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Navalny has been utilized by globals


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#1 mbdrinker

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Posted 18 February 2024 - 03:40 PM

My opinion is that he was utilized by mutual agreement of all globalists. Perhaps his mission has already been accomplished. I was a fan of Navalny in 2010-2012 and was unsuccessfully recruited by his team twice. I doubt that Kremlin alone could decide to kill him. He had already been successfully neutralized in jail. My suspicion is that his reveal of life style of the rich was not tolerable for all globalists and with new synthetic technologies in viruses and food all those games in democracy were no longer needed. Is he really dead or is it a show which must go on i even don't know. They show us animated catoons on tv since perhaps start of tv era. Anyway Navalny's passing away means end of old era of democracy game. I personally rejected joining his team because he was not going to build socialism in Russia for slav population. He was going to leave talmudists as the ruling class with the same crappy globalistic capitalism. He was not going to redistribute wealth evenly between people or reimburse population which was robbed by inflation in 1992. He had some bright mottos in 2010-2012 when he proclaimed "let's stop feeding Caucasus" when he pretended to be a white nationalist. However he rejected joining real nationalistic teams or cooperating with them. I suspect all this resulted in loss of popularity and trust among masses. He was not going to change the unfair system, to change the rules of the game. He was playing as per the rules of the unfair game but it's impossible to defeat the unfair system if you follow its rules. So the matrix have had him.

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#2 mbdrinker

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Posted 19 February 2024 - 01:36 AM

Some more thoughts are that his campaign was aimed at so called office plankton class of society which was well cut down during covid affair lockdowns. That's why project 'navalny' has been shut down. In 00s that caste indeed had some weight and power (more imaginary than real though) but keep in mind that at that time internet was not like today's pseudointernet-intranet where all politically incorrect posts are immediately removed. At that time globals had to pay to trolls instead. Navalny's speech in Bolotnaya str before crowd of 100000people ruined his image as a mighty jesus chirst warrior. He never has gained same popularity after. He lost his chance that day. The level of creativity of his new team has also declined since that day and focused more on showing richness of the rich than on shocking or threatening actions. Those movies are enlightening but kind of useless as they do not lead to any actions. I guess he was waiting for a lucky turn of fortune but unfortunately office plankton had been demotivated by his mistakes and by authorities' measures: no drugs, real spirits, real tobacco, no sex, no dating sites anymore, no anything good anymore. All these only to the loyal. His style was like a gaming style for pc games and night club fans and that style stopped working after loss of office plankton in 2011. We have never seen any attempts from his team to address any other circles than those or radical change of logic or image of their leader but the image of the sacred victim jesus christ like dreaming of president's position no longer worked indeed partly because that position itself was artificially created in Russian political space after collapse of ussr. His team did not create anything like fight clubs, sex clubs, masonic societies, drug clubs but was aiming at taking power from well armed troops of well trained forces. Can just showing richness of thieves lead to a victory over them? Definitely not in my opinion.

#3 pamojja

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Posted 19 February 2024 - 09:50 AM

When he went back after his recovery from Germany to Russia, I think he would be intelligent enough to apprehend: this would be his death-sentence. He obviously saw no other option left, then to sacrifice his own life. He got my highest respect. May he rest in peace.

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#4 mbdrinker

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Posted 20 February 2024 - 12:26 AM

I agree that he deserves respect from everyone, even from opponents. He showed himself as a real warrior. I only raised the question about what happened and who indeed killed him. After watching dosens of opinions in youtube i still can't come to one conclusion because his death was beneficial to all sides: to kremlin, to white house, to supporters and to enemies of current russian authorities. I more and more cling to the version that he was sacrificed as a sacred victim to start antiputin movememt. It's just intuition... too many contradicrory factors to say for sure.

#5 adamh

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Posted 23 February 2024 - 10:43 PM

Navalny never had any popularity in russia, many think of him as a traitor. It seems only the west thinks he was a heroic figure. He was recorded on video telling uk intelligence officers he needed at least $10M to defeat putin. He was convicted of treason by his own words.


