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"500 club" 500mg of trans-resveratrol per day

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#1201 wydell

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 03:00 AM

Without changes in biomarkers, the res may be doing nothing. I am looking forward to seeing the bloodwork!

I have taken some very large doses over the past couple weeks  with no negative noticeable side effects.  I got bloodwork done before I started taking res, will get it done again in a couple of weeks.  What should I look for?

I would be very interested to see your before and after results. I think the only thing you can do is compare it to the baseline you already established at this point.

It would be interesting to know before and after heart rate, blood pressure, and body temp as well.

No changes in heart rate or blood pressure. I check it every other day... subtle changes up or down.. nothing to constitute change 125 to 135/ 80 to 90 . heart rate 65 to 70 bpm. No clue on body temp, never thought to check it.

#1202 Shepard

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 08:06 PM

I thought this was kind of cool:

Antioxid Redox Signal. 2007 Oct 24; [Epub ahead of print]
    Resveratrol Induces the Heat-Shock Response and Protects Human Cells from Severe Heat Stress.
    Putics A, Végh EM, Csermely P, SÅ‘ti C.

    Department of Medical Chemistry, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.

    Molecular chaperones play key roles in protein quality control, signal transduction, proliferation, and cell death, and confer cytoprotection and assure survival after environmental stress. The heat-shock response is implicated in a variety of conditions including ischemic diseases, infection and immunity, neurodegeneration, and aging. Physiologic and pharmacologic chaperone inducers were shown to be an efficient therapeutic approach in different acute and chronic diseases. Here we characterize resveratrol, a polyphenol from red wine, as an inducer of the heat-shock response. Resveratrol activated the heat-shock promoter and the expression of the major chaperone Hsp70 in cell lines and in human peripheral lymphocytes, comparable to moderate heat stress. This effect was not due to its antioxidant property, because 5 mM N-acetylcysteine was unable to activate the heat-shock response. Moreover, resveratrol failed to upregulate Grp78, and tunicamycin was unable to induce Hsp70, suggesting that the resveratrol-induced heat-shock response was not mediated by canonic endoplasmic reticulum stress. Resveratrol synergized with mild to moderate heat shock and conferred cytoprotection against severe heat stress. Our results reveal resveratrol as a chaperone inducer that may contribute to its pleiotropic effects in ameliorating stress and promoting longevity.

    PMID: 17956190 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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#1203 unglued

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 02:54 AM

Without changes in biomarkers,  the res may be doing nothing.  I am looking forward to seeing the bloodwork!

Seven and five months ago, I collected links to all the posts that show actual blood work results HERE. I haven't seen any since then, except for another from me

There was also some discussion later that at least two papers show that despite the improvements measured in animal models, the animals' cholesterol levels did not improve.

There are a lot of people who've said over the past ten months that they were going to post their next blood work, and most never did. Maybe resveratrol can cause you to lose the ability to type. Or maybe they lost interest for one reason or another, maybe after not seeing anything exciting in their blood work.

#1204 niner

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 03:27 AM

There was also some discussion later that at least two papers show that despite the improvements measured in animal models, the animals' cholesterol levels did not improve.
...Or maybe they lost interest for one reason or another, maybe after not seeing anything exciting in their blood work.

I'm starting to think the problem is that resveratrol may not substantially alter any of the commonly tested parameters. If we had an idea what to look for, and a test was available at a decent price, things might be different. This doesn't mean that resveratrol doesn't work. Whether or not it works at relatively low doses is an open question, but we've seen some reports by ImmInst users that high doses are affecting endurance.

#1205 quarter

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 01:33 PM

Some people anecdotally reported the endurance effects but others like myself noticed no effect on endurance.

Endurance was one of the things to come out of the mouse studies so most users were, on some level, expecting to have their endurance improved and I am suggesting that perhaps that is why it did.

There is also the theory that resveratrol would have more effect on the endurance of less endurance trained individuals. If you were already close to maximizing your genetic endurance capabilities then there would be less scope for resveratrol to have an endurance enhancing effect. I am yet to hear of any competitive sports people claiming resveratrol to have a performance enhancing effect.

