Hi all, I've had a horrible time finding a way yo effectively treat what I believe to be a pretty typical presentation of mixed-type ADHD. Stimulants like Adderall, Ritalin, Vyanse/Dexedrine all overstimulate and do more harm than good.
Enter benztropine. It's the closest thing I've found to feeling normal: dramatically increases ability to focus, stay on task, etc. Problem is, it's an antichoniergic. Even at small doses (I take 0.25 mg at bedtime), I'm experiencing poor short term memory, sexual dysfunction, and extreme weakness (used to run 10 miles/week, now can't run at all).
It seems reasonable to theorize that benztropine's inhibition of DAT reuptake is really helping with the ADHD symptoms. While the drug's anticholinergic effects may also help alleviate those symptoms to a degree, it seems reasonable to conclude the antimuscarinic properties of benztropine are responsible for the bad side effects.
Any theories on a "pure" DAT reuptake inhibitor that could be worth trying that could accomplish what benztropine is doing while avoiding side effects? Drugs like Mirapex are incredibly demotivating and sedating (and seem to really act on D2/D3). Modafinil and armodafinil overstimulate (and have effects beyond dopamine). I've tried pretty much every typical treatment under the sun.
Thanks for any ideas here. While something FDA approved would be ideal, absolutely willing to try supplements and/or research chems (if I can get my hands on them).