Of course putin did not order him killed, he was of no consequence and could do nothing from his cell. Putin also knew the west was stupidly in love with him simply because he was anti russian. He knew there would be a big commotion when he died and calls for more sanctions. Putin could have simply kept the news quiet but did not do so


Idiots say if navalny was allowed to run he would become president of russia which is why he was put in jail. He would be lucky to get 5% even with money to spend on advertising. Tell me one good or wonderful thing he ever did?



When he went back after his recovery from Germany to Russia, I think he would be intelligent enough to apprehend: this would be his death-sentence.


It seems he was not that intelligent



Navalny's speech in Bolotnaya str before crowd of 100000people ruined his image as a mighty jesus chirst warrior. He never has gained same popularity after.


Just as I said. He was a kook locked up for his crimes and of no consequence in russia


The west has been hooked on anti russian themes for decades. Anyone who opposed russia (or ussr) was automatically a hero. They even played up yeltsin for a while and he was nothing but a drunk. And of course the whole world wants to gang up on russia because of ukraine. Ukraine started the war in 2014 and had been shelling and attacking russian speaking areas in eastern ukraine. They had also in 2022 massed a large group of military close to the area and spies learned that they were planning to attack. If you were putin would you do nothing?


Sorry for the large dose of truth which of course goes against the propaganda everyone has heard all their life. So I will understand if some become furious. Instead of getting mad, do a search and you can find what I say is true. Better not use google, they hide things they don't want you to find

#6 mbdrinker

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Posted 31 March 2024 - 11:22 AM

The entire internet hides truth, not only google. 33 years since 1991 have been devoted to genocide of slavs and substitution of them by muslims. And the war in ukraine serves to the same purpose besides distracting attention from covid affair. No one is going to stop that war by the way.

#7 adamh

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Posted 03 April 2024 - 11:56 PM

I also heard that us and russia were discussing a prisoner exchange which would have included navalny for some russians. I'm not certain its true but they did a big exchange a couple years ago. They gave up an international arms dealer to get that pot smoking carpet munching basketball player. What would the us give up to get navalny? Probably a lot so putin killing him would make no sense


The war is nearly over, ukraine military is about to collapse and on may 21 zalensky is no longer president according to ukrainian constitution, and several are looking to take over. That includes poroshenko who was overthrown in the maidan coup and a few others hoping to gain power (and money)


But, the a-hole politicians are determined to throw our money down a rat hole so rino speaker of the house caved in and is going to put money for ukraine up to a vote. He will likely lose his speakership but the under the table money was too good to pass up. So the taxpayers are being taken for suckers again and probably $60B to ukraine and billions more to isreal so they can bomb and murder innocent people. Don't forget to pay your taxes on time!


And... a world wide depression is brewing. Whole countries will go bankrupt watch and see. I predict the start of it this year

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#8 mbdrinker

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Posted 12 April 2024 - 11:39 PM

Unfortunately you don't speak russian as there are some nice political figures on youtube, one of whom is colonel Shendakov. As per his video some of his acquaintances who saw Navalny closely reported that the corpse had no scar under his chin which real Navalny had... So, real Navalny can be alive. There was also doubt about Prigozhin's death. As for the war's aims, one of the versions is genocide of slavs to move the jews from exPalestine to Crimea and blacksea's seashore to newly slav-off-cleared territories as the project Israhell was decided to be closed as per many reports. Another guy i trust is Leonid Ivashov, the general. I remember all their masonic olympic games shows and other crap from 00s and satanic signs everywhere like astana-satana, etc. They kill people without remourse and steal our lives. They have turned life into boring hell full of unspiritual prostitutes, besides muslim invasion. Slavs just do not replicate themselves anymore. They have deleted all dating sites and possibilities for aryans to create families. If they are not kicked off the throne i am afraid slavs' fate will be that of indians of america. 

#9 mbdrinker

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Posted 24 April 2024 - 01:32 AM

The new movies Traitors by navalny team is really cool, very recommended. It shows how talmudistic mafia has robbed my country and turned it into colony without future. Unfortunately, made not by aryans it does not disclose more fundamental things but still shows the essense of bastards ruling my country since 1991. Very good work. Perhaps the best work about destruction of Russia and genocide of slav population. That woman Maria who made the serial is the most honest among all navalny team public figures to my mind. She stands aside by criticising all previously untouchable talmudic bastards like pugachova. I would make her the new leader instead of Navalny's widow.

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