#1206 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 02:00 PM

There is also the theory that resveratrol would have more effect on the endurance of less endurance trained individuals. If you were already close to maximizing your genetic endurance capabilities then there would be less scope for resveratrol to have an endurance enhancing effect. I am yet to hear of any competitive sports people claiming resveratrol to have a performance enhancing effect.

I believe Shadowrun here on this forum is the only person I have heard that may have possible muscle gains that may be considered "trained", along with a CR Diet... see post below he made a while back. I wanted to know if he could update us, and let us know if Rsv made any difference in the end. Generally It's tough to say at this point how much Resveratrol will benefit athletes. Although some would say, that even a tiny improvement can make the difference between winning and second place... in the meantime, I will agree with your statement until we have more info from athletes.


Purely personal anecdotal story and i'm slightly embarrased if I should even say anything - I will relate the story though

I don't know what to attribute this too...

I have been taking between 400-600 mg of Resveratrol a day since January 07

6 months prior I began a diet that gradually turned into a 30% CR lifestyle with occassional an occassional day of fasting

I had 2 years off from weightlifting and I started again around January of 06

In February I did a 4 week Bulking/Strength gaining cycle on Creatine while eating 2/3 of my calories for the day within the 2 hour window after lifting
- The catch is that I still maintained my 30% CR diet
(I did not beleive I would be successful in gaining muscle without eating more calories than my body needed - I wanted to give a go anyway)

I had very little faith that I would get much stronger during this period
- I did not beleive the majority of weight and strength I gained would be kept
- In the past after creatine supplementation I would lose most of the weight gained during my cycle (which I figure is water) and I would end up slightly stronger than before I started - I would follow up with a "cutting" cycle where I did lots of cardio and less weights in order to lean myself out

I finished my cutting cycle 2 week ago - I did not weigh myself at anytime in the past month.

I still hadn't lost any strength after a cutting cycle - in fact I was lifting at the same levels I did when I was on creatine - 7 weeks ago!
While maintaining a 30% CR diet plus about 2-3 miles of cardio 3 days a week

2 weeks ago I had my wisdom teeth removed and I fasted for 2 days and subsisted on yogurt and soft foods for 5 - it was hard for me to get close to even 1500 calories a day

Suffice to say I expected to be weaker and smaller - But I weighed in at the gym at 185 - (A pound heavier than I was while on creatine)

This past week I have surpassed my strength totals across the board on every exercise...On a 30% CR diet - with no bodybuilding supplements - I'm stronger than I was 7 weeks ago while I was on creatine

I didn't think it was possible and I still don't understand my strength gains...This has never happened to me before... I have a notepad of my daily caloric intake...I should be weaker...I'm not eating enough!

My brother and GF who work out with me are also stronger...They have been been on mild CR diets (10-20%) also

They also take Resveratrol at 5mg/kg

We have only been assuming that there is a correlation with the Resveratrol use

I admit it could really be anything though

From everything I know about weight lifting this shouldn't be happening...
But I like it!

#1207 malbecman

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 04:20 PM

I know I've posted this before but I completely agree with Niner. I believe most of the common blood/serum biochemical markers tested for will not show any meaningful difference with resveratrol. Perhaps c-reactive protein but even that one is not always ordered up by an MD unless you are at risk for CHD. Mine was already very low so I'm not expecting any difference there. So I"ll post my blood results when I get them at my physical but I'm not getting excited about it (or paying for an extra test out of pocket at this point).

Now if someone can find a place that is willing to do a microarray study of their up and down regulated genes pre- and post-resveratrol supplementation, then I would be excited! [thumb]

There was also some discussion later that at least two papers show that despite the improvements measured in animal models, the animals' cholesterol levels did not improve.
...Or maybe they lost interest for one reason or another, maybe after not seeing anything exciting in their blood work.

