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Longevity Diary comprehensive solution achieved an 80% life extension effect,


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#31 pamojja

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Posted 01 November 2024 - 12:41 PM

We don't know your detailed situation, but how about your BMI? And your waist circumference? Perhaps you could start with reducing abdominal fat.


It is obvious that most lab-tests improved (last time counted about 2500 data points) and that I experienced a number of remission with otherwise considered incurable disease. Mission impossible accomplished, but remaining proactive and attentive that it stays that way.


Therefore, no reason to speculate on causes, despite having reached the seemingly impossible very few would be able too


BMI or abdominal fat is ideal, and wasn't the cause of my chronic diseases to begin with. Lack of endogenous hormone productions (fT3, fTestosterone) for example was a contributor beside many other things in my case, but there are legal hurdles to simply get replacement therapy where I live.


But overall, the elephant in the room with chronic disease I consider the myopic few on only the affected body system the largest hindrance to recovery, when at the same time the liver, the kidney, the hormonal glands, immunity, metabolism.. practically everything else is in survival mode. The more all those interacting systems are improved, the more likely remission with chronic diseases. As happened to mine with my multi-modal but individualized approach.

#32 longevitydiary

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Posted 01 November 2024 - 12:49 PM

It is obvious that most lab-tests improved (last time counted about 2500 data points) and that I experienced a number of remission with otherwise considered incurable disease. Mission impossible accomplished, but remaining proactive and attentive that it stays that way.

Therefore, no reason to speculate on causes, despite having reached the seemingly impossible very few would be able too

BMI or abdominal fat is ideal, and wasn't the cause of my chronic diseases to begin with. Lack of endogenous hormone productions (fT3, fTestosterone) for example was a contributor beside many other things in my case, but there are legal hurdles to simply get replacement therapy where I live.

But overall, the elephant in the room with chronic disease I consider the myopic few on only the affected body system the largest hindrance to recovery, when at the same time the liver, the kidney, the hormonal glands, immunity, metabolism.. practically everything else is in survival mode. The more all those interacting systems are improved, the more likely remission with chronic diseases. As happened to mine with my multi-modal but individualized approach.

Okay, thank you. We understand, this is an admirable effort.

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#33 pamojja

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Posted 01 November 2024 - 07:52 PM

Our proprietary formula consists of only one self-invented ingredient, and there are only two choices: yes or no.


A 'proprietary formula' is used to characterize a combination of ingredients in unknown quantities, to protect the intellectual property of the inventor. You before yourself said: of herbs with high quality extraction method.


Now you misapply this term for a self-invented sole, but undisclosed ingredient. A research chemical? - with no way for a customer to check the literature for its possible side effects?


Sorry for my critical questions. I only want to give a good opportunity for counterarguments. There is little trust in expert-opinion in the West.






#34 longevitydiary

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 01:10 AM

A 'proprietary formula' is used to characterize a combination of ingredients in unknown quantities, to protect the intellectual property of the inventor. You before yourself said: of herbs with high quality extraction method.

Now you misapply this term for a self-invented sole, but undisclosed ingredient. A research chemical? - with no way for a customer to check the literature for its possible side effects?

Sorry for my critical questions. I only want to give a good opportunity for counterarguments. There is little trust in expert-opinion in the West.

1.Yes,it is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, and we have invented a new extraction method. it is to protect the intellectual property of the inventor, one of our team’s traditional Chinese medicine doctors invented it. If it were disclosed, I believe countless substandard imitations would appear on the market the next day. Here is an article we wrote about actions to determine your own health. It is in Chinese, but interested readers can use browser tools to translate it.https://mp.weixin.qq...nw9WP-wQG28uutw
2.Our service selects 5 out of our invented CS001-CS010 formulations based on the user's longevity needs, with a different one taken each day to prevent resistance. Most of the responses from our service users are positive.
3.Whether there are side effects is only known by the traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Due to limited research, the side effects of traditional Chinese medicine extracts are rarely available from public sources."

#35 pamojja

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 10:44 AM

Thanks for the detailed answers.


Our proprietary formula consists of only one self-invented ingredient, and there are only two choices: yes or no.


We will customize proprietary formulas based on the user's situation. Each proprietary formula consists of only one ingredient, and users have only two choices: to choose our product or not to choose our product.


A 'proprietary formula' is used to characterize a combination of ingredients in unknown quantities, to protect the intellectual property of the inventor. You before yourself said: of herbs with high quality extraction method.


Now you misapply this term for a self-invented sole, but undisclosed ingredient. A research chemical? - with no way for a customer to check the literature for its possible side effects?


