"500 club" 500mg of trans-resveratrol per day
Posted 28 March 2007 - 12:46 PM
Posted 28 March 2007 - 01:45 PM
Posted 28 March 2007 - 03:21 PM

Posted 28 March 2007 - 04:35 PM
The amount of resveratrol in the PC extracts can vary from almost none (very hight purity t-resv., e.g. 98%), to 10% in the 20% t-resv. extract. IINM, Doctor's Best and Jarrow Resveratrol 100 caps use the 20% PC extract, so they would likely contain relatively high amounts of emodin/amount t-resv.
Actually DB say their product is standardized to 50% trans-resveratrol, and the emodin is tested and certified to be less than 2% (from mailing them).
Posted 28 March 2007 - 04:44 PM
Posted 28 March 2007 - 05:46 PM
Resveratrol and arthritis:
Effects of resveratrol in inflammatory arthritis.
* Elmali N,
* Baysal O,
* Harma A,
* Esenkaya I,
* Mizrak B.
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Inonu University Medical Faculty, 44069, Malatya, Turkey, nelmali@hotmail.com.
Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB), is a pivotal transcription factor involved in the activation of the TNF-alpha and IL-1beta genes. Activation of NF-kappaB in synovial cells is a feature seen in arthritis patients. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic, natural phytoalexin found with particularly high levels in grape skin and red wine is potent and specific inhibitor of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta induced NF-kappaB activation. We aimed to determine the in vivo effects of intra-articular injections of resveratrol on cartilage and synovium in an experimental rabbit inflammatory arthritis model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Arthritis was induced by intra-articular injection of three times of 50 mug lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at day 0, 4 and 8 at 4-day intervals into the knee joints of rabbits. To the test group, 10 muMol/kg resveratrol in the DMSO was injected in the knees at day 0 and then it was continued once daily for 2 weeks. To the control group the same time and amount of DMSO was injected the knees of rabbits. All rabbits were killed 1 week after the last injection and cartilage tissue and synovium were evaluated with semiquantitative scoring histologically. RESULTS: According to control group in the resveratrol group, significantly decreased cartilage destruction was determined by H&E staining (p = 0.04). Loss of matrix proteoglycan content in the cartilage was much lower, as determined by safranin O staining (p = 0.03). We also observed marked synovial inflammation after intra-articular injection to control knees, but not in the resveratrol treated group knees (p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: This study suggests that intra-articular injection of resveratrol may protect cartilage against the development of experimentally induced IA.
Don't forget this one, a bit apples and oranges, but anyway, this is about oral administered resv.:
Potential pro-inflammatory action of resveratrol in vascular smooth muscle cells from normal and diabetic rats.Cignarella A, Minici C, Bolego C, Pinna C, Sanvito P, Gaion RM, Puglisi L.
Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan, via G. Balzaretti 9, I-20133 Milan, Italy. andrea.cignarella@unimi.it
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Based on the reported cardioprotective effects of resveratrol, a polyphenolic antioxidant abundant in grapes that binds to estrogen receptors, and the well-characterized anti-inflammatory properties of 17beta-estradiol, the effects of resveratrol on the functional expression of inflammatory enzymes were assessed in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) from normoglycaemic and streptozotocin-diabetic rats. METHODS AND RESULTS: SMC were isolated from the aorta four weeks after treating rats with streptozotocin or its vehicle. In SMC exposed to a cytokine mixture for 24h, unexpectedly, treatment with resveratrol (0.1-100microM) as well as the structurally related isoflavone genistein (1nM-1microM) enhanced expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS). Genistein failed to mimic the elevated iNOS activity induced by resveratrol. Inhibition of estrogen receptors by the pure antiestrogen ICI 182,780 reversed the action of resveratrol on iNOS. In addition, resveratrol failed to alter cyclooxygenase-2 protein levels but reduced the accumulation of prostaglandin E(2) in the culture medium of SMC from normoglycaemic, but not diabetic rats. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that resveratrol, at concentrations approaching putative peak plasma levels in vivo, exhibited no anti-inflammatory properties in vascular SMC from normal and diabetic rats. By contrast, resveratrol displayed a potential pro-inflammatory activity in settings of vascular inflammation.
PMID: 16829340
Posted 28 March 2007 - 06:56 PM
Ya. Ain't that a funny thing, especially since Biotest claims their extract is 98% pure t-resveratrol and contains virtually no emodin!
