Another thread was started discussing a particular person who had joint problems with high resveratrol use and what they did to relieve those issues and to allow the person to resume resveratrol. I know there are several threads about the joint issues, but thought this one was worth linking to in here, as it discusses possible options to relieve the joint pain.
I posted about my own experiences there and asked for more information.
The gist of the original post in that thread deals with synovial fluid and the poster offers the idea that resveratrol may reduce synovial fluid and may, in some people, require other substances to counter this effect.
Thanks for the tips, David.
I had been taking 250mg of 50% resveratrol for 2 years with no side effects.
In May I increased to 500mg/day (basically because I ran out of 250mg caps but had 1 bottle of 500's left).
Within a few days I was experiencing severe arthritis-like stiffness and pain in both hands (worst on awakening).
Strangely, one joint on the outside of my right foot (behind smallest toe) became very sore; I couldn't even walk without slippers or thick, soft socks.
I used to have arthritis in the hands until 7 years ago.
I stopped the res and symptoms have all but vanished. Left hand is still a little touchy.
I have ordered more of the 250mg res and will go back to original dose but this was a big shock for me.
If symptoms resume I will try some 98% or 99% pure stuff.