VIDEO: BBC Interview: Immortality
Nick Bostrom of the World Transhumanist Association (WTA) has been to America and makes his case for radically extending the human lifespan.
Max More, Nick Bostrom, Natasha Vita-More, James
(click on "Would You Want To Live Forever")
The current voting:
Thank you for voting in the Court of Opinion.
Here is the verdict that the jury has returned so far:
Would you want to live forever?
Yes, unreservedly: 9.0%
Yes but only if body & mind remain healthy, and being alive
for longer doesn't deprive other people of resources: 25.2%
Yes, but only if body & mind remain healthy: 25.8%
Yes, but only if mental function remains intact: 4.3%
Don't know: 3.5%
No: 32.1%
The experts they've added are interestingly chosen, as are the snippets of what appears to be a longer roundtable discussion of the main topic. . . .
Expect to see that 32% to turn into 91% of people having reservations about living forever, BTW. . . .*grin* (Figures don't lie but liars figure)