I'm starting to think the problem is that resveratrol may not substantially alter any of the commonly tested parameters. If we had an idea what to look for, and a test was available at a decent price, things might be different. This doesn't mean that resveratrol doesn't work. Whether or not it works at relatively low doses is an open question, but we've seen some reports by ImmInst users that high doses are affecting endurance.

#1208 craigb527

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 08:28 PM

Some people anecdotally reported the endurance effects but others like myself noticed no effect on endurance.

Endurance was one of the things to come out of the mouse studies so most users were, on some level, expecting to have their endurance improved and I am suggesting that perhaps that is why it did.

There is also the theory that resveratrol would have more effect on the endurance of less endurance trained individuals. If you were already close to maximizing your genetic endurance capabilities then there would be less scope for resveratrol to have an endurance enhancing effect. I am yet to hear of any competitive sports people claiming resveratrol to have a performance enhancing effect.

When I first started taking resveratrol it was about 400mg/day longevinix, I felt like I had more energy for a few days, probably a placebo effect. Then nothing. I did not notice increased endurance until I was taking over 10 grams/all at once for a few days (up to 15 grams), with lecithin, and liquid resvinatrol complete (about 4 to 5 oz) , said to include quercetin. ellagic acid, Proanthocyanidins and lecithin. Also threw in some black pepper. I had increased endurance at this point. Didn't get sore, recovered quickly when winded, way more reps when I worked out. I then cut back for a few days ( ranging 1.5 grams to 5 grams all at once / day) and didn't get the same effect (also just used lecithin). So, from my point of view, it is either the increased dose or the synergisitic effect with one of the other ingredients that caused the endurance increase. When I first noticed the endurance increase, the effects were so pronounced that I was hesitant to even mention them on this site.

#1209 inawe

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 09:18 PM

At that level, I noted irritable bowel syndrome unless I cut back. Others have such symptoms at lower doses, some tolerate higher.Quote

This is a quote from Maxwatt in the thread on Quercetin.
It's the first time I saw mentioned that RSV can cause IBS. It caught my attention because I developed all the symptoms of IBS a couple of months ago. I had not taken RSV the last few days and the IBS symptoms are subsiding.
I think it was Brainbox who pointed out that since RSV was so nice to yeast it could also help candida, bacteria and other pathogens that might be harmful to us.
I'm aware of papers reporting RSV as a fungicide (PMID:15974442), having antibacterial activity (PMID:17408003) and also being nice to the lining of my gut. But then, how do I explain my IBS symptoms?

#1210 levkamensky

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 09:34 PM

Chemicals Flow Unchecked From China to Drug Market
Pharmaceutical ingredients exported from China are often made by companies that are neither certified nor inspected by Chinese drug regulators.

#1211 levkamensky

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 09:44 PM

Some people anecdotally reported the endurance effects but others like myself noticed no effect on endurance.

Endurance was one of the things to come out of the mouse studies so most users were, on some level, expecting to have their endurance improved and I am suggesting that perhaps that is why it did.

There is also the theory that resveratrol would have more effect on the endurance of less endurance trained individuals. If you were already close to maximizing your genetic endurance capabilities then there would be less scope for resveratrol to have an endurance enhancing effect. I am yet to hear of any competitive sports people claiming resveratrol to have a performance enhancing effect.

When I first started taking resveratrol it was about 400mg/day longevinix, I felt like I had more energy for a few days, probably a placebo effect. Then nothing. I did not notice increased endurance until I was taking over 10 grams/all at once for a few days (up to 15 grams), with lecithin, and liquid resvinatrol complete (about 4 to 5 oz) , said to include quercetin. ellagic acid, Proanthocyanidins and lecithin. Also threw in some black pepper. I had increased endurance at this point. Didn't get sore, recovered quickly when winded, way more reps when I worked out. I then cut back for a few days ( ranging 1.5 grams to 5 grams all at once / day) and didn't get the same effect (also just used lecithin). So, from my point of view, it is either the increased dose or the synergisitic effect with one of the other ingredients that caused the endurance increase. When I first noticed the endurance increase, the effects were so pronounced that I was hesitant to even mention them on this site.

