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"500 club" 500mg of trans-resveratrol per day

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#1 health_nutty

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 01:06 AM

With the price of resveratrol dropping significantly there are many more on this board taking on the order of 500mg/day of t-res. I know that Duke Nukem has been taking around 420mg a day for a while. Maxhealth is taking 800mg! Makoss is taking 500mg a day. I'm sure there are more people. It would be interesting to get all the feedback and logs into one location (and out of the personal supplementation section which gets very little traffic).

I just received my Country life plus resveratrol and am starting to ramp my dosage starting today (with the goal being 400mg). I'll post back regularly with updates.
Male 30yo 150lb 7% BF
BP 100/60
Resting Heart Rate: 60bbm

Edited by health_nutty, 17 January 2007 - 04:47 AM.

#2 Shepard

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 01:11 AM

No chance anyone is going to be doing bloodwork around this level of supplementation, is there?

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#3 makoss

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 01:35 AM

Took my last blood test in Sept 06 when I turned 50. The results (HDL/LD cholesterol, BP, PSA, homocysteine) while not perfect, I was given a clean bill of health. The only addition to my regimen since then is Res-trol (500mg scattered daily). I began taking 500 mg two weeks ago. Before then, 2 Longevenix caps daily which I started in Nov 06. I will take another blood test in early March 07.

#4 stephen_b

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 01:42 AM

I've upped to 350 mg. I am 42, 5'8", and 150 lbs.

My next blood work will show if there has been any changes, since my previous was with 40 mg transrevestrol/day.


#5 zoolander

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 03:24 AM

Took my last blood test in Sept 06 when I turned 50. The results (HDL/LD cholesterol, BP, PSA, homocysteine) while not perfect, I was given a clean bill of health.

Need values pre supplementation and say 3 months post supplementation. Need Values

#6 makoss

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 05:36 PM

Omiited the values here but I planned on posting values, pre and post supplement, after my next blood test in March 07. Stay tuned!

#7 curious_sle

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 07:44 PM

one thing i'd like to hear is :-) mg/kg/d with a point of reference lacking this discussion is, erm, less then optimal. If the point is ~5mg/kg/day then i can participate too :-). I'll have my next basic bloodworks just after easter (bad idea? Maybe :-) ) and had one done just before starting this regimen change.

#8 health_nutty

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 07:48 PM

one thing i'd like to hear is :-) mg/kg/d with a point of reference lacking this discussion is, erm, less then optimal. If the point is ~5mg/kg/day then i can participate too :-). I'll have my next basic bloodworks just after easter (bad idea? Maybe :-) ) and had one done just before starting this regimen change.

That is excellent. I'm really excited about seeing the before and after bloodwork.

I wanted to make a fun and splashy topic title so I chose the 500 club. It sounded better than the 5mg/kg/d club ;)
I would expect that most that participate are not actually taking 500mg of t-res (I'm not).

#9 tom a

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 07:06 PM

One issue that I haven't seen raised here that seems pretty pertinent: how long do you think it might be before people on doses analogous to those of Sinclair's mice should expect to see similar changes?

I'd guess the right factor would be to expect the changes to take roughly 6 times as long, compensating for differences in metabolism rate between mice and people. Does this strike others as right?

My vague recollection is that in the case of Auwerx mice (at a dose 18 times higher than that of Sinclair's higher dosed mice), changes were first detected after about 8 weeks -- which would suggest a time of 48 weeks for people, perhaps.

Does anybody recall the earliest point at which Sinclair's mice showed differences depending on whether they were fed resveratrol?

#10 makoss

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 07:30 PM

I think putting a time frame on how long it would take will depend on each individual's body chemistry and state of health during the high-dose time frame. I won't know for sure whether this high dose regimen is actually working until I go through 4 or 5 blood tests and then see if there are physiological changes, if any.

#11 tom a

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 07:37 PM


I certainly agree that individual variablity will play a role.

But I also think that it would be some good confirming evidence for the efficacy of resveratrol if certain effects detected in mice after a specified amount of time were also noted in human beings at roughly the predicted amount of time.

#12 syr_

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 09:36 PM

*quietly observes*

#13 DukeNukem

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 10:26 PM

>>> know that Duke Nukem has been taking around 420mg a day for a while.