Well I have two different products and everytime i try the Biotest brand I have GI issues. I have done this experiment numerous times and I prefer to use the NSI product due to this uncomfortable issue.
Posted 28 March 2007 - 09:08 PM
The amount of resveratrol in the PC extracts can vary from almost none (very hight purity t-resv., e.g. 98%), to 10% in the 20% t-resv. extract. IINM, Doctor's Best and Jarrow Resveratrol 100 caps use the 20% PC extract, so they would likely contain relatively high amounts of emodin/amount t-resv.
Actually DB say their product is standardized to 50% trans-resveratrol, and the emodin is tested and certified to be less than 2% (from mailing them).
Ya, so they say. But they also state their t-resveratrol comes from red wine extract and PC extract. It may well be they are using either less of the PC extract with a higher purity than 20% as well as a substantial amount of red wine extract. Other supplements using 20% purity t-resveratrol stated they contain 10% emodin, FWIW.
Not sure I've noticed any difference in my GI response WRT CL vs. DB resveratrol caps.
Posted 28 March 2007 - 09:12 PM
Posted 28 March 2007 - 10:31 PM
Posted 28 March 2007 - 11:11 PM
Just got my bottle of RevGenetics resveratrol - I join the 500mg club tomorrow!
Welcome, and please update us with any effects you notice.
Posted 29 March 2007 - 08:08 PM
After reading this one a bit more carefully, the actual resveratrol test seems to be done on the extracted cells... So what would be the practical risk here? Any idea's?Don't forget this one, a bit apples and oranges, but anyway, this is about oral administered resv.:
Potential pro-inflammatory action of resveratrol in vascular smooth muscle cells from normal and diabetic rats.Cignarella A, Minici C, Bolego C, Pinna C, Sanvito P, Gaion RM, Puglisi L.
Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan, via G. Balzaretti 9, I-20133 Milan, Italy. andrea.cignarella@unimi.it
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Based on the reported cardioprotective effects of resveratrol, a polyphenolic antioxidant abundant in grapes that binds to estrogen receptors, and the well-characterized anti-inflammatory properties of 17beta-estradiol, the effects of resveratrol on the functional expression of inflammatory enzymes were assessed in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) from normoglycaemic and streptozotocin-diabetic rats. METHODS AND RESULTS: SMC were isolated from the aorta four weeks after treating rats with streptozotocin or its vehicle. In SMC exposed to a cytokine mixture for 24h, unexpectedly, treatment with resveratrol (0.1-100microM) as well as the structurally related isoflavone genistein (1nM-1microM) enhanced expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS). Genistein failed to mimic the elevated iNOS activity induced by resveratrol. Inhibition of estrogen receptors by the pure antiestrogen ICI 182,780 reversed the action of resveratrol on iNOS. In addition, resveratrol failed to alter cyclooxygenase-2 protein levels but reduced the accumulation of prostaglandin E(2) in the culture medium of SMC from normoglycaemic, but not diabetic rats. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that resveratrol, at concentrations approaching putative peak plasma levels in vivo, exhibited no anti-inflammatory properties in vascular SMC from normal and diabetic rats. By contrast, resveratrol displayed a potential pro-inflammatory activity in settings of vascular inflammation.
PMID: 16829340
Posted 29 March 2007 - 11:36 PM
Posted 30 March 2007 - 01:50 AM
Posted 30 March 2007 - 02:15 AM
Might exacerbate vasculitis, perhaps, but ya'd really have to test in vivo to know if it really has that potential.
The concentrations of resveratrol used in that study, 0.1-100microM, are way beyond physiological concentrations of free resveratrol. With conjugates, you might get into that range, but they were not looking at conjugates. I doubt that it means anything, in actual practice.
I know of one individual who complained of pericarditis, a swelling of the heart lining. Repeatedly induced when supplementing, total remission on cessation. It is painful, but not lethal. I have noticed some sinus inflammation with high dosage (>1.5 g/day) which interferes with sleep. I not longer take any after early afternoon, seems to make it tolerable.
On the positive side, this has done more to alleviate my arthritis than anything else I've tried.
Posted 30 March 2007 - 02:48 AM
Hmm. The pericarditis is worrisome. Sinus inflammation less so, but still not a good thing. Could either of these effects be due to emodin or other contaminants?I know of one individual who complained of pericarditis, a swelling of the heart lining. Repeatedly induced when supplementing, total remission on cessation. It is painful, but not lethal. I have noticed some sinus inflammation with high dosage (>1.5 g/day) which interferes with sleep. I not longer take any after early afternoon, seems to make it tolerable.
