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"500 club" 500mg of trans-resveratrol per day

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#601 maxwatt

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Posted 12 April 2007 - 11:07 PM

Last week I added 30mg pterostilbene from Swanson to my regimen figuring that it may boost the TR effects.

It would be good if you could have measurements of your fasting glucose, before and after pterostilbene supplementation. Pterostilbene in it's natural matrix from Pterocarpus marsupium is a staple of Ayurvedic medicine for treating diabetes.

#602 tintinet

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 12:44 AM

P. marsupium- aside from pterostilbene, which apparently has an anti-diabetic effect via metformin-like effec- also contains a substance that stimulates insulin secretion, no?

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#603 stephend

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 01:55 AM

Update, I have just completed seven weeks on 50% trans-RSV. Weeks 1&2 dosage 500 mg daily, week three 1000 mg and currently at 1500 mg will be increasing to 1750 mg next week. The emodin was toughest on week one or so and the increased dosage at weeks three and four were almost unnoticeable. The GI problem is gone but and so is some of the noticeable positive effects, compulsive appetite and eating has returned. Waking up is not as easy as in weeks 1-4. Energy is still good, lots of exercise. It almost seems that when I over eat the feeling of wellbeing dissipates or is nullified. Will continue to monitor.

#604 health_nutty

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 03:48 AM

Update, I have just completed seven weeks on 50% trans-RSV.  Weeks 1&2 dosage 500 mg daily, week three 1000 mg and currently at 1500 mg will be increasing to 1750 mg next week.  The emodin was toughest on week one or so and the increased dosage at weeks three and four were almost unnoticeable.  The GI problem is gone but and so is some of the noticeable positive effects, compulsive appetite and eating has returned.  Waking up is not as easy as in weeks 1-4.  Energy is still good, lots of exercise.  It almost seems that when I over eat the feeling of wellbeing dissipates or is nullified.  Will continue to monitor.

Thanks for the update, are the dosages in 50% powder or t-res. Also, what product are you using?

Edited by health_nutty, 13 April 2007 - 04:23 AM.

#605 stephend

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 11:10 AM

I am using RevGenetics R500 trans-RSV capsules (3 per day), I am just finishing the bottle and will start taking 5-R350 on Monday (23 mg/kg/day). I was thinking about ordering some 98% powder next time, would I need to mix it with something or could I just wash it down with water?

#606 boily

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 11:22 AM

Its been 2 days for me now on RSV at 220mg (2.6mg/kg/day) I've noted the following:

an increased feeling of well being
greater motivation
increased physical stamina
slightly decreased appetite
harder to get to sleep

Some of the above could be placebo, will keep taking for a while at this level.

Anyone else get noticable effects taking 200mg? I guess that 6 months ago this was considered a massive dose......

I also started a few other new supplements on the same day, so they could be contributing. (grape seed extract, bilberry extract, plus the pomeratrol) The Country Life RSV also has grape and pine extract....

#607 edward

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 12:29 PM

Pretty consistent with what we have all experienced. I experienced all of what you mentioned at less than 100mg. The effects faded somewhat, came backstrong when I increased my dosage to my current 500mg. Then again the effects faded but a month later I still feel all of what you mentioned just not as extreme as the first week.

#608 curious_sle

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 05:39 PM

Pretty consistent with what we have all experienced. I experienced all of what you mentioned at less than 100mg. The effects faded somewhat, came backstrong  when I increased my dosage to my current 500mg. Then again the effects faded but a month later I still feel all of what you mentioned just not as extreme as the first week.

I see no "all" anywhere near. I do not feel these effects and cannot agree.

#609 tintinet

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 09:52 PM

And you're using County Life, curious sle?

I have noted some individuals taking only the synthetic t-resv. have noted no effects, also, but the above referenced effects seem to be common among those using CL and other "mixed" t-resv. supplements.

#610 proteomist

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 11:30 PM

I've found it fades to just above baseline, regardless of dose, at least to 1500mg/day.

Pretty consistent with what we have all experienced. I experienced all of what you mentioned at less than 100mg. The effects faded somewhat, came backstrong  when I increased my dosage to my current 500mg. Then again the effects faded but a month later I still feel all of what you mentioned just not as extreme as the first week.

I see no "all" anywhere near. I do not feel these effects and cannot agree.

#611 tintinet

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 12:59 AM

Perhaps, but ISTM some effect remains. I still feel stronger, more resilient, less fatigued throughout the day, despite lack of the giddy euphoria of the early days.

