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Low Dose Naltrexone for Longevity

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#121 simon007

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Posted 29 August 2009 - 07:47 AM

Has anyone had any success cutting up the pills from allldaychemist and effectively using them as LDN? Any other cheap sources?

You can try here, aprox. 55 euro for 28 tablets of 50 mg.



That site is weird. I performed a search for Nalorex, Naltrexone and Revia so I could use the USD calculator and got 0 results. How did you find it on that site? General product list?

This is the online pharmacy where I buy most of my stuff. This site is not one of the better designs :-D

I think this is the general product list http://www.assetchem..._category_id=64

ps. I just searched for Naltrexone

Edited by simon007, 29 August 2009 - 07:49 AM.

#122 medievil

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Posted 16 October 2009 - 08:20 PM

Any updates? Is everyone still taking this?

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#123 medievil

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 02:48 PM

I find it rather curious that in some threads everyone is taking something and suddenly you dont hear anyone talking about it and dont get a response if you ask if someone is still taking it.

Give me some updates! Even if there are completely negative!

#124 youandme

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Posted 19 October 2009 - 07:35 AM

I already posted that Id had an initially good response..(I have lots of autoimmunity) yet 6 weeks into it..I crashed and burned.

So I wonder if it is essentially a feel good...

#125 medievil

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 05:31 PM

I already posted that Id had an initially good response..(I have lots of autoimmunity) yet 6 weeks into it..I crashed and burned.

So I wonder if it is essentially a feel good...

Yeah i know about you, but i was wondering wheter the same thing happened to the others taking naltrexone as they suddenly stopped posting.

#126 stephen_b

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 09:31 PM

In most people tolerance builds to the negative effects on sleep quality within a week or two. Some people who cannot tolerate LDN at bedtime take it in the morning.

This actually turned out to be a good strategy for me. I was having trouble with sleep during the initial getting used to LDN. I switched to morning dosing for a week before resuming nighttime dosing. That week of morning dosing seems to have counted towards building tolerance towards LDN. Now the sleep disturbances are much reduced.

Edited by stephen_b, 20 October 2009 - 09:38 PM.

#127 youandme

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Posted 29 October 2009 - 10:54 AM


#128 youandme

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Posted 01 November 2009 - 03:11 AM


Site suggests:

Serotonin Levels

Endorphins decrease serotonin levels.

"Endorphin- and serotonine-metabolism are closely related, and opioid peptides can directly inhibit serotonine release. (23) Therefore, besides sleeplessness, opioid peptides can also cause depressions. In chronically depressed people, free endorphin level is 3 fold higher (24) (because part of endorphin receptors have been destroyed)"

Is this information correct...?

If so LDN takers need to watch out for decreasing levels of Serotonin ?!
How could this be combatted..SAM-e ?

#129 youandme

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Posted 01 November 2009 - 03:44 AM

Contrave, a bupropion and naltrexone combination therapy for the potential treatment of obesity.


Edited by youandme, 01 November 2009 - 03:45 AM.

#130 Johann

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 11:12 PM

Alright so I got my order from ADC yesterday (Deprenyl and Naltrexone).

I did the water dissolving bit and refrigerated it. I use a syringe to take 1 mL (1 mg) last night
at 9 PM. While I did wake up earlier than I had hoped for, I didn't feel all that bad today. I woke up a couple of hours earlier than usual. With that in mind, I wonder if the lack of sleep
is what has affected my recall a bit today. The reason I say this is because I want nothing affecting my nootropic stack. My galantamine/aniracetam thing is going great. Is
there any contraindication that anyone knows of in this regards for taking Naltrexone?

I also did 1.25 mg of Deprenyl yesterday and 1.25 mg twice today so far. I may not take the Dep tomorrow.

Any thoughts? Advice?

PS.. I have not had to take any ibuprofen or tylenol today. Surely the Naltrexone can't be working this fast?!

Edited by Johann, 10 November 2009 - 11:13 PM.

#131 youandme

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 01:02 AM

Naltrexone I find that it does work/act fast as an analgesic !

I started back on 1.5mg 2 weeks ago..I had pains allover and it I was better the very next day.
It is much more than placebo.

The day after the first dose..I felt a bit slow..and I remember my first words of the morning came out sluggish..however the following and subsequent days is OK.

