Will using niacinamide topically in a skin cream have a negtive effect too?That's what I use.Well, resveratrol itself is expensive too. You can ask yourself why buy expensive resveratrol and then hobble its effects with niacinamide.It's an ingredient in my multivitamin(pretty much every multi has it, except few exceptions like ortho core and supernutrition perfect blend, which are quite expensive)
Is inositol nicotinate an okay form of B3?

Maximizing Resveratrol Effectiveness
Posted 18 June 2008 - 09:00 PM
Posted 18 June 2008 - 09:23 PM
That's what I use.Well, resveratrol itself is expensive too. You can ask yourself why buy expensive resveratrol and then hobble its effects with niacinamide.It's an ingredient in my multivitamin(pretty much every multi has it, except few exceptions like ortho core and supernutrition perfect blend, which are quite expensive)
Is inositol nicotinate an okay form of B3?
Are you taking that in a formulation, and if so, which one?
Posted 18 June 2008 - 09:37 PM
I take it as a horse pill twice a week. I couldn't find anyone who makes a standalone low dose product.Are you taking that in a formulation, and if so, which one?
Posted 19 June 2008 - 12:31 AM
Will using niacinamide topically in a skin cream have a negtive effect too?That's what I use.Well, resveratrol itself is expensive too. You can ask yourself why buy expensive resveratrol and then hobble its effects with niacinamide.It's an ingredient in my multivitamin(pretty much every multi has it, except few exceptions like ortho core and supernutrition perfect blend, which are quite expensive)
Is inositol nicotinate an okay form of B3?
Any effect will likely be local to the site of application.
Posted 19 June 2008 - 01:06 PM
I take it as a horse pill twice a week. I couldn't find anyone who makes a standalone low dose product.Are you taking that in a formulation, and if so, which one?
BAC sells it as a powder, BTW.
Posted 19 June 2008 - 03:08 PM
Is there any other product besides ortho core and perfect blend, that do not have niacinamid?
Posted 19 June 2008 - 03:19 PM
does inositol nicotinate form of B3, or any other form of B3, have theAny effect will likely be local to the site of application.
same benefits for skin without being in conflict with resveratrol? I tried the niacinamid in a topical application, and it was irritating.
Posted 23 June 2008 - 05:37 AM
Can someone highlight the effect(s) (mode of action) of HPMC and Lecithin
to improve RSV bioavailability. Is it useful to add both components or is
either alone effective enough ? I'm about to order a magnetic stirrer to
improve my daily resveratrol mix and want to know waht would be best
to add and in which amounts ?
Posted 29 June 2008 - 10:04 AM
As far as I'm aware, bromelain enhances availability of certain large molecule substances and also flavonoids, but maybe it's nothing worthwhile regarding res. I'm not interested in res this moment, so I do not have the priority to look into it myself.
Posted 29 June 2008 - 12:24 PM
Can someone highlight the effect(s) (mode of action) of HPMC and Lecithin
to improve RSV bioavailability. Is it useful to add both components or is
either alone effective enough ? I'm about to order a magnetic stirrer to
improve my daily resveratrol mix and want to know waht would be best
to add and in which amounts ?
Sorry I did not see your post sooner. Both HPMC and Lecithin act as dispersants, which increase the amount of resveratrol that gets exposed to your cells. Lecithin is more difficult to use, and may require a stirrer or a sonicator.
HPMC is superior in this regard. A very small amount of HPMC, and finely powdered resveratrol will be suspended in water with very little hand-stirring. Of the resveratrol powders that Hedgehog examined a while ago, only Vital Prime appeared to be too coarse to use this method. Anthony (Revgenetics) and others were mosty nder 10 microns in particle size. This is the method I am currently using myself.
The amount of HPMC to use? 25 mg in about a cup (250 cc) of water is enough to disperse 2 to three grams of resveratrol.
I know of no reason why Bromelain might or might not improve the absorption of resveratrol.
Posted 29 June 2008 - 06:41 PM
Maxwatt, can you make an estimate of how much RSV you would have to take if you were just washing powder down with a plain glass of water, if you wanted to achieve the same benefits? Assuming now you take 2 grams/day with hpmc/water, how many grams do you think it would it require without a carrier/disperser/suspender?Sorry I did not see your post sooner. Both HPMC and Lecithin act as dispersants, which increase the amount of resveratrol that gets exposed to your cells. Lecithin is more difficult to use, and may require a stirrer or a sonicator.