#612 proteomist

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 01:19 AM

I should have been more clear. I feel just as you describe below; in the previous post I was referring only to the acute stimulant-like effect, which was very noticeable to me at first. Almost like an amphetamine.

I guess I might say that the pervasive effect feels similar to a low dose of modafinil.

Perhaps, but ISTM some effect remains.  I still feel stronger, more resilient, less fatigued throughout the day, despite lack of the giddy euphoria of the early days.

#613 sUper GeNius

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 01:28 AM

I should have been more clear. I feel just as you describe below; in the previous post I was referring only to the acute stimulant-like effect, which was very noticeable to me at first. Almost like an amphetamine.

I guess I might say that the pervasive effect feels similar to a low dose of modafinil.

Perhaps, but ISTM some effect remains.  I still feel stronger, more resilient, less fatigued throughout the day, despite lack of the giddy euphoria of the early days.

I have felt no stimulant effect at all. Simply some gastro issues have have recently subsided.

I should mention that I currently take Paxil. I wonder whether the stimulant effect is due to t-resv being an SSRI? The fact that I already take one may explain the no additional effect.

#614 steelheader

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 01:59 AM

To paraphrase Gregory Bateson, it's a difference which makes the difference. For some of us, our physical state changes in response to resveratrol and the change feels really good. Our mood rises dramatically. We won the lottery. But after a time the physical state becomes the norm and our mood seeks it's normal state.

Lottery winners don't stay excited forever. After awhile they resume their previous state of happiness or misery.

#615 hormoneman

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 02:39 AM

AS Boily said

an increased feeling of well being
greater motivation
increased physical stamina
slightly decreased appetite
harder to get to sleep

In my case NOTHING affects my sleep or my appetite

#616 krillin

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 03:09 AM

To paraphrase Gregory Bateson, it's a difference which makes the difference.  For some of us, our physical state changes in response to resveratrol and the change feels really good. Our mood rises dramatically. We won the lottery.  But after a time the physical state becomes the norm and our mood seeks it's normal state. 

Lottery winners don't stay excited forever. After awhile they resume their previous state of happiness or misery.

I agree. This sounds an awful lot like when I started out on CoQ10. A euphoric high, absolutely nothing could depress me, having to bound up the stairs, much faster running, and thriving on only 6 hours sleep. The high and the desire to bounce off the walls soon faded. Then I went back to 8 hours of sleep after several months. But the purely physical effects never went away: running is still fast and the gums still don't bleed.

I guess that the increased energy production from CoQ10 and resveratrol increases dopamine production for awhile until some feedback mechanism brings dopamine back to normal. (Or is it just the brain getting used to elevated dopamine?) PMID: 16626389 discusses CR-mimetics and notes that

"For example, drugs that inhibit glycolysis (2-deoxyglucose), enhance insulin action (metformin), or affect stress signaling pathways (resveratrol), are being assessed as CR mimetics (CRM). Promising results have emerged from initial studies regarding physiological responses which resemble those observed in CR (e.g. reduced body temperature and plasma insulin) as well as protection against neurotoxicity (e.g.enhanced dopamine action and up-regulated neurotrophic factors)."

#617 tintinet

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Posted 15 April 2007 - 08:58 AM

K1 or K2?

#618 bacopacabana

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Posted 15 April 2007 - 02:10 PM

I had been taking one longevinex a day with no effects. When I ramped that up to three times a day I had a day or two of extremely low appetite, but that quickly faded.

Then I switched to the LEF 100mg, three times a day. None of the effects that people talk about except for insomnia - seems to make it much harder for me to sleep. As a result I've cut back to 200mg by lunch, but I'm not sure this has helped. Now cutting back to 100mg at breakfast only.

#619 bixbyte

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Posted 15 April 2007 - 03:44 PM

I should have been more clear. I feel just as you describe below; in the previous post I was referring only to the acute stimulant-like effect, which was very noticeable to me at first. Almost like an amphetamine.

I guess I might say that the pervasive effect feels similar to a low dose of modafinil.

Perhaps, but ISTM some effect remains.  I still feel stronger, more resilient, less fatigued throughout the day, despite lack of the giddy euphoria of the early days.

We take 500 Mg of 98% and 500 Mg of 50% / day plus I have three brands of lower dose products I am using up.

My Wife and I use a BP monitor and while I feel the strong stimulant effect my BP is always in the normal range.
Sometimes my BP even looks great.
Try taking long walks.
In the winter we went out in the wind chill 15 lightly dressed and walked over a mile in snow.
Other effect I noticed after all these years is not catching colds.


