This vendor allows you to create your own supplements (capsules):
The page is only available in german language, but google translate should do the trick.
I've been using them for a while now. The vendor is located in germany, but sells EU wide (and probably internationally).
The ingredient selection is huge, but is limited by german/EU laws.
- You should tick the slider "Profimodus" to get to the advanced ingredients selection (and search function)
- You should tick the slider "Dosierung selbst anpassen?" in the shopping cart to adjust your own dose
You can use custom naturally colored Pills, including enteric coated capsules, on the next page of the creation process (click "Dose gestalten und kaufen")
You may use this thread to post and rate your creations if you like.
Edited by Emanresu, 10 February 2025 - 11:47 AM.