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"500 club" 500mg of trans-resveratrol per day

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#271 health_nutty

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Posted 07 March 2007 - 07:20 AM

I just want to give a BIG THANKS to everyone who contributed to this thread!!!  I've found it very interesting and informative.



Yes, thanks everyone!

Jim, I saw in another thread you are taking 400mg per day. Any updates for us? What is the latest with your blood pressure?

#272 malbecman

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Posted 07 March 2007 - 05:22 PM

I can update my latest blood pressure readings (sorry, though, I'm not Jim).

I had the RN measure mine when I donated blood last week. I've been on ~5 mg/kg trans-ResV since the New Year. My blood pressure was consistently in the 120-125/80-85 range. I'm just 40 and exercise regularly but it still seemed like it was starting to creep up there with my age.

My latest reading: 112/73 ;)

edited on 3/8 to add:

I have not significantly changed my diet or exercise regimen in this time period, either. Still, just one data point and anecdotal evidence.

Edited by malbecman, 08 March 2007 - 05:20 PM.

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#273 Da55id

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Posted 07 March 2007 - 09:43 PM

I just started taking 1 gram per day. We'll see...

#274 fearfrost

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Posted 07 March 2007 - 10:06 PM

I have the results for my resveratrol test. I have been on resveratrol for almost 3 months now. Prior to starting supplementation I took my blood pressure and heart rate readings several times over the course of two weeks. Then, two weeks ago I started taking readings again to compare what effect the resveratrol is having on those body signals.

Pre-Resveratrol Readings:
blood pressure: 119/65
heart rate: 61 bpm

Post-Resveratrol Readings:
blood pressure: 114/58
heart rate: 60 bpm

The blood pressure results were statistically significant with a p-value of less than 0.01 (alpha = 0.01).

5 point drop in Systolic pressure
7 point drop in Diastolic pressure
No change in heart rate
No change in weight (153 lb)
No change in height (6'4")

I am actually quite surprised with these results. I was expecting nothing to happen, but I guess it is good. "The American Heart Association Nutrition Committee estimates that even a small reduction of just two points in diastolic blood pressure could lower a person's stroke risk by as much as 15% and lower heart disease risk by 6%."

However, I cannot fully (if at all) attribute the change to resveratrol because I was also training pretty intensely for a couple mountaineering trips that I am going on (one next week!). For the majority of the past 2 months I have been doing 1.5-3 hours of aerobic workout 6 out of 7 days. It is very likely exercising is the actual reason.

I plan on increasing my resveratrol intake from 40mg to 500mg per day.

#275 tintinet

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Posted 07 March 2007 - 10:31 PM

Interesting...and it will be more interesting to see if you experience any significant subjective and objective changes with the increased dose. What's your resveratrol source?


#276 fearfrost

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 01:23 AM

Longevinex..... soon to be switching to BAC or Country Life when I raise my dose. I will take measurements 3 months after I increase my dose to see if the effect is dose dependent (and independent of intense exercise).

#277 shadowrun

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 04:36 AM

Please note that I understand that this highly subjective and it is simply a personal account of my experiences -

I have dosed daily for the past 2 months since I started supplementating with an empty stomach and a tablespoon of fish oil 20 minutes before breakfast

but has anyone else felt like the Country Life is more Effective than the BAC?

I took 400 mg of Resv with Country Life and felt great (less hunger and a consistent feeling of positive underlying energy) -
When I got the BAC powder I started taking the same amount and did not notice the effect (2 weeks of supplementation).
It was until I upped my BAC dosage to 600 mg that I had that same feeling back.

The past 5 days I went back to 400 mg of Country Life and experienced the same positive effects that I had when I first started supplementation.

I opened a Country life cap and compared the smell and taste with the BAC powder - the BAC smelled and tasted less aborrhent (they both stunk)

BAC is much more economical but I am weighing the costs v benefits of continued supplementation with the powder

I understand I could have simply created some sort of stupid psychological OCD issue or perhaps I am storing my powders incorrectly (out of light in a cool dry place)

#278 health_nutty

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 05:38 AM


What are you using measure the weight of your resveratrol powder? If you are just using a measuring spoon, you might be off by quite a bit.

#279 valjean

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 06:26 AM

I took 400 mg of Resv with Country Life and felt great (less hunger and a consistent feeling of positive underlying energy) -
When I got the BAC powder I started taking the same amount and did not notice the effect (2 weeks of supplementation).

The Country Life Product contains a whole spectrum of OPCs and I wonder if (at least some)
of the positive effects, the contributers of this thread attributed to resveratrol, may result
solely/partly/synergistically from the OPCs additive. To get a clearer picture I would like to
hear if someone had pure OPC sumpplementation before taking resveratrol and if there
were some noticeably effects comparable to those reported for resveratrol. Maybe the
OPCs undergo the same metabolic process as resveratrol do and this rises a concurrency
situation yielding in more free trans resveratrol in the bloodstream for a longer time.

