Tastes good actually. I've mixed cocoa and resveratrol in fish oil before.I'm imagining the taste of Resv mixed with pure Cocoa powder...(gags)
I think I can handle it...I'll try it in a shot glass mixed with water tonight
Posted 31 March 2008 - 09:32 PM
Tastes good actually. I've mixed cocoa and resveratrol in fish oil before.I'm imagining the taste of Resv mixed with pure Cocoa powder...(gags)
I think I can handle it...I'll try it in a shot glass mixed with water tonight
Posted 01 April 2008 - 12:34 AM
Posted 01 April 2008 - 03:42 AM
Sounds like someone's been reading ImmInst. Widely?Supra-high dose resveratrol pills (500 mg or more) have recently been introduced, which may be counterproductive. For example, Achilles heel tendonitis is now widely reported when using supra-high dose resveratrol pills.
Posted 01 April 2008 - 03:57 AM
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "there he goes again"...
Sounds like someone's been reading ImmInst. Widely?Supra-high dose resveratrol pills (500 mg or more) have recently been introduced, which may be counterproductive. For example, Achilles heel tendonitis is now widely reported when using supra-high dose resveratrol pills.
Posted 01 April 2008 - 10:15 AM
There was only one person who mentioned the achilles heel issue, and it had nothing to do with Res, and he writes a paper as if this is a common side effect. Isn't that unethical?To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "there he goes again"...
Sounds like someone's been reading ImmInst. Widely?Supra-high dose resveratrol pills (500 mg or more) have recently been introduced, which may be counterproductive. For example, Achilles heel tendonitis is now widely reported when using supra-high dose resveratrol pills.
yeah, it's a frigging epidemic.
I take 4 to 5 grams per day, have no tendon problems whatsoever. Now if he mentioned projectile defecation as a side effect, then I would have to agree.
Posted 01 April 2008 - 03:06 PM
There was only one person who mentioned the achilles heel issue, and it had nothing to do with Res, and he writes a paper as if this is a common side effect. Isn't that unethical?To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "there he goes again"...
Sounds like someone's been reading ImmInst. Widely?Supra-high dose resveratrol pills (500 mg or more) have recently been introduced, which may be counterproductive. For example, Achilles heel tendonitis is now widely reported when using supra-high dose resveratrol pills.
yeah, it's a frigging epidemic.
I take 4 to 5 grams per day, have no tendon problems whatsoever. Now if he mentioned projectile defecation as a side effect, then I would have to agree.
As for the the other side effect, I will vouch for that. The cramps are ridiculous when I go over a gram. How do you deal with 4 to 5 grams? I know my dad does that much with no problem and my dogs, they do more than that and have no issue with it either. I'm the only one who can't handle it.
It's doing wonders for my dogs, and my Dad still gets benefit from it, although he still has to take vicodin to be pain free...he has spinal stenosis. He just got diagnosed. But he says the Res still helps and he never slept better in his life. There has to be something that mitigates the laxative effect or
is it possible that its your body's way of saying that's all you should take? I envy my dogs. They get healthier every day and I get Montezuma's revenge.
Posted 01 April 2008 - 03:19 PM
Lucky you. Wow. Maybe it's just my body chemistry.I generally do not get diarrhea from the t-res. What I get is one or two massive urges to go a day, an unstoppable urge. If I'm not near a toilet then I will get some cramps off and on until I do go. But generally my stools are soft, but not diarrhea. Hope no one is eating breakfast as they read this.
Posted 01 April 2008 - 03:52 PM
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "there he goes again"...
Sounds like someone's been reading ImmInst. Widely?Supra-high dose resveratrol pills (500 mg or more) have recently been introduced, which may be counterproductive. For example, Achilles heel tendonitis is now widely reported when using supra-high dose resveratrol pills.
Posted 01 April 2008 - 03:54 PM
Seems the consensus is for lower doses. Here on Imminst the dosage went from 20 post a day to just a couple.To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "there he goes again"...
Sounds like someone's been reading ImmInst. Widely?Supra-high dose resveratrol pills (500 mg or more) have recently been introduced, which may be counterproductive. For example, Achilles heel tendonitis is now widely reported when using supra-high dose resveratrol pills.
Posted 01 April 2008 - 04:18 PM
Posted 01 April 2008 - 05:39 PM
Posted 01 April 2008 - 06:13 PM
How's the bronchitis?I took 8 grams this morning on an empty stomach in an effort to knock out the remaining traces of my bronchitis, being inspired by missminni's dog. Nothing to report in terms of side effects four hours later.
Posted 01 April 2008 - 07:56 PM
Posted 01 April 2008 - 09:06 PM
Well, I've had it for over three weeks now. It worsened and showed itself to be bacterial when I got a little run down on a family vacation, I went on antibiotics 5 days ago, and today I took the big dose of resveratrol in the hopes of knocking it back further. I'll know more after a good night's sleep. Thanks for asking.How's the bronchitis?I took 8 grams this morning on an empty stomach in an effort to knock out the remaining traces of my bronchitis, being inspired by missminni's dog. Nothing to report in terms of side effects four hours later.
