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Maximizing Resveratrol Effectiveness

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#1081 maxwatt

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Posted 11 March 2010 - 01:40 PM

I've started a new thread on using gelatin as a delivery vehicle, as this one is long enough already, and I think it deserves its own topic.

#1082 czGLoRy

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Posted 14 March 2010 - 08:01 PM

I had a question about resveratrol that I don't think deserves its own thread but might be interesting to some:

Would the amount of resveratrol in ortho core effect taking astralagus? I heard they would compete at receptor sites, and are not good to take "together". Some peopel seem to space astralagus and resveratrol 3 hours apart, some say 24 hours +, some say cycle between. Thoughts on either?

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 11:02 PM

A lot of What the late Stephen Martin, Ph.D. spoke turned out to be more theory than something that actually worked.

I don't have any powdered RESV currently so I can't try dissolving it in heated coconut milk. This from Steve Martin's former blog (I have the blog saved off to my PC):

We know…sounds stupid, simplistic and ridiculous. Coconut milk is the “magic” delivery vehicle for introduction of these extremely powerful natural medicines into the body? In a word, YES! Coconut milk is a combination of coconut water and coconut, homogenized into a milk of sorts. It is 50% saturated fat, but the saturated fat contains a very high concentration of lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid that is a wonderful food and an enhancer of programmed cell death in cancer cells. Coconuts are the only dietary source of lauric acid; it doesn’t exist in other foods to any meaningful extent. Coconut oil was used by theatres in the US to flavor popcorn until the US cereal grain industry lobbied to have this “dangerous” saturated fat replaced with cereal grain oils. Coconut oil is very healthy, because the lauric acid, a 12 carbon fatty acid, is too short to be incorporated into arteries. In fact, the reverse is true. Lauric acid is a wonderful source of energy, as are all fatty acids, at least in comparison to sugars and proteins, and is an anti-cancer natural molecule as well. So you decide…politics and corporate greed or scientific reality. It shouldn’t be a difficult decision.

Many natural medicines, such as quercetin and curcumin, exist in two basic biochemical forms. One form, called a glycoside, has a sugar attached to it. This molecular modification makes the compound soluble in water and theoretically bioavailable. Unfortunately, glycosides have little biological activity. The non-glycoside versions of natural molecules like quercetin and curcumin have full biological activity but poor solubility in water. They are, in fact, lipophilic or lipid (fat) loving. So we dissolved them in a fat, coconut milk, and introduced them into the body via the lymphatic system, which is how fats enter the body.

Orally ingested molecules enter the body in two ways. Peptides, sugars, and other molecules, such as natural medicines (flavonoids, flavones, etc.) enter the body via the portal system. This is the classic method of entry into the body via the blood. Entry into the blood via the intestines is a complicated process. First, the molecules have to be actually absorbed by the cells in the intestines. If they enter the intestinal cells, they can be immediately modified by the cells and released back into the lumen of the intestines in a “swinging door” fashion and excreted. Assuming a molecule like quercetin makes it past this first step, it can be further modified or destroyed by the liver. This is called the first pass phenomenon and it’s the “pox on the butt” of the entire pharmaceutical and biotech industry. The liver is a wonderful organ that protects us against strange foreign molecules, including therapeutically beneficial molecules like modern drugs and natural medicines, such as quercetin and curcumin. Sometimes, the liver, in its “ignorance”, works against us.

There is a way around this problem, which the pharmaceutical industry has been busy trying to exploit for years. Fats, as in oils of any kind, do not enter the blood from the intestines. They directly enter the lymphatic system, the system of ducts that bathes all the tissues of the body. The lymph fluid originates from the blood but it is a completely different circulatory system in the body. The clear liquid that moves from the blood to the tissues bathes all the tissues in the body with nutrients, drugs, and oxygen. It also removes waste products. This liquid is collected in lymphatic ducts and returned to the blood where waste products are removed by the liver and kidneys. If you can target the lymphatic system with a drug or natural medicine, thereby bypassing initial contact with the blood circulatory system, you can substantially enhance the introduction of biologically active substances into the body.

Introducing medicines directly into the lymphatic system is especially important if you are attempting to treat an immunological disease, such as lymphoma, or a viral disease such as HIV. These diseases exist, so to speak, in the lymphatic system. But this same argument applies to carcinoma and sarcoma cancers as well. Growth factors for endothelial cells (blood vessels) such as VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) are secreted from established tumors under a variety of conditions, including reduced oxygen tension. VEGF not only stimulates the growth of new blood vessels into tumors, it also stimulates established blood vessels to “leak”, as in to release enhanced amounts of lymphatic fluid, protein, nutrients, and oxygen from the blood into the tissue spaces. Contrary to current medical dogma and scientific models, the requirement for blood vessel growth into tumors depends largely on the geometry of the tumor mass. Tumors with a large surface area, like Anna’s open chest tumor, “wept” massive amounts of lymph fluid, but didn’t bleed. There were no or few blood vessels feeding the cancer growth. The growth of the tumors and the spread of metastatic cells were promoted by lymph fluid and its vascular system. Therefore, introducing medicines directly into the lymphatic system is an attractive alternative to IV injections or blood targeted oral formulations.

Any thoughts 1) Whether or not you really can bypass first pass metabolism with fat like coconut milk and 2) Whether or not this would work with RESV?

#1084 sagecucumber

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 11:22 PM

We've got to get someone on this site who has the capability of measuring blood levels. That would answer so much.

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#1085 maxwatt

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Posted 16 March 2010 - 12:06 AM

We've got to get someone on this site who has the capability of measuring blood levels. That would answer so much.

Unfortunately Hedgehog no longer has access to an HPLC column to make measurements.

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