         ││     ││  ││││││  │││││
    4.40  ┤                                                         ││   ╭╮││ ╭╯│││││  │││││
    4.36  ┤                                                  ╭╮ ╭╮  ││  ╭╯││╰╮│ ││││╰╮╭╯││╰╯
    4.32  ┤                                                 ╭╯╰╮││  ││  │ ╰╯ ╰╯ ││╰╯ ╰╯ ││
    4.28  ┤                                           ╭╮ ╭╮ │  │││  │╰──╯       ││      ╰╯
    4.24  ┤                                           ││ ││ │  │││ ╭╯           ││
    4.20  ┤                                           │╰─╯│ │  ╰╯╰╮│            ╰╯
    4.17  ┤                    ╭╮                     │   │ │     ││
    4.13  ┤                   ╭╯│                     │   │╭╯     ││
    4.09  ┤              ╭╮  ╭╯ ╰╮   ╭╮  ╭╮     ╭╮ ╭╮ │   ╰╯      ╰╯
    4.05  ┤ ╭╮           ││╭╮│   ╰╮╭╮│╰─╮││     ││ │╰╮│
    4.01  ┤ ││         ╭╮│││╰╯    ││││  ╰╯│   ╭╮││ │ ││
    3.97  ┤ ││╭╮  ╭╮╭╮ │╰╯╰╯      ╰╯╰╯    │╭╮ │││*** ╰╯
    3.93  ┤ │╰╯╰──╯│││ │                  ╰╯╰─╯╰╯
    3.90  ┤ │      ╰╯│ │
    3.86  ┤ │        │╭╯
    3.82  ┤╭╯        ╰╯
    3.78  ┼╯

*** = EVOO start date

Her average sleep has increased from 7:34h to 7:44h but more importantly the regenerative sleep has gone up and the sleep score with it. Since the EVOO started there have been 9 nights with 90+ sleep score, in the same time period prior to EVOO it was 3 nights.


Mood has been stable, even when handling stressful moments, so that seems to be resolved. We did a test a about a week ago with taking the EVOO in the early evening and it messed with the sleep for 3 nights so we put it back to before bed but her mood stability stayed strong.


While I still don't understand what it was that caused that whole mood swing issue I can honestly say the EVOO is definitely helping with the physical performance. Perhaps it is the boosted vit E or maybe the polyphenols but either way its a win.

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