Ya know, I'm going to try to have the real Duke refer to resveratrol in the next game. It's just a matter of somehow making fit the game.

Anyway, I'm at 500mg now (two 250mg doses per day) just to see what happens. I expect not much that I can notice. Energy-wise, I can tell no difference, but then, I've never had a problem in that area. Really, at 45.5, I feel as good as I ever have, and the idea that people slow down with age is foreign to me.

BTW, I test my blood & health markers extensively once a year, and less extensively on the six months in between. (They come to my house to do it -- super convenient.)

Quick update just after posting: One thing I have noticed the last three or so weeks, is my hunger has diminished. I use to need to eat every 2.5 - 3 hours, but now I go 4 hours quite often, and even then I don't feel all that hungry. Who knows if this is related to RSV, but the timing is right in line with my increased dosage (breaking the 400mg mark, several weeks ago).

#14 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 10:46 PM

Have Duke drink red wine instead of beer, citing the health benefits of the resveratrol. We need a public icon of masculinity to support the drinking of wine so my buddies stop giving me shit about it. [tung]

#15 health_nutty

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 11:24 PM

I'm day two into my high dose tres regimen.

I take 200mg tres at breakfast 100mg at lunch and 100mg at dinner.

1) Laxative effect: I did notice a bit of a laxative effect (minor) before lunch on day 1 but not on day 2 (maybe I'm getting used to it).
2) Mood and energy is definitely boosted. More pronounced on day 1 than day 2. Similar to the effect I got when first taking alcar.
3) Appetite suppression: This dosage is giving a noticeable appetite suppression.

Edit: Updated the appetite suppression.

Edited by health_nutty, 19 January 2007 - 05:46 AM.

#16 blarger

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 11:26 PM

Dude, drink wine straight from the bottle, then shatter it on one of the senescent faces surrounding you. Noone will give you shit then.
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#17 mitkat

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 11:55 PM

Dude, drink wine straight from the bottle, then shatter it on one of the senescent faces surrounding you.  Noone will give you shit then.

Although I try to remain non-violent at times, it never lasts long. This is a viable option in my books. [thumb]

More seriously, my friends drink all kinds of drinks, so it's never been a problem.

#18 makoss

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Posted 19 January 2007 - 03:09 AM

Have been taking 500mg per day of RSV (using Duke’s abbrv) for a week now and have noticed a slight appetite suppression. Too soon to really know for sure. I, like Nutty, seem to get a jolt of energy similar to ALCAR for the first 30-45 minutes. I would like to let the members to know a little about my situation and reasoning regarding my intake of RSV. I’m 50, 6 ft 185lbs. I am a first generation Italian American who has eaten a high-fat diet most of my life. I grew up eating lots of pasta, cooked tomatos, various meats, and all kinds of Italian cheeses, pastries, desserts, etc. On the flip side, this diet also included healthy fares such as olive oil, garlic, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Didn't drink much red wine, unlike the rest of my family. The typical Mediteranean diet. My health thus far has been great. I have never spent a day in the hospital for any ailment. I was a smoker for 24 years. Quit six years ago cold turkey. Like many adults, I have had my share of flu viruses and colds, but not a one in the last three years. I am not taking any prescribed medications and have been given a clean bill of health. I will post my before and after medical exam values in March 07. I began supplementing a year ago, and I continue to eat the foods I grew up with, however, ONLY IN MODERATION. I was always worried that my age and diet wouldl one day catch up with me. This is why I decided to add RSV to my regimen—to improve my health exam results while still enjoying the foods I eat. It’s not so much to slow down aging, but to keep the vital organs and vital signs working at optimal levels.

#19 health_nutty

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Posted 19 January 2007 - 06:04 AM

I'm not sure how accurate my home omron bp monitor is but here are the numbers after day 2:
BP: 124/75 (previous measurement was at doctors office)
bpm: 58

#20 chrisp2

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Posted 19 January 2007 - 05:52 PM

>>>  know that Duke Nukem has been taking around 420mg a day for a while.

Ya know, I'm going to try to have the real Duke refer to resveratrol in the next game.  It's just a matter of somehow making fit the game.

VERY much looking forward to Forever... More so than any other game in development.

