Nightlight, how do you explain the fact that non-smoking wives of smokers have a higher risk of lung cancer?
Also note that this study was done in Japan, where anti-smoking propaganda is less prevalent(especially considering that the paper is from 1981)
This is ancient paper in an ancient thread. Anyway, that Hirayama's "research" was irreproducable and his main claims were based on
arithmetic errors. If this "research" was about anything else, it would have been classified as a scientific fraud, but since it is antismoking "science" it is merely quietly forgotten after the initial media splash of scare mongering.
Further, considering that tobacco smoke strongly
upregulates the main detox and antioxidant enzymes in human body (glutathione by 80%, near doubling of catalase & SOD),
smoking is a statistical marker for environmental or work exposures to industrial toxins, including carcinogens, since people who benefit more from the doubled detox rates would be those more exposed or more sensitive to such toxins. Since familiy members will often share the same living conditions and other exposures (especially in "agricultural families" as claimed in the paper, where work & home are often the same place), their health problems will be result of these exposures.
This is similar effect to observing that wives and children of
men who use sun hats, will have more sunburns than wives and children of those who don't wear sun hats. There will be also
proper dose response relations -- the more days of year the men wear sun hats, the greater rates & severity of subnurns would be observed among the family members, as well as the men themselves. Wearing of sun hats is merely a statistical proxy for sun exposure, not a cause of sunburns, for the same reason smoking is a good proxy for general unhealthy living conditions -- the protective role in both cases.
Note also that if there was an
increased social pressure & taxation aiming to suppress wearing of sun hats, the above
associations would grow stronger since those who would persist wearing the hats despite the increased costs, would be the poor folks who absolutely have to wear them, those living and working in the most sun scorched regions, while those who would quit wearing them probably didn't need them very much. Similar
amplifying effects of the suppression of protective factors on correlations is noticable with smoking as well, i.e. today smoking is associated with "smoking related diseases" and variety of other problems much more strongly than in 1950s.
Hence, antismoking is not merely a corrupt science or money making scam, both of which it is, but a
social malignancy, an evil of higher order which can't help itself but spread and eventually everyone will get a turn at being abused and maltreated as smokers are today.
Edited by nightlight, 17 April 2013 - 11:30 PM.