This is the proper ratio (apparently).
I want one that is 10 and 2 after reading a document about a woman who ate healthy and took 20/4 and got crystalline maculopathy (story).
I have tried 4 times to add the link to the term "story" up there but it doesn't work. https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC5906391/
But they're all 20/4, or 25/5, or some other weird proportion (10/.5).
More stuff I'm asking:
What is the difference between MESO zeaxanthin and RR zeaxanthin? Like this:
|| || |Lutein (Lutemax® 2020) (from Marigold Petal Extract) ( |20 mg|*|
|| |Zeaxanthin (from Marigold Petal Extract ( )|13 mg|*|
|| |Meso -Zeaxanthin|10 mg|*|
|| |RR-Zeaxanthin|3 mg|*|
|| Astaxanthin ( )|4 mg|*
Is there a reason to use the branded kinds? There's numerous brands.
What about unbranded? Is it fine?
Why do some products have lots of lutein and little zeaxanthin, like 20mg lutein and 839mcg zeaxanthin?
Is there a difference between the branded luteins? Like Lutemax? Or Floraglo?
Edited by ironfistx, 14 July 2024 - 09:22 PM.