I'm interested in going high dose Resveratrol, but still stuck on deciding which product to select.

I know Logevinex is of decent quality - but I am skeptical of some of their claims, and would rather find something a little more cost effective. I'll gladly pay good money for the best supplement, but I don't want to get robbed if there is really no significant benefit of one company's product.

I have seen posts about Nutraceutical Sciences and Nature's Way... But as far as I am aware, no published lab assays for either product.

I know of Paul's Orchid buy - but I really want the convenience of capsules. Hopefully someone will produce an Orchid based resveratrol product, in capsules, soon....

#21 tom a

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Posted 19 January 2007 - 06:35 PM

I know of Paul's Orchid buy - but I really want the convenience of capsules.  Hopefully someone will produce an Orchid based resveratrol product, in capsules, soon....

I pretty much agree. What is really needed is a product that is verifiably nearly pure resveratrol (say, 97%), uses capsules, and is relatively low price. This is clearly the sweet spot of the market, and I don't see any vendors who occupy this space.

I certainly don't think coming from Orchid is by any means a requirement (indeed they may well NOT be the most cost effective supplier), but constant and careful verification of the product by a trusted vendor would suffice.

#22 xanadu

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Posted 19 January 2007 - 08:56 PM

I don't see the need for such purity unless there is evidence the other ingredients are harmfull. I see another bulk purchase is being offered by this Paul guy but with no guarantees you will get it and the price starts at $4 a gram. That is somewhat cheap but I've heard of lower prices being offered and you didn't have to buy any huge amounts. BAC is said to have a 50% res product and the price was very good.

#23 maxwatt

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Posted 20 January 2007 - 01:54 AM

I don't see the need for such purity unless there is evidence the other ingredients are harmfull. I see another bulk purchase is being offered by this Paul guy but with no guarantees you will get it and the price starts at $4 a gram. That is somewhat cheap but I've heard of lower prices being offered and you didn't have to buy any huge amounts. BAC is said to have a 50% res product and the price was very good.

The problem with the lower-purity plant extracts is that they invariably contain emodin. The amount can be as high as 20%, though 10% is more usual. Even a high-quality low-emodin extract, that is 50% resveratrol and 3% emodin (and this is very low) may have too much. Most have around 10% unless specified. A 500mg resveratrol dose will require one gram of the extract, and contain at least 30 mg of emodin. As little as 10 gm of emodin is a mild, but gentle, laxative. People vary somewhat in their tolerance, but I do not like this effect. Protykin ® is a 20% resveratrol extract, marketed commercially to supplement companies. It contains 10 to 20% emodin. Their approach is to claim emodin has health benefits -- which it does, as an anti-cancer treatment-- but in the doses we would be interested in the effect is not good. I took two 200 mg resveratrol doses of 20% resveratrol pills, 10% emodin, first in the morning and then at night, and woke up at 4 am with my bowels complaining. It was three days until I felt normal. I haven't had the nerve to try a 3% emodin extract. People vary; you may be lucky and be able to tolerate it. At the price BAC is selling, I think the emodin content is over 6%.

As for a commercially-sold 98% pure pill, it's not going to happen anytime soon in the good old US of A. Resveratrol is classified as an investigational drug, so the FDA have to seize any 98% pure pills if marketed for human consumption. Same goes for veterinary use. Technically they can seize any product claiming to contain resveratrol, but have so far chosen not to. They are treating the 50% and less extracts as an herb. I am told by a Washington lawyer that they are not likely at this time to go after small bulk purchases of pure resveratrol unless they find out it can harm people. Too few resources.

I think joint purchases by groups, such as Paul Wakfer is coordinating, are the best way to go as individuals; it's not illegal to buy or possess resveratrol, or to take it yourself. It's not a schedule I drug.
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#24 tom a

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Posted 20 January 2007 - 02:38 AM


It sounds like what a vendor needs to do is provide a product with, say, 95% purity (thereby not running afoul of the regulation you state), and eliminate virtually all emodin, and to do so as inexpensively as possible.

I don't see why no one has done this yet.

#25 maxwatt

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Posted 20 January 2007 - 03:49 AM


It sounds like what a vendor needs to do is provide a product with, say, 95% purity (thereby not running afoul of the regulation you state), and eliminate virtually all emodin, and to do so as inexpensively as possible.

