I'm 19 years old and adhd has held me back pretty much my entire life. It is really bad and I've tried to tough it out and go without stimulants but I always end up burning out. I could maintain a 4.0 in highschool without medication only for a bit until my adhd got to me. Throughout my day I am so scattered and I always find myself doing the bare minimum. I've been making beats and have been editing video for years and I am really good at both. I can literally make a living from music but I don't because of my adhd. It is seriously a struggle to write this post lol.
30mg of Vyvanse or 5mg of Adderall and school is a breeze, I can make the best music I ever made, finally take control of my life. It seriously feels like an unfair advantage when I am on stimulants even though I have really bad adhd.
I am aware stimulants are not healthy or good for the brain but is there a smart way I can use them or will I just end up worse off when getting off them? Is there anything I can take with a stimulant to possibly help protect my brain? Keep my heart at a normal heart rate?