Any suggestions ?

#280 markymark

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 08:42 AM

[/quote] What kind of research are you interested in doing? I would love to see a study where mice were fed with resv. supplements of different brands, to see which works best, or whether they're all the same, as some argue. I suggested trying to figure this out through anecdotal reports, for lack of anything better, but a controlled animal study would obviously be light-years better.[/quote]

Hello Jack, and the others,
I would like to commend on the question, as to which patients/individuals would be good candidates for a T-RESV-Trial.
Aside from the anti-cancer issue, which is more difficult to study, the ideal persons would be those with features, or the full picture of the METABOLIC SYNDROME/DIABETES TYPE 2. I am sure, a lot of you out there have already thought about the same....
If we, or anybody else could show, in a randomized, controlled trial, that, say 500 mg or 5-10 mg/KG leads to a drop of fasting insulin, and fasting-blood sugar (these are constantly elevated in diabetes type 2, or metabolic syndrome), tryglycerides, or HbA1C (takes 6 months), and an increase of HDL-Cholesterol, and adiponectin... only to mention some paramaters, this would be a science-tsunami. It would also be very interesting to perform before and after oral glucose-tolerance tests in those individuals and to look at the area under the curves of insulin and glucose.
Duration with respect to fasting Insulin and glucose might be 2-3 months. Caloric intake in both groups, placebo and TRESV must be equal... . Other nutraceuticals must be left out for the time of the trial, or be equal in both groups....

I am sure, that trials like I have drafted above are under way somewhere

Markus P. Look, MD, Internist, Germany 42Yrs.

P. S. My dose: 250 mg TRESV/day since 10 days. Source: www.biotikon.de (Germany) no laxative effect, The label says: "500 mg Radix polygoni multiflori at least 25 % resveratrol". I have inquired for source and origin of the material, technical data sheet etc. and am awaiting the company's reply.

#281 tintinet

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 09:07 AM

Nice prospective trial proposal, markymark.

In addition, I'd like to see a group given synthetic t-resv vs. extract
version. Also, with and without additional OPCs.

Unfortunately, these more complex investigations would require
much greater numbers of participants +/or time to perform effectively.

Yet, given the recent focus upon "nutraceuticals" See
MD Anderson's website
perhaps some corporate funding (effectively screened to
prevent bias, of course) may be available.

Edited by tintinet, 08 March 2007 - 09:19 AM.

#282 vengeance

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 06:07 AM

I think they should also use Resveratrol-Glycon in the trial.

If one of the problems with ResV is supposed to be bioavailability, then why aren't they using ResV-Glycon in trials? This company claims,

"Resveratrol in its natural form is predominantly found coupled to a sugar (i.e., "glycon"), which makes the poorly soluble parent compound, trans-resveratrol, more water soluble. Also, the glycon is highly orally bioavailable and its stability is much greater compared to resveratrol without the sugar moiety (see reference Prokop et al.)."

They also claim their product to be 96% pure. I can't find anything saying that they'd only ship to "doctors" so I thought one of you might be interested in trying to order.

#283 health_nutty

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 06:21 AM


I haven't seen that product until now. Interesting!

#284 valjean

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 08:37 AM

I think they should also use Resveratrol-Glycon in the trial.

If one of the problems with ResV is supposed to be bioavailability, then why aren't they using ResV-Glycon in trials? This company claims,

"Resveratrol in its natural form is predominantly found coupled to a sugar (i.e., "glycon"), which makes the poorly soluble parent compound, trans-resveratrol, more water soluble. Also, the glycon is highly orally bioavailable and its stability is much greater compared to resveratrol without the sugar moiety (see reference Prokop et al.)."

They also claim their product to be 96% pure. I can't find anything saying that they'd only ship to "doctors" so I thought one of you might be interested in trying to order.

Here are their prices:

Resveratrol Glycon HP: the minimum quantity delivered is 1 kg at the price EUR 1145,

10 kgs we can offer you at the price EUR 1065 per 1 kg,

50 kgs EUR 678 per 1 kg

100 kgs EUR 640 per 1 kg

Resveratrol HP: 1 kg - EUR 3.455,

10 kgs we can offer you at the price EUR 3199 per 1 kg

50 kgs EUR 1899 per 1 kg

100 kgs EUR 1793 per 1 Kg

#285 tintinet

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 09:28 AM

I think they should also use Resveratrol-Glycon in the trial.

If one of the problems with ResV is supposed to be bioavailability, then why aren't they using ResV-Glycon in trials? This company claims,

"Resveratrol in its natural form is predominantly found coupled to a sugar (i.e., "glycon"), which makes the poorly soluble parent compound, trans-resveratrol, more water soluble. Also, the glycon is highly orally bioavailable and its stability is much greater compared to resveratrol without the sugar moiety (see reference Prokop et al.)."