Im taking 1.5mg everyday yet I will see how we go...might take a weekend off.
Also every other day i take a 200mg SAMe..trying to make sure my serotonin levels
do not become affected by Naltrexone.

I find its a very fast acting analgesic...but what else does it do ??

Alright so I got my order from ADC yesterday (Deprenyl and Naltrexone).

I did the water dissolving bit and refrigerated it. I use a syringe to take 1 mL (1 mg) last night
at 9 PM. While I did wake up earlier than I had hoped for, I didn't feel all that bad today. I woke up a couple of hours earlier than usual. With that in mind, I wonder if the lack of sleep
is what has affected my recall a bit today. The reason I say this is because I want nothing affecting my nootropic stack. My galantamine/aniracetam thing is going great. Is
there any contraindication that anyone knows of in this regards for taking Naltrexone?

I also did 1.25 mg of Deprenyl yesterday and 1.25 mg twice today so far. I may not take the Dep tomorrow.

Any thoughts? Advice?

PS.. I have not had to take any ibuprofen or tylenol today. Surely the Naltrexone can't be working this fast?!

#132 Johann

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 02:13 PM

Also every other day i take a 200mg SAMe..trying to make sure my serotonin levels
do not become affected by Naltrexone.

I didn't know it affected serotonin.

#133 Chaos Theory

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 06:35 AM

Any thoughts? Advice?

I just wanted to add that I've been taking low dose deprenyl for almost 6 months now with good results. I'm planning on trying the naltrexone soon myself. I'm looking to get a bit more energy and drive out of it. If nothing else I at least expect to have more motivation to workout longer with the added endorphin response.

I'm not sure that I would want to start taking deprenyl and naltrexone together when first starting them. I remember deprenyl being very stimulating when I first started using it and from what I've read naltrexone can cause sleep issues as well. Something for you to keep in mind before you conclude that the deprenyl isn't for you.

#134 stephen_b

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Posted 17 November 2009 - 11:18 PM

naltrexone can cause sleep issues as well.

I've found that adding glycine before bed (I take just under 3 g) with melatonin helps a great deal.

#135 tealady

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:32 AM

PS.. I have not had to take any ibuprofen or tylenol today. Surely the Naltrexone can't be working this fast?!

worked that fast , or at least by day 2 or 3 from memory for me- almost completely pain free..and inflammation in jaw and mouth went too(that was visible, red swelling went away).
Ldn works well and seems to continue to work in that way for me at least.. better than pain killers I've tried or ibuprofen.. but then I'm no longer in that severe pain since my root canal has settled, and seem to be recovering in jaw and neck.
Other pain like sciatic pain down both legs gone, pain in one knee totally gone, other knee just twinges, lower back pain almost gone(just around a trigger point in lower left buttock left), and shoulder pain almost gone..can now use normally again almost (except for lifting above my head and some twisting)

Edited by tealady, 12 January 2010 - 09:10 AM.

#136 Berama

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 10:15 AM

I have been taking ldn for 4 months now. My dr followed phil boyle's advice adn suggested starting on 0.5 for a week, then 1 for a week then 1.5 etc. If you start low like that you won't have any sleep problems. Also I found that by increasing like that you also get to see what's your optimum level.

I have been told taht I have autoimmune issues I also have a lot of food intolerances. The food intolerances have all disappeared and crippling heartburn that I have had all my life is gone. that is the main benefit for me. I take approx 4 mg per evening. When I increased on that, my heartburn etc came back. My autoimmune issues possibly affect fertility - that is my main reason for taking ldn - nothing has happened so far... still waiting!

I read on another forum that it is good to take a break every 4 weeks or so for a week and I have done that and that does help if you feel that it is starting to "wear off"

I agree wtih those that said it makes you more tolerant - I am definitely easier to live with. Whethr that's a good thing or not I don't know - has it affected my drive to get on and succeed? I need to think about that one.

I have been told that my seratonin levels are low-ish and am considering taking 5htp - I've see this mentioned on this forum - is it ok to take with ldn? Should it be taken in the evening?

#137 youandme

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 06:18 AM

For me less is more...I only use it currently when I need a lift..and then only 1.5mg for a couple of nights..till I feel better

Its more subtle at the lower dose but still some good effect without the side effects..(for me that is)

Ive got No idea if there is any interaction with 5HTP...perhaps others can answer that one.

#138 medievil

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 10:41 PM

Shouldnt interact with 5HTP.