On the positive side, this has done more to alleviate my arthritis than anything else I've tried.
Good to hear about the arthritis improvement. What kind of arthritis is it?
Posted 30 March 2007 - 03:43 AM
Hmm. The pericarditis is worrisome. Sinus inflammation less so, but still not a good thing. Could either of these effects be due to emodin or other contaminants?I know of one individual who complained of pericarditis, a swelling of the heart lining. Repeatedly induced when supplementing, total remission on cessation. It is painful, but not lethal. I have noticed some sinus inflammation with high dosage (>1.5 g/day) which interferes with sleep. I not longer take any after early afternoon, seems to make it tolerable.
On the positive side, this has done more to alleviate my arthritis than anything else I've tried.
Good to hear about the arthritis improvement. What kind of arthritis is it?
Osteo. There was a paper posted earlier in this thread by alterego; Apparently resveratrol can be pro-inflammatory with some cases of preexisting inflammation. Probably dosage is a factor, too.
Potential pro-inflammatory action of resveratrol in vascular smooth muscle cells from normal and diabetic rats.Cignarella A, Minici C, Bolego C, Pinna C, Sanvito P, Gaion RM, Puglisi L.
Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan, via G. Balzaretti 9, I-20133 Milan, Italy. andrea.cignarella@unimi.it
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Based on the reported cardioprotective effects of resveratrol, a polyphenolic antioxidant abundant in grapes that binds to estrogen receptors, and the well-characterized anti-inflammatory properties of 17beta-estradiol, the effects of resveratrol on the functional expression of inflammatory enzymes were assessed in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) from normoglycaemic and streptozotocin-diabetic rats. METHODS AND RESULTS: SMC were isolated from the aorta four weeks after treating rats with streptozotocin or its vehicle. In SMC exposed to a cytokine mixture for 24h, unexpectedly, treatment with resveratrol (0.1-100microM) as well as the structurally related isoflavone genistein (1nM-1microM) enhanced expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS). Genistein failed to mimic the elevated iNOS activity induced by resveratrol. Inhibition of estrogen receptors by the pure antiestrogen ICI 182,780 reversed the action of resveratrol on iNOS. In addition, resveratrol failed to alter cyclooxygenase-2 protein levels but reduced the accumulation of prostaglandin E(2) in the culture medium of SMC from normoglycaemic, but not diabetic rats. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that resveratrol, at concentrations approaching putative peak plasma levels in vivo, exhibited no anti-inflammatory properties in vascular SMC from normal and diabetic rats. By contrast, resveratrol displayed a potential pro-inflammatory activity in settings of vascular inflammation.
PMID: 16829340
Posted 30 March 2007 - 05:42 PM
Posted 30 March 2007 - 10:44 PM
I've also noticed my (relatively mild) osteoarthritis in my spine doesn't bother me after a week on 400 mg of resveratrol. It did however seem to noticeably aggravate my tinnitis during the first week, but that has since abated.
I have found that folding the love of the ear over the ear hole, and holding it with a finger, thus plugging your ear, ends tinnitus symptons withing a few seconds. (Not the part you pierce for an earing, but the horizontally oriented one in the middle, near the opening.)
Why does plugging your ear shut stop the noise? The ear achieves its sensitivit via a positive feedback mechanism, like a super-regenerative radio circuit. Like most transducers, the ear can radiate energy (as sound) as well as receive it. A stethoscope to your ear will enable a doctor to hear your tinnitus. There are cases where a ringing in the ear is audible to other people. Sometimes the ear's feedback loop isn't interrupted, and you get tinnitus, like a microphone too close to a loudspeaker. Covering the mike with you hand will stop the feedback noise. Likewise blocking the ear canal will reduce the level of ambient noise power the feedback loop. It works for me.
Posted 31 March 2007 - 01:22 AM
Posted 31 March 2007 - 12:38 PM
You have to press relly hard to get a good seal, and also get a good seal of your finger to the tragus. I think you have to change the resonance frequency of the system by changing hte volume/shape of the ear-canal. You could also get some earplugs.
An experiment: Try putting your computer microphone to year ear when you have an attack, and se if you can record anything.[quote]
Posted 31 March 2007 - 01:30 PM
Live and learn!
