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"500 club" 500mg of trans-resveratrol per day

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#1681 2tender

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Posted 21 August 2011 - 03:27 PM

There is something to Resveratrol. I find that its best used with regular breaks, at least in my case. It does increase stamina and feelings of well-being, but if taken later in the day produces insomnia. Seemingly, after 3 days of dosing there seems to be a difference, As with all supplements, I find breaks are beneficial Not everyone can take every supplement regularly. Resveratrol is useful IMO. After not taking it for a long period, I do feel more positive and energetic when I start it particularly if taken an hour before exercise. Im glad I took it daily for over a year, hopefully, it helps with more than just stamina. Anyone else have any comments?
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#1682 hmm

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Posted 21 August 2011 - 11:03 PM

There is something to Resveratrol. I find that its best used with regular breaks, at least in my case. It does increase stamina and feelings of well-being, but if taken later in the day produces insomnia. Seemingly, after 3 days of dosing there seems to be a difference, As with all supplements, I find breaks are beneficial Not everyone can take every supplement regularly. Resveratrol is useful IMO. After not taking it for a long period, I do feel more positive and energetic when I start it particularly if taken an hour before exercise. Im glad I took it daily for over a year, hopefully, it helps with more than just stamina. Anyone else have any comments?

I had a doctor visit last January wherein I was asked to not take any kind supplements for a week beforehand. I liked the feeling of not being chained to pills so much, I never started up again -- no rsv, no fish oil, no D3 or calcium/chondroitin. I figured I would wait until I noticed some kind of negative change that could be attributed to not taking rsv, and then start popping Nitro 250's again.. The only problem was I never felt anything negative. I still wasn't getting sore after playing basketball, I still wasn't getting sick very often, still had improved sense of smell, still not particularly sensitive to colder temps. On the other hand, while not taking the rsv I felt like my joints and tendons were recovering more fully during the 24 hours between my daily runs (I was limping a lot less during the day). And as an added bonus I wasn't getting those occasional, quick bursts of diarrhea in the mornings.

Just a couple weeks ago, I ran with a slightly different style that put more stress on my calves, and doing so made the calves sore for a few days, longer than I have gotten sore for a long time. So maybe there are some changes slowly taking place that will put me back on rsv in the near future...

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#1683 stephen_b

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Posted 24 August 2011 - 04:03 PM

Notably, my last three heart rate readings were 184 (after one minute at 5 mph [8 kph] and 18% grade), 199 (after two minutes at 5 mph and 18% grade), and 174 (when I called it quits after 45 seconds at 5.5 mph and 20% grade). That compares well with my age-predicted maximum HR of 169 according to the commonly-used rule of thumb of 220 minus age, and Wikipedia's Heat rate article calls this "the most accurate way of measuring" maximum heart rate.

Hi unglued. Your numbers are very similar to mine. I'm 47 with a max HR of about 196, which is several standard deviations away from the inaccurate 220-age formula. I also look young for my age.

#1684 unglued

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Posted 26 August 2011 - 09:36 PM

Notably, my last three heart rate readings were 184 (after one minute at 5 mph [8 kph] and 18% grade), 199 (after two minutes at 5 mph and 18% grade), and 174 (when I called it quits after 45 seconds at 5.5 mph and 20% grade). That compares well with my age-predicted maximum HR of 169..

Hi unglued. Your numbers are very similar to mine. I'm 47 with a max HR of about 196, which is several standard deviations away from the inaccurate 220-age formula. I also look young for my age.

Congratulations. Do you have any before and after data that would indicate whether this is genetics plus longtime health habits, or whether it's due to resveratrol? Maybe some measurements before taking resveratrol and after you'd been on it for awhile? You may have posted that before, but the search tools don't really make it feasible to look back through the 1,600+ posts.

The only before and after results that I myself have to offer (aside from the cholesterol results I posted, which aren't clearly affected) are the Startrac treadmill VO2max results I posted. Here are the links again for reference, especially since the old domain name I used in the old links is being retired (this topic has been a great discussion, but for many reasons has not proved a convenient tool for tracking people's results over a period of several years):
  • #723: 50's before resveratrol, 56 to 71 on 1.5mg/kg.
  • #924: Around 70 (56 to >80) on 5mg/kg.
  • #1510: "rarely comes out below 70, often is in the 90's, and occasionally is over 120"

The Startrac treadmill is the only one I used both before and after resveratrol, although it can sort of be calibrated against other treadmill tests (ibid) and my recent medical treadmill maximal-effort test. After much discussion, beginning in the last few days of 2008, I view those results as being quantitatively meaningless but probably significant qualitatively.
As for cholesterol and blood pressure, I don't really see any change I could attribute to resveratrol.