#139 Berama

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Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:19 PM

Has anyone taking LDN been getting migraines.

I suffer from migraines and they are getting worse on LDN - that is the only negative.

I'm wondering is it because of a delpletion of serotonin from LDN. 5 HTP should help with serotonin levels or will the endorphins from the LDN just counteract this? Just bought 5 HTP today after a 3 day migraine - took first one tonight and wondering whether to continue with LDN.

Does this make sense?!?

#140 scandic

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 10:49 AM


I want to buy Naltrexone through www.assetchemist.co.uk. Anyone got experience with this company.
If you´ve purchased at this website, did the medicine seem to be the real thing, genuine, not fake?

I´m interested in LDN because it seems to have libido stimulating properties, since I have serious problems in this

I read through this thread. Anyone got more experiences they want to share?

#141 Berama

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Posted 10 March 2010 - 02:25 PM

I bought from River Pharmacy - canada and india - no probs with it

#142 Logan

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Posted 10 March 2010 - 06:20 PM

naltrexone can cause sleep issues as well.

I've found that adding glycine before bed (I take just under 3 g) with melatonin helps a great deal.

I've read that some people have had success dosing LDN in the morning to avoid sleep issues. Something to think about for those of you that are having sleep issues with night time dosing.

#143 adamh

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Posted 11 March 2010 - 08:29 PM

I've had neuralgia for years and nothing works. I've tried benfotiamine, and zip. Tried higher and higher doses over more than 2 years and nada. Tried b's, tried turmeric, tried a lot of things. It just gets worse. I figure what do I have to lose trying ldn? This rivers pharmacy sounds like the best one I've heard of. The others want a prescription. The one in uk is cheap enough but you have to pay for an online "consultation" and I could not find out what that costs. Probably a lot.

Anybody used either of those? I see IAG has it but the price is way up there. 30 x 4.5 mg is $50 plus shipping. I didn't see anything about a prescription but that is way high. That is less than what you get in 3 x 50mg tabs and you are paying $50. I'd rather grind up a cheaper tab and use what I need. If no one can suggest a better source I think I'll try rivers and see what happens.

OT - Is anyone else sick of the way the medical industry keeps costs sky high? It's a racket I tell you. No, I'm sure I'm the only person who thinks that. :|o

#144 Logan

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Posted 11 March 2010 - 10:59 PM

I've had neuralgia for years and nothing works. I've tried benfotiamine, and zip. Tried higher and higher doses over more than 2 years and nada. Tried b's, tried turmeric, tried a lot of things. It just gets worse. I figure what do I have to lose trying ldn? This rivers pharmacy sounds like the best one I've heard of. The others want a prescription. The one in uk is cheap enough but you have to pay for an online "consultation" and I could not find out what that costs. Probably a lot.

Anybody used either of those? I see IAG has it but the price is way up there. 30 x 4.5 mg is $50 plus shipping. I didn't see anything about a prescription but that is way high. That is less than what you get in 3 x 50mg tabs and you are paying $50. I'd rather grind up a cheaper tab and use what I need. If no one can suggest a better source I think I'll try rivers and see what happens.

OT - Is anyone else sick of the way the medical industry keeps costs sky high? It's a racket I tell you. No, I'm sure I'm the only person who thinks that. :|o

What kind of neuralgia do you have? Peripheral? Central? Do you experience a lot of pain? Do you have tingling/numbing sensations?

#145 Logan

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Posted 11 March 2010 - 10:59 PM

I've had neuralgia for years and nothing works. I've tried benfotiamine, and zip. Tried higher and higher doses over more than 2 years and nada. Tried b's, tried turmeric, tried a lot of things. It just gets worse. I figure what do I have to lose trying ldn? This rivers pharmacy sounds like the best one I've heard of. The others want a prescription. The one in uk is cheap enough but you have to pay for an online "consultation" and I could not find out what that costs. Probably a lot.

Anybody used either of those? I see IAG has it but the price is way up there. 30 x 4.5 mg is $50 plus shipping. I didn't see anything about a prescription but that is way high. That is less than what you get in 3 x 50mg tabs and you are paying $50. I'd rather grind up a cheaper tab and use what I need. If no one can suggest a better source I think I'll try rivers and see what happens.

