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My experience with phenylpiracetam

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#1 jackinbox

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 04:02 PM

I used about two bottles of phenylpiracetam (80 X 100 mg). I had impressive results for about two weeks. I was very well organized on it, something I'm really not used to be. To have any effect, I had to take about 300 mg at a time. The effect is very short (2-3 hours). Then, it stopped to work suddently (on a Wednesday to be exact!). My adhd came in full force. During those two weeks, I had a clear goal to focus on at work. When this job was over, I came back to my general confusion and the phenylpiracetam was hopeless is this situation. Well, that's my theory.

I think that's it the most stimulating nootropic. It's a clean energy, different from amphetamine but somewhat related, but I'm not sure it worth the price.

#2 edward

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 04:27 PM

Very interesting, any other changes to your diet, exercise level, supplement regimen (particularly choline/lecithin dosage or other brain supportive nutrients/ neurotransmitter precursors etc.) that could account for why phenylpiracetam suddenly stopped working on Wednesday?

Also, you think that it is related to you not having a goal right now, since your work goal was completed, are all of the effects completely gone? Do you think they would return if you had another goal to focus on?

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#3 psychenaut

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 04:41 PM

Great post, good to see your experience. I talked to a customer yesterday who commented he was surprised by how long effects of a dose lasted. For him 10-12 hours (and for me). As seems to be the case with the racetams, again, wide individual variability. Perhaps whatever is in your unique biochemistry to cause the ADHD also affects your needed dose and duration of effect?

Everybody comments on the physically energizing component in this racetam, which is found in none of the others. Was never more focused or motivated to wash my car, as after 200mg of phenylpiracetam! Also nice when deep into a coding project for you techies.

#4 luv2increase

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Posted 10 April 2007 - 06:10 PM

I used about two bottles of phenylpiracetam (80 X 100 mg). I had impressive results for about two weeks. I was very well organized on it, something I'm really not used to be. To have any effect, I had to take about 300 mg at a time. The effect is very short (2-3 hours). Then, it stopped to work suddently (on a Wednesday to be exact!).  My adhd came in full force. During those two weeks, I had a clear goal to focus on at work. When this job was over, I came back to my general confusion and the phenylpiracetam was hopeless is this situation. Well, that's my theory.

I think that's it the most stimulating nootropic. It's a clean energy, different from amphetamine but somewhat related, but I'm not sure it worth the price.

I think that you used fake stuff. I believe that what you experienced was what is known as a placebo effect.
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#5 saphir

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Posted 11 April 2007 - 09:38 PM

I never used phenylpiracetam for a long period; never more than 2 days in a row. I can not tell for long-term efficiency. In my view this stuff is not for a daily-basis use. I’m very surprised of this 2-3 hours effect, for me it’s effective at least 10 hours.

#6 jackinbox

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Posted 18 April 2007 - 02:27 PM

Sorry for the delay. I have lazy those days. I'm pretty confident I got the real stuff. It was from Relentless Improvement and I trust them. I had results beyond what you get from placebo effects. The problem is that the stars have to be aligned if I want results from any substance. If I don't feel very well, I'm tired or in a bad mood, it useless to take anything. Even amphetamines will not wake up my brain in those circumstances. The "2-3 hours" effect is probably related to that. Everything have to be optimal and I can't substain this for long.

One of the most obvious effect is that I was able to type faster. I tried to combine it with others nootropics as well: piracetam, dmae, chocamine. I can't say if it made any difference. I don't know if phenylpiracetam is to be used with a choline source either.

#7 abelard lindsay

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 07:24 AM

I have taken Phenylpiracetam a bit. It's a good nootropic but it has a very odd side effect. I took some before lunch. I went out to lunch and was sitting by myself waiting for the food to arrive. Normally my brain will wander off to think about things that happened during the day or some project I'm working on. This time that wouldn't happen. My brain would start to wander off and then the thought would get interrupted and disappear. Almost as if some part of my brain responsible for daydreaming was turned off. I could only focus on things directly in front of me. So I had to be satisfied with counting the floor tiles or analyzing the shape of the silverware. I got a lot of work done that day and didn't feel distracted. Things went back to normal a few hours after taking it but it was a strange feeling.
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#8 sentinel

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 08:34 AM

I'm suprised I haven't heard more about this. Perhaps it's because of cost, $70 for c 10 days supply seems rather steep. Does it offer any benefits over and above modafinil, as it seems it would have a similar target audience (ie people requiring greater mental energy and focus who don't want Amps) but at much higher cost..?

#9 ageless

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:29 PM

I have taken Phenylpiracetam a bit.  It's a good nootropic but it has a very odd side effect.  I took some before lunch.  I went out to lunch and was sitting by myself waiting for the food to arrive.  Normally my brain will wander off to think about things that happened during the day or some project I'm working on.  This time that wouldn't happen.  My brain would start to wander off and then the thought would get interrupted and disappear.  Almost as if some part of my brain responsible for daydreaming was turned off.  I could only focus on things directly in front of me.  So I had to be satisfied with counting the floor tiles or analyzing the shape of the silverware.  I got a lot of work done that day and didn't feel distracted.  Things went back to normal a few hours after taking it but it was a strange feeling.

Hey interesting feedback and quite illustrative.

#10 nootropicpete1

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 08:07 PM

is it better then modifinal?

does it help the prefontal cortex for attention and motivation?


