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I don't think I have gotten hives from anything else that I have taken. Furthermore, other things may also be contributing to my hives but it is clear that when I take the resveratrol I get hives, and when I stop taking resveratrol my hives go away.
I'm 6'1" and weight 200 pounds. My hips are a complicated problem because I have both arthritis and bursitis. Over the past few months my hips have improved significantly. The things that I have been doing differently from the past are: 1) getting myofascial release of the hip and thigh (mostly along the IT band), 2) doing leg raises 3 times a week from various angles with ankle weights, and 3) taking resveratrol mixed with lecithin.
I have no doubt that the first two things above have helped me. I'm not yet sure how much the resveratrol has. It may have or it may not have, but I'm reluctant to change anything yet because of my improvement. (I didn't notice the immediate relief that some others here have.) I may have noticed a bigger improvement from the topical application, but honestly I'm not sure of that either.
The reason I was taking 2 grams daily is because that's where Max Watt and others have noticed relief. I only went to 4 grams orally for 1 day, because I was curious to see if I could replicate the effect of the oral and topical application on my hives by doubling my oral dose. (I could not.) Finally, I'm no longer taking resveratrol orally. I'm currently only taking it topically. It's much cheaper that way and it may be having more effect. (I estimate that the 4 grams of resveratrol I mixed in with 30 ml of DMSO should last at least 2 weeks to a month.)
And finally, even if it's not helping my arthritis (something that I am not sure about), I hopefully am receiving the other benefits of resveratrol.
What variant of resveratrol are you using? PC extract? If so, perhaps a trial of the synthetic >99% purity t-resveratrol might help determine if it's really t-resveratrol to which you have an allergy vs. some other substance in PC extracts.