Posted 29 June 2008 - 10:47 PM
Anyway, just to add some context to my question, I have been taking a gram a day for the entire month of June. My plan has been to increase dosage every month by 1/3 gram, stepping back if any signicant bad side effects occur and increasing if everything seems OK. Currently I am taking my gram at lunch every day folded into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich per Hedgehog's idea (which I hope wasn't just a joke, by the way). During July, the additional 1/3 gram would be taken after work, and my inclination is to micronize it (VP powder) in a tablespoon of vodka and then douse that with 90 ml of water mixed with a small bit of HPMC.Maxwatt, can you make an estimate of how much RSV you would have to take if you were just washing powder down with a plain glass of water, if you wanted to achieve the same benefits? Assuming now you take 2 grams/day with hpmc/water, how many grams do you think it would it require without a carrier/disperser/suspender?Sorry I did not see your post sooner. Both HPMC and Lecithin act as dispersants, which increase the amount of resveratrol that gets exposed to your cells. Lecithin is more difficult to use, and may require a stirrer or a sonicator.
My concern however, is that in using the HPMC method, I won't really be increasing by 1/3 gram, but will be effectively increasing the dosage by much more. This is why I am trying to pin down the exact differences between just swallowing down a measurement of RSV as opposed to HPMC'ing it...
Posted 30 June 2008 - 12:34 AM
Currently I am taking my gram at lunch every day folded into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich per Hedgehog's idea (which I hope wasn't just a joke, by the way). During July, the additional 1/3 gram would be taken after work, and my inclination is to micronize it (VP powder) in a tablespoon of vodka and then douse that with 90 ml of water mixed with a small bit of HPMC.
Nope I have taken Res + Peanut butter. It is the best tasting formulation. However, I normally just put it in my coffee + some powder coco mix + Half n Half. If I always had peanut butter or nutella in my office then I would do use them instead of the coffee mixture.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 01:34 AM
Maxwatt, can you make an estimate of how much RSV you would have to take if you were just washing powder down with a plain glass of water, if you wanted to achieve the same benefits? Assuming now you take 2 grams/day with hpmc/water, how many grams do you think it would it require without a carrier/disperser/suspender?Sorry I did not see your post sooner. Both HPMC and Lecithin act as dispersants, which increase the amount of resveratrol that gets exposed to your cells. Lecithin is more difficult to use, and may require a stirrer or a sonicator.
Just in water, I do not think you could match two grams in HPMC in terms of resulting serum concentration.
Peanut butter is good because the fat dissolves the resveratrol, improving availability. I can't directly estimate peanut-butter vs. HPMC equivalents. but there are studies of CoQ10 in soy oil vs. a dispersant vehicle, an emulsion in this case: Article in Nutra Ingredients.com. This indicates a little over double the bioavailability. So a little HPMC might make your resveratrol go twice as far. This is an educated guess, but still, just a guess.
And Hedgehog: stay away from the Nutella. Last time I looked it was loaded with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 05:12 AM
Can someone highlight the effect(s) (mode of action) of HPMC and Lecithin
to improve RSV bioavailability. Is it useful to add both components or is
either alone effective enough ? I'm about to order a magnetic stirrer to
improve my daily resveratrol mix and want to know waht would be best
to add and in which amounts ?
Sorry I did not see your post sooner. Both HPMC and Lecithin act as dispersants, which increase the amount of resveratrol that gets exposed to your cells. Lecithin is more difficult to use, and may require a stirrer or a sonicator.
HPMC is superior in this regard. A very small amount of HPMC, and finely powdered resveratrol will be suspended in water with very little hand-stirring. Of the resveratrol powders that Hedgehog examined a while ago, only Vital Prime appeared to be too coarse to use this method. Anthony (Revgenetics) and others were mosty nder 10 microns in particle size. This is the method I am currently using myself.
The amount of HPMC to use? 25 mg in about a cup (250 cc) of water is enough to disperse 2 to three grams of resveratrol.
I know of no reason why Bromelain might or might not improve the absorption of resveratrol.