1.Yes,it is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, and we have invented a new extraction method. it is to protect the intellectual property of the inventor, one of our team’s traditional Chinese medicine doctors invented it. If it were disclosed, I believe countless substandard imitations would appear on the market the next day. Here is an article we wrote about actions to determine your own health. It is in Chinese, but interested readers can use browser tools to translate it.https://mp.weixin.qq...nw9WP-wQG28uutw


Therefore, you actually meant 'No', to only one undisclosed - and therefore potentially dangerous research chemical?


And the one undisclosed ingredient is actually one herb already used in traditional Chinese medicine. But by keeping one ingredient and the extraction method undisclosed for protecting the invention, you are still using a combination of different Chinese medicine herbs in each of your proprietary formulas.


2.Our service selects 5 out of our invented CS001-CS010 formulations based on the user's longevity needs, with a different one taken each day to prevent resistance. Most of the responses from our service users are positive.


And you actually do individualize the regimen by combining some of your dozens formulas to a customer's needs.


Now, I also understand why you were concerned my continuous dosing would cause 'equal levels'. Here you call it resistance, With particular herbs this can happen, and in those cases also use wash-out periods. However, most of my regimens ingredients are vitamins, minerals (used or avoided), amino acids, many herbal and fruit extracts too. But the latter at much lower doses, and very few to rotate.


And in my case a water-fast along with dropping all supplementation for a few days, immediately brings up slight symptoms of intermittent claudication. Therefore, in my case with chronic diseases, obviously most of my remissions happen through continuous supplementation of dietary ingredients with specific pharmaceutical actions.


Now I've got a much clearer picture. Thanks.


Edited by pamojja, 02 November 2024 - 10:59 AM.

#36 alphachn

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 11:18 AM

Thanks for the detailed answers.






Therefore, you actually meant 'No', to only one undisclosed - and therefore potentially dangerous research chemical?


And the one undisclosed ingredient is actually one herb already used in traditional Chinese medicine. But by keeping one ingredient and the extraction method undisclosed for protecting the invention, you are still using a combination of different Chinese medicine herbs in each of your proprietary formulas.



And you actually do individualize the regimen by combining some of your dozens formulas to a customer's needs.


Now, I also understand why you were concerned my continuous dosing would cause 'equal levels'. Here you call it resistance, With particular herbs this can happen, and in those cases also use wash-out periods. However, most of my regimens ingredients are vitamins, minerals (used or avoided), amino acids, many herbal and fruit extracts too. But the latter at much lower doses, and very few to rotate.


And in my case a water-fast along with dropping all supplementation for a few days, immediately brings up slight symptoms of intermittent claudication. Therefore, in my case with chronic diseases, obviously most of my remissions happen through continuous supplementation of dietary ingredients with specific pharmaceutical actions.


Now I've got a much clearer picture. Thanks.

That's one way to understand it.


I believe that true youthfulness is represented by the ability to perform movements just like young people, as demonstrated below.



Methods for Self-Assessing the Degree of Aging


Everyone wants to stay young and avoid aging, but we are all nourished by daily sustenance and are mere mortals. What we need to do is understand our body's condition, take early precautions, and delay diseases and aging. According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, the risk of death gradually increases starting around the age of 65 as physical functions decline. In fact, there are signs ten years before a person’s death, such as difficulty rising from a chair or dressing. Experts believe that early detection of changes in physical condition can help prevent accelerated aging. Further analysis of deceased participants shows:

  • 10 years before death, their sit-to-stand ability was poor;
  • 7 years before death, they self-reported poor physical function;
  • 4 years before death, their daily activities became more difficult;
  • In the final stage before death, their sleep quality was extremely poor, making it hard to fall asleep.


1.[Sit-Stand Ability Test]

The Sit-Stand Ability Test can assess the health of a person's ligaments, joints, and lumbar spine, particularly for middle-aged and elderly individuals. Stand in front of a chair, cross your arms over your chest, and repeatedly sit down and stand up. If an elderly person can complete 25 or more repetitions within 30 seconds, it indicates good lower limb bone and muscle strength; otherwise, it suggests lower limb muscle deterioration.

2.[One-Leg Standing with Eyes Closed]

According to the "National Physical Fitness Measurement Standards (2023 Revised)" published by the National Physical Fitness Monitoring Center, there is a test called the One-Leg Standing with Eyes Closed. This test is for adults aged 20 to 79 and should be carried out under safe conditions. During the test, close your eyes and lift one foot while the other foot stands on a hard, flat surface. Start timing to see how many seconds you can maintain this position. For middle-aged and elderly individuals aged 50 and above, the inability to stand on one leg with eyes closed for at least 10 seconds significantly increases the mortality risk by 84% within the next 4 to 9 years compared to those who can maintain balance for 10 seconds. If you are under 50 and cannot hold this position for 10 seconds, it is something you should take seriously.


