The dark side of modafinil
Posted 22 April 2011 - 08:45 PM
Do you feel that modafinil interferes with sleep when dosed once in the morning? Did you dose it more than once? Sleep quality? Did you sleep more or less and why?
Posted 29 April 2011 - 05:40 AM
Modafinil doesn't get you high but it can fool you into thinking it can.
Not on its own, but it can be a useful augmenter.
Posted 17 December 2011 - 01:17 AM
Things are going through my mind with this drug and how to get around this problem. Insomnia is something I am prone to if anything stimulates me. I have pondered taking over the counter anti histamines at night during a cycle, lowering the dosage (50mg seems to be a good place to start according to people who've posted earler in the thread), combining with remeron (although I have always despised this drug) or give it up completely (anything that fucks with my sleep is a bad thing) and get back on natural herbs such as Schizandra.
We'll have to see. I am going to try the smaller doses of Modalert and if sleep persists to be problem then it'll have to go. A real shame really. I am currently drinking alcohol to go to sleep tonight but that obviously cannot continue. I have benzos on hand but I am not going to use them for such a purpose. I honestly think trying the lower dosages is my only option and if that doesn't work then it's goodbye. This has piped my interest though in amphetamines. I noticed vastly improved wanting to be sociable on modifinil which is a rare thing for me because I usually prefer being by myself. On this drug however I actually crave being around people. I am aware that these types of effects might be more amplified on amphetamines + if I became relaxed on them that would confirm my suspicions 100% that I am ADHD (a dysfunctional DA system). In the UK it is difficult to get prescribed for these drugs hence my chaotic journey with experimenting but if I keep trying with different doctor's I may eventually strike gold.
Edited by Thorsten2, 17 December 2011 - 01:20 AM.
Posted 04 July 2012 - 09:19 PM
Several times a year I have to give 1-2hr talks in front of tens to thousands of people. I find a low dose of modafinil extremely useful for this purpose. Public speaking requires a sort of doubling of consciousness; you have to be coherently presenting your material while simultaneously preparing the narative you will use several seconds down the road. Modafinil makes this far easier for me.
On the other hand, I rarely use it for other purposes as it can have a rebound effect the next day for me.
Sorry to bump this old thread, but I find it interesting. Good arousal is needed to avoid freaking. What dose do you use?.
Nice account of what giving a speech requires.
Edited by noos, 04 July 2012 - 09:20 PM.
Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:37 AM
But yeah, I also found proteomist's statement quite elucidative of how I conducted the public speaking event. The visuo-spacial faculty potentiation of mod. seems to allow you to imagine a solving process (whether it be a math problem, or a presentation) giving you the confidence of continuing with the current step. It also allows me to follow mathy lectures and follow instructor's notation a lot better than the baseline. This symbol recognition/imaginative problem solving under sleep-deficiency condition is pretty remarkable.
Edited by alecnevsky, 19 February 2013 - 12:42 AM.
Posted 16 July 2013 - 11:59 AM
Also, what is the score with the pro-drug to madafinil - adrafinil, can this be openly sold as it is not actually prescription, or must it be sold as a research chemical?
Some help would be appreciated.
p.s. does anyone know of a modafinil seller with the uk, pm me thanks
Posted 16 July 2013 - 12:14 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 12:22 PM
Adrafinil can be openly sold anywhere except Australia at the moment, AFAIK.
But by openly sold, do you mean it can be sold as a research chemical, a medicine (non prescription) as a food supplement???
There is a big difference, i thought it would be as a research chemical, because that's what it is. A compound.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 09:34 AM
just to tell you my 4 year modafinil experience.
I use modafinil only for short periods,no more than one month,during exams.Start from 100 mg and reach 200 mg.
I use only during the day,not to stay awake.
Well,there are 2 bad news and two goods.
The bads are that in my experience,when at evening the modafinil effect goes away,I feel very tired,incredibly tired for the amount of study done.The second is that it builds up tolerance,no doubt about it.I suppose it's caused by liver methabolization.In my experience,after 1 week the effect at 200 slowly down.
