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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Simultaneous Worldwide Flyer Postings

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#181 fruser

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Posted 05 June 2007 - 04:08 PM

I thought we were all getting PMs when this was due to take place. If this ever does come back again, just let me know and I'll do my bit as best as I can.

#182 Richard Leis

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Posted 09 June 2007 - 09:39 PM

What are the difficulties in getting this going? I suggest a new summary of activities to date, the use of action items assigned to particular individuals, perhaps even a roadmap. I skimmed through all the posts but kinda got lost as to where everyone is at. I'd like to participate in some way, too. Just let me know the status of this project.

Also, keep in mind that this does not necessarily need to take place only here. I'm not suggesting anyone leave the ImmInst site :) but maybe we can get help from Transhumanists.org members or other related groups on social networks like Facebook? I have a local club that can get involved.

#183 Live Forever

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Posted 09 June 2007 - 11:20 PM

What are the difficulties in getting this going?  I suggest a new summary of activities to date, the use of action items assigned to particular individuals, perhaps even a roadmap.  I skimmed through all the posts but kinda got lost as to where everyone is at.  I'd like to participate in some way, too.  Just let me know the status of this project.

Also, keep in mind that this does not necessarily need to take place only here.  I'm not suggesting anyone leave the ImmInst site :) but maybe we can get help from Transhumanists.org members or other related groups on social networks like Facebook?  I have a local club that can get involved.

That would be another good reason to have a "neutral" landing site. (would get more groups involved) Information to and links about all groups participating could be provided on the landing page.

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#184 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 05:27 AM

Wow, I had no idea the date had come and passed... Speaking of facebook, I was thinking about starting an immortality group yesterday since the few groups dedicated to transhumanism don't really cut it and seem too "wacko" for most facebook users.

I will set up a facebook group and upload some content, compile some links, and put in a word for Imminst and the related movements. When I start school during the fall if someone can get me an electronic copy of an approved flyer, I can distribute it throughout the campus, apparently they are fairly open to printed document solicitation.

As for the landing page... I can throw out some ideas of how it could look, and I have briefly mentioned how we could structure the institute at the departmental level in another thread somewhere... (if the forum does end up changing)

Our movement has so many potential paths to our ultimate goal that I think if we present it correctly, appealing to each of the research areas Biological, Mechanical, and Computational off-shoot (which is my area) we will see a spike in the number of supporters, and I think that visual stimuli is key... I think our landing page needs to be as vivid and interesting as possible, tomorrow if I have time I will draw up a few designs for what we might be able to do for the landing page (I have no php or html experience) so I will not be the person implementing it... but I can possibly help with image design and placement...

#185 Aegist

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 05:45 AM

I dont think a landing page is that big an ask, and I do think it is necessary. ImmInst.org is still a confusing place to start for someone who thinks Eternal Youth is the thing of fairy tales (not even relegated to Sci Fi! Fantasy only!)

#186 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 05:55 AM

Agreed, While I risk seeming consumed by superficial matters... the thing needs to be slick, vivid, and just overall eye-catching, I am thinking possibly a page setup where the user clicks "continue" to read on further, or possibly a small tree structure (not necessarily dynamic), but enough to give them a handle on the information. And depending on how we set it up, we need to stress how the three main pathways to the singularity/immortality build on one another and also, how they are distinct and what sorts of problems we still have to solve in each area...

#187 Aegist

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:00 AM

..and sound scientifically validated on not lunatic fringe.

#188 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:14 AM

Heh... yes, we must ensure that every sentence is supported by mountains of evidence and that we clearly label our theories as theories, and explain with perfect detail how we derive our predictions (Kurzweil has already blazed a fairly broad trail)...

I think we must also make some sort of creed that we abide by... something that shows we have structure to our organization (on a different level than the constitution of course), something that people can click, read, and go... "ok... this is the way scientific evidence and theories are handled here..."

#189 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 07:31 AM

Here is a brief description of the facebook group that I just typed up, I will start it in the morning (actually later this morning), and I wanted to run it by you guys to see if I missed any grammatical errors or left any important points out.

I tried to keep it conservative (note the date at the end), because I don't want it to be too far out, I wanted to appeal to the type of people who inhabit the facebook world... so, there it is, any suggestions/corrections will be greatly appreciated!

I'm sure I missed something somewhere... [thumb]


This group is dedicated towards raising awareness about emerging technologies that have the potential to contribute positively to the human lifespan. We are finally approaching a point where we can more effectively negotiate our terms with death.

...we are on the verge of transcending our biological constraints and finally defeating death.

[Further explanation]

Throughout human history our species has attempted to grapple with death by trying to understand it, by trying to predict it, and by trying to defeat it... Over the last fifteen thousand years, the communities humanity has built upon the Earth have changed dramatically. We have moved from being a hunter & gatherer-based species, to essentially maintaining globalized civilization capable of sending machines millions of kilometers deep into space to chunks of rock virgin to the hands of humanity...