3.[Sitting-Rising Test]

Sit cross-legged on the floor, then stand up without using your hands or knees for leverage or balance. This test is closely related to the likelihood of dying from various causes. If you can stand up without using your hands, forearms, knees, or one side of your leg, you score full marks. A landmark study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that if an adult male or female can sit down and rise from the floor using only one hand—or even better, without using hands at all—they are not only at a higher level of musculoskeletal health but also have a longer life expectancy compared to others.


4.[Calf Raise]

Stand barefoot facing a wall, with your fingertips lightly touching the wall at shoulder height and your elbows slightly bent. Place your feet hip-width apart. Raise your heels as high as possible, lock your knees, then lower your body by bending your knees. Repeat the entire motion and count how many times you can do it within 30 seconds. Adults should aim to complete 25 calf raises in 30 seconds. A study published in the Journal of Sport and Physical Therapy found that adults who score highest in calf raises demonstrate higher levels of functional adaptability, strength, explosive power, speed, and range of motion.



According to the American College of Sports Medicine, for women aged 20-40, being able to do 19-30 consecutive push-ups is considered good, while for men of the same age range, 21-36 is a good range. For individuals aged 50-60, completing 10-21 push-ups is considered good. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2019 found that adult men who cannot do at least 10 push-ups have a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease over the next ten years compared to those who can do more. Men who can do over 40 push-ups in one go have a 96% lower risk of heart disease in the next ten years compared to those who cannot do 10 push-ups.

6.[Fingers Touching Behind the Back]

Place your right hand over your right shoulder with fingers extended, and your left hand behind your back with fingers extended. If you can make your fingers touch, you score high. Otherwise, have someone measure the gap in centimeters between the fingertips of your middle fingers. Repeat the test by switching sides. Your goal is to get your fingertips as close to touching as possible on both sides. Researchers noted in Time magazine that shoulders and the trunk lose flexibility more quickly than elbows and knees, and men lose this flexibility faster than women. A study on clinical interventions in aging found that middle-aged women perform 20-40% better than men in this test.


7.[How Far Can You Walk in 6 Minutes?]

This test is a key indicator of endurance, aerobic capacity, cardiovascular, and lung health. The 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) is an established aerobic capacity measurement method developed by the American Thoracic Society. If you cannot walk more than 350 meters on a flat route, it may indicate poor cardiovascular function and could be a sign of health issues such as respiratory or lung diseases, muscle loss, or underlying illnesses. Perform a 6-minute power walk (not a run) on a hard, flat surface and measure the distance walked. Ideally, your goal should be to cover a distance between 400 meters and 700 meters.


I scored full marks on all the tests mentioned above.

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Edited by alphachn, 02 November 2024 - 11:20 AM.

#37 pamojja

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 01:42 PM

A research chemical? - with no way for a customer to check the literature for its possible side effects?


Therefore, you actually meant 'No', to only one undisclosed - and therefore potentially dangerous research chemical?



That's one way to understand it.


You responded to different aspects of our conversation.


But thereby actually circumvented a clear 'yes' or 'no' to the question, twice. If there would be research chemical beside natural extracts in your formula.

How would you interpret such avoidance of a critical question?


#38 alphachn

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 02:02 PM

You responded to different aspects of our conversation.


But thereby actually circumvented a clear 'yes' or 'no' to the question, twice. If there would be research chemical beside natural extracts in your formula.

How would you interpret such avoidance of a critical question?

In fact, I have indirectly answered this question. We are a team of traditional Chinese medicine doctors who have invented a method for herbal extraction. All of our formulas are based on herbal medicine, and therefore, they do not contain any chemical substances. However, I understand that people in the West might prefer a direct yes or no answer.

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#39 alphachn

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 02:12 PM


How would you interpret such avoidance of a critical question?

The ways of thinking between Eastern and Western people differ, and thus the ways they answer questions also vary, much like the differences in how traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western medicine treat diseases. Western medicine emphasizes locating the disease area, performing surgery, identifying specific targets, and finding a focal point. In contrast, traditional Chinese medicine seeks the underlying causes of the disease and addresses them to allow the affected area to self-heal.

#40 pamojja

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 02:40 PM

All of our formulas are based on herbal medicine, and therefore, they do not contain any chemical substances. However, I understand that people in the West might prefer a direct yes or no answer.