They also claim their product to be 96% pure. I can't find anything saying that they'd only ship to "doctors" so I thought one of you might be interested in trying to order.

Although LEF's recent article in LEF mag. and this company (not without a vested interest, obviously), make the claim of better bioavailability of the glyconated form
of RSV, Sinclair's studies and others used the synthetic, unglyconated form.

In addition, the company cites a reference in association with the claim of better bioavailability that only addresses rsv-glycon stability- not bioavailability vs. the non-glycon form.

In sum, the advantage of rsv-glycon remains unclear, ISTM.

#286 Ghostrider

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 11:42 AM

Please note that I understand that this highly subjective and it is simply a personal account of my experiences -

I have dosed daily for the past 2 months since I started supplementating with an empty stomach and a tablespoon of fish oil 20 minutes before breakfast

but has anyone else felt like the Country Life is more Effective than the BAC?

I took 400 mg of Resv with Country Life and felt great (less hunger and a consistent feeling of positive underlying energy) -
When I got the BAC powder I started taking the same amount and did not notice the effect (2 weeks of supplementation).
It was until I upped my BAC dosage to 600 mg that I had that same feeling back.

The past 5 days I went back to 400 mg of Country Life and experienced the same positive effects that I had when I first started supplementation.

I opened a Country life cap and compared the smell and taste with the BAC powder - the BAC smelled and tasted less aborrhent (they both stunk)

BAC is much more economical but I am weighing the costs v benefits of continued supplementation with the powder

I understand I could have simply created some sort of stupid psychological OCD issue or perhaps I am storing my powders incorrectly (out of light in a cool dry place)

Yeah, I think this might be true. I was taking Nature's Way 37.5 mg caps at about 70 mg for two caps. Did not really feel anything. Now I am at two caps of Country Life which I believe is 200 mg total and my energy - mentally at least -- does seem higher. It's 3:42 AM in the morning and it feels more like 1:00 AM. And this is after waking up an hour earlier than usual. Still felt alert all day. I am not trying to sell the product, but so far, it looks good. Also started taking Piracetam before bed, that does give me more vivid dreams and perhaps deeper sleep. I'll report back in a few days.

#287 maxwatt

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 12:34 PM

but has anyone else felt like the Country Life is more Effective than the BAC?

I took 400 mg of Resv with Country Life and felt great (less hunger and a consistent feeling of positive underlying energy) -
When I got the BAC powder I started taking the same amount and did not notice the effect (2 weeks of supplementation).
It was until I upped my BAC dosage to 600 mg that I had that same feeling back.

It is not clear to me if you were taking 400 mg of BAC, or 800 mg BAC that is equivalent to 400 mg of trans-resveratrol. BAC is only 50% trans-resveratrol.

Also, 50% extracts from P. cuspidatum can vary considerable in color, smell and taste, while still measuring 50% trans-resveratrol.

#288 maxwatt

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 02:19 PM

I think they should also use Resveratrol-Glycon in the trial.

If one of the problems with ResV is supposed to be bioavailability, then why aren't they using ResV-Glycon in trials? This company claims,

"Resveratrol in its natural form is predominantly found coupled to a sugar (i.e., "glycon"), which makes the poorly soluble parent compound, trans-resveratrol, more water soluble. Also, the glycon is highly orally bioavailable and its stability is much greater compared to resveratrol without the sugar moiety (see reference Prokop et al.)."

They also claim their product to be 96% pure. I can't find anything saying that they'd only ship to "doctors" so I thought one of you might be interested in trying to order.

Here are their prices:

Resveratrol Glycon HP: the minimum quantity delivered is 1 kg at the price EUR 1145,

10 kgs we can offer you at the price EUR 1065 per 1 kg,

50 kgs EUR 678 per 1 kg

100 kgs EUR 640 per 1 kg

Resveratrol HP: 1 kg - EUR 3.455,

10 kgs we can offer you at the price EUR 3199 per 1 kg

50 kgs EUR 1899 per 1 kg

100 kgs EUR 1793 per 1 Kg

The resveratrol glycon, piceid (also known as polydatin) has not been studied to the extent resveratrol has, and the assumption that it is similarly active is not a certainty. The molecular weight is higher than resveratrol, so if it is similarly active by the same mechanism it may take a larger dose for the same effect. It would be an assumption, unproven, to think it is more active because it is water-soluble and quickly gets into the blood. We know orally administered resveratrol is quickly processed in the liver into a form that is absorbed into cells. Lastly, this is nuch more expensive than resveratrol extracts; the price in china for good quality 98% resveratrol is still under $1000 a kilo.

