I would like to share my highly positive experience with the telemedicine service mobidoctor.eu. I want to emphasize that I have no financial or other affiliations with them; I am simply a patient who used their services.
I inquired via the webchat if I could consult with a doctor who specializes in longevity medicine and is familiar with rapamycin. The friendly guy on the chat instructed me to book a slot between 10 and 12 (clearly there was only one doctor working then and he knew she’d prescribe rapamycin). There was a short form to fill in before the consultation, so I did it and attached my latest blood test results before the consultation.
The doctor was also very friendly, asked if I had taken rapamycin before (I had) and if I had any documents from any previous doctors prescribing it (I didn't); she also asked what specific brand I wanted, how many tablets, etc. I provided all the necessary info and after about 2 hours I got the prescription!
I would like to add that I had previously contacted a few other telemedicine services in Europe, but either they did not respond at all or immediately stated that they do not prescribe rapamycin, so mobidoctor.eu is a commendable exception, absolutely worth recommending!