OT - Is anyone else sick of the way the medical industry keeps costs sky high? It's a racket I tell you. No, I'm sure I'm the only person who thinks that. :|o

What kind of neuralgia do you have? Peripheral? Central? Do you experience a lot of pain? Do you have tingling/numbing sensations?

#146 adamh

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Posted 12 March 2010 - 01:00 AM

Peripheral, pain from pressure, occasional pins and needles. Its not too bad long as I can maintain a comfortable position. Sleeping gets harder and I use pillows to rest my arms and legs on. I have little to no problem feeling sensations so stopping the discomfort would be great.

I heard all the wonderfull stories about benfotiamine. I think those were written by the people selling it. This sounds the most promising but of course there are sides. Does anyone know if IAG requires a prescription? I do not look forward to paying for doctors visits and trying probably unsuccessfully to get a script for it.

I've had neuralgia for years and nothing works. I've tried benfotiamine, and zip. Tried higher and higher doses over more than 2 years and nada. Tried b's, tried turmeric, tried a lot of things. It just gets worse. I figure what do I have to lose trying ldn? This rivers pharmacy sounds like the best one I've heard of. The others want a prescription. The one in uk is cheap enough but you have to pay for an online "consultation" and I could not find out what that costs. Probably a lot.

Anybody used either of those? I see IAG has it but the price is way up there. 30 x 4.5 mg is $50 plus shipping. I didn't see anything about a prescription but that is way high. That is less than what you get in 3 x 50mg tabs and you are paying $50. I'd rather grind up a cheaper tab and use what I need. If no one can suggest a better source I think I'll try rivers and see what happens.

OT - Is anyone else sick of the way the medical industry keeps costs sky high? It's a racket I tell you. No, I'm sure I'm the only person who thinks that. :|o

What kind of neuralgia do you have? Peripheral? Central? Do you experience a lot of pain? Do you have tingling/numbing sensations?

#147 Logan

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Posted 12 March 2010 - 08:31 AM

What is causing your neuralgia? Is it a sciatic nerve issue? If so, something to consider would be platelet rich plasma therapy as a permanent fix. Also, if it is a sciatic nerve issue, you may want to think about visiting Dr. Arron Filler's Institute for Nerve Medicine in Santa Monica, CA. Yes this would be costly but it may be worth it if he can permanently fix your problem.

#148 adamh

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Posted 14 March 2010 - 09:32 PM

Thanks anyway but I think I will pass on the trip to cali for now. I decided to take the plunge and place an order online. I passed on river pharmacy even though a new member with 4 posts said they were good. Call me a skeptic but I could find very little on the net to back that up. I ended up going with trusted tablets which was reviewed by a few sites and while the bonafides were not overwhelming, it did look overall to be legit.

It cost me 75 plus 10 for shipping or $85 to get 10 50mg pills. Or to learn a lesson, we shall see. Credit card orders give you some recourse if nothing is shipped. It should take 2 or 3 weeks. I will report back on what happens good or bad. If bad, I will go to all those review sites and tell the world. If good I will tell a few folks here who deserve to know.

From what I hear, ldn is supposed to be good for ms which is a nerve disease. Its supposed to be good for other things too. If it just suppressed the neuralgia it might be worth it. But since its an anti-opiate it seems like it would not be merely a pain reliever. It must actually do something good. Or so I hope.

#149 Berama

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 10:09 PM

Really, River Pharmacy are good - got the name from either lowdosenaltrexone.org or from goodshape.net/homemadeLDN.html that teaches you how to compound - can't remember. Price sounds similar though so good luck with what you have. Let me know how you get on.

I have cut down my dose to 1 mg and still feel ok - heartburn back but manageable and don't have to stuff myself wth rennies - I just couldn't bear the monthly migraines, which I've always had, but were much much worse wtih the LDN. Shame really because other than that, I love it.

I took 5htp last month with LDN in the hope that it would help migraine and it didn't - does it take a while for seratonin to build up in your system from this supplement? Also, couldn't take zomig/immigrin coz read that they can react badly with 5htp - so just suffered through.

Someone mentioned SAMe - did you find this good?

Really interested in this discussion so love to hear any more experiences

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#150 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 23 March 2010 - 07:54 PM

I've discovered that ramping up 0.25mg a week, if you are patient enough, is a really really painless way to eventually reach effective doses of LDN without ever experiencing side effects. I've reached 1.5mg so far this way and am feeling good.

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