Hello! I'm new here and i'd like to start saying that earlier this year i got misdiagnosed with schizophrenia(long story, don't worry about it) and been forced to take a antipsychotic injection as well as risperidone and quetiapine. I've been off of them for a couple of months now but i still suffer from many symptoms(anhedonia, lack of energy, sexual disfunction, emotional blunting) and i would like to know if it's possible to heal from this or if it's permanent. Are there any success stories out there? Did any drug or supplement helped cure this or only time helps? And no, before anyone says anything, i'm not suffering from negative schizophrenia symptoms. How do i know? Cause i took an AP back in 2009 and i remember clearly suffering from anhedonia while i was on it, except that back then, when i quit, i went back to normal, except this time i didn't, and earlier this year i was doing fine until i took these drugs that i started feeling the symptoms, so i'm pretty sure it's the drugs doing. I want any help guys, living with anhedonia is just hell on a daily basis and i can't stand it anymore. It just doesn't make life worth living much.