Anyone else have long-term before and after data?

#1685 stephen_b

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 03:21 PM

Unfortunately, I don't. Or rather, I have lots of data but haven't been using resveratrol in the past half year. My training volume has gone up quite a bit this year, and I have been doing lots of runs at target heart rates (145, 150, 155, and 160 typically, spending a lot of time at the lower heart rates to build a solid aerobic base). What I look for there is whether my pace at a target heart rate is improving.

What I can do is start taking resveratrol @500mg/day and see how it affects improvements I've been seeing in response to training.

#1686 2tender

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Posted 06 September 2011 - 05:23 AM

The novel thing about Resveratrol is, and this is only my experience, is that it does work in a energizing manner. However, I do experience some sides if dosed for more than a couple days consequeitively. There is a definate affect on exercise stamina, possible placebo affect on both points? Yes, but, after not taking it for a long period of time, its doing something positive for my energy level, if taken eod, just prior to exercise.

Edited by 2tender, 06 September 2011 - 05:25 AM.

#1687 hmm

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Posted 28 September 2011 - 11:09 PM

OK, anecdote from being back on RSV for almost 2 weeks now, 1 Nitro 250 per day (55 year-old male, took doses varying from 200 grams to 2 grams over a course of 2 or 3 years, then stopped completely at the beginning of 2011). Couple of loose stool bowel movements in the first 4 days, then no problem since. Energy/horniness/aggressiveness all up half a notch. Sleep down half a notch. Increased appetite to the tune of 3 or 4 pounds gained in the last 2 weeks. Possible sources of the appetite are the RSV, the fitful sleep (don't tired people have bigger appetites?), and maybe even some kind of instinct to fatten up as the Fall days grow shorter and colder. If these added pounds are all I gain it is OK because I was about 3 or 4 pounds lower than I have ever been anyway.

Muscle soreness from random unprecedented muscle exertions is reduced.

I'm not sure the energy/horniness/aggressiveness is a good change. I suspect it is a factor in making the sleep more difficult. I suspect it is from more testosterone getting produced. In a way perhaps it is like becoming younger, but I'm not completely sure I want to feel younger in that way. It's like if I am driving down the street, and I end up behind someone who seems like they are dawdling a bit, my new default reaction is to feel angry and resentful at the obstacle.

I am considering going a route similar to 2tender, as far as taking breaks, but maybe in longer terms; like 6 (or more) months on and 6 (or more) months off...

#1688 malbecman

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 09:13 PM

Are you taking it in the AM? There is some evidence RSV interferes with circadian rhythms, likely thru the CLoCK gene and most people seem to do better taking their dose in the AM.


OK, anecdote from being back on RSV for almost 2 weeks now, 1 Nitro 250 per day (55 year-old male, took doses varying from 200 grams to 2 grams over a course of 2 or 3 years, then stopped completely at the beginning of 2011). Couple of loose stool bowel movements in the first 4 days, then no problem since. Energy/horniness/aggressiveness all up half a notch. Sleep down half a notch. Increased appetite to the tune of 3 or 4 pounds gained in the last 2 weeks. Possible sources of the appetite are the RSV, the fitful sleep (don't tired people have bigger appetites?), and maybe even some kind of instinct to fatten up as the Fall days grow shorter and colder. If these added pounds are all I gain it is OK because I was about 3 or 4 pounds lower than I have ever been anyway.

Muscle soreness from random unprecedented muscle exertions is reduced.

I'm not sure the energy/horniness/aggressiveness is a good change. I suspect it is a factor in making the sleep more difficult. I suspect it is from more testosterone getting produced. In a way perhaps it is like becoming younger, but I'm not completely sure I want to feel younger in that way. It's like if I am driving down the street, and I end up behind someone who seems like they are dawdling a bit, my new default reaction is to feel angry and resentful at the obstacle.

I am considering going a route similar to 2tender, as far as taking breaks, but maybe in longer terms; like 6 (or more) months on and 6 (or more) months off...

#1689 hmm

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 12:01 AM

Are you taking it in the AM? There is some evidence RSV interferes with circadian rhythms, likely thru the CLoCK gene and most people seem to do better taking their dose in the AM.

Definitely, yes, first thing in the morning. A couple years ago I was splitting up higher doses of 99% rsv, maybe a gram in the morning and a gram in the evening. But that gram in the evening REALLY seemed to mess me up, sleep-wise...