As our species first began to develop and refine language and began to construct relatively large communities, they also tried to explain and rationalize why death occurs, and how they might be able to prevent it... However, as our ancient fore-bearers lacked deep naturalistic understanding of their environment, little progress was made toward dealing with death. Gods and rituals were used to place a handle on death, it provided simplistic explanations and methods for displaying grief and respect... but this was still inadequate.

Over the past 300 years, as our species finally harnessed the power of electricity, and started on its path toward understanding its own construction, we have made great leaps in our understanding of our environment, and ourselves. We have reached a stage in our development where it is beginning to look as if we may be able to slow or even prevent the damaging effects of aging at a cellular level, and it seems that we are rapidly approaching a point where we will finally break free from our biological constraints.

The word "Immortality" has always had a connotation of mysticism and magic attached to it, and since there has so far been no alternative to death, it has been seen as a fantasy to distract us from its inevitability... but we must realize that with each scientific discovery, it provides a stepping stone towards the next, and that combined with our powers of abstract reasoning, our innate curiosity, and our relentless determination, we can dismount this word from the web of fiction it is currently entangled in, and bring it into the scientific realm.

In short, we are on the verge of a transformation, our scientific understanding of the mechanics of the universe has been increasing exponentially... in the coming decades as the fields of Bioengineering, Genetics, Nano-scale Technology, and Computing mature, we will begin to see a change in the meaning of life and death. We now have the ability to construct artificial hearts, we have utterly decimated entire viral species with our vaccines, we can control mechanical appendages with our minds, and cloning technology is maturing to the point where personalized organs can be and will be cloned when needed (which essentially means the end of death via organ failure... at least mostly)... so, as we progress we must maintain a strong sense of caution, but above all, we must remain open to the possibility of transcending our biological longevity limits... Possibly living as long as you wish.

We can already see the tell-tale signs of this happening, and given an semi-optimistic estimate... we can expect to see some pretty amazing changes to the human life-span within the next 25 years, and if you try your best to take care of your body in concert with these emerging technologies, you can expect to live well past 2100 A.D.

#190 Richard Leis

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 06:53 PM

There are a few related Facebook groups now, but I don't think there is one specifically for physical immortality:

* Transhumanists
* Transhumanist Student Network (TSN)
* h+ (the University of Arizona physical immortality and transhumanist club I helped found)
* Secular Humanists
* SIAI appreciators
* Betterhumans

Several ImmInst figures are also members of some of these groups. I would suggest an official ImmInst.org presence, and/or a grassroots physical immortality presence as you suggest.

At some point, maybe individual group efforts should be merged or related.

#191 Normal Dan

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 07:46 PM

If we are going to be doing a landing page, it will be helpful to answer some questions about imminst:

1. What is imminst?
2. What is it not?
3. What does it provide?
4. What does it not provide?
5. How can it help me?
6. How can I help?
7. What should I do now?

If these questions cannot be answered by our members here and now, it will be hard for anyone new to understand what is going on. In short, we are trying to 'sell' something and when selling something, people want to know two things; 1) what is it? and 2) how much? It is best to be fairly up front and straight forward with this information, without adding too much fluff and flair. Fluff and flair tend to annoy people when they are trying to find out about a new 'product', and we generally do not want the kind of people who are attracted by too much of it.

my 2 cents.

#192 Richard Leis

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 09:29 PM

Maybe someone already suggested it, but could the ImmInst About page be used as the landing page? It has some of the answers to the questions proposed, and could be enhanced with the rest.

#193 Cyberbrain

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 09:45 PM

Sorry I'm late!

As for my part I could post new groups about life extensions in places like

-Windows Live
-And others

Then when college begins I could form a group about immortality and SENS.

If there is anything else I can do, please let me know [lol]

One last thing I would like to note is that we should target middle and high school students, as they are the new generations!

#194 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 11:45 PM

Ok, I set up the facebook group, and I will start putting up some links, quotes, and quick blurbs about the cause, the group is called "Immortality"

EDIT: So, if you have a facebook account... Join Up! ...My name is Joseph Henry

#195 Aegist

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Posted 13 June 2007 - 03:41 AM

One last thing I would like to note is that we should target middle and high school students, as they are the new generations!

Good thinking. We are also able to refer them on to Wing Girl's book.

The major benefit in targetting them is that they are almost certainly going to be recipients of it.