Thanks for addressing this important question directly.


The ways of thinking between Eastern and Western people differ, and thus the ways they answer questions also vary, much like the differences in how traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western medicine treat diseases.


Don't think it is as easy as to excuse it with customs of social interactions anymore. Most research chemicals are easiest to procure from China or India, both in the East. As well, there are Westerners with Eastern thinking, wanting assurance their eastern approach isn't adulterated with ruthless western moneymaking. But enough Easterner after exactly that. :sad: Just as in the West.


Separating the chaff (scams) from the wheat therefore does require direct communication. In the West and the East.




Edited by pamojja, 02 November 2024 - 02:45 PM.

#41 alphachn

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 02:58 PM

Thanks for addressing this important question directly.

Don't think it is as easy as to excuse it with customs of social interactions anymore. Most research chemicals are easiest to procure from China or India, both in the East. As well, there are Westerners with Eastern thinking, wanting assurance their eastern approach isn't adulterated with ruthless western moneymaking. But enough Easterner after exactly that. :sad: Just as in the West.

Separating the chaff (scams) from the wheat therefore does require direct communication. In the West and the East.

Most research chemicals are easiest to procure from China, not because they were invented by Easterners or are genuinely Chinese. Easterners produce these chemicals not because they recognize their efficacy, but to meet the demands of Westerners for profit.Westerners with Eastern thinking are just a minority and are not the mainstream.

"It is very difficult to identify scams.I know that many anti-aging substances invented by Westerners a few years ago have proven to have exaggerated efficacy over time. The lifespan of the mice in the experimental group was very short, less than 700 days (while normal mice live for about 900 days).

#42 pamojja

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Posted 02 November 2024 - 05:48 PM

Westerners with Eastern thinking are just a minority and are not the mainstream.

Beware of prejudices. I can meanwhile get certified organic products in Europe in almost every shop. Even organic grown tobacco (though rare). Those with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are of course still the majority of all products.
India I know well, also recently. No organic products widely available, only some rare exceptions. Earth, water. air - all polluted. Open fires of plastic waste everywhere, if not simply let to rod. Along with batteries, leaching toxic heavy metals. Almost all spring water contaminated. Farmers using only organic fertilizers there think their products are 'organic', while meanwhile they water from polluted springs, and batteries are decaying between the plants. Even academically trained aren't conscious of all the lurking dangers by thoughtless pollution everywhere.
China, when I was there in Xinjang and mainly Western Xizang in 1995, was at least then no different to India in this respect. Just took a quick look at air and water pollution situation in China now from Wikipedia (please correct, if wrongly portrayed):

Regulations such as the 1979 Environmental Protection Law are fairly stringent, though they are poorly enforced, frequently disregarded in favor of rapid economic development.%5B160%5D China has the second-highest death toll because of air pollution, after India, with approximately 1 million deaths.%5B161%5D%5B162%5D ...
The country has significant water pollution problems; only 89.4% of China's national surface water was graded suitable for human consumption by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in 2023.%5B165%5D China has prioritized clamping down on pollution, bringing a significant decrease in air pollution in the 2010s.%5B166%5D

So seems to start to get better than it was.

.. but to meet the demands of Westerners for profit.Westerners

But nevertheless, there is much higher demand in the West for organic products, otherwise it wouldn't become available everywhere.
Outside large cities in China, is it possible to get independently certified organic food without driving too far nowadays?

Westerners with Eastern thinking are just a minority and are not the mainstream.


So yes, Westerners with Eastern thinking are a minority. Aren't Easterners with Eastern thinking nowdays in the East an even smaller minority?




Edited by pamojja, 02 November 2024 - 06:07 PM.

#43 alphachn

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 03:00 AM


1.Beware of prejudices. I can meanwhile get certified organic products in Europe in almost every shop. Even organic grown tobacco (though rare). Those with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are of course still the majority of all products.
India I know well, also recently. No organic products widely available, only some rare exceptions. Earth, water. air - all polluted. Open fires of plastic waste everywhere, if not simply let to rod. Along with batteries, leaching toxic heavy metals. Almost all spring water contaminated. Farmers using only organic fertilizers there think their products are 'organic', while meanwhile they water from polluted springs, and batteries are decaying between the plants. Even academically trained aren't conscious of all the lurking dangers by thoughtless pollution everywhere.
China, when I was there in Xinjang and mainly Western Xizang in 1995, was at least then no different to India in this respect. Just took a quick look at air and water pollution situation in China now from Wikipedia (please correct, if wrongly portrayed):

So seems to start to get better than it was.