Edited by stephen_b, 01 April 2008 - 09:06 PM.
Posted 02 April 2008 - 02:43 AM
Posted 02 April 2008 - 02:56 AM
I just saw a bit of the Barbara Walters and Dr. Sinclair interview tonight...
"How much wine, do I have to drink to get the <resveratrol longevity effects>?"
Dr. Sinclair...
"You would need to drink 1000 bottles <of wine>..."
For the average red wine, that sounds like 2-7 grams, maybe a bit more.
Posted 02 April 2008 - 10:17 AM
Lucky you. Wow. Maybe it's just my body chemistry.I generally do not get diarrhea from the t-res. What I get is one or two massive urges to go a day, an unstoppable urge. If I'm not near a toilet then I will get some cramps off and on until I do go. But generally my stools are soft, but not diarrhea. Hope no one is eating breakfast as they read this.
Posted 12 April 2008 - 07:46 PM
Posted 12 April 2008 - 10:25 PM
Has anyone here ever tried Dermacrine from primordial performance? They claim to have developed a topical formula that, among other compounds, includes resveratrol. Just thought someone here might have looked into it.
Posted 13 April 2008 - 02:04 PM
Has anyone here ever tried Dermacrine from primordial performance? They claim to have developed a topical formula that, among other compounds, includes resveratrol. Just thought someone here might have looked into it.
It's a joke. There is a negligible amount of resv in their sustain product. Use Jacob's DMSO gel if you're intent on transdermal delivery.
Posted 13 April 2008 - 05:05 PM
Posted 13 April 2008 - 05:27 PM
On rsv/whey protein shakes: Are people still using this method? It seems very convenient to me. However, I was under the impression that casein binds to EGCG--rendering it useless. Does this mean that I can't take green tea at the same time? Is it possible similar things happen with the rsv?
Posted 13 April 2008 - 05:28 PM
On rsv/whey protein shakes: Are people still using this method? It seems very convenient to me. However, I was under the impression that casein binds to EGCG--rendering it useless. Does this mean that I can't take green tea at the same time? Is it possible similar things happen with the rsv?
Posted 13 April 2008 - 06:05 PM
Posted 17 April 2008 - 04:25 AM
Posted 17 April 2008 - 11:12 AM
I started the dark chocolate experiment this week with Revgenetics X500 caps and Ghirardelli's 60% cocoa baking chocolate. I take one square (will check measurement) of the choc and nuke it for 35 seconds with a tsp of water. The water keeps the chocolate from buring in the micro. I pour-off the excess H20 and add one X500 cap and stir with a teaspoon and down the hatch.
My daughter suffers from PWS and loves her small daily chocolate fix.
Edited by maxwatt, 17 April 2008 - 12:11 PM.
Posted 17 April 2008 - 01:23 PM
I started the dark chocolate experiment this week with Revgenetics X500 caps and Ghirardelli's 60% cocoa baking chocolate. I take one square (will check measurement) of the choc and nuke it for 35 seconds with a tsp of water. The water keeps the chocolate from buring in the micro. I pour-off the excess H20 and add one X500 cap and stir with a teaspoon and down the hatch.
My daughter suffers from PWS and loves her small daily chocolate fix.
Keep water away from chocolate, it ruins it.
Actually on further thought, you might find it easier to mix the res into chocolate milk. I prefer Fox's U-bet syrup to Hershey's. You will have to use 98 or 99% resveratrol rather than a 50% extract.
Posted 17 April 2008 - 02:33 PM
I started the dark chocolate experiment this week with Revgenetics X500 caps and Ghirardelli's 60% cocoa baking chocolate. I take one square (will check measurement) of the choc and nuke it for 35 seconds with a tsp of water. The water keeps the chocolate from buring in the micro. I pour-off the excess H20 and add one X500 cap and stir with a teaspoon and down the hatch.
My daughter suffers from PWS and loves her small daily chocolate fix.
Keep water away from chocolate, it ruins it.
Actually on further thought, you might find it easier to mix the res into chocolate milk. I prefer Fox's U-bet syrup to Hershey's. You will have to use 98 or 99% resveratrol rather than a 50% extract.
Thanks for the PM MW. I was only using the water to keep the choc from burning. It wasn't bitter at all. I'll try syrup. What about the concerns related to milk?
Posted 19 April 2008 - 12:50 AM
The combination of A1-E, 4-AD-EC, and 1-Diol-EC, in Nano-Dispersion Gel, is almost beyond description. In fact, the Nano-Dispersion Gel complex is right out of science fiction, except it's real. The best way to describe this stuff is to say, if you don't want it in you, don't touch it!
Posted 22 April 2008 - 01:36 AM
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