#1690 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 03:43 PM


I found that you can get used to the nightly gram, but it can take time. (4-7 days depending)

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#1691 maxwatt

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 06:23 PM

Melatonin helps. But easier to just take in the AM.

#1692 hmm

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Posted 06 October 2011 - 04:13 AM


I found that you can get used to the nightly gram, but it can take time. (4-7 days depending)


I think I am getting less sensitive now to the morning dose, at any rate. The sleep disturbance wasn't that bad to begin with. Basically, it just amounted to being a little more iffy as far as whether I would get back to sleep solidly after my usual middle of the night wake-up. I did go back to taking the melatonin, as Maxwatt has mentioned, this time trying some liquid stuff (Natrol). However, since I don't need it at the beginning of my sleep, I have only been downing the melatonin in the middle of the night if I feel like it might otherwise be difficult to make it back to sleep. But in the last 3 or 4 days I haven't really needed the melatonin at all.

Actually, all the side effects that seemed more apparent a couple weeks ago seem to be fading, except the lack of muscle soreness thing. Played hoops for the first time in a month on Friday evening and basically, no soreness the next day...

#1693 hmm

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Posted 17 October 2011 - 06:24 PM

Since I first started taking RSV, a few years ago, I have felt a major physical change in my body that I have not seen mentioned on this board. For the first year or two I did not mention it because I felt I should take a while and make sure it was permanent (after 3 or 4 years, it seems so). The closest comments I have seen were a few years ago when I first started taking RSV, some people were commenting that after taking it, they were getting sick less frequently.

I'm not sure if I get sick less frequently. I do feel that my body has developed a new paradigm for getting sick, which at times has made me wonder if maybe I am getting sick a lot less.

For 45 years I can remember, getting appreciably sick for me has followed the following model: 1) preliminary sore throat for a couple days, 2) torrential mucous/snot orgy for 3 to 5 days, 3) a harsh cough for 3 to 5 days. There comes a point where the cough eases enough so that I can finally get a reasonable night's sleep, and everything gets better from that point on.

Since starting RSV, I don't get sick that way anymore, but I still feel like I get sick in a different manner. What happens now is I get that same preliminary sore throat, but much less painful. At the same time, I start to feel profoundly weary. So weary that even if I sleep 9 or 10 hours, or take a nap during the day, I am still tired again in the evening. This kind of sore throat and weariness will usually linger for about 3-5 days, and then I will simply feel less weary.

It's like RSV doesn't kill the sickness germs I might pick up, but perhaps it puts a stop to the mucous/snot orgies I used to develop in response to those germs, which then put a halt to the harsh cough that was probably needed to expel left-over mucous. But from age 5 to age 50 I have been sick in the old way once or twice a year without fail. In the past 4 years or so, I have been sick in the old way only once, when my ability to sleep was compromised by pain due to accident injuries. But, like I said, maybe this is just my individual experience, since I haven't seen any similar accounts in these threads...
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#1694 malbecman

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Posted 19 October 2011 - 06:35 PM

I wish I had been keeping a log of my colds and sicknesses from before I started RSV and afterwards. It certainly seems like I get sick less often now that I take RSV and that my colds when I do get them are much less severe. I'd have to say that I only get a couple of colds per year now and that's w/ 2 kids in the house. It also seems like less nasal sinus and chest congestion is involved. YMMV

#1695 niner

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 12:47 PM

Since starting RSV, I don't get sick that way anymore, but I still feel like I get sick in a different manner. What happens now is I get that same preliminary sore throat, but much less painful. At the same time, I start to feel profoundly weary. So weary that even if I sleep 9 or 10 hours, or take a nap during the day, I am still tired again in the evening. This kind of sore throat and weariness will usually linger for about 3-5 days, and then I will simply feel less weary.

Resveratrol has a lot of biological activities, and which ones are dominant changes depending on the dose. How much are you taking, and when do you take it? I can't say anything about my own pattern of infections, since my resveratrol use has varied over the years. I used to use inhaled steroids, and since stopping them I've had fewer infections. On top of that, my kids are bigger now so they aren't such petri dishes.

#1696 hmm

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 08:13 PM

Resveratrol has a lot of biological activities, and which ones are dominant changes depending on the dose. How much are you taking, and when do you take it? I can't say anything about my own pattern of infections, since my resveratrol use has varied over the years. I used to use inhaled steroids, and since stopping them I've had fewer infections. On top of that, my kids are bigger now so they aren't such petri dishes.