But nevertheless, there is much higher demand in the West for organic products, otherwise it wouldn't become available everywhere.
2.Outside large cities in China, is it possible to get independently certified organic food without driving too far nowadays?


3.So yes, Westerners with Eastern thinking are a minority. Aren't Easterners with Eastern thinking nowdays in the East an even smaller minority?



1.The United States is a major developer of genetically modified (GM) technology and the world's largest producer and consumer of GM crops. To date, the U.S. has approved the commercialization of 22 types of GM crops and plants approximately 1.13 billion acres of GM crops annually, accounting for over 40% of its arable land. Over 90% of varieties such as corn, soybeans, cotton, and sugar beets grown in the U.S. are GM. Approximately 50% of the soybeans and more than 80% of the corn grown in the U.S. are consumed domestically. The primary sources of GM foods in the U.S. include GM soybeans, corn, canola, sugar beets, papaya, apples, and potatoes. Common processed products such as cooking oil, pastries, potato chips, soy protein powder, lecithin, corn syrup, margarine, corn starch, beverages, and cereals are basically all genetically modified. The European Union imports large quantities of GM agricultural products each year, primarily soybeans, corn, canola, sugar beets, and their related processed products. According to international trade statistics, in 2021, the EU imported approximately 15.22 million tons of GM soybeans and 3.4 million tons of GM corn. GM soybeans accounted for about 90% of soybean imports, and GM corn accounted for about 30% of corn imports.


2.In areas outside of big cities in China, you can purchase organic food without traveling. The first attached image is a supermarket app used by the average Chinese citizen. The second attached image is a Sam's Club app used by wealthy Chinese citizens, both of which offer organic food.


3.Easterners do indeed predominantly adopt Western thinking in terms of healthcare, as Western medical technology is currently mainstream worldwide. However, in the realm of wellness and health preservation, Eastern thinking prevails among Easterners. It's common for Easterners to drink tea daily for health purposes, including green tea, Pu-erh tea, and oolong tea, among others. On the other hand, Westerners primarily drink coffee. 


Setting aside the different views on wellness between Easterners and Westerners, for Chinese people, these are merely business interests without any bias.In China, you can buy any material that meets Western or Eastern standards, depending on your budget. In fact, many raw materials in the West are sourced from China. As for us, we focus on herbal extracts, which are basically organic and among the highest quality available.

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#44 pamojja

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 10:11 AM

Great news that organic products are becoming available in China, other than in India. Guess has mainly to do with wider education. The prices will drop with further consumer demand.


It's obvious, the bodies health and longevity generally by a large part is made possible with healthy intake of the bulk (air, water, food). Not tainted by industrial pollutants. And which bad effects can only be counteracted to a certain degree with supplementation.



Western medicine emphasizes locating the disease area, performing surgery, identifying specific targets, and finding a focal point. In contrast, traditional Chinese medicine seeks the underlying causes of the disease and addresses them to allow the affected area to self-heal.


After further investigation, I also realize my perspective is tainted by where I live too.



Top 5 Certified Organic Food Consumer Countries
  1. Denmark: Denmark has the highest per capita consumption of organic food.
  2. Switzerland: Switzerland ranks second in per capita consumption of organic food.
  3. Austria: Austria has the third-highest per capita consumption of organic food.
  4. Germany: Germany has one of the largest markets for organic food in Europe and a high adoption rate.
  5. Italy: Italy has a strong organic market with enthusiastic consumers and high levels of awareness of organic certification.


It's important to note that organic food consumption can be measured in different ways, such as per capita consumption, total market size, or percentage of total food consumption. The rankings might vary slightly depending on the specific metric used.


Austria, for example, has the highest percentage of organic agricultural land at 26.5% of total farmland, indicating a strong domestic organic production and likely high consumption. Interestingly, trust in organic certification varies among countries.


Italy and Poland respondents reported higher overall trust in organic certification, while Germany and the UK reported lower trust leve


by perplexity.ai


We can forget about an east/west divide. Consciousness of pollution comes with better education and control of the industries, growing consumer demand with affordability.

#45 longevitydiary

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 10:32 AM

After further investigation, I also realize my perspective is tainted by where I live too.

The Chinese are very familiar with Western medical technology, but Westerners know nothing about traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Due to their advanced technology, Western countries quickly developed COVID-19 vaccines, and the Chinese promptly learned and developed their own as well. Almost all Chinese people have received at least three doses of the mRNA vaccine or more. Our team studies, but does not worship, Western medical technology. We are based on TCM, so we didn't get any shots. The final results are clear to everyone: countries like the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, which have vaccinated their populations, have reported surging death rates. Although TCM works more slowly, it has lower side effects. We have never seen severe side effects from consuming natural herbs.

