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Low/No time-cost life improvements and biohacks

biohacks microplastics air quality sleep meditation aroma therapy grounding red light sauna hydrogen

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#1 Lilnugg

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Posted 30 December 2024 - 06:31 PM

I'd like to share and discuss "protocols" that follow the famous 80/20 rule. Or simply, low effort, big reward. Things that you can implement in your life that has a significant positive impact, at low cost to your primitive brain, you get the idea.

My goal with this is not to tell your to exercise for 2 hours a day, but change your plastic bottle with a steel one to optimize your blood at a relatively low cost. 



Let's start with sleep.

- Bedroom is only for sleeping. Do your best to not scroll, watch tv, have pets etc.

Very simply, this makes your brain associate your bed with sleep, and lowers the sleep delay time.


-Clear air

You stay in there a long time, every single day. Have good air flow, maybe even an air purifier to ensure good air quality and moisture.


-Aroma therapy

Have a scent linked to your bedroom. This is similar to the first point, it will lower sleep delay time, because the brain knows this scent means its time to sleep. Certain scents also trigger other physiological conditions, but that's a topic on its own.


-Grounded sheets

Slight warning here, I would personally not use your electrical ground for this, as it carries some risk with electrical faults. But a sperate ground rod where possible. There is some evidence that this will improve blood flow. Can be cheaply bought, and has great potential upside 


- Limit plastics

To minimize blood plastic levels, choose bedding that contains no plastics.


-PEMF mat (low power)

This is very expensive, but has a lot of proven positive evidence, such as halving bone healing time. Improved blood flow. Muscle stimulation. If you are serous about your health, this is 10 seconds of effort setting it up every night, with massive upside. I have mine under my mattress topper, and set either a 30 minute program, or use a smart timer to shut it off at your chosen time.


-Sleep mask

I would only advice this in urban areas where light is unnatural and disturbing


-White/(insert color) noise

Same as above, if you have a lot of unnatural noise, a noise generator will make ambient noise less disturbing for your brain.


I will not suggest supplements broadly, but they exist, and they affect people differently. 



Let's move to the kitchen!


-Remove toxic cookware, storage, containers

I know, its not sexy, but remove plastics from your edible products. Don't use teflon, don't bake in a plastic bowl. This is hard, just do your best to have glass, ceramic, metal in as many areas as possible, excluding aluminum, as this is neurotoxic, and will be a problem with acidic foods. Aluminum should be fine with shelf stable items, like pasta, oats, sugar, the stuff you shouldn't be eating much of.


-Wash your food

Regular greens, fruits etc are often sprayed with toxic chemicals. Touching them is toxic, eating it is toxic.


-Dont burn your food

When you cook on high temperature you oxidize fat, and damage proteins. If you can help it, stick to steaming, sous vide(use silicon seals), baking, boiling.


-Choose stable frying fats

When you do high temperature cooking, opt for stable options that don't produce aldehydes. The list is short, sorted best to worst (but still good), avocado oil, ghee, tallow.


-Finish with olive oil

Olive oil prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol. This means less plaque in your arteries.



Let's move to the couch


When you end up on the couch, there are some things you can do do make life better for yourself.


-Red light therapy

If you have a smaller unit (100-300watt typically) This is a perfect time to blast your sore areas that needs some extra blood flow and mitochondrial support.


-Massage gun

Loosen your tight muscles, keep good blood flow.



Flexibility and muscle upkeep


-Meditate, don't nap

This is a topic on its own. But if you are relaxing or tend to nap, there are great ways to enhance it. I personally use hypnagogic meditations for increased restorative effect in stead of naps, it feels amazing for me.


-Sauna in stead?

If all you need is some mental space, you can consider a sauna in stead. There are portable ones, or easy to assemble infrared saunas that fit in a spare room or a large bathroom.



Let's talk about exercise


There is no getting around it. Moving the body is essential. It doesnt have to be something you dont enjoy though. For me it has been performing music and lately jiu jitsu. I never go to the gym, i never walk on a treadmill, hike, swim, any of that, and i have a lean healthy body while doing an active hobby. If you already play guitar for instance, start playing while standing, and get some moves in, maybe add singing if you feel comfortable.

If you are a gamer, and thats the only thing you'll do, strongly consider a standing desk with a treadmill.



Other stuff


-Have a pretty room

Some studies has shown that visually pleasing environment improves academic achievement. There might not be a causation there, but I like to use it as an excuse to decorate my rooms with things I enjoy, and put some thought into my immediate surroundings. Although, by the looks of my cluttered desk I should revisit this point.


-Have some plants

Certain plants will produce oxygen, even in the dark. And purify your air. I'm a fan of the spider plant, as a highly efficient air purifier, produces oxygen, and is cat safe. 


-Clean air

Having a big efficient air purifier will make a big difference to your indoor air quality. Combining an ionizer with a robot vacuum will take dust out of the air, and away from the floor while you are at work for the day. Great combo!


-Hydrogen generator

I have not found the exact mechanism, but combining breathing and drinking hydrogen has been seen to cure some intense disease. I have a generator at my desk that I use from time to time while sitting here. Beware of bad hydrogen bottles.


-Grounded mats

I touched on this in the bedroom section. You can add grounded mats everywhere you spend time. For potentially improved bloodflow.




I will probably re-visit this from time to time to add or remove points. Happy to hear suggestions from you all. Are any points stupid? What should i add?

Edited by Lilnugg, 30 December 2024 - 06:36 PM.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: biohacks, microplastics, air quality, sleep, meditation, aroma therapy, grounding, red light, sauna, hydrogen

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