I don't see why no one has done this yet.

Because 95% is more than 50%. Supplement makers are aftaid to run afoul of the FDA at more than 50%. It's not that easy. But I do not find it much of a problem to swallow 1/8 teaspoon of 98% powder with a little water. It's flavorless.

Judging by the way stocks of 95% to 98% resveratol are disappearing from China -- the price has nearly doubled in two months -- I wouldn't be surprised if some people are adding it to low grade extracts to bring them up to 50% concentration. It's getting difficult to get 50% product, too. The price of that has gone up every week since December.

#26 tintinet

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Posted 20 January 2007 - 01:29 PM

You could encapsulate the Orchid RSV yourself (likely least expensive option).

I think it is important to know the product each poster is using.

As of last night, I'm taking the Orchid 250 mg BID = 500 mg a day plus
one Longevinex per day plus some "generic" (200 mg a day, more or less,
if the products (BAC, Puritan's Pride, Jarrow) actually contain any significant
amounts of trans-RSV.

Occasionally, I may take the NSI RSV capsules in place of one of the
others (usually BAC, PP, and/or Jarrow.)

Edited by tintinet, 20 January 2007 - 02:01 PM.

#27 tintinet

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Posted 20 January 2007 - 01:56 PM

A few years ago I had a telephone conversation with Paul McGlothin regarding RSV. At the time (IIRC), he stated he was partaking in a trial experiment in collaboration with David Sinclair to study the metabolic effects of RSV on people. He was using Longevinex (again, IIRC), and claimed RSV use resulted in rather immediate, measurable effects on body temp., glucose and insulin levels, at least, FWIW.

#28 xanadu

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Posted 20 January 2007 - 06:36 PM

I still have not heard anything bad about emodin besides the gentle laxative effect. I would dare say that more people are in need of a laxative than not. That might be a plus all by itself along with the fact emodin seems to have health benefits including cancer protection. Those who experiment with super high doses like 500mg per day might want to consider it more but only a few are doing that.

#29 eternalone

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 02:04 AM

I am new to taking RSV. I just started in mid-December by initially taking the Solaray and Pure Encapsulations RSV ( a couple of caps per day) since I could not find the Nature's Way product at the time.

I paired my RSV with lecithin and quercetin. Then I dropped the quercetin, because I read that its metabolites may actually inhibit the positive effects of RSV. But I noticed that the trio of RSV/lecithin/quercetin gave me a noticable boost in feeling good throughout the day as opposed to just RSV/lecithin. But I've stuck to just RSV/lecithin and an Omega-3 cap(or a couple of mL's of EVOO)to help with absorption.
My energy levels have increased. No bowel problems as others have reported. Another odd side effect is that I no longer crave alcohol. I used to drink a bottle of wine a week or a six-pack of beer. Has anyone experienced this?
Currently, I am on the Nature's Way product (300mg/day) and if I don't notice any adverse effects in the coming weeks, I may increase it to 400mg and eventually 500mg.
So, is any one taking their RSV with quercetin? What is a good brand out there for RSV?

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#30 fearfrost

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 08:03 AM

I paired my RSV with lecithin and quercetin. Then I dropped the quercetin, because I read that its metabolites may actually inhibit the positive effects of RSV. But I noticed that the trio of RSV/lecithin/quercetin gave me a noticable boost in feeling good throughout the day as opposed to just RSV/lecithin.

So, is any one taking their RSV with quercetin?

eternalone, yes, I am taking RSV with quercetin. My combination is: resveratrol, quercetin, lecithin, ellagic acid and a *small* glass of wine or vodka. I definitely noticed the effect of boosted energy. At first I thought I was just making it up, but I have been taking this for about 1.5 months now and I still feel it every time shortly after taking the pills. And it is not just euphoria from the alcohol because I just added the wine the last two weeks. With no alcohol I still feel the energy and an increase in determination and drive. Whether or not it's placebo, I dont really care because the feeling is real. But I highly doubt it is just placebo because I have read many other accounts of this same effect.

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If you have $30, I bet this article would answer a lot of questions... and mine too so if you pay, please share :) Actually I will probably end up getting the article within the next week and I will link to it on a server if I do.

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