Edited by longevitydiary, 03 November 2024 - 10:34 AM.

#46 pamojja

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 11:45 AM

Of course, traditional herbalism, east and west, doesn't see side effects. Again, no east-west divide.

Almost all Chinese people have received at least three doses of the mRNA vaccine or more. ...
We are based on TCM, so we didn't get any shots.


By February 2023, 89.54% of the Chinese population was fully vaccinated
..by perplexity.ai

Wow. Was this under the involuntary condition of forced vaccinations?
Because in Austria a law was in effect, with 6000,- €/year fine to every adult for not vaccinating. Gladly, Covid infections fell sharply and the law was lifted before a year. However, compliance remained low, despite that hefty fine.

63.4% of the Austrian population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine


I was one of many in Austria refusing vaccines. And I was never sick with covid.


The final results are clear to everyone: countries like the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, which have vaccinated their populations, have reported surging death rates..


Approximately 80% of the total U.S. population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine 1 2


You see, even the US had lower vaccination rate than China. So why insist on an east/west divide?



Edited by pamojja, 03 November 2024 - 11:47 AM.

#47 pamojja

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 12:03 PM

We have never seen severe side effects from consuming natural herbs.


Me neither, even from high doses of synthetic vitamins (except for a transient side effect by pyridoxine), minerals, fatty or amino acids.



Why are all these discussions of pollution and quality is important and pertaining in this treat?


Because literature does however report of contamination above the regulatory limit, not only in exceptions: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm...es/PMC10477504/


A supplement producer who is unaware of pollution won't test his raw material for pollution. Do you?

#48 longevitydiary

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 12:21 PM

Wow. Was this under the involuntary condition of forced vaccinations?

You see, even the US had lower vaccination rate than China. So why insist on an east/west divide?

Okay, the reasons for the high vaccination rate in China are very complex and cannot necessarily reflect people's true intentions.

#49 longevitydiary

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 12:29 PM

A supplement producer who is unaware of pollution won't test his raw material for pollution. Do you?

Generally, supplement companies will test for contamination, and so do we, including heavy metals and other contaminants.
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#50 longevitydiary

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 12:37 PM

Me neither, even from high doses of synthetic vitamins (except for a transient side effect by pyridoxine), minerals, fatty or amino acids.

Reminder: Exogenous vitamin supplementation can lead to a decrease in endogenous vitamins.

#51 pamojja

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 06:37 PM

Reminder: Exogenous vitamin supplementation can lead to a decrease in endogenous vitamins.


Though I agree the vitamins needs can be highly individual due to biochemical individuality (there are some interesting studies in Linus Pauling 1984 book: 'How to Live Longer And Feel Better') - but vitamins can't be endogenously synthesized:



Vitamins are organic molecules (or a set of closely related molecules called vitamers) that are essential to an organism in small quantities for proper metabolic function. Essential nutrients cannot be synthesized in the organism in sufficient quantities for survival, and therefore must be obtained through the diet.




Usually, each vitamin has a recommended daily allowance (RDA), differing again for age groups. If vitamins are not provided in sufficient quantities (and since they can't be synthesized endogenous sufficiently) very well-defined deficiency diseases occur. For example blindness, beriberi, pellagra, neuropathy, neural tube defects, rickets or scurvy - due to lack of specific vitamins from the diet.


However, in the last century a few exploring physician found experimentally much higher doses than available through diet or usual supplements exert even pharmacological effects, without side effects as with medications. One reason might be because the human body depends on vitamins since millennia and knows how to metabolize them perfectly well. While medication have to be never seen before molecules, otherwise the pharmaceutical industry could not patent them, and thereby make the huge profits they do.


That's why for monetary reasons, such exploratory physicians latter got discredited. They had found - each in multiples than physiological doses - vitamin E helps heart disease, vitamin C for example polio, vitamin B3 or niacin new-onset schizophrenia, as some examples.


With my diagnosis and walking disability from PAD 16 years ago, and no cure by western medicine. As well as my extensive experience with homeopathy, Ayurveda, TCM and Tibetan medicine during my long travel through Asia with many diseases, I knew already pretty well:



TCM works more slowly,


Therefore, with nothing more to lose, I tried high-dose nutrient - or Orthomolecular medicine. The rest is the history of my remissions. Where eastern and western herbalism played a minor role only. Absolutely no serious side effects, but side-benefits instead. Liver, kidney, bladder healed, psoriasis and ocular migraines too, and I never get sunburned without sun protection. To mention just a few side-benefits.


