Peggy Hoyt is a Florida-based estate planner and co-author, with Rudi Hoffman, of The Cryonics Estate Planning Handbook. We discuss dynastic trusts, the Rule Against Perpetuities and why it isn’t a problem in the USA, reasons to have a living will, how to build in financial incentives to revive you, the components of a cryonics/biostasis estate plan, the role of the trust protector, financing the preservation of pets, and more.
They generally create a revokable living trust and set up a trust protector. "The trust will become a personal revival trust."
"The components that make up the estate plan are the living trust with the personal revival trust, financial power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, a "will to live", a religious objection to autopsy, and healthcare directives with specific instructions."
For the trust protector, they use "The committee of perpetual guardians", which is made up of cryonicists. Bill Faloon is said to make this possible. They don't give much info about it and I don't see much from a web search.