Posted 31 March 2007 - 02:25 PM
Try the microphone in the ear, please, if you can. I've been trying to get a recording of tinnitus for years.Pressing hard does seem to do it, thanks!
Live and learn!
Posted 31 March 2007 - 03:31 PM
This might be something an ENT specialist might have done, no?
Posted 03 April 2007 - 04:24 AM
Posted 03 April 2007 - 06:11 PM
I don't know what to attribute this too...
I have been taking between 400-600 mg of Resveratrol a day since January 07
6 months prior I began a diet that gradually turned into a 30% CR lifestyle with occassional an occassional day of fasting
I had 2 years off from weightlifting and I started again around January of 06
In February I did a 4 week Bulking/Strength gaining cycle on Creatine while eating 2/3 of my calories for the day within the 2 hour window after lifting
- The catch is that I still maintained my 30% CR diet
(I did not beleive I would be successful in gaining muscle without eating more calories than my body needed - I wanted to give a go anyway)
I had very little faith that I would get much stronger during this period
- I did not beleive the majority of weight and strength I gained would be kept
- In the past after creatine supplementation I would lose most of the weight gained during my cycle (which I figure is water) and I would end up slightly stronger than before I started - I would follow up with a "cutting" cycle where I did lots of cardio and less weights in order to lean myself out
I finished my cutting cycle 2 week ago - I did not weigh myself at anytime in the past month.
I still hadn't lost any strength after a cutting cycle - in fact I was lifting at the same levels I did when I was on creatine - 7 weeks ago!
While maintaining a 30% CR diet plus about 2-3 miles of cardio 3 days a week
2 weeks ago I had my wisdom teeth removed and I fasted for 2 days and subsisted on yogurt and soft foods for 5 - it was hard for me to get close to even 1500 calories a day
Suffice to say I expected to be weaker and smaller - But I weighed in at the gym at 185 - (A pound heavier than I was while on creatine)
This past week I have surpassed my strength totals across the board on every exercise...On a 30% CR diet - with no bodybuilding supplements - I'm stronger than I was 7 weeks ago while I was on creatine
I didn't think it was possible and I still don't understand my strength gains...This has never happened to me before... I have a notepad of my daily caloric intake...I should be weaker...I'm not eating enough!
My brother and GF who work out with me are also stronger...They have been been on mild CR diets (10-20%) also
They also take Resveratrol at 5mg/kg
We have only been assuming that there is a correlation with the Resveratrol use
I admit it could really be anything though
From everything I know about weight lifting this shouldn't be happening...
But I like it!
Posted 03 April 2007 - 06:26 PM

I was considering going on a CR diet, but I am a big guy: 240 lbs and 6 5'. Sounds like a lot of weight, but I'm in pretty solid shape. I run 3 miles 3 days a week and workout 3 times a week. I was worried if I went on a CR diet I would lose lots of muscle.
Posted 03 April 2007 - 06:29 PM
I'm planning to start exercising again next month after about a year of exercisive laziness due to difficult business and hard labour... I will see what happens.
Posted 03 April 2007 - 06:43 PM
Here is my confusion. I was under the impression that supplements that list their t-res content actually have only a 50/50 ratio of t-res/c-res. So, If I am taking a 200mg root extract that says it is 50% "reseveratrol," than in fact, I believed that I was taking 100mg total Resv, of which only 50mg was t-res. However, in the last few days, I see threads that imply that this is not the case.
I am taking a mixture of:
1. NSI Longevatrol Stabilized Polyphenol Complex with Resveratrol -- 200 mg
2. NSI Resveratrol -- 100 mg - 60 Capsules
3. Country Life, Resveratrol Plus
Can some tell me how t-res is in these products? Is there a faq somewhere that would list this?
Posted 03 April 2007 - 06:53 PM
Purely personal anecdotal story and i'm slightly embarrased if I should even say anything - I will relate the story though
I don't know what to attribute this too...
But I like it!
Very interesting. I haven't noticed anything quantifiable in my training (either lifteing or cardio)
I used to do a very structured cardio routine where it would be very easy to tell if tres was making a difference endurance-wise (I would log my pace or do very structured intervals). Now I just play ultimate so it is really impossible to tell.
I'm coming back from a 1.5 year layoff from weights (lifting again for the last 3 months or so). I really don't know what my progress should be because I'm in the beginner gains phase still.
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