'Endogenous vitamins' is an oxymoron, Either it's called a vitamin, which can't be endogenously synthesized by the body. Otherwise, it's not a 'vitamin'.


But again, vitamins from a varied diet can only prevent the worst deficiency diseases. Optimal physical functioning, especially with diseases, need much higher doses than diet can ever provide.



Edited by pamojja, 03 November 2024 - 06:39 PM.

#52 pamojja

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Posted 03 November 2024 - 06:59 PM

, in the last century a few exploring physician found experimentally much higher doses than available through diet or usual supplements exert even pharmacological effects, without side effects as with medications.


One website with freely available papers and articles of those long gone physician is for example http://www.doctoryourself.com/


High dose nutrient therapy is not only without bad side effects, it is virtually so beneficial that anyone can apply without harm - as the name of this website implies. I would however recommend monitoring progress with blood tests too.


Here just one example from there, what vitamin C (nowadays almost exclusively produced in China) can do in high enough doses:

                               GRAMS ASCORBIC ACID      NUMBER OF DOSES      
CONDITION                  PER 24 HOURS           PER 24 HOURS 
normal                       4 -  15              4 -  6 
mild cold                   30 -  60              6 - 10 
severe cold                 60 - 100+             8 - 15 
influenza                  100 - 150              8 - 20 
ECHO, coxsackievirus       100 - 150              8 - 20 
mononucleosis              150 - 200+            12 - 25 
viral pneumonia            100 - 200+            12 - 25 
hay fever, asthma           15 -  50              4 -  8 
environmental and                                        
 food allergy              0.5 -  50              4 -  8 
burn, injury, surgery       25 - 150+             6 - 20 
anxiety, exercise and                                    
 other mild stresses        15 -  25              4 -  6 
cancer                      15 - 100              4 - 15 
ankylosing spondylitis      15 - 100              4 - 15 
Reiter's syndrome           15 -  60              4 - 10 
acute anterior uveitis      30 - 100              4 - 15 
rheumatoid arthritis        15 - 100              4 - 15 
bacterial infections        30 - 200+            10 - 25 
infectious hepatitis        30 - 100              6 - 15 
candidiasis                 15 - 200+             6 - 25 

At enough high doses, ascorbic acid does have the side effect of loose stools. Which however is an individual limit, and immediately stops if the next doses are lowered again, and taken less frequently.


Due to my hay-fever, I usually tolerate 50 g/d taken throughout the day without loose stool.

#53 longevitydiary

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 03:05 AM

Though I agree the vitamins needs can be highly individual due to biochemical individuality (there are some interesting studies in Linus Pauling 1984 book: 'How to Live Longer And Feel Better') - but vitamins can't be endogenously synthesized:

Usually, each vitamin has a recommended daily allowance (RDA), differing again for age groups. If vitamins are not provided in sufficient quantities (and since they can't be synthesized endogenous sufficiently) very well-defined deficiency diseases occur. For example blindness, beriberi, pellagra, neuropathy, neural tube defects, rickets or scurvy - due to lack of specific vitamins from the diet.

However, in the last century a few exploring physician found experimentally much higher doses than available through diet or usual supplements exert even pharmacological effects, without side effects as with medications. One reason might be because the human body depends on vitamins since millennia and knows how to metabolize them perfectly well. While medication have to be never seen before molecules, otherwise the pharmaceutical industry could not patent them, and thereby make the huge profits they do.

That's why for monetary reasons, such exploratory physicians latter got discredited. They had found - each in multiples than physiological doses - vitamin E helps heart disease, vitamin C for example polio, vitamin B3 or niacin new-onset schizophrenia, as some examples.

With my diagnosis and walking disability from PAD 16 years ago, and no cure by western medicine. As well as my extensive experience with homeopathy, Ayurveda, TCM and Tibetan medicine during my long travel through Asia with many diseases, I knew already pretty well:

Therefore, with nothing more to lose, I tried high-dose nutrient - or Orthomolecular medicine. The rest is the history of my remissions. Where eastern and western herbalism played a minor role only. Absolutely no serious side effects, but side-benefits instead. Liver, kidney, bladder healed, psoriasis and ocular migraines too, and I never get sunburned without sun protection. To mention just a few side-benefits.

'Endogenous vitamins' is an oxymoron, Either it's called a vitamin, which can't be endogenously synthesized by the body. Otherwise, it's not a 'vitamin'.

But again, vitamins from a varied diet can only prevent the worst deficiency diseases. Optimal physical functioning, especially with diseases, need much higher doses than diet can ever provide.