Tanks for your input,
I've received a magnetic stirrer last week. Now I suspend my RSV powder into boiling alcohol (a 56% liquer)
and it seems that more RSV gets faster in solution so I can reduce the amount of alcohol. If the RSV + alcohol
solution becomes clear I add a prepared water + lecithin mix. The stirrer works at a maximum speed of
1500 rpm and I found out that a neodym (N45 grade) stirring bar is required to avoid chaotic behaviour of the
bar. I can say that using lecithin is not a problem with the stirrer, it saves a lot of time and the result is
extremly fine textured.
Is there any reason to assume that HPMC is in any aspect superior to lecithin and could it be useful
to add both to a mix.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 11:35 AM
Can someone highlight the effect(s) (mode of action) of HPMC and Lecithin
to improve RSV bioavailability. Is it useful to add both components or is
either alone effective enough ? I'm about to order a magnetic stirrer to
improve my daily resveratrol mix and want to know waht would be best
to add and in which amounts ?
Sorry I did not see your post sooner. Both HPMC and Lecithin act as dispersants, which increase the amount of resveratrol that gets exposed to your cells. Lecithin is more difficult to use, and may require a stirrer or a sonicator.
HPMC is superior in this regard. A very small amount of HPMC, and finely powdered resveratrol will be suspended in water with very little hand-stirring. Of the resveratrol powders that Hedgehog examined a while ago, only Vital Prime appeared to be too coarse to use this method. Anthony (Revgenetics) and others were mosty nder 10 microns in particle size. This is the method I am currently using myself.
The amount of HPMC to use? 25 mg in about a cup (250 cc) of water is enough to disperse 2 to three grams of resveratrol.
I know of no reason why Bromelain might or might not improve the absorption of resveratrol.
Tanks for your input,
I've received a magnetic stirrer last week. Now I suspend my RSV powder into boiling alcohol (a 56% liquer)
and it seems that more RSV gets faster in solution so I can reduce the amount of alcohol. If the RSV + alcohol
solution becomes clear I add a prepared water + lecithin mix. The stirrer works at a maximum speed of
1500 rpm and I found out that a neodym (N45 grade) stirring bar is required to avoid chaotic behaviour of the
bar. I can say that using lecithin is not a problem with the stirrer, it saves a lot of time and the result is
extremly fine textured.
Is there any reason to assume that HPMC is in any aspect superior to lecithin and could it be useful
to add both to a mix.
Your method is ingenious, however I find HPMC is a lot more convenient to use, requires no alcohol if your resveratrol is a fine enough powder. Stirring the the res into 80 proof booze before adding to HPMC solution in water will reduce particle size if you want. It takes me well under a minute to mix mine up. HPMC has been tested in humans, though I have no doubt lecithin works also. heat tends to degrade resveratrol, though probably not enough to matter: what temperature does your 56% liquor boil at? Adding HPMC to lecithin is likely to be redundant.
Edited by maxwatt, 30 June 2008 - 11:37 AM.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 03:06 PM
Maxwatt, can you make an estimate of how much RSV you would have to take if you were just washing powder down with a plain glass of water, if you wanted to achieve the same benefits? Assuming now you take 2 grams/day with hpmc/water, how many grams do you think it would it require without a carrier/disperser/suspender?Sorry I did not see your post sooner. Both HPMC and Lecithin act as dispersants, which increase the amount of resveratrol that gets exposed to your cells. Lecithin is more difficult to use, and may require a stirrer or a sonicator.
Just in water, I do not think you could match two grams in HPMC in terms of resulting serum concentration.
Peanut butter is good because the fat dissolves the resveratrol, improving availability. I can't directly estimate peanut-butter vs. HPMC equivalents. but there are studies of CoQ10 in soy oil vs. a dispersant vehicle, an emulsion in this case: Article in Nutra Ingredients.com. This indicates a little over double the bioavailability. So a little HPMC might make your resveratrol go twice as far. This is an educated guess, but still, just a guess.
And Hedgehog: stay away from the Nutella. Last time I looked it was loaded with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
But its so good

Max are you ready for Le Tour de Drugs? I went to go see a crit the other day. Man those guys and gals fly.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 04:51 PM
I wonder if any of them are taking resveratrol now???
Max are you ready for Le Tour de Drugs? I went to go see a crit the other day. Man those guys and gals fly.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 05:33 PM
Canadian Nutella uses modified palm oil instead of hydrogenated vegetable oil. No trans fats. By law in Canada, food cannot contain hydrogenated oils, and thus no man-made trans fats. Better for your mitochondria and cellular lipid membranes. US Nutella is still loaded with trans fats.....