I'm taking 250 mg now per day. I went from January to September not using RSV at all, but that didn't seem to change the sickness pattern. No kids around to pass germs to me. I think overall I prefer this method of getting sick, it is kind of "get-sick-lite". The only problem is that I don't have as many outward manifestations so that people can feel sorry for how miserable I feel...

#1697 unglued

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Posted 24 October 2011 - 05:05 PM

I'd have to say that's not inconsistent with my own experience since taking resveratrol.

It's even remotely possible that a period of fatigue I had in October 2009, the peak of H1N1 while no vaccine was available to low-risk people, was the flu and I never knew it. I was finally able to get the vaccine at the very end of the year, and never did get obvious flu symptoms. I did everything I could to avoid it, so maybe I never got it, but I wonder, especially after getting chilled by traveling on a plane after getting soaking wet in the rain.

#1698 hmm

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 04:37 PM


I found that you can get used to the nightly gram, but it can take time. (4-7 days depending)


I think I am getting less sensitive now to the morning dose, at any rate. The sleep disturbance wasn't that bad to begin with. Basically, it just amounted to being a little more iffy as far as whether I would get back to sleep solidly after my usual middle of the night wake-up. I did go back to taking the melatonin, as Maxwatt has mentioned, this time trying some liquid stuff (Natrol). However, since I don't need it at the beginning of my sleep, I have only been downing the melatonin in the middle of the night if I feel like it might otherwise be difficult to make it back to sleep. But in the last 3 or 4 days I haven't really needed the melatonin at all.

Actually, all the side effects that seemed more apparent a couple weeks ago seem to be fading, except the lack of muscle soreness thing. Played hoops for the first time in a month on Friday evening and basically, no soreness the next day...

OK, at this point, 2 months into the 250mg per day regimen, the original symptoms all seem to have disappeared or been eradicated. They were perhaps all some varying combination of imagined-to-begin-with, faded-with-an-increasing-bodily-tolerance-to-rsv, or simply blended in to become the new normal. The testosterone(?)-rage feelings didn't become the new normal, happily, as I am back to reacting relatively numbly and apathetically and empathetically to the various antics of other drivers on the road. The sleep disturbance, I suspect, would be gone even if I wasn't regularly chugging down a couple of mg of liquid melatonin in the middle of the night.

No diarrhea, appetite/weight stable.

#1699 bixbyte

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Posted 13 August 2012 - 02:13 PM

Where did you ALL Go?
The 500 MG Resveratrol daily dose?
Bump it up.

#1700 Mind

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Posted 13 August 2012 - 04:36 PM

Where did you ALL Go?
The 500 MG Resveratrol daily dose?
Bump it up.

I wouldn't mind hearing some updates as well. Are you still using resv? Is there any objective data you can point to that indicate improved health? Has recent research fortified your reasoning for taking resv, or made you drop it?

#1701 2tender

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 12:22 AM

Im not, regularly anyway. It completely melted all the fat off of me. I take it on occasion. I do feel it was worth taking daily for an extended period of time, however, crowding it in with other supplements got expensive.

#1702 maxwatt

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 02:43 PM

I take it in a dose of approximately 400 mg, daily, as a powder with a little water allowing partial buccal and sublingual absorption in addition to what is swallowed.

I find it helps greatly with arthritis symptoms, better than NSAIDs, and helps with endurance and aerobic capacity.

I reduced to this dose after experimenting with 1 gram and up doses. I feel larger doses help as attack doses to attain the effects, but are not necessary for maintenance, and larger doses can induce irritable bowel symptoms. But there may well be individual variation in what constitutes an optimal dose.

I have also observed in dogs, and in some elderly people that cessation for a period of time, can result in further deterioration in arthritis and physical capabilities, that is not recovered on resuming dosing. This is something younger people may not notice, but for the elderly it is something to consider.

#1703 hmm

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Posted 26 August 2012 - 10:11 PM

I take it in a dose of approximately 400 mg, daily, as a powder with a little water allowing partial buccal and sublingual absorption in addition to what is swallowed.

I find it helps greatly with arthritis symptoms, better than NSAIDs, and helps with endurance and aerobic capacity.

I reduced to this dose after experimenting with 1 gram and up doses. I feel larger doses help as attack doses to attain the effects, but are not necessary for maintenance, and larger doses can induce irritable bowel symptoms. But there may well be individual variation in what constitutes an optimal dose.

I have also observed in dogs, and in some elderly people that cessation for a period of time, can result in further deterioration in arthritis and physical capabilities, that is not recovered on resuming dosing. This is something younger people may not notice, but for the elderly it is something to consider.