Well then we all need to take 10 - 15 grams, which isn't affordable at this price. So it's up to Anthony to bring the price down.

#1212 tintinet

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 11:33 PM

Chemicals Flow Unchecked From China to Drug Market
Pharmaceutical ingredients exported from China are often made by companies that are neither certified nor inspected by Chinese drug regulators.

Which is why ya gotta get independent analysis of whatever yer supplementing.

#1213 malbecman

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 11:57 PM

I 2nd that.........

Chemicals Flow Unchecked From China to Drug Market
Pharmaceutical ingredients exported from China are often made by companies that are neither certified nor inspected by Chinese drug regulators.

Which is why ya gotta get independent analysis of whatever yer supplementing.

#1214 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 02 November 2007 - 02:12 PM

Some people anecdotally reported the endurance effects but others like myself noticed no effect on endurance.

Endurance was one of the things to come out of the mouse studies so most users were, on some level, expecting to have their endurance improved and I am suggesting that perhaps that is why it did.

There is also the theory that resveratrol would have more effect on the endurance of less endurance trained individuals. If you were already close to maximizing your genetic endurance capabilities then there would be less scope for resveratrol to have an endurance enhancing effect. I am yet to hear of any competitive sports people claiming resveratrol to have a performance enhancing effect.

When I first started taking resveratrol it was about 400mg/day longevinix, I felt like I had more energy for a few days, probably a placebo effect. Then nothing. I did not notice increased endurance until I was taking over 10 grams/all at once for a few days (up to 15 grams), with lecithin, and liquid resvinatrol complete (about 4 to 5 oz) , said to include quercetin. ellagic acid, Proanthocyanidins and lecithin. Also threw in some black pepper. I had increased endurance at this point. Didn't get sore, recovered quickly when winded, way more reps when I worked out. I then cut back for a few days ( ranging 1.5 grams to 5 grams all at once / day) and didn't get the same effect (also just used lecithin). So, from my point of view, it is either the increased dose or the synergisitic effect with one of the other ingredients that caused the endurance increase. When I first noticed the endurance increase, the effects were so pronounced that I was hesitant to even mention them on this site.

Well then we all need to take 10 - 15 grams, which isn't affordable at this price. So it's up to Anthony to bring the price down.

The 99% powder is still high in price.

The issue here is bioavailability, you would need alot less if you injected it into your bloodstream. I believe anyone who has read enough on the boards here would be able to calculate the amount based on plasma levels recorded in some studies. Although that is not an option for most of us here, some people who are dealing with illness and would like to try it even though there is absolutely no human medical proof that it will work, may seriously consider it regardless of what we recommend.

It's just human nature when your options are limited. I remember a situation in a hospice visit where I was introduced to a little girl who had cancer... at the time her parents had not told her she was dying even though she had less than 6 months to live. To say it was heartbreaking, was simply not even close. When you are staring into the eyes of an innocent child in that situation, you really start considering strange options. She passed away about 5 years ago, but I remember her to this day sitting on her little bed in a white pj's with winnie the poo clutching on to mom, and wondering why she had strangers in her room asking strange questions...

I thought hospice was for those who had lead long full lives, but that day really got burned into my head. I didn't know about rsv and considered herbal supplements completely ridiculous back then, made jokes about them to some family members who swore by them... (I mean who takes Cats claw?). I have spoken about my change of mind here in a few posts before, so I won't go into it... needless to say events in my life made me take a different road and with the help of a UCLA grad (yes with a PHD in experimental pathology), create a small business for those looking for resveratrol at much higher dosages than what was offered anywhere in 2006.

Now, I don't know if resveratrol would have helped back then or if it will help anyone today, but if it were my son, I sure as hell would consider it now. Like I said, its just human nature when your options are limited.


#1215 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 02 November 2007 - 02:15 PM

I 3rd that...

I 2nd that.........