The goods are that modanifil is in my experience an incredibile motivational drug.When I use it,I can study 12 hours keeping an incredible motivation and focus on the books.It's also a very good appettite suppresant,if you want to stay lean.No need to drink or eat.It's incredible.The second is that after two weeks of stop the tolerance goes away.I didn't get any improvment in short-long term memory.My studing results are really improved,but for the improved amount of study that I get fro modafinl absuntion.
So that,in my opinion,is it a drug to use in case of "necessity",not for a long term use or results.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 09:40 AM
Adrafinil can be openly sold anywhere except Australia at the moment, AFAIK.
But by openly sold, do you mean it can be sold as a research chemical, a medicine (non prescription) as a food supplement???
There is a big difference, i thought it would be as a research chemical, because that's what it is. A compound.
Well yes, as a research chemical. I care a lot more about what the effects of a substance are and whether I can legally buy it than what exactly you call it.

Posted 20 July 2013 - 11:32 AM
Damn I just have to think to this s*** and feel myself want to die haha. I have some mental disorders that doesn't fit with it though.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 04:23 PM
Maybe something strong like Phenibut? It could make a nice upper/downer combo like caffeine / L-theanine.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 05:38 PM
I don't think taht Moda pheni would make a nice "speedball" too though.
Posted 20 July 2013 - 07:52 PM
Are there any noots that synergize with Modafinil to lessen some of the negative side effects? Perhaps L-theanine.. but that would probably be too subtle.
Maybe something strong like Phenibut? It could make a nice upper/downer combo like caffeine / L-theanine.
Magnesium, ashwagandha and bacopa are all prime candidates. Piracetam also holds a nice boost if you're already a positive responder to it.
Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:57 PM
Posted 24 July 2013 - 12:36 AM
Are there any noots that synergize with Modafinil to lessen some of the negative side effects? Perhaps L-theanine.. but that would probably be too subtle.
Maybe something strong like Phenibut? It could make a nice upper/downer combo like caffeine / L-theanine.
Zembrin and it also has a nice CILTEP effect. Also, antihistamines can help with the allergic reactions.
Edited by MasterHerb, 24 July 2013 - 12:36 AM.
Posted 24 July 2013 - 03:07 AM
Posted 25 July 2013 - 04:27 AM
Inositol and magnesium should be taken with Modafinil.
For what effect?
Posted 25 July 2013 - 05:35 AM
Inositol and magnesium should be taken with Modafinil.
For what effect?
I think he's referring to controlling for over-stimulation/ getting zombied out or feeling otherwise cracked out. I do both as part of every day regimen it doesn't really do much you can still get crazy palpitations 2 hrs in. BTW I exclusively use Armodafinil.
Posted 25 July 2013 - 05:39 AM
Inositol and magnesium should be taken with Modafinil.
For what effect?
Magnesium help my cramps, stiffness etc when I use Modafinil. Also sometimes I need to ingest a lot of salt.
Posted 16 October 2016 - 12:11 PM
I have found modafinil to be extremely beneficial with regard to staying focused and on task and haven't noticed any of the negative side effects listed in this thread.
I've been using "Modalert" for just over 2 years on work days only. Typically 100 mg/day however recently switched to 200 mg/day. After 2 years it would seem reasonable to have developed a bit of tolerance.
Modafinil has been especially beneficial when traveling across multiple time zones. It greatly diminishes the effects of jet lag and assist me in being productive upon arrival.
To those experiencing insomnia, my only suggestion is to take it immediately upon waking in the morning. Also, first time users should begin with a smaller dose (split the pill).
I did experience a bit of modafinil related insomnia during the first week of modafinil use however this quickly subsided.
Posted 16 August 2017 - 10:02 PM
Did you really need to copy and paste your "experience" across multiple threads, bumping them? Sounds like you have 110% heart failure. I would start planning your funeral.
Posted 10 June 2019 - 09:03 AM
I hallucinated while on Modafinil...
Posted 10 June 2019 - 11:48 AM
I hallucinated while on Modafinil...
Me too.
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