#11 medievil

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Posted 15 June 2007 - 09:46 AM

I have taken Phenylpiracetam a bit.  It's a good nootropic but it has a very odd side effect.  I took some before lunch.  I went out to lunch and was sitting by myself waiting for the food to arrive.  Normally my brain will wander off to think about things that happened during the day or some project I'm working on.  This time that wouldn't happen.  My brain would start to wander off and then the thought would get interrupted and disappear.  Almost as if some part of my brain responsible for daydreaming was turned off.  I could only focus on things directly in front of me.  So I had to be satisfied with counting the floor tiles or analyzing the shape of the silverware.  I got a lot of work done that day and didn't feel distracted.  Things went back to normal a few hours after taking it but it was a strange feeling.

i dont see that as a side effect but a very positif effect for days when you need to get alot of work done imo
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#12 jubai

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 07:02 PM

How does it compare to pramiracetam?

Because I sampled this one a while ago (Pramistar), and the results where impressive, this stuff is much stronger than piracetam or aniracetam, and sent me in a "wired" state for a couple of days :)

#13 cognition

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Posted 09 July 2007 - 05:58 AM

Does phenylpiracetam increase processing speed significantly?

#14 variance

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Posted 10 July 2007 - 06:41 AM

Can someone point me in the direction of where I can find information (in english)
about the pharmakinetics or pharmacology of Phenylpiracetam?
I've scoured Academic Search Premier, Medline and Pubmed and can only locate russian articles
or articles detailing how to detect /resolve its presence in urine. (for sports testing purposes)

I'm interested in side-effects / possibly addictiveness of the substance.

I don't notice any typical effects that make it a candidate for abuse. ie. there's no euphoria, charge.
and I don't notice any comedown or crash (so far)

Somewhat observed side-effects I've noticed: Somewhat increased sex drive, Thermogenicity (this accounts for the "withstanding cold" benefit described in the wiki article.) It's like my body temperature adjusts to feel warm. Thermostat will be at 80. I'll move it to 74. I"ll start to cool down but then about 20 or 30 mins later i"ll feel the same way I felt when it was at 80.

I suppose the practical utility of it could make someone reliant on it..

In about 2 weeks I'll try going off of it cold turkey for a few days to "Cycle it"
and I'll list any withdrawal symptoms I experience.

I wish there were more sources for this. If RI loses its source as they claim they are about to.
then I'm going to be very disappointed.

These comments from the wikipedia article concern me about long term use of it:

"It was developed in Russia, and a small number of low-scale clinical studies have shown possible links between prescription of carphedon and improvement in a number of encephalopathic conditions, including lesions of cerebral blood pathways, and certain types of glioma. It is also claimed to increase physical stamina"

I can't verify the physical stamina claim as of yet. but when I spar my friends later this week. (I get quite winded after the third round. I have poor cardio/endurance.)

So far on my inital experiences (below)
I rate stims in this order:

First Line Ritalin/Adderall (I like the charge even if it does have excessive PNS issues)
Second line Phenylpiracetam
Third Line - StimX / Sulbutiamine
Fourth Line - Modafinil/Adrafinil (Didnt have good experiences with these)

Day 1:
Tried it after coming home from the club so I could get some work done.
I had a few drinks at the club so I was slightly buzzed. I popped a EPA Fishoil, Multivitamin, some NAC
and the first dose.

The onset was nothing dramatic to speak of. No instant impulse to that I can and should somehow figure out how to solve
cancer like one would experience with Amphetamine / Methylphenidate.

The only thing I can describe is about 45 minutes later feeling clear and awake.
No lethargy or fog. I just finished some tedious pre-lab prep and tedious housework.
Ended up not sleeping at all and watching movies.

I did notice I began to analyze and observe things in more detail.

Day 2:
(Take note that I did not sleep. Coming home from the club means 3 or 4 am.)
Spent the day repairing computers (more tedious work, hardly creative)
Began to peter out about 3 or 4 pm (about 12 hours after I took the first dose)
after which I decided on another dose. The onset was not instant. I took a 10 minute nap
and got woken up by my cousin when she was leaving after which I felt energetic enough
as if I had taken a 10 hour nap. Proceeded to go out and have dinner with family.
afterwards got a full nights sleep. Other side-effects I noticed were that my sex drive was up
a bit.

Day 3:
Took the following this morning. (8 am)
1 x 100mg of Phenylpiracetam
4 x Orthocore
2 x Max EPA Fish oil (Nordic Naturals)
1 x Lithium Orotate
3 x Glucosamine

I will note no dramatic onset. Just subtle clarity and alertness from the mental fog I usually have in the morning
I will submit and emphasize that it was a calm alertness. not particularly charged/hyper one that
sometimes I prefer. I took a StimX to achieve those ends. Sex drive still quite up there.
Spent the day at class and at the library. I was able to concentrate rather well and grasp concepts
as well as remember past material quite readily and it felt like I had to expend less and less effort
and tedious things like lab journals and synthesis didn't seem like a chore at all.
Came home. Practiced Martial arts a bit. I felt like I was able to index and gauge what the effective range of my
strikes should be to optimize my power better than I do normally. Worked on my leg kicks and roundhouses a bit.
after which I felt somewhat relaxed almost drowsy for a little bit, nothing close to a normal stim crash, after which I peaked back up. Currently as I write this I am not particularly energized but I'm not particularly tired either. no fatigue or lethargy. just relaxed.

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#15 superdopa

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Posted 23 July 2007 - 02:11 AM

Yeah i was always looking for a subtle study-drug replacement to amphetamines so i gave phenylpiracetam a shot. I bought a 40-cap supply along with pramiracetam (spent about a buck 50 for all of it, its not cheap). If you're looking for an amphetamine-like rush id look elsewhere. Once I started studying it was really effective at keeping me going for hours, uninterrupted. Getting started though is still up to you though. Honestly, i found pramiracetam more speedy than phenylpiracetam.

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