#620 steelheader

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Posted 15 April 2007 - 05:39 PM

Is weight lose common? A few other people have mentioned it.

I'm down to 198 from 210. Currently at 700 mg/day, 400 BAC powder mornings, 300 Dr. Best evenings.

It's difficult to say if the weight loss is due solely to resveratrol. I starting on Alcar, R-lipoic, green tea extract, and a bunch of other stuff this winter, not long after starting on resveratrol.

#621 bixbyte

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Posted 15 April 2007 - 07:45 PM

Is weight lose common?  A few other people have mentioned it.

I'm down to 198 from 210.  Currently at 700 mg/day, 400 BAC powder mornings, 300 Dr. Best evenings.

It's difficult to say if the weight loss is due solely to resveratrol.  I starting on Alcar, R-lipoic, green tea extract, and a bunch of other stuff this winter, not long after starting on resveratrol.


I do not know if the weight loss is common on Resveratrol.
I lost 12 pounds in the summer and managed to keep those pounds off and I ate very well.
I'm down to around 193 pounds weight at 6 feet tall.
Been taking RSV for 3.5 years.
My younger brother died of a Heart Attack end of Jan.
I wonder if RSV would have saved him.
We were 14 months apart and he looked healthier that I.

See if you can sustain very long walks without becoming tired?
In the summer my wife and I were doing at least 6 miles per day and up to 12 miles.
Also, do you feel more agressive?



#622 tintinet

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Posted 16 April 2007 - 01:00 AM

I was not keeping track of my weight, but most of my pants are falling off me lately. Weighed myself this AM- don't recall ever being lighter.

I have noticed enhanced endurance for slow burn types of exercise, as well as generally decreased and delayed hunger- today skipped lunch. In fact, ISTM I still feel that t-resv. induced euphoria and enhanced mood during periods of relative fasting.

Sleep is no problem. Although I don't seem to get fatigued or tired during the day, I fall asleep rapidly, experience vivid and intense (or at least so recalled) dreams, and wake slowly and groggily. But after I'm fully awake, I'm fully alert and feel terrific, generally.

No colds, but I hardly ever get 'em anyway.

#623 curious_sle

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Posted 16 April 2007 - 07:05 PM

well, i actually gained 1.8kg since taking resveratrol at 5mg/kg/d but that happens to coincide roughly with two weeks off over xmas :-) and im not exactly overweight to start with (now ~56.3kg at 173cm).

#624 alterego

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Posted 16 April 2007 - 07:08 PM

My BMI is also at the very low end. It seems TRES increases my appetite. No weight gain (yet).

#625 Karomesis

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Posted 16 April 2007 - 10:00 PM

My BMI is also at the very low end. It seems TRES increases my appetite. No weight gain (yet).

that's another interesting point. While I haven't started taking T-resveratrol yet ( waiting for SRT501 :) ) I can garantee you my blood work and other stats are not due to a pencil thin BMI because mine is 30-31 on average. [glasses]

on a side note my contact for SRT501 seems to have vanished, does anyone here have a contact for it? perhaps through Paul at morelife or Pete?

#626 tintinet

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Posted 17 April 2007 - 01:41 AM

well, i actually gained 1.8kg since taking resveratrol at 5mg/kg/d but that happens to coincide roughly with two weeks off over xmas :-) and im not exactly overweight to start with (now ~56.3kg at 173cm).

Maybe it tends to bring us all to the same BMI? LOL: I'm almost yer evil twin @ 175 cm, 57 kg.

#627 shadowrun

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Posted 17 April 2007 - 01:52 AM

Hey tintinet

If you don't mind, could you post your current dosage and timing?
What else are you dosing your Res-v with?

I've been taking 500 mg of Country Life with a TBS of Fish Oil in the morning on an empty stomache
...Based on some of the posts i've seen this really doesn't seem ideal

#628 stephen_b

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Posted 17 April 2007 - 08:34 AM

on a side note my contact for SRT501 seems to have vanished, does anyone here have a contact for it? perhaps through Paul at morelife or Pete?

I didn't think it would even be possible to get a proprietary drug before it has finished testing?


#629 maxwatt

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Posted 17 April 2007 - 02:39 PM

I've not noted any decrease in fasting glucose.

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#630 Karomesis

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Posted 17 April 2007 - 02:41 PM

I didn't think it would even be possible to get a proprietary drug before it has finished testing?

"where the will is great, the difficulties cannot be great" -Machiavelli

drugs like this one have a funny way of "leaking" out. [sfty] let's just say you take the benefits of T-resveratrol and multiply them by about 10 [:o] [lol]

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