And Hedgehog: stay away from the Nutella. Last time I looked it was loaded with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
But its so good. I use it (nutella) about twice a month. HPMC is probably better than peanut-butter. peanut butter is not bad and masks any taste.
Max are you ready for Le Tour de Drugs? I went to go see a crit the other day. Man those guys and gals fly.
Apparently the Canadian government cares more about its citizens than about its lobbyists.
Resveratrol in dissolved in any fat or oil is more bioavailable than as a powder in a capsule. Peanut butter, nutlela, almond butter, sesame tahini, chocolate. All work. Just avoid the trans fats.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 05:35 PM
With an average speed of 26-27mph on the Tour, including over the Alps and Pyrenees, its no wonder those guys have turned to drugs and doping in an attempt to keep up.....
I wonder if any of them are taking resveratrol now???Max are you ready for Le Tour de Drugs? I went to go see a crit the other day. Man those guys and gals fly.
I don't think pros are taking resveratrol. They train so much, they don't benefit from increased mitochondria density. They already have it from their training. Resveratrol might help with recovery, but they have other methods.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 06:20 PM
Canadian Nutella uses modified palm oil instead of hydrogenated vegetable oil. No trans fats. By law in Canada, food cannot contain hydrogenated oils, and thus no man-made trans fats. Better for your mitochondria and cellular lipid membranes. US Nutella is still loaded with trans fats.
My nutella says modified palm oil... It doesn't say hydrogenated veggie oil. However, what is modified palm oil? It also says "made in canada A"
Posted 30 June 2008 - 08:39 PM
So that's how they spell it. I always thought it was "made in canada, eh."My nutella says modified palm oil... It doesn't say hydrogenated veggie oil. However, what is modified palm oil? It also says "made in canada A"
Posted 30 June 2008 - 09:27 PM
My question is maximum safe dosage. I've seen in several posts the critical limit of 7g of Trans-Resveratrol powder per day based on a study involving rats and kidney lesions that resulted in higher doses. I'd like to know how this limit was derived and for what size individual? Is that 7g per 50kg, or 50lbs? 7g for a typical 150lb individual? I do not intent to try to administer this amount as I'd prefer to start at 500mg and gradually increase intake while monitoring my overall health.
I would also like to know what is the highest dosage that is being administered or has been administer by an individual on these forums and what effect that it has had on your health.
Posted 30 June 2008 - 11:24 PM
I don't think pros are taking resveratrol. They train so much, they don't benefit from increased mitochondria density. They already have it from their training. Resveratrol might help with recovery, but they have other methods.
Posted 01 July 2008 - 06:56 AM
Can someone highlight the effect(s) (mode of action) of HPMC and Lecithin
to improve RSV bioavailability. Is it useful to add both components or is
either alone effective enough ? I'm about to order a magnetic stirrer to
improve my daily resveratrol mix and want to know waht would be best
to add and in which amounts ?
Sorry I did not see your post sooner. Both HPMC and Lecithin act as dispersants, which increase the amount of resveratrol that gets exposed to your cells. Lecithin is more difficult to use, and may require a stirrer or a sonicator.
HPMC is superior in this regard. A very small amount of HPMC, and finely powdered resveratrol will be suspended in water with very little hand-stirring. Of the resveratrol powders that Hedgehog examined a while ago, only Vital Prime appeared to be too coarse to use this method. Anthony (Revgenetics) and others were mosty nder 10 microns in particle size. This is the method I am currently using myself.
The amount of HPMC to use? 25 mg in about a cup (250 cc) of water is enough to disperse 2 to three grams of resveratrol.
I know of no reason why Bromelain might or might not improve the absorption of resveratrol.
Tanks for your input,
I've received a magnetic stirrer last week. Now I suspend my RSV powder into boiling alcohol (a 56% liquer)
and it seems that more RSV gets faster in solution so I can reduce the amount of alcohol. If the RSV + alcohol
solution becomes clear I add a prepared water + lecithin mix. The stirrer works at a maximum speed of
1500 rpm and I found out that a neodym (N45 grade) stirring bar is required to avoid chaotic behaviour of the
bar. I can say that using lecithin is not a problem with the stirrer, it saves a lot of time and the result is
extremly fine textured.