The only advantage I can see to the glycon is it might escape FDA purview, not being classed as an experimental drug, so a manufacture might feel more comfortable marketing it. But I see no reason for individuals to use it when high quality resveratrol is available.

#289 shadowrun

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 07:40 PM

I was totaling 400mg of T-Resv from BAC (800mg total dose of powder) My totals were not off

There was a definative change in the way I felt and I was wondering if anyone else had the same experience -
It may be the "Stack" that Country Life is using is more effective in some way

Definately worth looking more into

#290 tintinet

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Posted 09 March 2007 - 09:35 PM

The pine bark extract included in Country Life's Resveratrol Plus has significant effects of its own, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and alpha-alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity.

#291 maxwatt

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 12:32 AM

I was totaling 400mg of T-Resv from BAC (800mg total dose of powder) My totals were not off

There was a definative change in the way I felt and I was wondering if anyone else had the same experience -
It may be the "Stack" that Country Life is using is more effective in some way

Definately worth looking more into


I had that feeling at 400 mg (Orchid) but it faded. Maybe I got used to feeling better. Upped to 1 gram (ORchid and a 98% extract) and the feeling of well-being and energy was back.

#292 steelheader

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 12:57 AM

"I had that feeling at 400 mg (Orchid) but it faded. Maybe I got used to feeling better. Upped to 1 gram (ORchid and a 98% extract) and the feeling of well-being and energy was back."

That's not good news! Let's hope the feeling of well-being and energy doesn't fade at 1 gram/day.

Perhaps the way we feel from taking resveratrol is unrelated to its long term health benefits.

#293 tintinet

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 01:43 AM

WRT the mood boosting and mind energizing effects experienced by some resveratrol users, one individual has stated its effects at high doses were, for them, more potent than amphetamines or Ritalin.

I've been at a fairly stable dose level of about 1 gram/day for some time. I do also think the perception of the initial "rush" may be diminished, but perhaps only because one becomes used to feeling fairly terrific all the time.

#294 steelheader

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 02:48 AM

It's surprising to hear of anyone described the effects of resveratrol in terms of stimulants like amphetamines or Ritalin. The pronounced positive effects I've noticed with resveratrol aren't "druggy" in any way. The feeling is completely wholesome and is analogous to something many of you take completely for granted. It feels like being younger. For me not way younger, like back in my early fifties. More like in my early sixties. Which is still a huge change.

I've noticed a little dosage creep myself. If "fading" happens at the current dose (about 750mg/day)I'm going to buy a bag of prunes to compensate for going off emodin and take a break for a week or two.

#295 maxwatt

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 05:01 AM

I think the "fading" is just getting used to feeling better.

I hope I'm not imagining it, but the arthritis in my hands has improved tremendously.

#296 marcopolo

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 10:01 AM

It's surprising to hear of anyone described the effects of resveratrol in terms of stimulants like amphetamines or Ritalin. The pronounced positive effects I've noticed with resveratrol aren't "druggy" in any way. The feeling is completely wholesome and is analogous to something many of you take completely for granted. It feels like being younger. For me not way younger, like back in my early fifties. More like in my early sixties. Which is still a huge change.

I wonder what the efficacy of resveratrol would be for treating ADHD/ADD symptoms.

#297 tintinet

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 10:08 AM

Misbehaving might be a pejorative not appropriately applied. Paul and Kitty expect and demand rigorous adherence to strict logical discourse and rational, scientific analysis of forum specific relevant subjects from all forum posters.

I do agree their approach can be perceived as affrontive at times, yet, in thier view, posters who submit irrational, unsupported, wildly speculative statements to the forums in which they are active are held accountable.

In situations in which, IMO, many others, including myself, for the most part, remain silent upon viewing what I (and presumably others) view as pure unsubstantiated nonsense, they demand responsibility of the poster to support or, in effect, to
relinquish the validity of the posted statement.

In sum, IMO, it is they who demand "mature" and "reliable" behavior from posters, and, many times, this comes off as the reverse, perhaps because so few "mature" and "reliable" posts/posters are to be found.

I, too, have incurred their critiques. It's not an easy thing to accept, but worth the exercise in attempting to deal with one's own emotional vs. rational approach to thinking and discourse.

Just some issues for rumination. I expect many will disagree with at least some of the above statements.

#298 tintinet

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 03:17 PM

Point taken!

I understand the money issue: I don't trust anyone with my money- not even myself! :p

I expect additional sources of synthetic, highly pure resveratrol will become available, given demand.

#299 tintinet

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 08:26 PM

Are you implying there are, currently, other sources of affordable synthetic highly pure trans-resveratrol available in reasonably small and individual affordable quantities?

If so, I'm way interested.

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#300 maxwatt

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 11:07 PM

For about $50,000 we could build our own 40 ft HPLC extractor, and make our own from Cissus quadrangularis, which has no emodin. Maybe.

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