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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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#1 RighteousReason

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Posted 03 January 2007 - 09:56 PM


#2 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 03 January 2007 - 10:44 PM

I think we should expand on that "being dead sucks" idea... where we create a giant page of thousands of things you can't do... just as something to give prospects to look at because I think if they saw something that personally related to them it could help sway their decision... or at least grab their attention.. :)

#3 RighteousReason

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Posted 03 January 2007 - 11:39 PM

lets do it. right here.

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#4 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:48 AM

Ok... here we go... I'll periodically group them all up into a single post for reference... and to make it easier for me to group them, please separate each action by a hyphen (Apples - Oranges) and try to at least capitalize the first letter of the first word (for continuity)... it would be best if you took a quick look after you made your list to see if you repeated what someone else said (but if you don't, that's alright because I'll try to take care of it anyway)

Being dead sucks because you can't

Write computer programs - Make smoothies - Go rock hunting/mining - Go sky diving - Go water skiing - Learn a foreign language - Watch a poorly dubbed foreign movie - Join a forum - Make friends - Become a photographer - Go swimming - Breathe - Play with a bunch of magnets - Go shopping - Have a crush on someone - Crush an ice cube with your teeth - Tell jokes - Read this list - Prepare crab for dinner - Feed your dog - Get a brain-freeze from eating ice cream too fast - Play with fireworks - Celebrate holidays - Water your garden - Watch a bug-zapper for hours on end - Get a piece of candy stuck in your teeth - Tickle a Tickle Me Elmo - Invest in Blue-Chip stocks - Try to fillet a tomato

I'll post some more when I have time...

#5 mitkat

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 12:53 AM

These honestly are making me laugh. They're excellent because they are those little things that make life worth living. :)

Take a class - Learn to dance - Build a deck - Learn sign language - Raise animals - Train a monkey

I got nothing. I'll post more later, I'm fairly sick right now :(

#6 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 01:35 AM

I think we should expand on that "being dead sucks" idea... where we create a giant page of thousands of things you can't do... just as something to give prospects to look at because I think if they saw something that personally related to them it could help sway their decision... or at least grab their attention..  :)

Lyrics to "Suicide" by Bobby Gaylor

Also lay out on the grass, watch the stars, go cave diving, fly a jetpack, eat a peanut-butter-honey-and-banana sandwich.

#7 kylyssa

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 05:40 PM

When you're dead you can't

Read a good book - Watch the Perseids on a hot summer night - Snuggle in front of a fireplace - Toast marshmallows over a campfire - Cuddle a kitty - Learn something new - Make love - Sleep late - Go to a museum - Ride the Teacups at Disneyworld - Order take-out - Have hot monkey sex - Watch monkeys at the zoo - Kiss a woman - Kiss a man - Kiss two men at the same time - Make out on a carnival ride - Argue politics - Argue philosophy - Nap with a cat on your head - Tickle a woman - Tickle a man - Hug your Mom - Hug your Dad - Hug your Best Friend - Watch Anime - Hold hands - Eat dark chocolate - Smell flowers - Bake cookies - Watch a sunrise - Climb a cliff - Go sky-diving - Go bungee jumping - Go skinny dipping - Give a massage - Get your hair shampooed - Smell fresh cut grass - Play the bass - Lay on the floor watching your refugium - Catch tiny starfish - Watch bio-luminescent starfish - Use text messaging - See a puffer fish puff - Ride an elephant - Go coral diving - Write a novel - Build a house - Smell good - Eat a sun-warmed raspberry - Deliver a speech - Make a toast - Hear a song - Wiggle your toes in the sand - Touch a pretty girl - Smell the rain - See a rainbow

#8 Karomesis

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 07:20 PM

- Make love -

- Have hot monkey sex -

those two sound great [thumb] but you really lost me on...

- Kiss a man - Kiss two men at the same time -


#9 maestro949

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 10:34 PM

Things I like and would miss if I were dead...

Stalking People on the Internet
Chastity Belts
Picking Locks
Taking Peoples Lunch Money
Joining The Militant Wing of various Groups
Nose Hairs
Paying Taxes
Things That Taste Like Chicken
Slippery Slopes
Things That Gurgle
Causing Trouble
Blinking Lights
Taunting Satan
My Sidekick Robin
Beer Goggles
Deviant Behavior
Spiking the Punchbowl
Putting Cute Furry Things in Scalding Hot Water
Listening to George Bush Speak
Burning Heathens at the Stake
Spontaneous Human Combustion
Broken Glass Cutting Through Soft Tissue
Selling Snake Oil
Blending in
Knowing the Meaning of Life yet Keeping It Secret
Ordering God and Other Dieties Around
Closed Minded People
Ticking Elmo
Flashbacks to Previous Lives
Being Caught in the Tractor Beam
Taking the "J" Out of Joy
Saying The Word "****"
That Everybody Is Out to Get Me
Me Frosted Lucky Charms
Being Abducted by Aliens
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Influencing Others to Do Wrong
Setting Laser to Stun
My Comfy Padded Cell
Chewing Other Peoples Gum
Sudden Shock
The Alien Inside Me
Mass Hysteria
Drama Drama Drama
Repeating myself
Repeating myself
The Gook That Builds Up Around Toilets
Large Cash Donations
Searching for the Correct Answer to 'Do I Look Fat in This?'
Having My Cake and Eating It Too
Being Sent to My Room

Edited by maestro949, 05 January 2007 - 03:21 AM.

#10 mitkat

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Posted 04 January 2007 - 10:43 PM

This is quickly becoming my favourite thread. My own personal one would be "engineer a talking houseplant". (Not luminescent, sorry John :) )

#11 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 05 January 2007 - 12:15 AM

Awesome... some of these are hilarious! ok, so far we have about 3.2 pages in (Arial 10) at one per line (centered)... so after we hit the 5 page mark I'll post the list and from there I'll look for a little corner to stick it on the web with a nice little domain redirect to make it look pretty, but yeah... I had to change a few pronouns here and there mostly the "me"s...

Um.. we don't have any rules as to what will be included (I'll include anything posted unless we agree on something else) but... I think since this could be a reference for the "why be immortal?, why keep living?, Life has no meaning!" people, I think we should focus more on positive stuff... I know that you would never put cute, furry things in scalding hot water maestro (unless it's a furby) [tung] but I think that some might find that cruel and be turned off... ya know?... what do you guys think?

EDIT: Spelling

#12 MichaelAnissimov

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Posted 05 January 2007 - 10:18 PM

Mike Treder is awesome.

#13 kgmax

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Posted 05 January 2007 - 11:14 PM

** Think about tommorow.

I have had some really shitty times in my life where I think it would be easier to be dead. I just always remember that something is bound to happen tommorow or next week or next month that I will regret missing.

Something always has ;)

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