A magical experience.Perhaps you're right. We're just sharing our experience, and we generally don't recommend continuous supplementation with a single herbal extract.Our experiences have not appeared in contemporary research papers; they are just our own experiences.

#54 pamojja

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 10:10 AM

Our experiences have not appeared in contemporary research papers; they are just our own experiences.


Usually the definition of vitamins, their essentially and how they are covered through a varied diet is taught by 5th grade of elementary education. You didn't receive elementary education?


#55 longevitydiary

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 11:36 AM

Usually the definition of vitamins, their essentially and how they are covered through a varied diet is taught by 5th grade of elementary education. You didn't receive elementary education?

Scientific knowledge is always evolving and being overturned. The knowledge we learned in elementary school may only be foundational and not the ultimate truth. The power of science lies in continuous exploration and innovation. A good recent example is the discovery and research on neutrinos in the scientific community.

The things in books are not necessarily correct. Although there are many longevity papers published in journals like Nature and Science, the final results are known to be irreproducible. We are only interested in the fountain of youth, and we are not interested in vitamins and other things that have already been proven not to be the fountain of youth. We believe that our products are the game-changers in the longevity landscape.

#56 pamojja

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 11:53 AM

All that doesn't change the fact, that you haven't been aware that a foundation of good health, vitamins, can't be endogenously synthesized. You were of the opinion their nonexistent endogenous production would be down regulated. Without any knowledge, experience or evidence of endogenous vitamin production

We believe that our products are the game-changers in the longevity landscape.

Without basic knowledge of physiology, one can believe in anything, especially at your young age. With your bad background knowledge, it's impossible to get any studies peer-reviewed published. Instead of knowledge, you're only presenting marketing claims.

we are not interested in vitamins and other things that have already been proven not to be the fountain of youth.


Show me the data. There are no randomized controlled trials with vitamins at high enough doses. You're just fabricating



Edited by pamojja, 04 November 2024 - 11:57 AM.

#57 longevitydiary

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 12:34 PM

All that doesn't change the fact, that you haven't been aware that a foundation of good health, vitamins, can't be endogenously synthesized. You were of the opinion their nonexistent endogenous production would be down regulated. Without any knowledge, experience or evidence of endogenous vitamin production

Without basic knowledge of physiology, one can believe in anything, especially at your young age. With your bad background knowledge, it's impossible to get any studies peer-reviewed published. Instead of knowledge, you're only presenting marketing claims.

Show me the data. There are no randomized controlled trials with vitamins at high enough doses. You're just fabricating

such as vitamin d.
1.When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin is converted into vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

2.Vitamin D3 is then converted in the liver to 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-hydroxyvitamin D3, also known as calcidiol).

3.25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is further converted in the kidneys to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3), the active form of vitamin D (also known as calcitriol).

Different people have different viewpoints. We are simply presenting ours.

#58 longevitydiary

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 01:41 PM

In 2013, during an interview with the renowned nonprofit educational organization Khan Academy (similar to Coursera, an online non-profit education platform), Elon Musk publicly stated that 'most papers are useless' and questioned the audience, 'How many PhDs' papers are actually used?'"
Discussions about Elon Musk's opinion first appeared on Quora, where tens of thousands of people have participated in the discussion over the years, and it remains highly popular. Among the respondents are tech giants, researchers from prestigious institutions like MIT, and top talents from the tech industry such as Google engineers. Surprisingly, these experts, who are supposed to defend their own value, almost unanimously sided with Musk on this issue.

so Therefore, not everyone is interested in academic papers.

Edited by longevitydiary, 04 November 2024 - 01:45 PM.

#59 longevitydiary

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 01:56 PM

Why do people who write papers think their papers are useless, acknowledging Elon Musk's view, while readers still use papers as the standard for determining right or wrong? Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?
I believe the standard for determining right or wrong should be the results, not the papers. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and I do not comment on differing viewpoints."

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#60 pamojja

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Posted 04 November 2024 - 05:48 PM

...we are not interested in vitamins and other things that have already been proven not to be the fountain of youth.


I believe the standard for determining right or wrong should be the results, not the papers.


Scientific papers are indeed often manipulated. However, with scrutiny looking at the raw data of the study, such manipulation is possible to uncover. And properly designed randomized controlled trials do prevent bias.



Ok, if no scientific work proved (your words) vitamins are not life-extending. Then what proved it?


Just you're believing is no proof either.




Likewise, if no randomized controlled proved your proprietary supplement extents life, it's merely your belief with all the bias and conflict of interests.



Edited by pamojja, 04 November 2024 - 05:52 PM.

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