Chemicals Flow Unchecked From China to Drug Market
Pharmaceutical ingredients exported from China are often made by companies that are neither certified nor inspected by Chinese drug regulators.

Which is why ya gotta get independent analysis of whatever yer supplementing.

#1216 shadowrun

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Posted 02 November 2007 - 07:32 PM

I believe Shadowrun here on this forum is the only person I have heard that may have possible muscle gains that may be considered "trained", along with a CR Diet... see post below he made a while back. I wanted to know if he could update us, and let us know if Rsv made any difference in the end. Generally It's tough to say at this point how much Resveratrol will benefit athletes. Although some would say, that even a tiny improvement can make the difference between winning and second place... in the meantime, I will agree with your statement until we have more info from athletes.



Purely personal anecdotal story and i'm slightly embarrased if I should even say anything - I will relate the story though

I don't know what to attribute this too...

I have been taking between 400-600 mg of Resveratrol a day since January 07

6 months prior I began a diet that gradually turned into a 30% CR lifestyle with occassional an occassional day of fasting

I had 2 years off from weightlifting and I started again around January of 06

In February I did a 4 week Bulking/Strength gaining cycle on Creatine while eating 2/3 of my calories for the day within the 2 hour window after lifting
- The catch is that I still maintained my 30% CR diet
(I did not beleive I would be successful in gaining muscle without eating more calories than my body needed - I wanted to give a go anyway)

I had very little faith that I would get much stronger during this period
- I did not beleive the majority of weight and strength I gained would be kept
- In the past after creatine supplementation I would lose most of the weight gained during my cycle (which I figure is water) and I would end up slightly stronger than before I started - I would follow up with a "cutting" cycle where I did lots of cardio and less weights in order to lean myself out

I finished my cutting cycle 2 week ago - I did not weigh myself at anytime in the past month.

I still hadn't lost any strength after a cutting cycle - in fact I was lifting at the same levels I did when I was on creatine - 7 weeks ago!
While maintaining a 30% CR diet plus about 2-3 miles of cardio 3 days a week

2 weeks ago I had my wisdom teeth removed and I fasted for 2 days and subsisted on yogurt and soft foods for 5 - it was hard for me to get close to even 1500 calories a day

Suffice to say I expected to be weaker and smaller - But I weighed in at the gym at 185 - (A pound heavier than I was while on creatine)

This past week I have surpassed my strength totals across the board on every exercise...On a 30% CR diet - with no bodybuilding supplements - I'm stronger than I was 7 weeks ago while I was on creatine

I didn't think it was possible and I still don't understand my strength gains...This has never happened to me before... I have a notepad of my daily caloric intake...I should be weaker...I'm not eating enough!

My brother and GF who work out with me are also stronger...They have been been on mild CR diets (10-20%) also

They also take Resveratrol at 5mg/kg

We have only been assuming that there is a correlation with the Resveratrol use

I admit it could really be anything though

From everything I know about weight lifting this shouldn't be happening...

Hey Anthony - I'd be happy to provide everyone with an update.

We continued to grow in strength until we left for a 1 month trip backpacking through Europe. We continued to grow stronger and larger even though we ate at a carefully maintained 30% CR diet. When I left I was probably about 10% stronger than when I posted and I weighed in at 186. I would be more accurate but I only roughly glanced over my old exercise charts.

While away we walked about 10 miles + per day. Our diets were not ideal and we ended up fasting for 7 of the 30 days we were gone. (the exchange rate in England was killer)
I am certain that between the random money saving fasts and the amount of walking we did, we were going to lose a significant amount of weight. Our resveratrol ran out 9 days before arriving back in the states and we didn't start again until August (We were just dead out of money and unemployed...but the trip was worth it!)
When I arrived home I weighed 173 lbs and I stayed at that weight until I hit the gym again in August.

I wanted to try a different workout program. We decided not to calorie restrict this time but to eat only at weight maintainence levels. I had so much success in growing while on calorie restriction I wanted to see what I could do while on maintainence. This program has not shown the same dramatic gains in strength.
Additionally I switched in early October to a lecthin and resveratrol mix using a 50% powder prior to gym. 10 minutes prior to drinking the mix I also consume a quercitin tablet from NOW. Prior to this I was just taking 4 Country Life pills with some water and fish oil on the side.