That is bad news for me, Maxwatt. I stopped taking rsv again 8 months ago (along with all other supplements) because I had these kidney stones causing all kinds of freaky feelings in my body, and I just wanted to rule out the supplements as a possible cause. By March I had gotten rid of the stones, but was feeling so good in general I didn't want to disturb anything by adding in any supplements.

Now in this last month I have gotten back to taking luteolin, fish oil, ubiquinol and ginseng in hopes that I will forget fewer things. The last supplement left to resume would be the rsv, and you are saying it probably won't have any positive effect on me at this point as far as recovering more quickly from muscle soreness or achieving increased stamina?

Edited by hmm, 26 August 2012 - 10:12 PM.

#1704 Hebbeh

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Posted 26 August 2012 - 10:55 PM

I take it in a dose of approximately 400 mg, daily, as a powder with a little water allowing partial buccal and sublingual absorption in addition to what is swallowed.

I find it helps greatly with arthritis symptoms, better than NSAIDs, and helps with endurance and aerobic capacity.

I reduced to this dose after experimenting with 1 gram and up doses. I feel larger doses help as attack doses to attain the effects, but are not necessary for maintenance, and larger doses can induce irritable bowel symptoms. But there may well be individual variation in what constitutes an optimal dose.

I have also observed in dogs, and in some elderly people that cessation for a period of time, can result in further deterioration in arthritis and physical capabilities, that is not recovered on resuming dosing. This is something younger people may not notice, but for the elderly it is something to consider.

That is bad news for me, Maxwatt. I stopped taking rsv again 8 months ago (along with all other supplements) because I had these kidney stones causing all kinds of freaky feelings in my body, and I just wanted to rule out the supplements as a possible cause. By March I had gotten rid of the stones, but was feeling so good in general I didn't want to disturb anything by adding in any supplements.

Now in this last month I have gotten back to taking luteolin, fish oil, ubiquinol and ginseng in hopes that I will forget fewer things. The last supplement left to resume would be the rsv, and you are saying it probably won't have any positive effect on me at this point as far as recovering more quickly from muscle soreness or achieving increased stamina?

I don't see where he said that. I see where he mentioned he observed in dogs, and in some elderly people that cessation for a period of time, can result in further deterioration in arthritis and physical capabilities, that is not recovered on resuming dosing. By some, I assume he means a small percentage, and then only if they experienced deterioration in the interim, which doesn't sound like that situation applies to you. From your post, I don't see why you would get any of the same benefits you experienced in the past.

#1705 hmm

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 07:56 PM

Hebbeh, did you leave a "not" out in the last line of your post? Yes, re-reading Maxwatt's post, I note that he used the word "can" rather than "probably", so I jumped the gun. Hopefully Maxwatt will clarify on the likelihood of losing the benefits, and perhaps even the amount of time of cessation required before the benefits become irrecoverable...

#1706 Hebbeh

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 09:32 PM

My bad....yes, I meant I would expect you would receive the same benefits as previously since it sounded like you hadn't experienced any serious deterioration.

#1707 malbecman

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Posted 29 August 2012 - 04:26 PM

I wouldn't mind hearing some updates as well. Are you still using resv? Is there any objective data you can point to that indicate improved health? Has recent research fortified your reasoning for taking resv, or made you drop it?

I'm still taking it. 300-400 mg/day, much like MaxWatt. I certainly feel that it has improved my immune system, I find it difficult to recall the last time I had a cold. My kids even remarked this morning that "Dad never gets sick".
I also think it does improve my athletic performance/fitness level, all along the lines which have been discussed previously in this forum.

#1708 Kevnzworld

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Posted 29 August 2012 - 09:32 PM

I have been taking 300 mg of trans resveratrol for 5 years. I have never noticed any physiological affects. Because of some of the posts on this thread I have started dosing earlier in the day. I recently read a study posted on the main board that showed rats taking resveratrol outlived controls significantly. (especially females, all of which outlived the medium lifespan of the controls.)
Scroll down to my post of the result chart


I have reduced my dose now to 200 mg, and added 200 mg per day of Pterostilbene.
I take many other CR mimics as well.

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#1709 missymoo72

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Posted 24 September 2012 - 12:48 AM

QUESTION TO THE GIRLS: Has anyone been using trans-resveretrol long term while taking the contraceptive pill? I'd like to know if 98% trans-resv supplement has caused anyone "trouble" with contraception? I've trawled Longecity and google for quite a while, looking for a sensible answer, but am too dopey to find one! Help :)

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