Is there any reason to assume that HPMC is in any aspect superior to lecithin and could it be useful
to add both to a mix.
Your method is ingenious, however I find HPMC is a lot more convenient to use, requires no alcohol if your resveratrol is a fine enough powder. Stirring the the res into 80 proof booze before adding to HPMC solution in water will reduce particle size if you want. It takes me well under a minute to mix mine up. HPMC has been tested in humans, though I have no doubt lecithin works also. heat tends to degrade resveratrol, though probably not enough to matter: what temperature does your 56% liquor boil at? Adding HPMC to lecithin is likely to be redundant.
I don't know the exact boiling temperatur, but normally alcohol boils at 78 degree Celsius. I put liquor for
about 20 sec. in the microwave until it boils. When I add the magnetic stirring bar the liquor froth up for a
second and then I put the RSV powder into it while stirring. When I add too much RSV and it cannot dissolve
completely the resulting mix looks exactly like milk. But when the RSV dissolves completely the optical
properties of the mix are different. It is white like milk but with a structure of filaments. If I stir into it
with a tablespoon it forms amazing structures that spin around like shiny/metallic white velvet drapery
( really hard to describe ). It looks more like a magic potion than milk :-) Does anybody have similar
looking results with his mixture ?
Edited by notox, 01 July 2008 - 06:57 AM.
Posted 02 July 2008 - 03:12 AM
I'm not sure what you have there, but it's not a solution. When resveratrol is dissolved in ethanol, it's absolutely clear. The water content of the liquor you're using is suppressing the solubility of resveratrol quite a lot.I don't know the exact boiling temperatur, but normally alcohol boils at 78 degree Celsius. I put liquor for
about 20 sec. in the microwave until it boils. When I add the magnetic stirring bar the liquor froth up for a
second and then I put the RSV powder into it while stirring. When I add too much RSV and it cannot dissolve
completely the resulting mix looks exactly like milk. But when the RSV dissolves completely the optical
properties of the mix are different. It is white like milk but with a structure of filaments. If I stir into it
with a tablespoon it forms amazing structures that spin around like shiny/metallic white velvet drapery
( really hard to describe ). It looks more like a magic potion than milk :-) Does anybody have similar
looking results with his mixture ?
Posted 02 July 2008 - 12:20 PM
I'm not sure what you have there, but it's not a solution. When resveratrol is dissolved in ethanol, it's absolutely clear. The water content of the liquor you're using is suppressing the solubility of resveratrol quite a lot.I don't know the exact boiling temperatur, but normally alcohol boils at 78 degree Celsius. I put liquor for
about 20 sec. in the microwave until it boils. When I add the magnetic stirring bar the liquor froth up for a
second and then I put the RSV powder into it while stirring. When I add too much RSV and it cannot dissolve
completely the resulting mix looks exactly like milk. But when the RSV dissolves completely the optical
properties of the mix are different. It is white like milk but with a structure of filaments. If I stir into it
with a tablespoon it forms amazing structures that spin around like shiny/metallic white velvet drapery
( really hard to describe ). It looks more like a magic potion than milk :-) Does anybody have similar
looking results with his mixture ?
I do suspect the ethanol greatly reduces the size of the larger particles.
Posted 02 July 2008 - 02:57 PM
I'm not sure what you have there, but it's not a solution. When resveratrol is dissolved in ethanol, it's absolutely clear. The water content of the liquor you're using is suppressing the solubility of resveratrol quite a lot.I don't know the exact boiling temperatur, but normally alcohol boils at 78 degree Celsius. I put liquor for
about 20 sec. in the microwave until it boils. When I add the magnetic stirring bar the liquor froth up for a
second and then I put the RSV powder into it while stirring. When I add too much RSV and it cannot dissolve
completely the resulting mix looks exactly like milk. But when the RSV dissolves completely the optical
properties of the mix are different. It is white like milk but with a structure of filaments. If I stir into it
with a tablespoon it forms amazing structures that spin around like shiny/metallic white velvet drapery
( really hard to describe ). It looks more like a magic potion than milk :-) Does anybody have similar
looking results with his mixture ?
I do suspect the ethanol greatly reduces the size of the larger particles.
Besides resveratrol being hydrophobic it also tends to stack on top of each other making it even harder to solubilze.
This isn't resveratrol but you get the idea.

Posted 02 July 2008 - 06:16 PM
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