After switching over to the 'Lecatrol' mix our strength and size gains have been coming much faster. There is a noticeable increase in energy in all of us. The best way for me to describe it would be to say...That I might not be able to lift another weight, but I always have a strong flow of energy.
I haven't felt worn out or 'done' once in the past 5 weeks.

It took me 2 months to get to 178 lbs - I have consistently weighed myself and over the past month I gained an additional 5 lbs to put me at 182.

I definitely beleive the resveratrol mix is giving me extra energy and allowing me to pack on much leaner muscle. I'm thinking of starting another CR/lifting plan after January.

For whatever reasons I experienced more strength and size gains when calorie restricting and using resveratrol. I tried lifting on calorie restriction in the past before using resveratrol and I just didn't have the same intensity or energy levels.

For what its worth I have fallen in and out of weight-lifting over the past 9 years and I even worked out religiously from age 18-23...I know that resveratrol is helping me with my workouts.

I have never grown while under-eating and I work out with 2 people who experienced the same thing. All of our body fat %'s have never been lower.

#1217 geo12the

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Posted 02 November 2007 - 11:22 PM

I have noticed another effect since taking resveratrol and was wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar. I have always had bad seasonal insomnia which I control using SAD lights. Even with the lights, I never really slept well. Since taking resveratrol, I find I tend to sleep better and generally feel better rested during the day. However, I feel like my sleep is slightly different in a way that is difficult to describe. It’s like I have a level of increased awareness when I’m asleep. It’s very subtle, perhaps it’s my imagination, but I think I notice a very slight difference in how I sleep.

#1218 browser

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Posted 03 November 2007 - 12:04 AM

I'm taking Swanson's Youth Tissue Extract and it gives me tremendously convoluted, memorable dreams. I look forward to going to sleep for the exciting show I'll be part of. Perhaps your SAD insomnia isn't there because you're using enough extra energy to be more tired when it's time to sleep. I'd imagine resv has some antidepressant properties, since it appears to be the Holy Grail of supplements this year.

#1219 tintinet

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Posted 03 November 2007 - 12:13 AM

I did notice enhanced sleep, earlier in my experience with high dose resveratrol- deeper sleep and incredibly vivid dreams. My subjective appreciation for this effect has diminished, perhaps 'cause I've pushed its limits and now rarely get more than 5 hours sleep/night.

#1220 dachshund

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Posted 03 November 2007 - 09:23 PM

I take 1 gram RSV daily first thing in the morning as two caps of Biotivia 98 % Transmax, or one cap Transmax with two caps 50 % Bioforte. I take RSV caps with about 6 oz. grapefruit juice with 1/8 teaspoon grocery store black pepper powder mixed in. I found that taking RSV in the evening seemed to be a bit activating for me and would interfere a little in falling asleep. I have found Biotivia to provide the most cost effective product for RSV when purchased using their volume discounts (10 bttls. Transmax 98 % + 4 Bttls. Bioforte, 50 %). I do not have any idea how valid Biotivia's claims are for "enhanced bioavailability" yet through "proprietary processing", although Mr. James Betz has been excellent in responding to my email inquiries. Mr. Betz informed me that Biotivia is working with two Chinese Universities to carry out bioavailability studies of Biotivia RSV that should be published shortly.