#196 Cyberbrain

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Posted 13 June 2007 - 07:55 AM

I've opened a group and a blog on Hi5 and Windows Live Spaces called "ImmInst.org"

And I've put some of the things we talk about. PLEASE let me know if I am making some copyright infringement or something. I don't want to get in trouble. [huh]

#197 Aegist

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Posted 13 June 2007 - 08:09 AM

I've opened a group and a blog on Hi5 and Windows Live Spaces called "ImmInst.org"

And I've put some of the things we talk about. PLEASE let me know if I am making some copyright infringement or something. I don't want to get in trouble. [huh]

LOL. That is VERY unlikely that that will happen. Being a non-profit organisation designed to spread the word of our movement, I don't think telling people about our existence is going to get you in trouble! :)

Go for it. Get it out there. Let the world know that eternal youth is no longer trapped in fantasy, it is now a tangible science fiction destined to become science fact.

#198 Cyberbrain

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Posted 13 June 2007 - 08:49 AM

OK! [thumb]

This is the windows live space:

SENS, Immortality, and Life Extensions

Everybody: feel free to go to it and leave comments. And if you also want to add some things then email me and I'll give you the password [lol]

#199 Live Forever

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 03:16 PM

Ok, I set up the facebook group, and I will start putting up some links, quotes, and quick blurbs about the cause, the group is called "Immortality"

EDIT: So, if you have a facebook account... Join Up! ...My name is Joseph Henry

Link? (I get tons of Joseph Henry's when I do a search, and I get tons of group results when I search for "Immortality")

#200 Live Forever

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 03:17 PM

Maybe someone already suggested it, but could the ImmInst About page be used as the landing page?  It has some of the answers to the questions proposed, and could be enhanced with the rest.

Also, the FAQ page might have some value to incorporate into a landing page.

#201 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 08:46 PM


Here you go Nate

EDIT: btw, I'm spending a little time dinking around with photoshop since it has been years since I last used it, hopefully I can start churning out a few of the ideas in a semi-polished state, short of scanning peices of notebook paper that I doodle on, that is my only option ;)

#202 Live Forever

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 10:15 PM

Sweet, I joined the group.

#203 futureofscience

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 10:18 PM

Groovy, I joined up too, thanks for setting it up [thumb]

#204 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 10:27 PM

Yeah, np... hopefully if we can get enough "discussions" going, we might actually get something going, I am going to put in a plug for it in the transhuman groups to maybe get a few more members, but I want to keep everything nice and clean cut and hopefully make it very appealing for the non-scientifically minded as well... something easy to browse.

#205 futureofscience

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 10:38 PM

Well I think you've done a grand job so far [lol]

#206 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 10:56 PM

I'm not completely sure of all te permissions the facebook system puts in place for groups, but if for some reason someone can't upload a picture or add some content or whatever let me know and I'll put you in the admin section, I don't think there will be an issue since there isn't that much t do, but I don't want to let just anyone from facebook upload pictures because I don't really know their intentions, but I can waive that for people from here.

Anyway, back to the flyers and landing page...

I was thinking, maybe when we have something figured out, we could add a medium-sized outline of the human body color-coded showing what parts of the body can currently be replaced ranging from (red, orange, yellow, green, and blue) depending on the ease, reliability and resilience of the augmentation/replacement. So we could have all of the arms and legs in yellow, and the heart in green, and maybe ocular implants in red...

Any thoughts? I can whip one up if people think it is a good idea, (just some cognitive candy for the newbies)... also, if this does sound like a worthwhile idea to a few, it would be cool if people could help me compile a list what sorts of augmentations/replacements exist along with their cost and reliability.

#207 Cyberbrain

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Posted 15 June 2007 - 09:04 AM

Nice idea Joseph ... here's something for the head:

Posted Image

#208 Richard Leis

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Posted 21 June 2007 - 03:24 AM

I am making available some of the University of Arizona transhumanist club's posters and flyers as templates for other clubs and groups to use. I stripped out our own club-specific information and created template Photoshop and PDF files for your own use. Feel free to download these files and add your own information, or make other modifications.

These files are located on our h+ group page on Transhumanists.org, in the Box.net storage widget, in the "Poster Templates" folder.


An attribution or other credit is not necessarily, but I would be interested in learning how others use these files. Please let me know.

#209 Athanasios

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Posted 02 July 2007 - 08:29 PM

I saw this on one of the web comics I read.
Posted Image

It could be used for the poster outreach at universities. I am sure the creator would allow it if asked. Anyway, I thought I would share it.

Here is the webpage of the comic:

I thought there was one on xkcd.com that was pro longevity as well. If I run into it I will post it.

#210 Live Forever

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Posted 02 July 2007 - 08:55 PM

I saw this on one of the web comics I read.
Posted Image

It could be used for the poster outreach at universities. I am sure the creator would allow it if asked. Anyway, I thought I would share it.

Here is the webpage of the comic:

I thought there was one on xkcd.com that was pro longevity as well. If I run into it I will post it.

Haha. That is a good one.

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