#1221 missminni

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 12:36 AM

I'm new here, so forgive any errors in posting I might make.
I am taking Jarrow Formulas Resveratrol 100
which claims 100 mg total resveratrols from 500 mg.Polyganum capsidatum (Tiger cane)
I have been taking 2 capsules a day (200 mg). I am 5'5" and 120 lbs.
I have also been giving it to my American Bulldogs. (one capsule a day for each of them. they are 125 and 100 lbs)
I have a few questions I hope you can help me with:

1. When you speak of 400-500 mg a day, is that pure resveratrol mgs or the total mgs of the source product?
2. Is there a formula of how much to take based on ones weight?
I know from experience that glucosamine is only effective when taken at the rate of 1000 mg per 35 lbs of body weight.
I saw that first hand with my dog. I was giving him 1500 mg a day with no improvement with his hips. As soon as I
upped it to 4000 mg a day to go with his 125 lb weight, he was like a new dog. No more stiff hips.
3. Is the Jarrow brand reliable? It is cost efficient at about $14.00 for 60 100mg capsules.
Is there a better or more cost efficient product?
4. Are there any human studies being done? What are the reported side effects if any?

So far, at 200 mg a day, I have no side effects at all. My dogs are doing well on it and I have my 92 year old dad on 100 mg a day.
I would like to know if I should increase the dosage, and if the brand I am using is recommended. Thanks for your attention.

Edited by missminni, 04 November 2007 - 04:09 AM.

#1222 tintinet

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 01:21 AM

1. 500 mg trans-resveratrol from whatever amount of source product.
2. Yes. Several formulas, but none universally agreed upon. David Sinclair, a top resveratrol and sirtuin researcher, reportedly takes approximately 5 mg/kg/day trans-resveratrol (~300 mg).
3. Jarrow is reliable.
4. Yes. But they likely won't have any conclusive results for a while.

For sources, check out Anthony Loera's price comparison spreadsheet.

#1223 missminni

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 01:55 AM

1. 500 mg trans-resveratrol from whatever amount of source product.
2. Yes. Several formulas, but none universally agreed upon.  David Sinclair, a top resveratrol and sirtuin researcher, reportedly takes approximately 5 mg/kg/day trans-resveratrol (~300 mg).
3. Jarrow is reliable.
4. Yes. But they likely won't have any conclusive results for a while.

For sources, check out Anthony Loera's price comparison spreadsheet.

Thanks for your response.

Edited by missminni, 04 November 2007 - 04:07 AM.

#1224 missminni

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 05:21 AM

resvinex 500

Is this a reputable product? I didn't see it mentioned on Anthony Loera's price comparison spreadsheet.

#1225 tintinet

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 07:19 PM

Don't know about Resvinex 500- your reference is the first I've seen of that product. Need to find out about their manufacturing procedures, testing, COA, of their trans-resveratrol, purity, etc.

#1226 missminni

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 02:22 AM

Don't know about Resvinex 500- your reference is the first I've seen of that product. Need to find out about their manufacturing procedures, testing, COA, of their trans-resveratrol, purity, etc.

I wrote and asked for proof that it is mfg in the USA, which they claim,
but how can their claim be substantiated?
Their contact info is below but the fact that they aren't mentioned on the list
leads me to believe they may be fly by night.
ASN Traders LLC
5235 Post House Lane
Birmingham, AL 35242

I was advised years ago by a bio-chemist to stay away from supplements from China,
and to only take those that are manufactured in this country or Switzerland.
I usually inquire about the country of origin before ordering a product.
If anyone has any information about the credibility of ASN Traders LLC, please advise. Thanks

Also, somebody mentioned about tingling sensation in fingers and toes as a side effect of resveratrol. I did have that
issue a few months ago, but did not relate it to resveratrol and found it subsided when I took Biochem's Circulation Factor

#1227 levkamensky

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 06:03 AM

It seems Resveratrol starts to have noticeable effects at 10 mg. It will have to be much cheaper.

#1228 tintinet

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 09:02 AM

10 mg? Did you mean 10 grams? 10 mg doesn't cost much....

#1229 missminni

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 01:55 PM

From what I read at RevGenetics website, the recommended dosage appears to be 10 mg per pound of body weight. At 120 lbs one would take 1200 mgs per day. Somebody correct me if I'm mistaken.

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#1230 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 04:54 PM

Hey, looks like we got a new competitor... it's going up on the price list...

Hmm... has anyone seen the label? It says resveratrol on it not trans-resveratrol.


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